The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection

Chapter 12: 12

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Before you read, (L)=Loretta, (G)=Grandma, (M)=Melody

It was much later in the original story that Loretta was able to realize his kindness. There are some descriptions of Loretta being somewhat obviously afraid of the Duke when she first came to the Duke’s family.

“Melody is here for me, so I also like the Duke a little. Right Melody?”

It seems that there was a slight change in Loretta’s opinion as Melody was sandwiched between them. Did the original change? Will it be okay? I’m a little worried but…. It wasn’t a bad change, and she was sure that the good things he does will be found out earlier now than in the original story.

“Hmm, I didn’t ask the Duke directly if he is nice, but I think he is kind.”


“The glass decoration in the hallway suddenly disappeared. When I asked grandmother, she said they were storing it away out of fear of it hurting us. The Duke told her to do it.”

Melody smiled while fiddling with the hem of her clothes for a moment.

“That’s why I slightly like the Duke.”

Melody deliberately imitated how Loretta spoke. They both thought it was funny so they both laughed. However, when they heard someone’s footsteps in the hallway, they quickly slipped inside of the blanket and held their breath.

It was because the old woman will give them carrots in the morning instead of apples if they don’t go to sleep early. (e/n: not actual carrots or apples, they mean she will scold them if she catches them)


* * *


“Where are you returning from?”

Butler Higgins asked, puzzled when the Duke, who had been absent most of the day, returned suddenly. Normally he wouldn’t have asked about the Duke’s personal business, but his complexion looked a bit strange and he was a little worried.

“Nowhere important.”

“Is there something bothering you?”

“……..those kids.”

The butler doubted his ears when he heard the short answer of the Duke, but the Duke didn’t say anything else and just sat down as he started his work again – with a strange expression on his face as if something doesn’t make sense.


* * *


The next afternoon.

Many boxes arrived one by one for Loretta and Melody while several other servants watched. Each ribbon tying the packages had a card attached to it, each with the names of the two girls and the Duke Valdwin’s sign in large, purple letters. The two children were both excited to open their packages.

Each of them contained large-brimmed hats made in sets of two in the same color and shape, but slightly different sizes. The butler, Higgins, bowed in front of the girls to convey the message of the Duke.

“The Duke wanted to show his gratitude to you girls… no, to his distinguished guests for liking the garden of the mansion so much.”

Melody’s face turned slightly red at the butler’s words. Of course the real meaning behind those words ‘liking the garden so much’ was ‘you were running like a crazy foal in the garden’.

Contrary to the embarrassed Melody, Loretta excitedly wore the hat on her head immediately. The little girl with her large-brimmed hat, twirled in place, then excitedly grabbed the butler Higgins’ arm.

“Loretta wants to go to the gawden!”

“Alright, then I will pick you up around dinner time. Then you can run around to your heart’s content.”

The butler then immediately turned towards Melody, with an expression asking her what she would like to do.

“I want to say thank you to the Duke first.”

Melody just fiddled with the hem of her sleeve without even putting on the expensive looking hat.

“Miss Melody has good manners, but the Duke will only be back late at night.”

” …Ah.”

“But I will let him know that Miss Melody is grateful.”

“Thank you.”

She bowed deeply to express her gratitude, and then quickly followed Loretta. But Higgins called out to her again and that made her stop in her tracks. He pointed to the hat then to her head. He was saying that she should wear the hat. So Melody mustered up her courage to try on the pretty hat.

Thanks to the lace attached at the hat’s brim, it somehow made Melody feel lovely and pretty.

Does it look weird? It seems that the butler could tell what she was thinking because butler Higgins soon gave her a thumbs up and smiled after seeing her timid expression from afar. Does that mean that I don’t look very strange? Melody started running towards the garden again after gaining some courage.


* * *


“Did you see it?”

Alta, who had given selfish advice to Loretta yesterday, raised her chin slightly with a rather arrogant face. Patty had a face of disbelief, but couldn’t help but admit it.

Moreover, isn’t that evidence they wanted in their hands already? A pretty box filled with gifts for the girls.

This box was used by a famous designer shop in the capital, and it was so expensive that it would be difficult to even dare to order it unless you were a well-off aristocrat. The Duke ordered these himself and even attached a signature and gave them to the girls!

He gave such nice things to a child whom he doesn’t know if she is his real daughter or not, and to a child whom he doesn’t know if she is a scammer or not.

“Obviously, Miss Loretta acted cute a lot so the Duke was satisfied and decided on buying her a hat in return.”

Of course, Alta was completely wrong. The Duke’s gift was a kind of warning to some of his servants. After all, the girls were his guests, and they had the right to be treated accordingly. It was just a reminder of that fact.

Still, Alta didn’t think like that, and just rejoiced. Thanks to her witty advice, Loretta got the Duke’s attention, even a little.

“If possible, I hope Miss Loretta will end up being his real daughter.”

“The lady will take you to the second floor, right?”

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“Isn’t it obvious? Who else should she thank?”

Loretta approached the two of them, just like yesterday. It was pretty cute how she had not been outside long but she was already sweating profusely. The maid took a handkerchief from her pocket, wiped Loretta’s face clean, and asked, ‘Should I bring you some water?’

“Yes, I want a dwink. One for Melody too.”

“Yes, please wait here for a moment.”

Alta was pleasantly surprised and quickly brought some cold water. Just like yesterday, she walked and talked with Loretta while accompanying her to the place where Melody was waiting.

“Young lady, you must be happy to receive a present from the Duke.”

“The hat is pretty. It was the same as Melody’s so I like it!”

“The Duke suddenly became kind to the lady. right?”

The maid asked with a look of anticipation.

“Duke is always kind.”

But the answer she got back wasn’t what she expected. She thought the answer was because she taught her how to act cute yesterday.

“Since when has the Duke been kind? He’s completely brusque. He bought a hat yesterday because the young lady did something cute.”

“Oh, oh? It’s not…….”

“What do you mean no? What kind of person would give a gift like this to a random girl without knowing if she is his real daughter or not for no reason?”

“But Loretta is the Duke’s daughter…”

“Gosh, it isn’t true unless the priest in white clothes said so! I told you yesterday!”


“Didn’t I tell you? Just like you did yesterday, keep being nice to the Duke. That way, you will have a chance to go to the temple and be recognized as his daughter.”

Little by little, her words became harsher so the maid who was beside her carefully tapped Alta’s arm.

“What I mean is, it’s all thanks to me that the young lady received an expensive hat as a gift, isn’t that right, young lady?”

“Is that so?”

Loretta shook her head as if she did not understand. In fact, it was difficult to understand what this maid was trying to say towards Loretta. She doesn’t appear to be listening to what she was saying.

She was in trouble for a moment. The smart Loretta remembered what Melody told her yesterday, so she immediately looked around.

“Where is she…?”

She found someone near the door to the mansion without much difficulty and her eyes twinkled.

“Found her!”

Loretta raised her hands high and started running towards the door. When she suddenly started running, the maids were startled and followed after her. But their surprise didn’t stop at Loretta’s sudden run.

The moment Loretta waved her arms enthusiastically to check the target she was running towards, Alta’s face turned white with tension. A person who speaks harshly and behaves more harshly – a person that the servants were afraid of, the wife of the butler Higgins and the manager of the servants and maids.

Recently, the time she scolded the servants lessened because she was preoccupied with the cute Melody that she calls a ‘little lamb’ – Mrs. Higgins.

“Granny! Grandma!”

Loretta shouted out loud as soon as she arrived in front of Mrs. Higgins.

(L) “Who’s got Loretta’s hat as a gift?”

(G) “You’re saying weird things to this old woman, like an apple walking around.”

(L) “An apple can’t walk, and she said it was thanks to her that Loretta got her hat.”

(G) “Who said those words to you young lady so we will get her to apologize to you?”

Loretta turned around and pointed kindly at the maid who followed her. She was taught not to point fingers at people, so she stretched out both palms and directed them to the maid who said, ‘It’s because of me.’ The pose she made while she was pointing made it seem like she was revealing a surprise and saying ‘Voila!’


* * *


「Okay, Loretta?」

Last night, before Loretta went to sleep, Melody was worried so she whispered some advice in her ear. It was because Loretta is ‘still a child’ so if someone told her such words in the future, she shouldn’t keep it to herself but discuss it with a good and nice guardian.

(L) 「Loretta’s greatest guardian is Melody. And Loretta is Melody’s greatest guardian. 」

(M) 「Of course we will protect each other. But, you’ll need a good adult guardian for this.」

(L) 「Adult?」

(M) 「I meant the Duke. If he’s not there then it is the butler and grandmother.」

For Melody, considering the original story and experience, she picked the adults that she thought were the most appropriate. They are people who will never harm Loretta.

(L) 「I like the butler and grandmother.」

(M) 「I like them too. If Loretta is having a hard time talking about it, I will be with you.」

(L) 「Melody is the best – I like you the most.」

Just hearing that Melody would be with her was enough. Loretta felt brave and courageous, so she thought she could talk to the butler or her grandmother by herself. Besides, the people listened to Loretta’s words well and it was much easier to talk to the grandmother than the maid.

So when the maid started saying strange things again, Loretta started running in search of the grandmother.

(L) “She just told Loretta that.”

Loretta said it so proudly and looked up at Mrs. Higgins but soon her shoulders drooped and she slowly lowered her arms because she was a little startled by the terrifyingly hardened expression on grandmother’s face.

(e/n: someone’s getting fired lol)

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