The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 10: CH 5.2

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Ji Ling looked with glassy-eyes at the silver-haired man kneeling on one knee in front of him. His back was straight, his head was slightly lowered, and his silver eyelashes quivered. His light-colored lips closed together, and he softly raised Ji Ling’s foot onto his knee...

It was just like a loyal servant serving his master…

up until when his boots were taken off. Wen Yan's cool fingertip accidentally passed over his ankle, and Ji Ling was startled all of a sudden. He immediately jolted out of the confusing image in front of him! What followed was blood-curdling fear!

No matter how obedient Wen Yan acted now, Ji Ling would never forget that he was a terrible villain!

The more submissive he was now, the more ruthless the revenge that was probably brewing in his heart.

Ji Ling knew full well how cruel and complicated this person was because he had gone through the book. He heard that after Wen Yan won the election, many nobles came out in person and protested for a re-election. After all, letting a few low-ranking civilians enter parliament was already their biggest political compromise. There was no way they could tolerate an ordinary civilian becoming Speaker of the House!

However, not long after, the protest leaders that could be killed were killed, and those that could be exiled were exiled. In the end, this dispute concluded with the support of Grand Duke Carlos.

After Wen Yan became the speaker, he had to face all kinds of infighting and conspiracy. However, he never lost even once. When Ji Ling died last life, Wen Yan was still alive and well; you could even say his power was heaven-defying. 

As an ordinary civilian, he was able to rise above numerous imperial nobles in the end… It wasn’t described in detail in the book, but the process was actually littered with blood shed.

Moreover, the description of Wen Yan in the book was quite mysterious. He was not only good friends with Ning Yu, but also seemed to collude secretly with Carlos. No one knew what he really wanted…

But the people who blocked his way all died.

Ji Ling thought that he was putting his life at stake trying to act out this plot. He unexpectedly had this vicious villain in front of him kneeling and taking off his shoes. Although he appeared haughty at the moment, he actually felt like he was facing a beast that was ready to bite at any time. Maybe in the next moment... he’d be sent back to the re-spawn point.

Ji Ling's lips shook for a moment. He considered the terrible consequences that would come if he got on his knees to beg for mercy. With difficulty, he endured the chills he was getting and kicked Wen Yan lightly on the shoulder. He said without looking, "All right. You can go…”

But before he could take his foot back, Wen Yan grabbed it in his hand.

Ji Ling froze, thinking, I was already so careful. I didn't even dare to really kick you, and you still couldn’t take it?!

As a result, in the next moment, Wen Yan bowed his head and landed a gentle kiss on the back of his foot. His expression was devout as if he were treating his only god and belief. His voice was soft and hoarse: “Be careful not to hurt your foot."

Ji ling: "???”

Wen Yan's action just now had already caused him to crash completely. His eyes stared straight and he was speechless.

Wen Yan slowly raised his head, and looked at Ji Ling’s lovely vacant expression. His lips turned to a very shallow smile, and the depths of his dark eyes showed affection.

How could he misunderstand the kindness of this young man again? Besides the few merciless words, when had Ji Ling ever really insulted and humiliated him? For example, this time... even though he was impatient to drive him away, it was just a gentle kick; A proud [tsundere], awkward and lovely kick that warmed his cold heart.

Wen Yan slowly let go and stood up: “Please rest. I will withdraw first."

Before leaving, he gently closed the door for Ji Ling.

Then, he stood alone with his back to the door. He raised his hand to look at his palm that still carried traces of remnant heat from the boy.

The moment he touched him, he wished he could disregard everything and hold him in his arms… kiss his eyes, the tip of his nose, and his lips.

He’d always thought he was restrained enough, and patient enough…

But just now, he knew that if he didn't release his hand in time, he might not be able to control himself, and do something to frighten the boy…

So he decisively left the scene.

Now was not the right time. Showing his feelings now would only make Ji Ling fear and loathe him. In the end, he’d only get farther and farther away.

Wen Yan's hand hung uselessly by his side. He slowly tightened it with a profound look in his eyes.

In order to be qualified to stand by your side one day... I will definitely go further and rise higher.

Becoming speaker was only the first step.


Ji Ling dreamt at night that Wen Yan was on his knees taking off his shoes. He kissed the back of his little foot with a respectful and devout expression. Then he raised his head, suddenly revealing a grim smile, saying ruthlessly: “Everyone who has offended me will not meet a good end.” Then Ji Ling looked down and saw that the foot that had just been kissed began to decay rapidly, revealing dense white bones, and immediately screamed in horror! Ahhhhh!

Ji Ling suddenly opened his eyes. His whole body was dripping in cold sweat... F*ck, what a terrifying nightmare!

Was this a case of 'what happens during the day is reflected at night?'

Ji Ling couldn't sleep anymore, and said to the system with lingering fear: [System, tell me, what was he thinking today? 】

System: [I don't know. 】

Ji Ling: [Don't you think your answer is too perfunctory? 】

The system said sincerely: [I really don't know what he was he thinking. If I knew, I wouldn't need a host like you to do the mission. 】

Ji Ling: […]

After a long while, Ji Ling spoke again: [Do you know why his behavior this time is different from last time? Is it maybe the butterfly effect again? 】

The system replied: [Possibly. 】

The system thought for a moment, then added: [It doesn't matter. In the worst case, we can just start again." 】

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Ji Ling: […]

Ha ha, he shouldn't have had any expectations for this *trashy system!

Ji Ling got up the next day with two panda eyes. He was absent-minded even when eating breakfast. His spoon poked at his bowl repeatedly.

Madam Marina saw Ji Ling like this and her heart ached as she said, “What's wrong with you, precious?”

Ji Ling smiled reluctantly and said, "Nothing."

However, Madam Marina was still extremely worried. She felt that Ji Ling had something on his mind. However, her child had grown up and if he didn’t want to say, she wouldn’t force him. She said, "If anything is making you unhappy, please tell mommy, okay?”

Ji Ling nodded cutely, but still firmly refused to say anything.

Madam Marina and Duke Ji Ting looked at each other, shook their heads and didn’t say more.

Ji Ling didn't want his parents to watch him with concerned eyes. After breakfast, he  quickly slipped out, and thought about how abnormal the bosses’ behaviors were lately. His heart was filled with worries that he couldn’t unload.

Didn’t we say that it’d be easier for the second run?

Didn’t we agree that after going through the plot once, it’d be an easy comp? 

Why do I feel like I’ve unlocked the hard mode doing this for the second time? 

How hateful!

Ji Ling picked up the snacks Carlos sent and ate in distress. At times like these, he could only cope with his sorrows by eating. 


Although Hardy was born on Empire Star and had the status of an “imperial aristocrat,” not every noble amongst the vast quantity of imperial aristocrats had hereditary titles and rich territories.

There were many people like Hardy on Empire Star. Although they seemingly had superior backgrounds, they didn’t actually have any privileges or family glory. They were members of the lowest tier of imperial aristocracy, and their living conditions weren’t much better than ordinary civilians.

For an ordinary aristocrat like Hardy, getting a job at the duke's mansion was already considered good.

Since many high-ranking, powerful and influential imperial nobles disdained the idea of using lower links to serve them, they were more inclined to employ people with noble status like Hardy. That’s why they were more likely to get employment opportunities with the rich and powerful families compared to ordinary civilians, and be considered dignified servants.

Hardy had been working at the duke’s residence for a long time now.

Recently, he’d been coming by Ji Ling’s quite often, because there’d be gifts almost every day from Grand Duke Carlos. Hardy always delivered them to the young master personally.

Every time he looked at these gifts, he couldn’t help but feel in his heart that while they were both imperial aristocrats, the difference between them was like heaven and earth. 

Today, they had received another gift from Grand Duke Carlos. He was about to deliver it to the young master, when he was stopped halfway by a tall, silver-haired man.

Hardy recognized him, and his eyes suddenly changed to show complex envy and admiration. Wen Yan, was a high-level evolver from a civilian background. He was not only fortunate enough to enter parliament and become a member, but he also had a bit of respect from the duke and the young master. His status was even higher than that of an ordinary aristocrat like him.

Although he was a little jealous, Wen Yan had always acted appropriately when handling matters. He treated the servants with respect and courtesy in his everyday interactions, and occasionally, even sent gifts to give Hardy some face. That’s why he asked politely, "What can I do for you?"

Wen Yan glanced at the gift box in his hand and asked with a smile: "Is this a gift for the young master?"

Hardy said: "Yes, this is from Grand Duke Carlos for the young master. Lately, his people have been delivering gifts here every day."

A cold tint flashed through Wen Yan's eyes and he asked, “From Grand Duke Carlos? He didn't seem so hospitable before. "

Hardy laughed and said, "Yes, who knows why he suddenly became so attentive to the young master? Last time at the young master's coming of age banquet, he even gifted him Blue Ocean Star! That incident caused quite a stir in the entire Empire Star. Who doesn’t know how much His Excellency Carlos cares for the young master now… " He lowered his voice, “Many people outside say that this is because His Excellency Carlos and His Excellency Ji Ting are allied, but I don’t know if it’s true or false. "

Wen Yan looked pensive and smiled a moment later: "I see. Whether it’s true or false is not something for us to fret about... I was just about to go to the young master. Why don’t you give me the things, and I'll help you send them over?”

Hardy didn’t doubt him at all. He smiled and handed the gifts to him saying, “Okay. I’ll have to trouble you then.”

Wen Yan smiled: “It’s nothing.”

He watched Hardy leave. After a while, he weighed the box in his hands, and his expression turned cold.

After his rebirth, he’d been constantly coming and going from other places. He also hadn’t decided on how he’d face Ji Ling. For a time, he was busy and hadn’t paid attention to Ji Ling’s affairs. When he got up this morning to check on the state of things, he’d found that much had changed on Empire Star compared to last life.

Carlos not only appeared at Ji Ling's coming of age ceremony, but also presented a hefty gift in public.

What caused Carlos to change like this?

If he could be reborn, then… why couldn’t other people?

Wen Yan stayed on the spot for a moment, then turned to leave with the giftbox.

But the direction he headed in wasn’t towards Ji Ling. He silently left the Ji residence through the back door. Remembering what Carlos did last life to Ji Ling and how he stabbed him in the back, Wen Yan’s phoenix eyes flashed coldly. His thin lips pursed, and he dictated each word clearly to command the hover car OS.

"To the residence of Grand Duke Carlos."

Translator’s notes

*Spicy chicken ( 辣鸡) has the same pronunciation as trash and I couldn’t think of a similar homonym in English >_<.

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