The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection

Chapter 38: 38

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Claude, who was beside her, gave an answer to that question.

“It’s still a long way to go. We just have to secure the carriage in advance.”

Soon, the mailman quickly nodded and continued his explanation.

“Yes, there are always a lot of presents on special days for the Duke’s people, so we should always anticipate carriages like this in advance.”

“Additional… carriages?”

“Otherwise, we may not be able to deliver everything on the day of his birthday. If that happens, the post office will be in trouble.”

Birthday presents were bound to come from all over the place when it came to the Duke’s eldest son. Additionally, the post office’s mission became more important as they were all paid additional payment on the premise that it would all arrive on the day of the birthday — so much so that they had to prepare in advance every year.

“I think it will be quite difficult.”

Melody was deeply concerned about the mailman. There would be more gifts for Loretta’s birthday from now on, so she thought that their work would be even harder.

“It’s alright. We will also thoroughly prepare for Lady Loretta and Miss Melody.”

“What? Why… me?”

“Miss Melody is the Duke’s special guest. Perhaps, you will have as many presents as the Young Master.”

He made a rather exaggerated expression with his arms stretched wide.

It was probably intended to inspire expectations for her. Although unfortunately, Melody didn’t have such expectations. She didn’t know about herself, but if it was Loretta, then she would probably receive a lot of presents. Was that possible…?

To a child who stays here just for a while — She was also a criminal’s child at that, too.

“It’s impossible for me to get a present.”

“I’m sure you will. It was the same with the guests that stayed over at Count Moh’s for a long time in the past. The people of the capital don’t hesitate to send gifts over small connections.”

It meant that they would send a present to Melody in order to look good in front of the Duke, though… it wasn’t something Melody could do right now.

“So, when is Miss Melody’s birthday?”

At the question, she pondered for a moment at the delivery man’s question before opening her mouth with difficulty.

“It’s in spring.”

“Spring? When in spring?”

“Just… in spring.”

The mailman answered with an awkward ahh. He, too, must have also been flustered.

“I understand! It’s good in some ways. That means that we can bring Miss Melody’s gift any day in spring. It will be fine as long as it is in spring!”

“Th, that’s right! Any… day is fine. That is… if anyone sends me a present.”

“I’m sure there will be a lot, so you’d better not be surprised!”

With a playful smile, he quickly set off in the mail carriage. It almost looked as if he was running away. Melody felt strange as she watched the carriage drive away.

「 That means we can bring it any day. 」

And, the harmless words of the mailman lingered in Melody’s ears for no reason.

Why is it? I don’t care what day it is. I should just be truly grateful if anyone sends me a present. That’s all.


She brushed off those feelings and turned around then went back to her room. She then met Claude who was a few steps away; their eyes met. Melody hurriedly avoided his gaze because he seemed to have seen her complicated thoughts. She just nodded slightly towards him and passed by him.

“Why don’t you ask your mother?”

Claude approached her to talk.


Melody suddenly stopped, and he came over with a smile.

“I think you’re curious… about your birthday.”

Perhaps, because she was just surprised and didn’t answer, he quickly added his apologies.

“I apologize if it was offensive. I’m sorry.”

It was naturally all talk, and his expression wasn’t the bit least sorry for his earlier suggestion.

“I think there should be at least one person who makes this kind of suggestion because Miss Melody is a good child.”

He suddenly praised Melody out of nowhere.

“Oh, that’s not a compliment.”

No, he just said it wasn’t a compliment.

So what do you mean with ‘good child’?

“I just meant that you might make a judgement that sails against the wind.”

“…Sailing against the wind?”

“For example, father doesn’t want Miss Melody to meet her mother. Miss Melody should also know that, too.”

With his words, she recalled the Duke delivering her the ‘death row prisoner’s last request.’ He patiently waited for Melody’s answer and just nodded when she said no.

“It was a misunderstanding that I refused it because of the Duke. He asked me for my opinion.”

“I’m sure he did, with his eyes full of worry.”

Claude easily predicted what his father’s expression was. As he was usually blunt, his emotions were exceptionally clear. Therefore, there was no way that Melody would not know his heart as he delivered the ‘death row prisoner’s last request.’

“So, let me say something else… That way, Miss Melody would think about it fairly.”

Claude took a step closer.

“See you.”


“I think that Miss Melody left something there.”

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Several replies lingered on his lips.

[ ‘It’s alright if you don’t know about your birthday.’

‘I told the Duke you’re not going to meet her.’ ]

However, she eventually failed to give an answer.

…To say that her birthday wasn’t that important, he had already shown a hurt expression. The Duke was a generous man, and she knew that she wouldn’t be blamed for overturning her decision.

“Think about it slowly.”

He smiled rather tiredly and left for the front door first, leaving a message to a passing servant to not wake him up until tomorrow morning.

Melody remained alone and thought about what he said, but she soon shook her head. She had already decided not to meet her mother.

There was no reason for her to change that resolution.



* * *



By the next morning, the pine cones that Ronnie and Loretta had brought were now slightly opened. Melody took a small bowl of water and popped open the pine cones with a plop. Once again, the pine cones began to curl little by little.

Did this little and common thing make the dry air moist…? It was fascinating for some reason.

‘I thought pine cones were just rolling on the floor…’

Making things ‘useful,’ Loretta was just amazing.

While thinking about it, Melody heard the sound of a carriage by the garden. She could hear it quite clearly as it was still early in the morning. Did anyone come at this time?

At that moment, she had a bad feeling about this. It was probably because of yesterday. This was around the time Isaiah had arrived.

‘Don’t tell me… He will storm inside the Duke’s mansion today as well.?’

Melody thought that she should give Isaiah a piece of advice if that is the case. It would be impolite to go in and out of the Duke’s mansion without a prior appointment.

‘No, not Isaiah.’

Isaiah happened to be on vacation yesterday, so he must have gone to work today.


Hearing the carriage stop, Melody changed her clothes, praying that the guest who came this time wasn’t Isaiah. However, her expectations were simply crushed. It was when she heard a knock on her door.

“The guest has arrived.”

What guest? Isn’t Isaiah the only one in this city who will look for Melody?

Still, she quickly opened the door as she almost started to cry. It was the butler, Grandpa Higgins, who came to guide her.

“Miss Melody.”

Melody quickly bowed over and apologized even before he could state his business.

“I, I’m sorry…! I will have a talk with Isaiah. Please, forgive him just for today!”

There was no reply to her pressing words. Instead, he stroked Melody’s head which was bowed deeply by the Grandpa butler with gloves in his hands as if consoling her.

“You don’t have to apologize.”

With his friendly touch and words, she raised her head and carefully gazed up at him.

“Because Miss Melody has nothing to do with the early arrival of the guest at the mansion.”

“But… Isaiah is my friend.”

In response to her answer, Grandpa Butler chuckled.

“It wasn’t Isaiah who came.”

“What? Didn’t you say there was a guest? I heard a carriage arrive.”

“It’s true that there was a guest. And, that guest is for Miss Melody as well.”

“That wasn’t Isaiah…?”

“Yes, it wasn’t him.”

‘It’s strange,’ Melody said as she slightly tilted her head. She thought that Isaiah would be the only one who would visit her at this time.

“…Then, who came?”

Answering her careful question, the Grandpa butler put a shawl over Melody’s shoulder and told her, “It would be better for you to go out to the front door and see it for yourself.”



* * *



Melody could see a large bunch of cosmoses as she went out to the front door. The person holding the bouquet was none other than the mailman from yesterday.

Why did the person who usually came in the afternoon come here early in the morning to this mansion…?


As she bowed to greet him, the mailman greeted her as well.

“Hello, Miss Melody.”

His face was somewhat dark as he said that, as if he was apprehensive about something.

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