The Villainess Is Being Doted on by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Country

Chapter 93: The Villainess Is Being Doted on

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"Dear Aqua, It's a little steep, can I come out to Master Olivia tomorrow?

"Tomorrow? That's a lot steep. Sure, but what happened?

"I was going to talk to Olivia a little bit about Filine."

It's night and time to relax on the couch. Tiara Rose asked Aquasteed for permission to go out and was given a light acknowledgement.

Besides, Tiara Rose can relieve herself of her expression.

"You were worried during the day. I wish there was something I could do to help, but it's not a good idea to talk too much into women's problems......?

"It's not, but if it's Aqua, it's important"

"... I think that's the same for Tiara"

Have you forgotten that she's the queen? And, Aquasteed laughs.

"Also, of course, I'm aware! But when it comes to marriage, Aqua, the king, speaks too differently."

"Marriage......? Have you been talking to Filine?"

"... Yep. But he's not a very good person."

So Tiara Rose thought it would be nice to get some advice from Olivia.

If Aquasteed could intervene here, it would develop into a diplomatic issue. It's not the same as Tiara Rose being a little consulted or empowered.

Aquasteed mouths gently on Tiara Rose's forehead and says, "Fine."

"Be careful and go. But you don't have to talk to me if anything happens, do you?

"Yes, of course."

Keeping her hair gently caressed, Tiara Rose leaned against Aquasteed's shoulder.

The next day, Tiara Rose took Filine and her escort Tarmo to visit Olivia's mansion.

The garden is set to a green tone and it is beautiful to see that it is already winter. The gardens that get lonely except for the really warm season are the other way around.

As soon as we arrived, Olivia and Levi greeted us.

Olivia Ariadel, a sequel villain's warrant.

A Duke's maid, the same reincarnator as Tiara Rose. I love the maiden game, I can't stop nosebleeds marrying characters and tell them I can't, the woman whose hobby is pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Rose red hair and beautiful honey green eyes. He looks intelligent with glasses, but he's a pervert in one way or another.

"Dear Tiara Rose, I've been waiting for you."

"I'm sorry I suddenly visited you"

"No, never mind. Let's go to your room."

I need you to take me to Olivia's room and force Levi to leave, who wants to stay, because we're talking to each other... Have Filine wait in the holding room with Tarmo, too.

After a cup of tea and settling down, Tiara Rose cut to the point.

"Actually... I need to talk to you about Filine. Not only that, I hope we can talk about the whole thing..."

"Overall, is it?

To Tiara Rose's words, Olivia tilts her neck.

So I told her that I was coming to Filine to propose marriage and that I wish I could make more free love......

"It was..." Olivia says, thinking a little.

I wondered if maybe there was any good idea, and Tiara Rose would also shut up and stare at Olivia. And a while later, Olivia opened her mouth.

"Actually, there's something I've always wanted to try."

"What did you want to try, is?

"Yes, this would also be the first step in what Tiara Rose calls a free romantic development."

Olivia looks very happy, smiling and clapping her hands to tell her.

What the hell are you suggesting? That's what Tiara Rose tried to hear - but before that, blood dripped from Olivia's nose.

Nose bleeding.

"Yeah eh!? Are you okay, Master Olivia...... eh!

"I'm sorry, if I did! It's the usual, so don't worry about it."

"Yes, always..."

Approximately Tiara Rose, who looks worried, Olivia wipes her nose with a familiar hand.

"There's really no problem, so don't worry. Imagine getting a little excited..."

- What the hell did you imagine, Dear Olivia!!

Unexpectedly, I blush until Tiara Rose.

"All I propose is a masquerade!

"Masquerade...... Huh! Ha, sure that can get you excited......"

I hear Olivia's words, and Tiara Rose occasionally.

A masquerade is a night club in which all participants participate under a mask.

You can dance with people who don't know their names or identities and enjoy the moment -.

- If Master Aqua wears a mask, it definitely looks good on him.

Tiara Rose, so sure, would love to see it. At the same time, he nodded forcefully, "Let's hold it".

Olivia definitely also wants to see a seductive figure wearing a mask of offensive characters. I know how that feels very well, Tiara Rose nods in her heart.

And at the same time, it becomes a meeting place for Filine.

She doesn't usually attend nightclubs because she's a samurai. But this is a masquerade, so you just have to convince... or this one will get ready under the water and join us.

Imagine Philine's dress, which I haven't seen in a while, Tiara Rose dusts.

"If only this would create a man who cares about Filine. As far as I'm concerned, Elliot and I seem to be breathing..."

"Near His Majesty Aquasteed, you're Elliot the offensive character. Sure, it might be nice, but he may be tough because he doesn't have nobility"


Identity is tough.

Although Elliot is near Aquasteed's side. Marriage may also be possible if Philine's house accepts, but unfortunately what the Sanfists are looking for would be a nobleman who can afford it financially.

- I hope we find a good landing place somehow.

"Doesn't Master Filine have any men who like him?

"You've never heard of anyone in particular... I hear a lot about you."

"I hate people who are going to propose, but there's no one else I can marry...... so you know. After all, there is only a masquerade......! If that's the case, we'll have to get ready! Levy, Levy!

Olivia, full of motivation, calls Levi just because she can't wait.

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"Did you call? Olivia."

"Levi, I'm hosting a masquerade."

"Yes, I did. Now get ready to connect."

With just one word from Olivia about holding it, Levi either understood what he was supposed to do or left the room. To that momentary event, Tiara Rose turns her eyes round.

I think Tiara Rose is the same and an unusual butler.


A butler dedicated to Olivia, aged 24.

Rose Red's eyes have a strong presence, although she looks calm wearing black hair and butler clothes. If it's for Olivia, it's a man who does everything.

"Dear Olivia, what exactly did you give Levy? Specifically, we haven't decided on anything..."

"I've always wanted to try a masquerade. I've already told Levi everything about the ideal masquerade!

That's Olivia.

While Tiara Rose smiles bitterly, she asks Olivia what she will do. There are many things that need to be done by the time of the event, such as where it is held and the number of invitees.

Soon Olivia began to tell the details of the masquerade with pleasure.

"The venue will be at a separate residence of the Ariadel family. It's not hard to get around because it's on this property, even if it's a separate residence."

"If it's Olivia's mansion, you can rest assured you're joining us"

The Ariadel family, the Duke's house, never does anything nasty. If this was a secret invitation, there might have been some kind of obnoxious event… and there might have been some suspicious people out there.

"Invites are from the aristocracy of Marine Forest… age should be at least 18 years old. The upper limit is up to 25 years old. I don't care if you're unmarried or married. You may not think that meeting is the ball, and Tiara Rose will be able to attend."

"I think it's good. Yeah, but... if you don't call Akali, he's gonna get mad at you later."

I can easily imagine how angry you didn't call me to such a fun event. Unexpectedly, Tiara Rose and Olivia look at each other and laugh bitterly.

"Send an invitation to Lady Akali as well. It's going to take some time to get here from Lapis Lazuli and... What about holding it in, like, two months?

"Yeah, I don't think that would be a problem. I think Aqua can adjust her schedule if she's two months away."

Even if it was a tough schedule, I think I'm going to make time for it somehow...... and Tiara Rose thinks. You must be worried about what Tiara Rose would do if she went to a masquerade by herself and got a little bit of a weird guy.

It's easy to imagine, and I laugh unexpectedly.

"Dear Tiara Rose?

"Oh, I'm sorry. I wondered what would happen if we had an event that wasn't in the game...... so excited. I hope it turns out well for Filine too..."

"That's right."

After that, it was not long before the evening filled with details of the masquerade at Tiara Rose and Olivia.

And a month and a half later, an acari came from Lapis Lazuli. I also sent an invitation to Halt Knights, who became Acari's husband, but I am getting a reply that I decline because I am busy.

"Long time no see, Dear Tiara, Dear Olivia!

Yeah, I let my expression shine, and I rendezvoused at Olivia's mansion.

The three of us are having a masquerade meeting today.

Akali Lapislazuli, heroine of the maiden game Lapislazuli's Ring.

Beautiful dark hair and black eyes, no matter what you look at them, are Japanese. That was supposed to happen, and Akali moved from Japan to this world.

He is now married to Haltnites, the second prince of the Kingdom of Lapis Lazuli, and lives in Lapis Lazuli.

"I'm glad you both look good! I was so excited to see you."

"Yes, I'm glad Akali is doing well too"

"It's been a while. Now let's talk about the masquerade......!

Tiara Rose and Olivia respond to Acari's greeting and rejoice in a long time.

By the way, Aquasteed said he would adjust his plans and join in no matter how. Tiara Rose, Aquasteed, we both have a new outfit for that so I'm looking forward to it now.

The women's party began, surrounding Levi's prepared tea and treats.

Nevertheless, what we talk about is a huge masquerade. It is on a considerable scale because most noblemen who sent invitations have replied to participate.

Flowers will be blossoming on the interior and on the stories of drinks and dishes to be served on the day.

By the way, all dessert relationships are left to Tiara Rose.

To the lid, an acari muttered "Marriage......" while eating cookies.

"It's kind of weird that a character's engagement that didn't have a romantic element in the game"

As for the clams, I can't seem to imagine much.

"Sure...... Lady Filine was the ending to follow Lady Tiara Rose, who was deported from the country."

"Speaking of which, you wrote that on the endo roll"

In response, Olivia tells him what happened to Filine after the ending. However, this does not apply to the status quo, as this is the story of Tiara Rose if she had been deported from the country.

Tiara Rose snorts, too, that's what it said when it came to it.

Akali goes on to tell her the exact things she can't imagine from her regular girlfriend.

"It's strange to think that now Lapis Lazuli's childhood taming will be her fiancée... Because Filine went out of the country, and she's not in the same shape, but she's still out of the country. When that happens, don't you think it would be better to be tied to the nameless Mob of Marine Forest?

Now Acari tells me that only Filine is not going back to Lapis Lazuli.

"Sure, Tiara Rose... it's me... but I can't imagine Filine going back to the country even though I followed her"

"Isn't it? So I'm sure you'll find someone nice in Marine Forest in Filine."

When Tiara Rose agrees with it, Acari easily concludes. She's basically optimistic, but on the contrary, she's often saved by that personality.

"A man character near Filine...... not a mob, but you have Elliot. But what about it, because it's an offensive character?

"Uh-huh, you don't really know where it is. I would support you if you two were thinking, but basically you're on Philine's side."

If Elliot likes Philine, Tiara Rose is going to disagree if Philine does no.

Even if Akali went ahead with Elliot, Philine's feelings should be a priority.

Talking about that, Olivia made a suggestion.

"Then why don't we invite Elliot, too?

"That's good!


To that suggestion, Acari immediately raises his hand, and Tiara Rose goes on.

The masquerade you're planning is going to be pretty fun and busy -.

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