The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 23: Chapter XXIII

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Fool Me Once

I entered the mansion with Caleb in tow, the butler led us to the garden where the tea party was supposedly held. As I entered, I saw them all. Xavier, Elliot, Alistair and Zachary all sat one side of the table, their backs facing me. The other side had only two chair and one was already occupied by a lovely pink haired girl, who had teal eyes.


The female lead, Fabienne Alden! That was her description, and damn it she is pretty! “Lady Astelle! You came!” She waved over to me and patted the white chair next to her. I nodded to Caleb, telling him to stay back. I knew he’d be able to sense if I were in danger.


I headed over to the chair next to hers, now finally seeing the male leads’ faces. I am not surprised at their expressions. Both Xavier and Alistair look like trash had just entered, Zachary is looking down not attempting to meet my eyes but still trying to smile, and Elliot is just smiling like the idiot he is.


“You invited me, so why wouldn’t I come?” I asked as I sat down. “Oh, well, you wouldn’t come before, that’s why I stopped at one point,” she replied. “I see, then why have you invited me once again?”


“Astelle, are you forgetting something?” Xavier suddenly spoke. Crap. “Ah, my apologies, I greet the empire’s rising sun, his highness, Crown prince Xavier Helios,” I bowed in my seat. What a long ass greeting for his equally entitled big head. 


He nodded; the mood grew worse somehow. “It’s good to see you, Astelle,” Elliot greeted me. I nodded, “Likewise, sir Calypso,” I looked at Zachary, “I have already met sir Ciel outside, so I assume there’s no need to greet you once again,”


“Ugh, all these sirs and formalities are tiring from you, why don’t you just use our names again, that way it isn’t peculiar when we call you by name,” Alistair finally says, as he grew agitated every time I spoke up. “You already know, I am not comfortable with it,” 

“You were comfortable with it three months ago,” he smirked. All heads turned to him then me at the statement. “I do not know what you are speaking of,” I said not changing my expression.


Ugh! This damn brat! 


“Alright, alright, settle down you two, it was always you two bickering when we were younger,” Fabienne giggled. What does she know? Astelle became more closed off the more Fabienne grew closer to them.


“I apologise, Fabienne,” I looked at her, she smiled, “Hehe! You’re calling me by name!” 


Of course, I am, Fabienne is way below me in ranks. I can’t just say that unless I want to be harassed by Xavier and Alistair. “Right, so why have you called me here? You said you required to ask me a question?” I faced her, ignoring the male leads’ stares. 


She looked like she just remembered, “Oh! Silly me! Yes, I needed to ask lady Astelle a question,” she said before she sipped her tea. Uh… did she have to sip her damn tea after saying that?


She isn’t doing anything remotely bad but it’s just me being biased towards Astelle! “I wanted to ask if you are prepared for the age-of-coming ceremony? Like dresses, accessories!” she said excited. Just for that I came here and met all these damn characters?!


I shouldn’t tell her yes, right? I need to know what she’s plotting… if she’s plotting something. Some characters personalities have changed, so I can’t be too sure if she’s still innocent. If she ever was.


“No, not yet, I believe I’ll find something soon, have you, Fabienne?” I asked even though I already knew. She chose a royal blue dress five months before the ceremony that is due in a month and a half. Wonder if she’ll lie or say the truth. I also wonder if Xavier will say anything, since he was the one who got it for her. I looked at him and see him expectantly looking at her.

“Oh, I haven’t yet, I am not sure which colour would go well with me to say the least,” She lied, Xavier’s eyes widened slightly before going back to normal and looked into my eyes. “I see,” I looked back at her. “Have you got an idea for a colour for yourself, lady Astelle?” she looked innocent but I can’t trust her now.


Let me try something. “I’m actually deciding between two colours, and hoping to ask you all for opinions,” I looked at all of them and almost burst out laughing at their ridiculous expressions. “Ours?” Zachary spoke up for the first time after that talk. I nodded, “all of you do know me the longest, I believe you would know which colour would suit me, makes sense, doesn’t it?” I asked coldly. 


Fabienne cheered, “Of course, lady Astelle!” the rest nodded, suspicious of my friendly manner. “I’m deciding between a royal blue colour or a black and red gown,” I saw the male leads’ eyes widen slightly at royal blue and glance at Fabienne then bring back their eyes to me. So, they all know? Weird… did she tell them or did Xavier show off?


“Oh! Lady Astelle would look beautiful in both but you would look far more majestic in a royal blue dress!” Fabienne grinned, and I smirked to myself, I got her plan now.


“The royal blue…hm?” I said, pretending to think as I brought my hand to my chin as to show I’m contemplating it. “Ah! But!” someone exclaimed and I raised my eyes to see Zachary with his mouth open. We all stared at him, and he grew flustered and started blushing red. He cleared his throat, “I apologise for the outburst but I believe that Astell would look better in red…It would suit your eyes,”


Good answer, Zach. I nodded, “I understand what you are trying to say, Sir Ciel, thank you for sharing your opinion,” I looked into his eyes but I still saw worry. I suddenly felt a cold chill from beside me and I looked at Fabienne but all I saw was a forced but still bright smile. “Ah, but I do appreciate Fabienne’s line of thought, I do think the royal blue would look majestic,” I lied.


She gasped in delight as she grabbed my hands to clasp them, “Really?! I’m glad, lady Astelle! I could find a dress that just perfect for you!”


Wow, she’s really going that far. “Yeah, yeah, you can send it to her later, I’m getting bored.” Alistair spoke out loud, expressing his boredom.

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As they all started to chat in their own world, I started to think and consume in the information. Fabienne, the female lead, who’s supposed to be this kind-hearted, gentle girl is planning to embarrass me.


Her plan being, to make us wear the same colour or dress to make people assume I copied her, in the old times, wearing the same colour to an event like this is extremely rude. Of course, it can’t be avoided if two girls wear the same dress that’s forgiven if the two girls do not know each other intimately.


Society knows who knows who. Therefore, if I and Fabienne end up wearing the same dress it would be frowned upon, due to our supposed relationship. Since, Astelle’s image is already a cold, cruel ice queen, all attending nobles would assume that I would’ve done it on purpose and word would spread that I ruined Fabienne’s ceremony on purpose. 


“Astelle, who was that boy you came with?” I heard Xavier say, bringing me out of my thoughts. “That was Caleb, my personal knight, dear,” I suddenly remembered our conversation months ago, my first meeting with him. Alistair spat out the tea he was sipping. Elliot started choking on the biscuit he was eating. Both Xavier and Zach’s eyes widened and Fabienne covered her mouth while helping out both Alistair and Elliot. I almost died laughing at their reactions.


“W-what did you just say?” Zachary finally asked as the other two who almost died calmed down. “He is my personal knight? Caleb, I mean, I do not know why I always get such a reaction at the mention of a personal knight,” I feigned ignorance. I wanted to draw this out, it’s so funny!


“Ok, cut the bullshit, you called Xavier, ‘dear’! Since when were you two so romantic?!” Alistair yelled and pointed at me and Xavier. I pretended to not know what he meant. 


Elliot cleared his throat, “I apologise for my undignified reaction but, I agree with Alistair, What the heck was that?!” He spoke calmly before also raising his voice in volume. “I apologise, we had made a deal that was should call each other by endearments when others are around, and forgot to mention not to do that with you all around,” Xavier, clearing his throat, explained.


“You decided it?!” Zachary, now also raising his voice, exclaimed in shock. Fabienne started laughing at the commotion, “You all are never so surprised to have such extreme reactions, it is hilarious!”


They all smiled softly at her, and I suddenly remembered what exactly this novel is and how it ends. With them all being happy, and Astelle being dead.


My mood turning sour, I stood up, “I apologise but I believe it is time for me to leave, I will see you all at the ceremony,” Fabienne rose up, “Surely, we can have another tea party before that?” she asked.


“Fabienne, I appreciate you for inviting me to one of your tea parties after so long, but do not forget what had happened long ago,” I told her as I walked away, not looking at any of them but still knowing they all flinched. “I will never forgive or forget it, no matter how many times you ask, or if any of you do, I was not here to mend anything,” I heard someone get up from the plush chairs.


“Then why did you come?” Zachary asked, sounding much closer to me. Like he was right behind me, I didn’t turn back. “I have already told you, haven’t I, Sir Ciel?” 


I heard a rustle before seeing Elliot stand before me, “He did pass your message, milady, but I refuse and so does he.” His onyx black eyes stared into my ruby red eyes, not wavering even once.


I stared back, “I wish not to ruin it for you; however, it will be fruitless,” I’ll just die if we do become friends. Astelle knows it too. That’s why I came. 


This would the last time I would have an actual conversation with them where my life isn’t being threatened. I only did this for Astelle.


I walked away without replying to him, Caleb did not say anything when he saw me, once again, I felt like he could read my mind. We started walking through the hallway. No words were exchanged between us both. As we came upon a crossroad in the hallways, I was almost bumped into by someone who came from the other side. 


It was a maid, who was weirdly familiar. She flinched at the sight of me and bowed and left hurriedly. Odd. I know her from somewhere. There was a certain hatred in her eyes… that I felt I’ve seen before.


Maybe I’m just being paranoid, everyone hates Astelle here. Even the damn maids from another household.


I lay in bed as soon as I came back. I didn’t have the energy to do anything. Marianne came by once or twice but I didn’t say anything to her. She kept some sort of package on my table and left.


I grew curious and went to open it.


It was Fabienne’s dress, the exact same description as the novels. However, it clearly looked like it was recently stitched. I sighed, throwing it back in the box and jumped back in bed. 


She is definitely against me.

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