The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 6: Chapter VI

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I sat in my new room, thinking over what transpired. Should I or should I not be feeling bad?


I never had a brother, but I’m pretty sure this relationship isn’t very... familiar. What did he mean though? By ‘This is why we never have conversations?’


From Astelle’s memories, she had never outright mentioned her... curse. So, does he just not like his sister? It was obvious in her memories but seeing it myself was just cold.


Wait, from Astelle’s memories, she never mentioned her curse for anything... And I just did...


Damn it, I had one job! Don’t make yourself suspicious by acting any different than Astelle! And what did I do?!


Bring suspicion! I should’ve just stayed quiet. This is hard, being Astelle is hard. She’s the literal opposite of me, she can stay quiet. I can’t! I absolutely have to say something!  


Okay, okay, breathe in, breathe out.


“My lady?” Marianne suddenly appeared. I jumped, surprised, I yelled,” Do you not know how to knock?!” She flinched from the sudden volume, “But I did... several times...” she said slowly as to somehow calm me down.


I massaged my forehead, “Ah, my mistake, I apologise for yelling, I was lost in thought,” She grinned, “No need to apologise, my lady!”  


So bright, her smile is so warm, when was the last time I saw such a bright smile?


I can’t help but smile slightly as well. “Ah yes! I came here to escort you to the library,” Marianne said as she pushed me out of bed and set my appearance again.


Library? When did I say to-?

Ack! Memory again, will that always happen whenever I recover a memory? I don’t want it to happen. It’s annoying.


So, Astelle goes to the library every day and studies. Such perseverance, it’s to be expected though. Before the Prince executed her, she believed she’d become Empress.


That’s quite sad, she worked so hard and ended up being dragged through the ground and having a fate worse than death. Betrayed by the person she was supposed to rule the Empire with. However, she did try to kill someone, so I don’t know who to root for.  


Wait, in the novel, she insisted she didn’t do anything like that. I clearly remember thinking that they should investigate more before accusing her. Since she was always the reason the female lead got into horrible situations.  


But those situations weren’t life-threatening. What’s going on here?


“My lady...?” Marianne spoke with a hint of pure concern. Her eyebrows furrowed as she stood in front of me holding some notebooks.


Crap, I did it again.


“Yes, let’s go.” I stood up and we left the room. Although, from the corner of my eye I could see Marianne look back at me after a few seconds.

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“I’m alright, I was just lost in thought, I’ve been awfully distracted, haven’t I? No need to worry, Marianne.” I spoke in the calm and elegant voice of Astelle.


Can... I really save her? Can I save myself? Will I be able to avoid death in this life? These thoughts ran through my head as we walked to the library.


We reached the huge door of the library that had intricate designs carved into the wood of the door. It was a beautiful door; you don’t hear that often? A beautiful door. How funny.


Marianne opened the door and my eyes widened at the long and tall shelves filled with books and more books. It was a haven for booklovers.  


The marble tiles on the floor, ceiling and walls were a beautiful mix of black and white. The countless chairs and tables, that were lined up in the middle of the room, were a beautiful brown the same shade of the door and shelves.


Marianne led me to the corner of the room and placed my books on the table that already had other kinds of books as well. I sat down on the chair, and she bowed and left.


How can I just sit here when I’m in a place as peaceful as this and not explore?


Well, Astelle has already seen everything, but I haven’t. I stood up after hearing the door close and Marianne was gone. My fingers slid across the books as I would watch them pass by.


I walked for a bit more before I heard two voices. Curious, I walked a bit further towards the voices.


As I went a bit forward, I saw Astelle’s brother. In this case and from cases in the future, hopefully, I live that is, my brother.


Sirius was talking to this old man in a suit. He most probably is the butler. With the typical eye monocle and proper moustache. I’ll call him Albert. He looks like an Albert at least.


“I messed up again, I never know what to say to her,” Sirius had his face buried in his hands, almost sulking over something.


Wait, he said ‘her’? Me? No way, that’s impossible. He doesn’t care about me. Maybe his fiancé?


“Lady Asterion is quite distant with everyone, even with Lord Asterion, you need not worry so much, Sir Asterion,” the butler spoke.


Holy heck. That was way too many Asterions’ in one sentence.  


Wait, getting distracted again. They are talking about me. So, Sirius does want to get close to Astelle. That’s so cute!


And I just fucking blew it by acting like not-Astelle!  


I really ought to stop cursing. It’ll bite me in the... behind one day. Anyways, I have to get close to Sirius! I have to be a loving sister so I can get a protective brother. In that case, if I’m ever in any trouble, he’ll care enough to save me!


It’s a fool-proof plan!

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