The Villainess Is Being Doted on by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Country

Chapter 112: 112

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"Ha, I knew this was gonna happen"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've made up my mind..."

Sighed Keith's voice echoes into the wide aisle.

Replying immediately to that is the voice of Tiara Rose, who is sorry.

This is an underground temple where the desert formations have been transformed by the heat of the salamander, making it a special ore. - Yes, this is the road leading to Salamander's bunk.

From the walls and floors, the roses of the desert that can only be seen in the desert bloom. Its desert roses glow pale and illuminate wide passages.

The three of us, Tiara Rose, Keith and Salavia, are just heading from the secret entrance hidden beneath the statue of the goddess to Salamander's bunk.

Saravia's magic is not enough, so Tiara Rose decided to work together to give her magic.

Much appreciated...... and Saravia sees Tiara Rose.

"But if Aqua finds out, she'll be angry, won't she?

"Ugh...... It's, but... it's a help, you know."

It's okay, Aquasteed is not that narrow-minded of a person. Tiara Rose nods so, but Keith makes tea from the side.

"Be angry with me later."

"Don't be so mean...... oh, could there be a salamander at the end of that door?

A luxurious door appeared before the Tiara Roses, who had been walking for some time. Inspired by the lizard of fire, the red gems are arranged on both sides.

When Tiara Rose stopped her leg, Saravia put her hand on the door.

"I'll make sure, just in case, but when I open this place, I can't go back. Are you sure?

"Yes. Lady Salamander won't fall asleep again without magic, will she? If you can help me, I'll be happy to help you."


Salamander's condition is like a hibernating animal, to say the least.

Usually I sleep, and when I wake up, I get the magic I need to sleep again and go into hibernation. Saravia taught me when I came here that it was like a natural dish.

Slowly opening the door, the hall widened in front of him.

The corners of the circular room are lit with pine lights, illuminating the inside of the room. Looking up, the domed ceiling has a starry sky. Apparently, magic is applied so that you can see the actual sky.

And in the center there was an altar, and a laying cloth stuffed in a cage placed on top of it - a small lizard sleeping round.

"Dear Salamander...?

Tiara Rose, who thought exactly that Keith and the others were taking human appearances like fairy kings, blinks her eyes. Salamander, I turned my gaze to Keith and Salavia to make sure he was the one.

"Oh, that's the salamander."

"Sure, I feel the magic of fire... you're weak"

Saravia affirms, and Keith agrees.

But I told Salamander there wasn't much magic, and I saw Salavia.

"I don't have much magic, so I couldn't give it much."

"Through that statue of the goddess, you were giving the Salamander magic, weren't you?

"Oh. There are several ways to give magic to Salamander. That statue of the goddess is just the easiest way to give it away."

Like now, a way to give magic to salamanders directly.

How to give magic via the statue of the goddess.

Tiara Rose is impressed that there's a lot going on. I guess I've done a good job of managing information so the royalty won't forget it for generations.

- But are you sure you're okay with my magic?

I get anxiety about what to do if Salavia tells me it's not a problem, but I actually meet Salamander and he refuses.

Sometimes, he woke up with a salamander who seemed to have felt signs of people. Little lizard eyes move slightly and I'm going to look at this one.

Keith shrugged, "Are you awake," and shrugged his shoulder, for God's sake.

"If the royal family had been decent, Tiara wouldn't have gotten involved."

"Ha, you have no words to give back"

To Saravia, who smiles bitterly, Keith says, "Why?" and cast doubt.

"If Tiara is going to give you magic, of course she's going to get it in return. Look, if I get magic, I won't forgive Aqua, of course.

"Oh, speaking of which, I didn't decide anything..."

Hearing Keith's words, Tiara Rose scolds herself that she was inadvertent.

I offered to help people, but this is a national problem. Exactly the lack of merit here could certainly have been cheap behavior as a queen.

I'm not asking you to give me disappointment in return, but I just want some benefit for Marine Forest.

Saravia chuckles.

"Fine. Whatever Rose wants, let's have it ready."

"What, no, I don't have that much to want..."

Tiara Rose thinks it would be a good idea to leave this matter to Aquasteed.

"I will decide that after Master Aqua arrives. It will be like a dashi after the reward..."

"I don't mind. As much as Aqua doesn't make unscrupulous demands, I know."


A brief summary of the conversation led Salamander to jump out of the cage and come before the Tiara Roses.

The red skin has scales, which may look lizardly but are also close to dragons. I'm going to Saravia, Tiara Rose and Keith's feet and making sure something smells like it.

You liked Tiara Rose among them, and the salamander wrapped around her legs.

"Wow! What can I do……!?"

I never thought I'd be missed so much.

Saravia seems kind of happy with the rushing Tiara Rose. Maybe the salamander was relieved to make sure he was well.

"A very good wavelength of magic. Will you give it to me?

"Talk...!? Oh, my name is Tiara Rose Lapis Marine Forest. I offered my cooperation to His Majesty Salavia, and if I could share my magic with Salamander..."

"Ho, right! I felt the magic of Saravia earlier, but it wasn't enough to maintain my body."

Looks like Saravia's magic wasn't enough, after all.

"I'm not hungry! As it is, there is not enough magic to control the power, and this land will burn. '

"Wouldn't that be tough!!"

I was wondering what would happen if Salamander didn't sleep again, but I didn't know it would be that bad of a misery......! Tiara Rose roughs her voice and looks at Saravia as if she stares at her.

"Why didn't you ask for help sooner! I'm talking about His Majesty Saravia, so you knew at the stage where you gave me this gem!?"

If the power of Salamander runs wild and Sandrose is engulfed in scorching heat, people will no longer be able to live in this land. Worst case scenario, if the timing isn't right, even the dead might get out.

If you cannot fulfill your duty as royalty by yourself, Tiara Rose resents what you will do without using what is available.

Saravia accidentally pounds on Tiara Rose, an unusual sword screen.

And at the same time, I'm grateful that you're so worried and scolded for yourself.

"For once, even I have a wife."

"Your wife's hand? You mean you can handle it?

"Sort of. But I was born with less magic... and to be honest, it's tough."

Hearing Saravia's words, I see... Tiara Rose is convinced.

If you have the means to solve the worst case scenario, I can understand that I will do it myself whenever possible.

It's just not something I would have accumulated as a Tiara Rose if I had fallen in front of you with that.

As Tiara Rose and Saravia talk, a salamander floating in the universe waves his tail boring.

"I'm not hungry. Does Tiara Rose and them end up feeding us magic?

"Er... I have His Majesty Saravia, just a little from me"

Then Tiara Rose sees Keith, who I'm sure will have no problem with.

"I disagree in the first place.... Well, I'll leave the judgment to Tiara. It's not like you're gonna die. Just let it go."

"Really? Then I'll give my magic to Salamander as planned."

This will not burn Sandrose, nor will Saravia force him to fall.

"Go ahead, Master Salamander"


Tiara Rose touches Salamander's little hand and slowly hands over the magic that is inside her.

Close your eyes and you can feel the magic changes you've had since birth.

Sometimes a villain warrant lady, originally Tiara Rose didn't have that much magic to handle, and she falls into the category of bad magic.

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But he came to Marine Forest and was blessed with fairies and their kings, and his magic grew without realizing it. As a matter of fact, it now has enough magic power not to take a pull on the main character.

Salamander rocks his tail and seems happy with Tiara Rose's magic.

Gungu Magic is sucked, isn't it just too much to take...... and Tiara Rose is confused. I should have told you a little first, but I laugh bitterly.

"Dear Salamander, it's time..."

'Hmm? But I'm almost full... no!



Because the magic of Tiara Rose was so delicious, the salamander took the magic of Tiara Rose at once.

Quickly Keith takes Tiara Rose's hand and pulls her towards herself to help - one step, it was too late.

"- Huh!? Lie, why... Huh!


From the recoil, which took away too much magic, Tiara Rose's body became smaller within a glance. The figure has gone from a beautiful woman to an adorable six-year-old or so.

Big eyes are tight, small hands are tight and seem comfortable to touch. Wrap the cloth part of the desert dress you were wearing around your body because your body has shrunk.

"What's going on!?" tears Tiara Rose as Keith hugs her.

"Better than being sucked out of magic and decaying."

"That was such a tough situation!?"

"Oh. Before they sucked up all their magic and died, they must have made up for the part of the foundation they were building their bodies on as magic."

Keith told me the horrible fact that it was safe for Salamander to suck whatever magic he wanted.

"Nevertheless - Tiara wouldn't have told me to give you so much magic, would she? Salamander."

'... not bad. What makes you want to eat if you have delicious magic in front of you'

It wasn't the little lizard that was ahead Keith stared at.

True to the opposite of Tiara Rose, Salamander was a luscious beauty.

Spirit of Fire, Salamander.

brown skin and eyes as beautiful and strong as ruby. The red hair tied together in one is so brilliant and so illusory that I imagine it's burning.

The highly exposed desert dress makes her limbs more accentuated with finesse and plumpness. Even if you're not a man, your eyes will nail you.

Salamander drew his mouth in an arc and said, "I'm hungry."

Seeing that, Tiara Rose is confused not knowing what to do.

- Bloated stomach means you spared Sandrose's demise for now, right?

But now I still have the question of whether my appearance will go back to adulthood properly. Will I grow up if I rest and my magic recovers, or do I have to do something?

Tiara Rose gets anxious and sees Keith.

"... Hey Salamander. Return the magic you took. If Tiara stays like this, she'll be in trouble."

'I don't want to! I'm hungry, and I don't want to be hungry again. "

"If it were magic, Saravia would give it to the festival. So be patient."


Even as Keith tells in his anger-containing voice, Salamander turns that way. And as it were, he disappeared from this place.

"- Huh!?"

"Chip, metastasized..."

Amazing Tiara Rose and Keith pounding her tongue.

Speaking of the remaining Saravia, it seems to have become more than what he had assumed, holding his head.

"I can't believe this is happening.... Little kitten is cute too"

"Don't be ridiculous, Your Majesty! Lady Salamander has gone somewhere, but what can I do..."

"I'll show my face at the festival, so I can meet you there at worst.... will the kitten go back to normal when she sleeps and rests and her magic is restored, or do I have to ask the salamander to return her magic"

Saravia tells me she doesn't know at the moment. That seemed the same to Keith, who nodded even though he didn't like it.

"I'm going back to my room for a second."


Keith took Tiara Rose alone to the room.

In the furious unfolding, it was completely dark outside, and it was late at night when everyone noticed.

But Keith didn't mind, so he moved to Tiara Rose's room and called three people, Pearl, Philine, and Elliot.

"Dear Tiara Rose, what the hell - Dear Tiara Rose?

Philine, who had just come to the room, vandalized her voice in tears, but she is confused because she does not see her own husband.

I just thought you and Keith were back together.

Instead, though an adorable child very similar to his own husband is held in Keith's arms.

When Keith tells him "Are you here," he hands Philine the tiara rose he was holding.

Let me get dressed.

"Yes. Yes, sir..."

Hugged by Filine, Tiara Rose breathes relief.

"Um, I'm sorry, Philine. It's me..."

"... after all, you were Dear Tiara Rose"

"You know!?"

"Because you were what you were when you were a child."

I kind of miss you, and Filine smiled.

Go to the bedroom in the back of the main room to change clothes. But the question is, do you not have clothes for children?

Tiara Rose was put down on the sleeping table and saw the distressed filine.

"I don't have clothes for kids, so I have to source them somewhere..."

"Oh, right"

Exactly at this hour, the palace servants would also be resting.

But I can't even keep my rash clothes on Tiara Rose, so it would be nice to find someone on the night shift to deal with.

That's what Filine thought, and the bedroom door opened and the pearl came. Apparently, I asked Keith about the situation.

"It's got Keith on it, but it's not sloppy."

"... I have no words to give back. But this is my decision, and Keith is not bad."

"I couldn't protect you, so it's the same."

If that's what they say, there's nothing I can do.

"Sorry for the inconvenience"

"Well, it's good to have passed.... If you're a servant, you don't always dress sloppily."


When Pearl closed the fan in his hand, Tiara Rose's clothes turned out to be the right size. This is a lovely water-colored dress with pearls and lace.

I get an unexpected exclamation.

"Very nice...... Thank you, Dear Pearl."

"For one thing, your lord is better off sleeping. Now that you're exalted, you may not have noticed, but the magic is all over you, right?

"Oh, right..."

It's a pile to think about, but one of the things you have to do is sleep and restore your magic.

Because Pearl told me, I get more and more drowsiness. I bet you'd be happy if your eyelids got heavy and you fell asleep on the bunk like this.

Seeing Tiara Rose, who began to groan as soon as possible, Filine tells him to "rest now".

Gently stroke Tiara Rose's head and lay her body down. When I gently applied the light towel kettle as it was, I could hear him sleep easily. Apparently, I fell asleep at this moment.

"You were tired, Dear Tiara Rose..."

"There is no magic, so naturally. We'll have a discussion over there, so I'll have some tea."

"Yes, sir."

After Tiara Rose fell asleep, Keith and the others decided to share information today and what to do in the future.

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