The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection

Chapter 6: 6

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“I don’t know. I’m not ashamed of becoming a doctor, but I can’t imagine myself learning how to do a doctor’s job…”

“Then I can help you by introducing you to a well run orphanage. I know where the temple operates and if you get the chance, you might even be able to receive the patronage of some nobles. It will be a comfortable home for you too if you choose that.”

Melody didn’t know much about the orphanage but her intuition was telling her that the Duke was already doing her a huge favor, since it wasn’t just any ordinary orphanage because it has connections to nobles, it’s definitely not the type of place where anyone can freely enter.

Perhaps it was just an example of a place, made up by the Duke for Loretta to feel better and not worry about Melody. Thinking about it that way, her heart felt heavy.

When she first came here, of course she thought of being nice to Loretta in order to gain the Duke’s mercy and favor, even imagining that she would be begging for her life when this time came.

However, when all of that effort results in the Duke actually presenting her a clear form of compensation, somehow…… she somehow felt rejected. Melody realized that the time she spent with Loretta has gone beyond just making a few kind memories with her and has now led her to actually receive a reward, but now that fact has become upsetting.

What should I do with this fickle mind?

When Melody sat still on the floor and didn’t say anything, a small hand rested on her shoulder – it was Loretta.

“You knoww… Does Melody and Loretta weally… habe different homs?” [You know… Do Melody and Loretta really have different homes?]

Saying those words in a slightly weeping voice, Melody jumped up from where she was sitting and hugged the little child tenderly, however, she couldn’t bear to say what Loretta wanted to hear.

“That, that’s… of course they’re different…”

Talking up to that point, Melody belatedly realized the Duke’s look at her so she hurriedly added ‘yo’.

(T/N: In the case of Korean, adding ‘yo’ at the end of the sentence makes it formal. Because Loretta is the daughter of the Duke and Melody was only of lower status, she needs to use formal speaking to Loretta even if she was older than her.)

Then she heard the words of the child in her arms saying, “But Loretta, likes Melody.”

Aigoo, I like you too. I really like you too, you cute little girl!

But since you’re the Duke’s daughter and I am only a slave trader’s daughter, we shouldn’t like each other because it’s forbidden!

Melody didn’t have the courage to say the words that rose up in her throat. How could she say it when they were in front of the Duke?

“Melody too……”

Maybe because Melody didn’t answer quickly, Loretta raised her face with teary eyes.

“Do you also wike Loretta?”

Aigoo, this lady here was the only one who didn’t know this was very fast-paced. How can you say that in front of the Duke?

……… You leave me with no choice but to answer honestly!

“Melody also likes Loretta… yo.” (T/N: yo – formal speech)

Loretta jumped up at her words, rejoicing.

“Then, Loretta and Melody wikes each other!” She said with her eyes still tainted with tears.

Cough, Loretta, how did you become such a smart person and be able to come to a conclusion like that?

While Melody was deeply immersed in admiring the child’s logical abilities, Loretta stood proudly in front of the Duke, quickly getting out of Melody’s arms. Then she looked up to the man who claimed to be her father.

“Duke is a blessed lump, so Loretta wants to go wid Melody.”

Loretta hasn’t called him ‘Dad’ yet, she has been cleverly calling him ‘Duke’, as if she learned it from another person. At her imposing claim, the Duke turned his head sideways to look at Melody, as if asking for an interpretation from someone with more experience.


Melody pondered for a moment, then translated her words as they were.

“The Duke is a blessed lump, so it means Miss Loretta is going with me.”

“Blessed… lump?”

He asked for the clear meaning of a particular phrase.

Melody regretted that she hadn’t taught her (Loretta) the exact meaning of the words ‘blessed lump’, but when it was the Duke asking, she had no choice but to answer him truthfully.

“It means a pocket of money – a pocket with a lot of money.”

“Who taught you that?”

“My mother…”

Perhaps it wasn’t worth analyzing more, the Duke didn’t say anything else about it after that.

His daughter, whom he had only met two days ago, is treating him like a money bag, so it was only natural for him to be at a loss for words.

“Yesterday, Loretta cried because Melody wasn’t hewe.”


“Melody also cwied.”

She must mean that time when Melody cried a while ago.

Melody nodded and said, “Hmm, I cried knowing that Loretta wasn’t there.”

“Melody is a baby, so it’s okey to cwy.”

Born as the epitome of a girl crush, Loretta patted her teacher’s head, Melody, as she looked back at the Duke, “So, I will go wid her!”

It amazed the Duke that such a small child like her could make a request like that.

Are you saying you aren’t scared of me?

Even his sons couldn’t be so bold in front of him. Moreover, her request was to bring along the daughter of a slave trader to his mansion in the capital.

He doesn’t have to consider anything, Loretta’s request is unacceptable.

However, the Duke couldn’t refuse Loretta’s request right away because of what had happened last night.

“Melody. Melody isn’t hewe.”

While covering both of her ears, she continued to cry looking for ‘Melody’. The child who has been through too many traumatic events is now depending on her (Melody), so it seems like it wasn’t a good idea to force her to leave her behind.

Above all of that, it would be unfamiliar and frightening to the child to be alone in a new environment. The more he does for her, the more he needs to create a place for her heart to settle.

“…I see.”

The Duke looked at Melody again and asked, “What do you think?”

“Yes?” Melody answered, looking up at the Duke with surprised eyes.

What do I think?

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It sounded like he would take Melody with him if she answered with the words ‘I want to go’.

‘That can’t happen.’

Melody already achieved her goal of avoiding her fate in the original novel by avoiding the death flags and punishment.

Then she got the doctor’s offer. If she can learn how to drink like a man in the town, then she could be a pretty decent adult unlike her mother.
(e/n: I think she’s saying she would try hard to earn the respect of the villagers [by drinking like a man I guess…] so she can live a more respectable life than her mother.)


Loretta suddenly grabbed Melody’s collar and pulled it, her round eyes were staring intently at her as she turned around.

Loretta – the heroine and a blessing that everyone in this world would love.

Perhaps this child’s future is headed to a place that will shine more than anyone else in this world.

‘Ummm… Of course, it wasn’t always like that.’

Loretta will be harassed by the Duke’s elders who hate her, thereafter, her cursed constitution will awaken and she will have to suffer a little bit. She will become happy in the end, but it was also clear that there were many hardships along the way until then.

‘It would be nice if this child could just be happy without all that struggling.’

Just like how Melody survived like this by avoiding her fate.

I hope that this child can only be happy unlike her original fate, Melody thought.

‘Oh?’ Melody had an amazing thought suddenly. ‘Maybe… I can change Loretta’s future to shift it in a slightly better direction?’

For the first time since she was born in this world, it was ‘the thing, only I can do’ that Melody discovered.

‘Things that only I can do…’

It sounded very sweet. Melody always thought ‘Am I really necessary in this world?’

‘Maybe in the future it might really become like that.’

Melody tightened her fist, and finally looked at the Duke, “I… will go.”

Melody didn’t like how her answer came out as if she was hesitating, so she shook her head and resolutely said, “I want to go,” then she bowed her head and asked, “if the Duke allows it.”

Melody knew very well that nobles wouldn’t let just anyone enter into their mansion even if it was a servant. It is to protect the dignity of their family by strictly maintaining the standards of its members.

But Melody is a sinner’s daughter – the daughter of a slave trader who even sold the children of nobles. No one would want a sinner’s daughter in their mansion.

“It’s decided, we’re going back.”

The Duke responded to Melody as he quickly turned around.

A splendid carriage soon arrived in front of the old house, then someone opened the door for the Duke. He glanced back at Melody before completely leaving.

“If you have anything to take, take it all and give it to the coachman.”

“You mean, you’re going to take me there?”

“I heard you are smart.”

“I am smart!”

With a quick and smart response, Melody answered while wondering if the Duke would change his mind.

I actually didn’t have much to carry, just a few clothes, few books, and….


She had to tell the doctor, because she was extremely lucky today.

“Duke, “ Melody called the Duke again with an apologetic face, “I wanted to say goodbye to the person who took care of me. It won’t take too long….”

The Duke fortunately let her, so Melody quickly ran to the doctor’s house. As Melody ran panting, the doctor, who was handing medicine to a patient, was surprised and stood up from her seat.

“What happened again, huh? Are you being chased by the security again?”

I am very grateful for your sincere concern, and I’m also sorry.

Melody refused the doctor’s favor.

“I have something to tell you, ma’am.”

Melody started by saying she was very sorry and continued to talk about what happened earlier in the morning.

Hearing what she had said, the doctor looked at her with concern and said, “I know what kind of place the capital is…”

She sighed after saying that. She was worried about Melody’s well-being. She was worried that many would reject her if they learned that she’s a slave-trader’s daughter.

Unlike this small town, there might not be even one person who will take in Melody.

“Melody, it is dangerous to depend on a noble’s favor. Later that child…”

“I know that there will be plenty of people that will like Loretta.”

She is the heroine of the story – she will be loved by many people even though there will be hardships in between. Among them is the male lead, and maybe someday, Loretta would soon forget about Melody’s existence.

“Nevertheless… you decided to go.” The doctor said regretfully lowering her head.

“I apologize, however, I was really happy when teacher asked me to live with you.”

“Alright, Melody.”

As she opened the medicine cabinet, she took out some medicine for emergency situations, putting it into Melody’s pockets. She patted Melody’s head as she handed it over.

“You can come back anytime if life in the capital becomes difficult for you. There are times when someone also needs a place to return to.”

Melody took the medicine she gave her as she hugged her tightly.

“And don’t forget to slap my son on the back of the head if you ever meet him, because he’s a bad son who never contacted his mother.”

“Chuckle, I will.”

“Go, don’t make your noble guest wait long.”

The Duke’s carriage was already outside when Melody finished saying goodbye to her.

Loretta waved her hand toward Melody, telling her to come quickly in the carriage.

Thus, Melody was now headed to the capital, where the story of『the Duke has three sons and a daughter』takes place.

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