The Villain Will Become Stupid If He Doesn’t Pamper Me

Chapter 2: 2

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Ch2 - Second day of pampering

The street lights of the suspension bridge looked like a flying ensign from a distance. 


The black Maybach flew past like a gust of wind.




Gu Han looked down at his arms, Pei Xian who was sleeping soundly and snuggling up.  


He was weak, pitiful, helpless, and harmless, like a cat in distress. 



The night made the newly reborn Gu villain inexplicably relaxed and suddenly sank into this short, wonderful, and strange tenderness.



In his last life, he was simply unlucky!


Because of the book, he suffered through a lot, and in the end, the fate of the villain was predetermined. 



He was forced to be a prostitute. 


Gu Han became insane, chased and beaten by the group, and eventually, his company went bankrupt, and he became heavily in debt.


Perhaps it was so terrible that even God couldn’t stand it anymore.


And he gave him, Gu Han, a chance to be reborn, with a system called “Caring for the villain’s IQ”.


He was reborn on the day Pei Xian jumped off the building.



At first, he didn’t care what Pei Xian’s fate would be. He just wanted to take revenge.  


But when he was told that Pei Xian was the battery of the system. 


If he dies… 


The villain Gu Han would lose his IQ on the spot, and he will be beaten by the male protagonist Zhou Kai in a fancy way!


Who can stand this? 


Gu Han immediately rushed to the hospital where Pei Xian fell from the building, and finally, he managed to insert the humanoid battery into the system safely.


He looked down at the little quail who was sleeping very sweetly, and looking at this he let out a deep sigh. 


Although Pei Xia’s brain was a bit stupid and he jumped off the building, the end cause was indeed his gossip.


Forget it, in this life, he has decided to compensate the little quail for what happened previous life. 


And isn’t he just asking for money? 



Who will he spend his money on? How much money can a little brat who has not even grown all their hair spend? 




Can’t he just keep this small battery with him?

Ps- battery here is pei xian (Mc) while one that needs to recharge is Gu Han (ml) 

Gu Han’s hand, which was on the side, slowly fell on top of Pei Xian’s soft and smooth head.


The palm of his hand felt warm.


The old housekeeper who had taken care of Gu Han since childhood was so frightened after seeing his master kidnapping a living being.


To say that Young Master Gu was a fighter among the oddballs. 


He has a ruthless heart and a wide network of contact.


His favorite hobby was eating people without spitting out bones. 


From head to toe, he was the paradigm of a rich and powerful boy. 



His family education was very strict and his private life was extremely healthy.


Except for unrequited love for Xiao Yuhang.


He has been concentrating on expanding his company every day, and there was not even a  flower by his side. 


But no one can blame him. If anyone was stalked by a mad dog male protagonist behind his butt, and no one has the heart to find a little lover.     


The old housekeeper asked servants to tidy up the guest room quickly and contacted the family doctor. 


After a long and hectic day, Butler finally had time to see Pei Xian’s face. 


And suddenly he felt distressed for his young master. 


Xiao Yuhang was an unusual goblin. 


Is the young master so obsessed that he found a substitute? 


Pei Xian hugged the quilt without moving, only showing the soft hair on the top of his head.



To others Gu Han was incomprehensible, even hugging across the quilt and he didn’t move an inch. Forget about letting go.


Gu Han does not care about his image. There was no way he could let Pei Xian out now, the battery was not finished yet.     


The doctor completed the basic examination, and he told them that Pei Xian had no major problem. 


Drowsiness may be a major blow to the brain’s self-protection. 


The doctor told them to observe him for a few days. 


If the drowsiness remains, then further examinations are required.   

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktf ilaaif dejli rifqa ilxf j qlu klatbea fjalcu bg vglcxlcu. 


Xe Ljc mbcalcefv ab tbiv tlw ecali atf wlvvif bo atf cluta.


Qtfc tf rjk j yibbvs gfv bc atf fcfgus yjg bo atf rsrafw, tf agfwyilcuis geyyfv tlr rbgf jgwr jcv kfca yjmx ab riffq. 


Ktf cfza wbgclcu, Xe Ljc, ktbrf PH kjr yjqalhfv ys atf rsrafw. ktbrf wlcv kjr oeii bo klrvbw.



He forgot about the battery baby who had slept dead at home and rushed to the company to bleed his grandson surnamed Zhou.     


The Diwang project meeting was held until noon. Gu Han’s hands trembled while holding the materials. 


His brain was thinking clearly, but his analytical ability has dropped suddenly.    


 “Caring for the villain’s IQ system” issued a warning:     


[The temporary system virtual power is about to be exhausted, and the energy is insufficient to maintain the IQ level, please charge the host as soon as possible! 】   


 “Fuck! You rubbish who charges for eight hours and only works for five minutes!” 


Gu Han had to call off the meeting, he closed the soundproof door of the president’s office and roared at the wall like a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus rex. 


What kind of broken charger is this? 


Does he have to hang Pei Xian on his belt in the future? 


Although the picture was too beautiful.



Gu Han put his forehead slid back on the sofa and refused to picture that image.


All of a sudden, the private cell phone, which he rarely gets a call from, rang up.


It was from the old housekeeper.


Gu Han picked up the phone, his face became more serious. 


“Uncle Lin, don’t worry, you call the doctor first, I’ll be there right away.”


Pei Xian woke up in a daze at noon and he was very hungry.


The old housekeeper was very happy, the young man’s body was ill, and according to him, no illness can be cured by consuming more nutritious food. 


So he prepared seven or eight kinds of digestible food and brought it to Pei Xian’s bed in person.


Pei Xian tilted his head and rubbed his eyes. 


He looked adorable. 



Pie Xian watched Uncle Lin, who grew up with Gu Han, a little overlord in the mountains. 


He had no opposition to soft, cute, and quiet children.


Pei Xian thanked him very politely, but as he was eating, he shoved his pestle into his rice bowl in front of Uncle Lin and fell asleep again!

This is a spoon pestle.

The old housekeeper was so frightened that he almost had a brain hemorrhage, he hurriedly called the doctor and informed Gu Han. 


Gu Han reached home like a fighting jet.


At the time he reached there, the doctor had just finished the examination. 


“What was the reason? Why did he faint? Do I need him to be hospitalized for a checkup?” 


Gu Han frowned and asked a little bit fiercely. 


The private doctor was not surprised by the troubles of these rich people and said calmly and professionally.


 “Mr. Gu, Mr. Pei has no specific symptoms at present. If you insist on clarifying the reason, it was probably because he was too tired.” 


Gu Han looked at Pei Xian who was sleeping like a ball in the bed.



Gu Han was still confused.  


 “Why was he so tired?” 


The “Caring Villain IQ System” continued to issue a warning: 


  [The temporary system power has been exhausted, and the host’s IQ has begun to decline rapidly, please Charge asap! 】


Gu Han has no time to take care of other things, so he picks up Pei Xian immediately to recharge! 


Picking up the water glass at the head of the bed, he calmly said, 


“You all go out, I’ll give him some water.” 




How can he let the young master serve the sick?  


Uncle Lin was worried and anxious. “Master, don’t choke Master Pei, I’ll do it.”



The doctor was also afraid that Pei Xian, who was sleeping, would sleep to death forever. 

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So the doctor hurriedly followed the butler’s suit, 


“Yeah, it’s better to leave this kind of thing to the nurse or other staff at home.” 


Gu Han squeezed the glass so much that it started to creak. 


The sound of the countdown of the decline in IQ continued to echo in his mind. 


 “Well, let me put it another way, I want to hug him. So can you all go out?”


Doctor: “…” 


Uncle Lin: “…” 


The bedroom was cleared in an instant. 


Gu Han got his wish, he hugged Pei Xian, who was curled up in a ball, into his arms, and helped him choose a comfortable angle, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath.



He waited for his IQ to return to normal. 


[The battery has been inserted correctly, and the temporary system is charging, asking the host to stay connected. 】


Gu Han was holding Pei Xian and listening to the voice of IQ returning to normal.  


Inexplicably he felt relieved.


It seems that his heartbeat was calming down, he looks like a serene son of a bitch. 


One of them was leaning against the head of the bed and the other was leaning against the big chest muscles. 


Together they were united and peaceful, serious and lively. 


It was so peaceful that even Gu Han took a nap.


Pei Xian struggled in his sleep, his dreams kept changing, and sometimes he would return to the past to work overtime like a robot day and night. 


Sometimes he would go back to the hospital for painful treatment, and keep his eyes open all night until dawn.



He was too tired.  


For twenty-eight years, except for the short and sort of happy childhood time, he has been striving to move forward all the time.


He wasn’t allowed to have the slightest slack.  


Rest was a real luxury for him.


Suddenly a light flew in, in his dark world. 


The arrogant and domineering voice called him out.


 “I’ll support you!”  


Pei Xian smiled and bent over in disbelief, but he heard himself say.




Even if he doesn’t know someone in his heart he believes that he needs someone by his side. 



So he was willing to gamble on this ridiculous bet.  


“Are you awake?” 


How did the arrogant and domineering voice in the dream echo out?  


Pei Xian couldn’t tell the difference between dreams and reality.


“Is my breast so delicious?”  


The voice was nice but the content was a little shameful. 


Pei Xian stretched out his hand and rubbed the thing under him. 


The corner of his mouth seemed to have saliva.




What was this wall of hot meat beneath him? 



The sleepy Pei Xian opened his five claws and pinched it. 


He contemplated.


Then his body swung suddenly, wearing wide pajamas with an open collar, he was directly hugged and sat up. 


The man’s handsome face with a wicked smirk enlarged in front of his eyes!


Pei Xian stepped back. Creating a distance between them. 


With an expressionless face, Gu Hua politely said sorry. 


“I’m sorry…” 


Before he finished speaking, an l hit Gu Han’s eye socket. 


Pei Xian has lived alone in his previous life, and there was not even a male flea around him.  





Gu Han rolled his head aside with both hands. 


“Caring for the villain’s IQ is the system” issued a reminder:


[The physical friction with the battery generates huge energy! ] 


Originally, there was only a shallow battery of less than 10% at the bottom, but with a “huh” it skyrocketed to 58% in an instant!


Gu Han didn’t have time to rub his sore eye sockets and was stunned by the bedside. 




The so-called charging of the perverted system wants him to be a sandbag for Pei Xian. 


Who designed this trash system? 


Why so immoral?! 


Pei Xian, who was thrown to the side, also staggered and got up. 



This body was really weak.  


He punched the hooligan and was still standing, but his hand was about to break.


Pei Xian carefully looked at the thin wrist, raised his head, and said in a low voice 


“It hurts.” 


The one who was beaten didn’t even scream, but the one who beat someone shouted that it hurt first. 


Is there any more royal law?!


Gu Han was so angry that he decided not to touch him again.  


He would simply fill the battery and use it slowly. 


He didn’t want to see this violent wild quail surnamed Pei again!! 


Although Gu Hua was wicked and spirited. In the end, he was still very old-fashioned. 



He caught the little quail and had a bully expression on his face.  


He was ready to meet a new round of physical friction.


Although Gu Han was a bit pitiful and he looked so good, still he was a fool.  


Pei Xian was completely clear-headed and very calm, he continued looking at the pitiful and mentally handicapped person.


Suddenly, the bedroom door was pushed open, and Uncle Lin, who had been worried outside the door.  


When he heard the movement, he didn’t think about anything and directly barged into the room. 


What he saw was a shocking scene where Gu Han was bullying Pei Xian! 




Uncle Lin almost flew and rushed over. He held Gu Han’s waist and pulled him up. 


“Don’t be impulsive!”



Gu Han’s veins were exposed,  


“Uncle Lin! Don’t think about anything stupid!”


“Young master, I know you have been vegetarian till this time. And It’s been more than 30 years, but it was very bad for this meatless child!” 


“Besides, Master Pei was not in good health, and he can fall asleep at any time, which does not suit your dynamic and picky taste!”


“Take ten thousand steps back, young master, Think about Mr. Xiao, to whom you can only lick your screen to satisfy your cravings. 


if you just start eating meat like this, you probably won’t have the qualifications to lick your phone case!!”


 Gu Han held the corner of the table and slowly slid off the carpet. 


 “Uncle Lin, you are my uncle, I beg you to stop talking and let me go!!”


Pei Xian slowly got up. 


He squatted on the bed with his cheeks up, and his face like it was none of his business. 



But there was a trace of hate in his heart.  


A little envy was sprouting.


Uncle Lin, who is constantly chanting sutras, and Gu Han, who is scratching the carpet although they were a bit weird still it was worse than death.  


In this world, some people are like family members without blood, and some people are connected by blood but are mortal enemies.


“Caring for the villain’s IQ system” issued a reminder: 


[The power reaches the critical value, and the system is successfully triggered to run officially. The host is requested to reach a long-term reasonable relationship agreement with the battery within 24 hours! 】


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