The Villainess Is Worshipped By The Mafia?

Chapter 45: CH 44

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Kirillos, who simply shook off her hand, smiled softly until his throat rumbled.

“From what I’m hearing right now, Pierre’s sister is saying that she wants to become a pr*stitute. My cousin, the Princess, should know about this.”

He didn’t laugh, but instead clicked his tongue briefly.

“That way I can stop that f*cking unrequited love. By the way, that b*tch. What the hell was she thinking? A princess wants to marry a nobleman from a foreign country who is not of royal blood?”

Kirillos’ eyes, looking at Mariette, sank low.

“Well, good. If that’s what you’re looking for, I can help. Yes, a sl*t for 10 boxes of gold coins. Can I bed you then?”

Mariette’s face became as red as the color of her hair.

“H-How can you say such an insulting thing!”

“Thinking about it again, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have you for one night.”

Faced with arrogance engraved in his purple eyes, Mariette’s whole body trembled with shame.

Kirillos contentedly watched as anger spread across her face. He scratched Mariette’s pride again.

“So how about it? Ten boxes of gold coins.”

To quell her anger, Mariette tightly closed her eyes then opened them.

Now, she no longer had a desire to seduce Kirillos. She didn’t have to look good in front of him anymore.

Mariette wielded her knife-like mouth as usual.

“My lord. You look quite natural talking about pr*stitutes. But. I guess if the Viscount wanted to take a woman to bed, that would be the only way.”


“But my lord. Women don’t buy with money, they seduce. If you haven’t even learned anything from the secret of your birth, why don’t you take this opportunity to find out?”

She had to admit it. Mariette had this type of personality. Brazen enough to poke fun at Kirillos’ complex, the issue of his birth!


Kirillos, deeply offended, gritted his teeth. Nevertheless, Mariette stretched her knees, as she had been kneeling on the floor. Her counterattack was not yet over.

What Mariette had to say, ruffling the hem of her crumpled dress, was truly a sight to behold.

“What are you planning on doing, having that kind of expression? Ah. The Viscount of an Empire wants to hit a young lady from a Kingdom? After all, he doesn’t have much education, so it is only natural for him to raise a hand against a young lady.”

Mariette thought.

‘I don’t know if this will backfire. But he couldn’t possibly raise his hand here. It not just the two of us in this castle.’

Yesterday was Mariette’s wedding. Because of this, the Count’s castle was teeming with guests and servants were everywhere. They would be the eyes and ears of others.

Moreover, retaliating will also be cumbersome for Kirillos.

Because he was a noble from the empire, and Mariette was a lady from a kingdom.

There would be much backlash if Kirillos decided to hit Mariette. Besides, even if such a thing happened, would Mariette be afraid of such a thing now?

She couldn’t fall any lower.

Kirillos was embarrassed by her, someone whom he had never considered would protest in the first place.

“B*tch. Are you really crazy?”

“I have to be crazy if I want to deal with a crazy guy, right?”


The skirmish between the two of them escalated into a war.

The Marquis, who couldn’t find a chance to intervene between the two who quarrelled without a break, barely managed to interfere.

The Marquis, who had been standing by the dining hall entrance this whole time, hurriedly ran between the two of them.

“Who is this? Aren’t you the Viscount of the famous Duke of Odilon!”

Cold sweat ran down the back of the Marquis. He also gritted his teeth.

‘Mariette! I can’t believe you brought this complicated situation unto yourself!’

Kirillos looked dissatisfied at the Marquis who had intervened in front of him. He boldly looked at the Marquis from head to toe.

‘You have green eyes and red hair that resembles that girl. You also look like Pierre.’

Kirillos confirmed what he deduced.

“Are you Pierre’s father?”

The Marquis’ hard expression loosened.

“You must know my son.”

“I do. I tried to get him to become my vassal twice, but I was rejected both times.”

Kirillos said with a smile, but there was no sign of displeasure. Because of this, the Marquis hastened to read his mind.

Meanwhile, seeing her father’s servile smile, Mariette clasped the hem of her skirt with both her hands. She was envious of Blanche, who had run away without seeing this shameful sight of their biological father.

The Marquis laughed out loud.

“Haha. I see, so that’s what happened. My lord, please understand. Pierre entered the Imperial Academy to work for the foreign ministry of this country. It has been a childhood dream of Pierre to become the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Lupinus Kingdom.”

For a moment, Mariette felt smoke come out of her ears. She wanted to lash out on the Marquis.

‘It’s Father’s, not brother Pierre’s dream to become the Minister of Foreign Affairs.’

But she didn’t speak her thoughts. It would’ve been pointless.

She was her father’s property before she was a member of the Marquis’ family.

Kirillos seemed strangely surprised by the sudden silence of Mariette, but didn’t bother to point it out. He thought that it was only right for a b*tch to be quiet and meek in front of a man.

Kirillos beckoned to one of the knights standing behind him.

“You there. Call Pierre right now. I have met the Marquis, so I have a question for him.”


When the loyal knight left the dining hall with a greeting, the Marquis apologized.

“Unintentionally, I overheard the conversation between the Viscount and Mariette. My apologies. Viscount. I guess I raised my daughter too well.”

“No way. Your eldest daughter’s behavior isn’t normal. Is your second daughter’s personality also like this?”

The Marquis laughed bitterly on purpose. It was to get sympathy and get out of the situation.

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“The problem was that Mariette’s dead sister was always calm and quiet.”

Kirillos tilted his chin at an angle. He seemed to have a lot to say.

“She’s dead? According to Count Juan, Blanche wasn’t dead.”

“That’s not true!”

As the Marquis answered, a cold aura appeared on Kirillos’ face.

“You. Can you take responsibility for those words?”

Like a father who believed he had lost a child, the Marquis was furious.

“What do you mean by saying that to me?”

“Last morning. Your dead second daughter stole all the treasure in the Count’s castle and ran away.”

“That’s a lie! Viscount! How could the dead steal!”

“She could do it because she wasn’t dead.”

The Marquis’ heart sank. But he quickly remembered.

Even if Kirillos knew the truth, he couldn’t prove that Blanche was alive in front of everyone.

Thanks to this, the voice of the Marquis roared proudly.

“Do not insult my dead daughter any further!”

Thinking that the conversation should no longer continue like this, Kirillos turned his body halfway and looked behind him.

“Wizard. Show the Marquis the video sphere of the treasury.”

The Marquis then saw the wizard standing behind Kirillos with the knights. The wizard was holding a box the size of a child’s head stood in front of the marquis.

He opened the box and injected magical energy into the crystal ball, and after a while, an image appeared inside the crystal ball.

The video was not as clear as a landscape reflected in flowing water, but the quality was not so low that he couldn’t recognize Blanche.

The Marquis was surprised as he saw Blanche entering the treasury after the wall had been broken.

“My lord! This video is obviously rigged! You will find out if you investigate, Blanche never learned magic! Besides, high-level magic that could move so many treasures? Blanche is by no means a wizard!”

Kirillos’ crossed arms did not loosen despite the Marquis shouting with all his soul. The Marquis was continuously anxious.

“M-My lord! There are only a handful of wizards on the continent who can do such a thing!”

Finally, the lips of Kirillos, who had been silent all this time, opened.

“You. You are no longer making excuses that your second daughter is dead.”

The Marquis realized his mistake belatedly.

“That, that…”

“As if you knew that Blanche is alive.”

At the resolute voice, the Marquis desperately shook his head.

“No, no! My daughter is dead!”

“Then the woman in the video is Mariette, not Blanche?”

“No way!”

The Marquis, as well as Mariette, were both very nervous. Then, the sound of a whistle came out of Kirillos’ twisted lips.

“Yes. I’ve already confirmed that b*tch isn’t a wizard.”

His purple eyes radiated a dazzling glow.

“So tell me. Where is your second daughter now?”

Suddenly, Kirillos’ mind was filled with the existence of Blanche.

He could never forgive the b*tch Blanche, who had the same name as Snow White, for creating a mess for him. This was the moment when Kirillos, a candidate for the male lead in , knew of Blanche’s existence.

An eerie energy rose from Kirillos’ whole body.

“Do I have to ask again? I asked where Blanche is now!”

“I- I don’t know!”

“You don’t know?”

Kirillos thought the Marquis was lying, so he grabbed hold of his collar. He growled, showing his fangs.

“Okay, then you pay my money back.”

“What? What are you talking about…?”

“The treasures your daughter stole from the Count’s treasury. That money is mine!”

“This cannot happen! Why would I have to pay for the money Blanche stole?!”

“Have you ever seen such an idi*tic b*stard? If a daughter can pay her father’s debts, then there must be a way for a father to pay his daughter’s debts! Don’t you think so?”

It was a famous story that even Kirillos knew about. The Marquis’ attempted to marry Mariette off to pay his debts.

The Marquis was startled and immediately pleaded.

“But, Viscount! I’m sorry, but my family cannot afford to pay that debt!”

“Don’t worry, Marquis Marquette. No matter what, as long as you sell your title and your remaining daughter, you can cover some of the interest.”

Kirillos’ arrogance and ruthlessness overflowed.

Only then did the Marquis realize that he just met a creditor worse than the deceased Count Juan.

There was no way out of it. Now, he will go bankrupt, whichever family Mariette gets married into.

It was a natural punishment for people who viewed their children as commodities instead of beings to protect.

Even more so that Blanche was the one who brought him complete bankruptcy.

* * *

Blanche and Ricardo used and repurchased teleportation magic repeatedly for over a week.

Originally, only the upper class nobility could afford teleportation magic, but Blanche, who stole all the treasures in the Count’s castle, did not have to worry about the cost. Even if they had to buy teleportation magic at a higher price than the Magic Tower branch.

Blanche also bought teleportation magic from the black market.

‘As long as we can avoid our pursuers, it’s worth the money.’

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