The Villainess’s Personal Maid

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Hello, My name is Juntelle Meinlid, I was just an average guy, 17 years old and right now I am in a dark place, on a Highway or so I say.

It was already dark with fewer people, more like, I think, I'm the only one here, no lights nor cars.

If you wondering, why I am outside this late then I would say, it was for my part-time job.

I won't explain further, What I want to tell is that.

I got run over by a truck.

I was just walking in a pedestrian lane, there are no cars or a sign of an upcoming car.

Then, suddenly, a truck was right in front of me while howling, its lights suddenly blinded me, the next moment is when I felt hurt and my bones are getting crushed.

It was too cliche.


"...I'm sorry Yuna... Seems like Onii chan wouldn't be able to give you a gift..."

I close my eyes as I can feel my senses slowly dying.


"Wake up, Sonnie."


I open my eyes and saw a middle-aged man with pale gold hair and gold eyes.

"...who are you?"

"John wick."


"Hahaha, I'm kidding, I am you called God."

Okay, there's this weird person who calls himself God and his name is john wick but he was only kidding?


"Is that... You're wearing the clothes of that Gold Servant... Are you cosplaying?"



"E-hem, anyway, I'll be straight to the point, I will reincarnate you in another world. Hm... I do want you to reincarnate in my world but, hmm... I think this world will be interesting."

The so-called God grins and then frowns when he looks at me.

"Fyi, I'm no self proclaim God. I am the God, the no-name god, and the god of all."


"Why don't you believe me? Anyway, I'm on episode 689 of one piece, Let's get this over with."

"...this was my first and maybe the last time of seeing a god act like this..."

"Hahaha, at first I'm not like this until my Grandson introduces anime, anyway... I have a date with my wife so, is there anything you wish for in your next life?"


"I would like my next life would be interesting, and also, if possible I want to be strong enough to protect myself and those I think I would cherish."

"Hahaha, I see. I see... There, you will transmigrate into the body of 3 years old. Is there anything?"

"Hmm... If possible...would it be fine if I got a skill that can control some strings? Anyway what kind of world is it anyway?"

"Ah, it's a world with swords and magic, don't worry it is not set in the middle ages or medieval or something, it was modern."

"I see... Then yes, I would like to have a skill that can control strings, I can't explain it but did you get it?"

"Mm. Mm. Yes, yes. Is that all?"

"...also, I want to have Illusion magic and knife skills."

"I see, okay then... Done! Also, I added hand-to-hand combat! Great!"

"...was that necessary? I think I can just learn martial arts through training?"

"? What are you talking about?

Knives skills, strings, isn't it already part of martial arts? Hand-to-hand combat is one of them, yes? Swords, gun, rapier, etc, it is part of martial arts.

Don't tell me you think that if it's martial arts it's about taekwondo, karate, jujitsu, etc using your arms and feet. No. Martial arts is deep Sonnie."

"...sorry, That's what I think."

"Hm! A person who immediately admits he was wrong! Approve! Not like my grandson who always calls me bastard god!"

He poured some tea and give me it too, I drink it and it was delicious, I ask more as we spent some time.

"Hm... This will be our goodbye now, enjoy your life there."

"Thank you very much, God, although at first, I don't believe in gods now... Should I worship you?"

"Damn no."


"You're too calm and serious don't you think?"

"This is me when I'm not too comfortable with someone..."

"I know, I look at your memory. By then, oh, I have a surprise for you when you're there in that world."

I wonder what is it?

"You'll know soon, and you might break your calm expression afterward."

"Somehow, I feel like I would get angry at you."

"Oh, you will. Ciao!"

Drowsiness soon came to me, I tried to open my eyes widely but to no avail, I close my eyes, and the last thing I heard is the god talking to someone, who called him a bastard god.

It was weird... Weird.


Hello, this is Juntelle, and right now, I am cursing the bastard God.

"Fuck you, wonder your grandson call you that. Hope your wife will leave you damn son of a bitch."

If you want to know why then...

I turned into a cute yet skinny little girl, I don't have her memory.


Getting angry will get me nothing, as of now, I am wearing tattered dirty white T-shirts without any cover on my lower part. There is a collar on my neck and shackles with chains on my wrist, and ankles.

Yes, It seems I transmigrate into a little girl who died due to starvation.

I feel bad and I hope that bastard God will help the little girl.

[Bastard God: don't worry she lives in a peaceful family now. Though, you won't hear me hahahaha]

And right now, I am going to be auctioned.

It seems my fate will be settled here, I can't escape right now, I don't have the strength nor will to escape.


I'm a child, a three-year-old child, weak, I have no strength nor weapon. Also, there are a lot of strong adults here.

I will just die.

It is the more reason why I feel angry at that God.

I look everywhere and saw many rich people wearing expensive clothes seating and looking at me as if I were some kind of disposable object.



"Bah! 5,999!!!"

What is the currency of this world?

It seems it's not yen...

"5,999!!! Anyone?!"

The auctioneer said.

I look at the person who bid me such a high price, it was a middle-aged man, with full of lust in his eyes, he looks grumpy and some saliva is falling in his mouth, he wipe it and licked his lips.

Oh, by the way, these people wear a mask.

Chuckles seem like my master will be a pervert who will sexually assault me.

I'm in danger.

"Going up, going twice!?"


Everyone turn silent as they look at the said person, of course, I also look at it and saw a beautiful blond-haired woman who was dressed in a dark red dress with moon earrings, her characteristic and atmosphere is only one thing.

Overbearing, like a CEO, but I can see in her beautiful heterochromia eyes was warm and the look of sympathy over me.

And yes, she won leaving the pedo middle ages man in anger.

And now I was in front of her.

The beautiful lady looks at me with frowning eyes.

"Tell me your name."

Her words are not a question but it feels kike an order.

Should I say my last name?

She was waiting for my answer while I'm still staring at her.

Somehow... I want to speak but my mouth won't open.

She keeps tapping her finger onto the table and sighed.

"Are you mute?"

I just still staring at her.

It seems I am.

I nodded.

Or more like I can't open my mouth.

Suddenly a person in a black suit came and started to whisper something to the lady.

Traumatic experience? Lost the will to speak?

Is it me?

What did this little girl experience before she died?

"...those fucker... You know what to do. Eliminate the garbage in society."

Woah there.

"And you, I will be your master, get that?"

I nodded.

"Good, then, my order is to serve my daughter, only her, don't obey my husband got that?"

I nodded.

So she is a Milf. Great.

"Good, Cynthia, clean this little girl, she's smart for a 3-year-old child. Heh."


"Who would have thought you would understand me? Now then, your first mission is to gain some flesh."

After that conversation, they slowly help me to gain some fat and it helps me to have a normal body again.

Then, they started to train me, on how to use guns and knives which they found I excel at, improving my senses and teaching me about magic, how to conceal my presence, etc.

It was hell, but also helpful for the future.

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I found out that this world is not like those stories with happy-go-lucky life.

It also seems that I am serving the top ten strongest mafias, the Astral Mafia.


My master's name is Glynda Octavia, the boss and also the CEO of Mafuyo Company, a company that's famous for its game industry,  although, her husband was running into it.

And my future Heir, Charlotte Octavia, is now 5 years old, I'm already 4 turning 5 this next month.

It seems that My master, Glynda has no great relationship with her husband.


"What is it Jun?"

Oh, yes, I can now finally speak 4 months ago, I also manage to see my appearance, I must say, I'm adorably cute, and my charm could make any guy bow to me. Heh.

E-hem, I also notice that I'm slowly turning into a girl, yes I'm a girl physically but what I mean is mine. mentality as a man.

Now then, if we're talking about my appearance, trimmed raven hair that stops over my shoulder tip, with amethyst cold eyes that as if it can see who you are through your souls.

I still can't describe my body because I still have a body of a child.

(Zero: her future appearance is on the top, that image is not mine, dunno who was the artist, but credits to that said artist.)

But I can tell Every woman will be jealous of my beauty...





"I said what is it?"

"Should I kill the garbage of a husband of yours?"

"...sigh...Jun, how many times I should tell you, that you can't do that?"

"Why? I can just make his death an accident."

"That's not daughter...she..."

"Understood. "

"You... Get it?"

"Yes, your daughter wants some love for her father and if I kill him she will be devastated and might point her hatred towards yours."

"That..that is right."

"That is why I will put that garbage of a husband of yours into a coma which will be impossible for him to wake up."


"Don't worry master, it will be done cleanly without a trace!"


Unfortunately, I was stopped, my master loves her daughter too much, I can't say I'm not the same, her daughter is just like her, with beautiful blonde hair with heterochromia eyes, green on the left and red on the right. It was beautiful as if her eyes is both gems, an emerald, and ruby.

She loves her daughter but I can't say the same about her daughter.

She was neglected, as much as I love master Glynda, I can still say right in front of her she isn't a good parent, more like she doesn't know how to treat her daughter, while her garbage of a husband is much worse, he treats his daughter as if she doesn't exist, the maids are giving her some insult.

This might be a problem, it's as if I'm seeing a future villainess.

A villain is born due to their environment and not to their birth, the villain was made depending on their environment.

And I can see that my master's daughter is slowly going down that road. A road for destruction.

"Jun...tell me... Am I... A bad parent?"


"Too straight..."

"Should I give some fluttery first before telling the truth?"

I tilted my head in question.

"No... I guess you're right...what should I do?"

"Master, you're saying this to a four years old child!"

"Shut it, you're abnormal."


I closed my eyes, I know she was waiting for an answer and that answer is just simple, but I don't know how to put it in words.

"Master, I advice you to have some time with your daughter, she felt lonely as her family is not there for her."

"But... I gave her some luxury and..."

"Luxury is nothing if their parents aren't there, it will only make them turn more twisted, enjoying themselves on richness thinking they will feel happy expending, just to satisfy their completely empty happiness. Master, your daughter is only 5, she needs the love of her parents, not the money that was given to her, also she was getting abused by those filthy servants thinking they have an upper hand because of that garbage of a husband of yours.

Unfortunately, I can't kill them because of that Garbage of a husband of yours, they have his backing... Should I kill them silently and turn them into a missing poster like those on the road?"

"I guess your right...I thought luxury will be enough to say I love her but hearing that...*sigh*, I also want that garbage to die but he has the backing of his family if I lost their support my daughter's future would be grim.

Jun, you know I don't want my daughter to be implicated in the underworld, and the mafuyu company is only for her, she will be its CEO  and I have to make sure of it.

...also, those know what to do."


Knowing the reason why I can't kill that garbage of a husband of hers, I decided to discard the thought, I guess I have to make sure that my master's daughter will have an upper hand in the future.

After that talk, a rumor in the mansion that some maids are missing, my master garbage of a husband is frustrated at this and decided to employ some people who in turn my lackeys, they will serve as an eye for my master's daughter.

"Aagh!!! I beg of you!! Please!"

"I beg of you please, such word. Did you also listen to my lady's words when you slashed her legs with a whip Mrs, Cordle?"


"Can't say a word? Then I also won't say a word about your body being thrown into the ocean...first, let me torture you more."


"Don't worry, no one will mourn for you, no maybe some friends? But at least you don't have a family because you just sell your son right? Don't worry, I save your son, he is here you know? You can enter now."

A door opens and an appearance of a 12-year-old boy, with messy brown hair and blue eyes. He looks at Mrs. Cordle with hatred with no love in his eyes.

"Hey... Fancy seeing you here, it's me, your son who you sell 5 years ago. Look, see my arm and eyes? Missing right? Don't worry, Ms, Jun will make me a prosthetic arm."

"C-carl!? I- I have no choice!"

"Yes, you have no choice, because you have a debt to loan sharks right? The money you take from them just wasted on gamblings..."

"Okay. I don't like this kind of dramatic story so... It's up to you, do what you want to do with her."

I give the whip with thorns to him, he grins evilly while Mrs. Cordle has an expression of fear.

A son torturing his mother?

Now that's new to me.

After a few minutes, it seems that Mrs. Corsle died due to blood loss, afterwards, I train Mr. Carl to be a coffee master, and I ask permission from my master to build a coffee restaurant.

She ask why and Injust said for collecting information.

She gets what I mean and we secretly build a coffee restaurant called "Coffee de Amore" I know. But we can't think of a name.

My master did what I said to her, she left the Mafia to me while she have time with her daughter.

Day by day their bonds grew stronger, and they even slept together which id heartwarming, I also want to pinch my lady's cheek because of how chubby it was. Their days js completely wholesome.

However, it didn't last long.

When my lady turn six, my master died due to a plane crash, I blame myself for not going together with her. I mourn her death for days.

Many mafia gangs tried to overwhelm the astral, but the morals of my members turn to worst, same to me.

My master was like a mother to me. And I was stuck in my room with her dress that I am hugging for three weeks.

I neglected the mafia and was completely obliterated, some members turn to the enemy side. And some who are loyal die in vain.

When I get out of my mourning, it was already too late.

I also found out that after my master's death, her garbage of a husband went home with a new mistress one day.

No one mourn, my lackeys turn to the enemy side. Which I quickly eliminate, no one mourns for my master.

Or so I thought.

My lady... She changes.

She began to be fierce and started shouting at the servants, no one is taking care of her, she keeps locking herself, and with that master garbage of a husband celebrating with his new turn to be wife, he didn't care about the existence of his daughter.

That's why I apply as a maid. No more like, I went to that garbage and introduce myself as my lady personal maid.

"Unfortunately sir, you are not my master, my former master is Glynda Octavia and my new master is Charllote Octavia, the Next CEO of Mafuyu Company, the Heir of the Octavia family."

"What!? She is still a child and what right do y-!!!"

I glared at him and he completely fell to the ground together with his mistress.

"Sad. Even if my master dies, her will was put on My lady, your share on the company is 3℅ while my lady's share is 70%."

"What!? How dare that bit-!!!"

I threw a dagger on him, which in turn made his face pale.

"I would like to refrain you from continuing that words that can insult Master Glynda. My hand might slip and who knows what will be the outcome."

"Are you threatening me?! The CEO OF MA-"

"First of all, I'm not threatening you but it is a warning, second of all... My lady is the true CEO."


"Oh? Has the garbage thrash finally spoken?"

I look at her without my emotionless expression.

"You see... I can do many things, for example, this."


A rough voice that comes to my back was heard, I turn my head and it was a man in a black suit with h knife on his arm.

There was a string all over his body which was unable to move, I tighten the grip and the string on his neck tightened and immediately sliced his neck. His head fell with blood gushing out on his neck and severed head.

I quickly threw an apple to the bitch mouth before she could even scream, I glared at the servants who were shaking.

"I guess, by performing something like this we concluded aren't we?"

I gaze at their pale face full of fears, I even saw the garbage wet on his pants, and the thrashy bitch fainted.

"Good, not answering means yes, also. I would like to say, if words come out please be relieved as you will understand what is a bad consequence. Now if you excuse me, I must go to my lady, I guess some of you will clean the mess, hm?"


The servants began to clean the mess. Such fine work, they move quickly but I hope they stop shaking.

I walk to my lady's room and started to knock three times.

"I told you I don't want to eat!"

I barge in destroying the door.

My gaze turns into the surprise blonde hair with adorable heterochromatic eyes.

She was seating on her king-size bed with a bunny stuffed toy in her arms embracing it tightly with tears in her eyes, she was surprised at me.

"Wha- how dare you! Get out or I will punish you!"

"Unfortunately my lady, you can't punish me nor hurt me, I'm strong, and your weak just like a bunny who is lost in a wilderness full of ferocious beasts. But this beast in front of you will protect you forever."

"I don't need you! You're just like them I hate all of you! You......"

I quickly hugged her and she was shocked but after a few seconds, she started to cry.

"Waah!!! Hic hic..."

"There, there, My lady, My name is Jun, Jun Pearl, it was nice to meet you, my master."

And this time, I will protect you and will let you explore the greatness of this world despite how unfair it is.

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