The Villainess Is Being Doted on by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Country

Chapter 162: 162

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Aquastead and Keith were preparing to go back to Gnome, but they couldn't see Silf.

"Keith, don't you know Master Silf?


When I was about to go to Norm, Sylf was gone.

What if you came alone to help Emerald?I thought it was impossible to break the Gnome's defense.

"Norm and I were like old friends, so you went to persuade them?

"That's fine, but it could be the worst."

Doesn't that mean Sylf has a magical resonance with Lucian Rose?It is assumed that I refused, but I can't tell you that I won't.

I think we should hurry.

I'll fly in a flash.


Keith took Aquastead to Norm's Ore Castle.

At Tiararose's parents' house, I've been playing with Tiararose and Lucia Rose, Acari, and Darrell since this morning.

"Yikes! Lucian-chan can't walk well!"


Now acari is practicing walking while holding Lucia Rose's hand.

Hmm, ah

Darrell smiles and claps his hands as he sees Lucia Rose walking around.

Darrell Lapis Klamentir, the brother-in-law of Tiararose.

Light blue hair with natural perm and blue eyes.With a gentle and gentle look, he is a very powerful healing magician.

While pregnant with Lucia Arrows, Tiararose was helped many times by Darrell's healing magic.

Even though Lucia Arrows staggered several times along the way, Tiararose, who was watching alongside her, quickly followed her.


"Oh, what's wrong, Lucia?"

Lucia Arrows hugged me because I was happy to be supported by Tiararose.The smile at that time was so cute that Tiararose became mellow.

"Lucia loves Mommy ~"

Cute and cute, the acari strokes Lucia Rose.


Lucia Arrows also smiled at the acari and raised her hand.

"Ah, do you want a hug?I'll do anything for you.

"Master Akari?


Tiararose leaned her neck to the acari, who stopped her words.Then, did you imitate it? Lucia Rose also scratched her neck.

The appearance is cute, and Tiararose, Acari and Darrell are stunned by three.

"Oh dear, dear Tiara-sama!There are cracks in the protective ring!! "

"Eh!? That's not hard!

Hurry up and take Lucia Rose's hand, and as Acari said, the ring of defense is cracked.If left as it is, it may break.

"... is it because of Norm's resonance?"

Tiararose looked seriously at Lucia Rose and prayed that nothing else would happen.

"How about making a ring again?

"... it seems that the ring can no longer withstand Lucia's magic, so even if it is new, it will soon be in the same condition.It seems like we need a more fundamental solution. "

Darrell shook his head and wondered if there was any other way.As it stands, magic will run wild without resonance.

"I don't think this is such a convenient item...."

"I wish I could accept Lucia's magic."

"I hope it's an item that's looking for magic somewhere...."

The three of them worried, and the acari opened their eyes and grabbed Darrell's hand.

"That's it!!"


Darrell leaned back for a moment to the acari that had been eating so fast.But it's not acari who let go of his hand because of that.

"There's something just right!

"Huh?... Akari-sama, maybe?"

"Yes, maybe!Yes, Dear Tiara-sama. "

The smile disappeared from Tiararose's face in an instant.

Darrell trembled when he saw it, but immediately looked at the acari and asked why.

"As far as Tiara's reaction is concerned, I don't think it's a very good idea...."

Shouldn't we stop it for the time being?Darrell said.

"But I don't think there's any other way...."

"Is that how you do it?

Against Darrell, who never heard of him, Akari laughed a lot.

"Of course, I'll let that flame spirit ore suck Lucia's magic!


What's the matter, Aqua?

"No, I'm kind of chilly, but... it's my fault."

Somewhere I don't know, something's going to happen... like that hunch.And I thought it was a mistake to call acari under Tiararose.

After successfully arriving at the Ore Castle, Aquastead and Keith began searching for Gnomes.But apparently not in the Ore Castle.

"So what, huh?It has the magic of a silf. "

Keith followed the signs and said that there was a Silf who had disappeared from the city.I don't know what you're doing, but maybe you're with Norm.

The two ran under the silf.

The flames that were burning brightly toward the sky have now become quite dull.

The flames of the Flame Spirit's Ore are smaller and only about the level of fire.


Norm and Silf saw the fire and heard a crackling sound.This country made of flame spirit ore is about to collapse.

"Hey, what's going on?

Dear Keith!

Seeing Aqua Steed and Keith come, Sylf glowed his face... and quickly lowered his eyebrows.

That's not when Keith is happy to be here.

"Is that the fire of the flame spirit...?

"It's a lot smaller."

Aquastead's questions and Keith's exploring words.

Gnome thought, "... it's going to disappear soon."But that's not all.

We will destroy this country together.


"Huh? You want to get involved and blow yourself up?

Aqua Steed with his eyebrows closed and Keith questioning.But the gnome has given up, and I will not change its expression.

That makes Keith even more frustrated.


"Wait, Master Keith!

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However, a silf split between Keith and Norm.Her eyes were filled with tears, as if she were different from the one she had seen in the royal castle of the Philadelphia kingdom.

"Please, this country... help Norm and Dwarf."


Aquastead and Keith heard from Silf about the founding of the Kingdom of Ellie and the ore of the Spirit of Fire.

Several supplements came in from Gnomes along the way, but after all, when the Flame Spirit Ore disappears, the whole country collapses and buries itself alive.

Things are worse than I expected.

Aquastead sends his gaze to the Flame Spirit Ore.

Originally, it would have burned a fairly large amount of light, but now it is so thin that the fire is almost extinguished.

"Does touching this really suck the magic away...?

"... uhh, yeah"

Listen to Norm's reply and Aquastead touches the test.Then, they did suck up the magic.

But the flame spirit glowed in an instant, and immediately the light fell out.

Apparently, the power to absorb, store, and place is limited to Fire.

"It seems true that Gnome says he needs the magic of fire."

Keith whispers and asks Aquastead what to do.

"It's none of our business, so just get back on the ground."

"Oh, that's the best I can do."

Apologies to Norms and dwarves, but Aquastead is the king of the great Marine Forest.

If we are to be buried alive and die here, we must escape immediately.But at the same time, I don't think we should abandon the dwarves here.

However, we don't know how much longer the fire will go out.Perhaps the country will collapse before the evacuation ends.

"... I can't help thinking about it.Immediately issue an evacuation order.Sylph is with the Philadelphian kingdom - yes, without Princess Emerald. "

Silf has no interaction with royalties other than Emerald, so now that she's trapped in the gnome, she can't bridge.

"Norm, release Princess Emerald.I want her to have a place where the dwarves can evacuate. "

"... Sylf won't do anything for me, okay?"

Gnome snips his fingers and an emerald ore jail emerges from the ground.

"─!? Silf!! And His Majesty Aquastead and Keith!

Emerald! Thank goodness you're safe.

As soon as Silf rushed under Emerald, the prison door opened and Emerald was freed.

But the next moment, the ground where Emerald and Silf stood cracked.


Emerald was about to fall into that crack, and Silf blew a blast of wind.Then Emerald's body floated in space.

While relieved that it didn't fall, Sylf's face turned pale in an instant.

"Sylf! I'm saved - what's wrong?

I lied!? I'm sorry, Keith-sama...I'm using magic right now... it's like it's resonating... "


In the worst case scenario, Keith throws up a rumor that "shit."

And even worse - the Ellie kingdom will be buried, and even the Flame Spirit Ore will be gone.

"Aqua! I don't have time for the dwarves in this situation!Make up your mind as King and go to the ground now - under Lucia. "

"Ah, but there's a way to do something about the magic of Lucia at stake -"

I'll take care of it.

Keith answers Aquastead's concerns without putting his hair in it.

--It's hard to leave the dwarves behind, but there's nothing I can do about it.

"Okay. Believe Keith and get on the ground right away."


That was the Aqua Steed I was about to say, but the walls of the ceiling just above me collapsed, so the words got clogged.

It was more serious than I expected - I thought so, but it caught my face with a powerful weather voice.

"Wow! There really is a country underground, wow!

"Akali-sama, please join Aqua."


Aquastead runs out of sight of his wife appearing in front of him.At the same time, I noticed the condition of the daughter holding Tiararose.

"Aqua! The magic of Lucia...!!"

Huh, huh huh?

Is magic running wild?In this state, I had it well. "

Tiararose reports a hasty encounter.

Luchiarose's ring was cracked and needed quite urgently.Therefore, I took the suggestion that I should let the Ore of the Acari Flame Spirit suck magic.

And with the magic Silf used earlier, both the Ring of Defense and the Ring of Attack were shattered.

"I didn't think I could hold it back with a ring my whole life, but I didn't expect it to break so fast!Dear Aqua, let me suck Lucia's magic with the Flame Spirit Ore!! "


Aquastead receives Luciarose from Tiararose and goes under the Flame Spirit Ore.There's also a gnome.

Lucia Rose......

"... this is not to help you.Lucia's magic is on the run, so I can't help it. "

Still, it doesn't matter.... thank you, I'm glad the dwarves don't have a place to live anymore... "

Norm takes the Flame Spirit Ore and brings it before Lucia Arrows.

Lucien Arrows breathes in agonizing shallow breaths due to the sudden increase in magic.

Please touch this.I'm sure that powerful magic will calm down...No, I'll calm down.... "

"Lucia, touch this stone.That way, you'll suck up the magic. "


Aquastead gently touches Lucia Rose's hand and together touches the Flame Spirit Ore.Then, the magic of Lucia Arrows, which was about to explode, was sucked into the ore of the Flame Spirit.

Oh, good.

And everyone was relieved.

"Fufu, my operation has been a great success!

"You're smart, but how did you get here?

Keith questions the acari.It shouldn't have been such an easy place to come.

"If you dig a hole in the ground, what a bingo!It was. "


Keith wanted to hold his head when he signed the buoy.

Lucia, good luck.

Ugh ~

Tiararose holds hands on the back of the Aqua Steed and watches the magic of Luciarose absorb into the Ore of the Spirit of Fire.

Until recently, Tiararose also felt the magic of the tingling Lucia Rose, but it became much looser.

- Good, looks fine.

Tiararose was about to burst into tears, but when I saw what happened the next moment - I opened my eyes.

The Flame Spirit Ore can't stand the huge magic of Lucia Arrows... it's crushed to pieces.

─ Yes?

Gnome's eyes became bright.

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