The Villainess Is Worshipped By The Mafia?

Chapter 8: CH 7

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After the Marquis left, Blanche took out [Lesser Witch’s Healing Potion] from her inventory.

Even at this moment, her HP was rapidly depleting.

5, 4, 3, 2…

Blanche was only able to empty the healing potion the size of her palm at the moment when her Health reached 1.

‘No. I can’t die like this! How have I lived for the last seventeen years!’

Was it because of her wish?

A status window popped up before her eyes.

[System/ The poison is beginning to dissipate.]

While her mind wandered around, she put the empty bottle into her inventory.

In one day, this trash will vanish. Just like the empty jar of [Administrator Nightingale’s Ointment].

As she relaxed, Blanche fainted.

* * *

How much time had passed?

In the darkness, where she could not even see an inch ahead, Blanche heard several familiar voices.

“How the hell did this happen? How!”

At the Marquis’ lament, the butler responded with an annoyed tone.

“We thoroughly searched Miss Blanchet’s bedroom, there was no trace of any poison bottle. Instead, one of the kitchen servants has disappeared. It seems like they resigned.”

The Marquis was furious and even swore loudly.

“Who, who dares do this to my daughter!”

She could hear Alphonse whimpering. Perhaps they were in the same room together.

“Sister Mariette. I’m scared. What if sister Blanche dies like this?”

Mariette answered him as if she was reassuring herself.

“Don’t worry, Alphonse. Blanche is a tough girl. And she can’t die now! If Blanche dies like this, who will pay off our family’s debt?”

At that moment, the Marquis roared.

The Marquis himself had the same thoughts as Mariette but he did not show it.

“Mariette! That isn’t the problem right now! Your sister is dying!”

Mariette’s voice trembled in response. It was as if she was shocked that her father had scolded her.

“Dad…? Are you yelling at me now?”

Instead of answering to the quivering voice, the Marquis grabbed the unconscious Blanche’s hand. The Marquis begged in an earnest voice.

“Blanche. You have to endure this time too. Please, don’t die like this.”

However, despite the warmth of his hands, the cold hate within Blanche’s heart did not decrease. That is why, within the darkness, she simply waited for her body to recover.

‘When will I get better? Can I check the status window even when I am unconscious?’

She was about to give up halfway when the status window appeared. Blanche was shocked when she checked her status window.

[Blanche Marquette LV 01

Age – 17 / Female

Health – 8/50 (Lesser Witch’s Healing Potion in use)

Mana – 5

Fame – 10

Morality – Error

Stress – 320]

The morality stat that was previously covered in black has changed.

It was in words, not numbers.

Morality – Error.

Blanche didn’t know what it meant.

* * *

Did he just turn 20? He had short curly red hair and his face looked like it had not yet bloomed into that of a young man but neither was it child-like.

Even in the swaying carriage, the man, with a slender physique and broad shoulders, emanated dignity.

He was truly a man as beautiful as a rose grown with care in a luxurious greenhouse. Moreover, even if his green eyes were distorted with worry, it only made him look like a pitiful beauty. Nothing on him could ever look like a flaw.

It was within reason why the rumors of the Imperial Princess and the general fighting over possessing him had been running rampant.

His name was Pierre Marquette.

The older brother of Mariette, who was rumored to be the most beautiful woman on the continent, the heir to the Marquis Marquette family, and the genius of the century. At last, Pierre’s carriage passed through the front door of his beloved home.

At the same time, Alphonse, who was squatting in the front yard and pulling out innocent grass, was the first in the family to know of Pierre’s return.

The boy ran towards the carriage at the front door of the mansion.

“Brother Pierre!”

Alphonse ran to Pierre, who just got off the carriage, and hugged him. Pierre erased the sad expression on his face and held his youngest brother in both hands.

Alphonse hung from his neck with all his might. He gave his little brother a strong hug.

“Our youngest! You’ve grown up a lot since I last saw you. I heard the news. They said you’ve recovered from your illness?”


As Alphonse mumbled in embarrassment, Pierre whispered to his brother.

“The letter from grandfather said that you were pretending to be sick.”

“Ugh! That’s…! Brother Pierre. Are you disappointed in me too?”

At his question mixed with worry and anxiety, Pierre smiled with caring eyes.

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“No way. Actually, this is a secret from Father but I think Alphonse is very smart. How in the world did you come up with such a clever idea?”

“Heh heh. I knew it, you’re truly the best in the world.”

When Alphonse, who smiled brightly, rubbed his head in his arms once more, Pierre carefully scolded his younger brother.

“Thanks. But next time, Alphonse, don’t lie to your family like that. During that time, I thought you were really sick and I was very worried.”

With that, Pierre’s footsteps moved forward. He greeted all the maids and servants who came and greeted him.

Alphonse, still in his arms, asked.

“Brother. Where are you going?”

“Now that I’m home, I have to say hello to Father.”

“But Dad must be in a bad mood right now because of Sister Blanche’s actions.”

How did you know that? Pierre stopped and stood still.

“No way. Is dad still unhappy with Blanche?”

“Yes, that’s right. But that’s not the only reason Dad feels bad. You know, brother. Sister Blanche got poisoned.”

“What? What are you talking about? Tell me in detail, Alphonse!”

At Pierre’s urging voice, Alphonse was about to tell him everything he knew, but tears began to flow.

“Brother. What if Blanche dies at this rate?”

Pierre put his brother down in the hallway and carefully wiped Alphonse’s wet eyes.

“Shh. It’s okay, Alphonse. Blanche will be fine. So don’t cry, okay?”



Pierre gently stroked his brother’s head, who nodded his head vigorously. At the same time, the butler, who heard the news of Pierre’s return home, quickly approached the eldest son.


“Long time no see. Grandpa.”

Pierre happily reached out his hand to the butler. The butler, who looked thrilled, wrapped his hands around them and shook them enthusiastically.

“You’re still in the middle of the academy semester. What brings you here?””

“I couldn’t help it because my mind was filled with Blanche. Grandfather, will you tell Father that I have returned home?”

“Yes. I will do that. Please wait for a moment in the drawing room on the first floor, Master.”

By the time the butler returned, Pierre had told Alphonse that Blanche had been crippled. He also found out that it had been ten days since Blanche was poisoned and lost consciousness.

* * *

Pierre could not hide his astonishment at the appearance of the Marquis. It was very far from the image of his father in his memory. How could his father, who was always so organized, be this messy?

Pierre barely opened his mouth as he stared at him, puzzled at the fact that the red hair, same as his own, was tangled with grease.


Just then, the Marquis, who had been drinking strong alcohol from a bottle in front of the fireplace in the study, looked back.

“Pierre. My son!”

After being emaciated due to lack of sleep, he hugged his eldest son as hard as he could. Pierre had no time to hide his sadness at his father’s attire, which seemed to have been at least three days old.

In an instant, the Marquis released him and grabbed Pierre’s arms.

He was hoping that his own desperation would be conveyed to his son.

Pierre asked with concern at his father’s earnest eyes.

“Father. Are you okay? You don’t look too good.”

“I am fine. I should be fine… I almost lost my daughter twice… If I have any sense of shame I should be okay… Even if that kid tried to commit suicide because she didn’t have enough, my daughter was poisoned and almost died in my own house. I still can’t believe it.”

The Marquis’ regret was reflected in his eyes which were bloodshot.

It had been ten days since Blanche lay ill due to the poison.

During that time, he struggled with regret and lamentation in every moment.

“Pierre. I thought I was a strong person. But I am not. I have never been so disappointed in myself in my life.”

Seeing the tears welling up in the Marquis’ eyes, Pierre could not offer any words of consolation. So the Marquis repeated the belated regrets. However, the Marquis still did not consider the neglect and violence inflicted on Blanche as an abuse.

He thought it was ‘a little strict discipline’ to teach his lacking daughter.

He simply took on the role of ‘a caring father who tried to teach his sick daughter but failed’. Unable to speak, the Marquis covered his forehead with both hands and shed silent tears on his rough cheeks.

In the end, even Pierre comforted the Marquis.

“Father. Blanche will be fine. That child is the one who survived a fall from the third floor. Our Blanche is strong.”

“I wish I did too. I hope so too… I keep thinking of your dead mother. Oh God! If Blanche dies like this, how will other people view our family?”

“That’s enough, Father. Our late mother would be sad if she knew that Father thinks like that.”

While the Marquis was suffering from grief he looked up at his dependable grown-up son.

“You are so reliable, Pierre. Thank you.”

Pierre smiled bitterly.

“You should sleep a little. When Blanche wakes up and sees Father now, she might be shocked and faint again, thinking a ghost appeared.”

“I didn’t know it was that bad.”

“Come on, Father. I’ll take you to the bedroom.”

Even though he quietly followed his son, he could not hide his little regret.

“I’m sorry. If only I had succeeded in business… … .”

“Father. The family’s failure was due to the recession, not Father. You know it too.”

Needless to say, Pierre, who told a white lie, didn’t feel very good.


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