The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 16: CH 8.2

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Brandon thought of that as he slowly closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, he went back to 200 years ago.

It took Brandon several days before he finally accepted this reality, and realized that it wasn’t all his imagination. He really was reborn. Immediately, an unstoppable notion swept through his mind like a storm, and occupied all his thoughts. That was… Is Ji Ling still alive and well?

Brandon really wanted to go see Ji Ling directly, but he was very clear that he didn’t have an excuse to go right now. His status and the current situation didn’t allow him to act as he wished, so he could only try his best to suppress his inner impulse.

He waited patiently, ever patiently…

for the youth to appear in front of him again.

Brandon clearly remembered that soon after he came back from Nadeau Galaxy with Ning Yu, Ji Ling came to the army out of jealousy to give Ning Yu some trouble. He then threw Ji Ling out mercilessly, and publicly humiliated him, making him a joke amongst all the aristocrats. He was so disgusted with this kind of cowardly rich kid that cared for nothing but themselves and lived luxurious depraved lives on Empire Star. These people even had the nerve to humiliate the heroes who fought so bravely in battle. They simply did not deserve everything they had now! And they certainly did not deserve respect!

It was this despicable side of those depraved aristocrats that prompted Brandon to stand by Jing Sui, and decide to change everything.

But this life, he was so looking forward to today. Not because he could vent his anger and disgust, but... because this was the only reasonable excuse for him to see Ji Ling. He really wanted to see him one more time. 

His impulse to see Ji Ling even briefly overshadowed his battle with Carlos, which was a fight for his ideals, his beliefs, and his everything. 

Even yesterday, Brandon was absent-minded all day, and couldn’t focus on handling official matters. He waited for someone to report news of Ji Ling the whole time, and kept thinking about how he should face him.

The youth was just spoiled. He only acted so impulsively because he loved Jing Sui too much, and didn't mean to hurt anyone. He was different from those depraved nobles. This time, he definitely wouldn’t treat him so ruthlessly. Just the thought of seeing the youth again, made him want to protect him from even the littlest injustice. However, Brandon waited the whole day and Ji Ling still hadn’t arrived.

Then Brandon subconsciously realized that some things had changed after his rebirth without him knowing. For example, Carlos and Ji Ling.

News of Carlos' actions had spread all over Empire Star. What was that sinister diabolical bastard up to this time? Last life, he killed Ji Ling, and this life, he was trying to win over the Ji Family with much fanfare. Did he intend to manipulate them again? Was Carlos also responsible for the change in Ji Ling's behavior?

Brandon's heart was heavy. He knew that even if he was reborn, it wouldn’t be simple to achieve his goal, because there were too many variables and things were quietly changing in the background.

Because of these changes, Brandon believed Ji Ling wouldn’t come.

However, at this moment, he was suddenly notified of an incident by his subordinates. Brandon immediately put everything down to go over without delay. He could finally see the young man he was indebted to again. The youth was currently vivaciously acting recklessly in public, still beautiful and dazzling.

Last life, I never understood him properly. I only felt hatred and disdain for him. Although he’d saved me once, that still didn’t change. I thought this was just him being angry and impulsive, because he didn’t know his place in the world.

He had only ever seen what was on the surface. 

After all, it was his prejudice that made him unwilling to really understand, and see the youth’s true heart. He hadn’t discovered the boy’s pureness and bravery. If he had cast aside his prejudice to really look at him even once, would he have understood?

Brandon’s heart was heavy with regret and self-blame. It was only when they actually met, that he realized he didn't know what to say.

Even in the face of different alien races, overwhelming floods of enemies, and bloody battlefields, he didn’t flinch. However, he hesitated at this moment, and it took him great courage to finally say one word.

As a result, Hawk, that bastard, couldn’t wait to jump out and block him!

Brandon had long known that Lieutenant General Hawk was one of Carlos' men, and a chess piece that he’d placed in the army. Why would he suddenly jump out when he didn’t appear last life?

The answer was easy to guess. Only Carlos’ command would make Hawk do something as risky as get in his way. 

So, Carlos, what do you want this time?

Brandon took a deep breath, put those confused thoughts away, and looked at Lieutenant Hawk coldly, saying, "Lieutenant General Hawk, do you know what you’re doing?"

Lieutenant Hawk frosted over. He knew how terrifying and merciless the man in front of him was. He forced a stiff smile and said, "I know you’re angry, but nothing serious happened. It was just a few words. Someone as great as yourself must be as magnanimous, so why bother with a child? Besides, offending Grand Duke Ji Ting for this isn’t worth it, is it? "

Brandon's expression went cold.

Lieutenant Hawk’s forehead dripped with cold sweat. Just as he was feeling uneasy...

He heard Brandon say each word clearly: "You… take care of yourself."

Lieutenant General Hawk paused for a moment, then bent down hurriedly. His face muscles stiffened slightly from fear: "Yes, I know."

Lieutenant Hawk thought: Sir Brandon was actually so angry. It seems that he’s for real. I must report this matter to His Excellency, Carlos!

The soldiers thought: Marshal Brandon actually humiliated Lieutenant General Hawk in public without giving him any face. It looks like he was really angry!

Ji Ling had already gone.

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Lieutenant General Hawk had also left, fear-ridden.

Brandon finally turned his attention to Ning Yu, and a complex look passed through his eyes.

This was the person he admired most in his previous life. Ning Yu was an excellent soldier with noble ideals and a comrade-in-arms who watched his back. Although he came from a civilian background, he wasn’t inferior to any noble. He was, without a doubt, powerful and outstanding.

A good soldier should not be drowned because of his background, so Brandon never hesitated to support him. Ning Yu never failed to live up to his expectations. Every task was completed well. In fact, he only provided him with an opportunity. Ning Yu achieved everything he had today by his own merit.

By his own power, he proved to the whole world that civilians were no worse than any aristocrat. The only thing they lacked was equality.

All of this had once attracted him so much, and for a period of time, this kind of appreciation had even evolved into a kind of hazy love. But then what…?

Brandon carefully reflected.

After Carlos' death, he was busy cleaning up traitors and reforming the government with Emperor Sui. The long-standing disorders of the empire did not end simply with the death of one person. They still had a long way to go.

He thought that after Ji Ling's death, Jing Sui and Ning Yu would happily get together, but to his surprise, the two coincidentally ended their relationship mutually. In the end, they didn’t become lovers, but friends. In other words, they were business partners for the sake of advancing towards a common goal, nothing more.

It was also at this time that he realized that he may have never really understood Ning Yu as a person.

Normally, upon hearing that Ning Yu and Jing Sui weren’t together, he should’ve been happy. However, the fact was that he didn’t feel that. He calmly and indifferently buried those budding feelings and never brought them up again.

Ji Ling's death seemed insignificant, completely inconsequential,  but it quietly changed many things.

He may not have been sure of his feelings for Ning Yu, nor of his complicated feelings for Ji Ling, but Brandon was absolutely sure of one thing this life.

If Ji Ling was really as terrible as he appeared, how could he have had the courage to do something like that. When everyone had given up, he had resolutely appeared in front of him...

I am the one who owes him. This life, I will never hurt him or give anyone the chance to hurt him.

Brandon looked at Ning Yu apologetically and said in a husky voice, "You’ve been wronged."

Ning Yu's gentle green eyes looked calm. Relaxed, he smiled and said, "You know. This is nothing."

To him and many civilians like him, this kind of humiliation was something they’d seen so much of that they were used to it.

Ning Yu was surrounded by several good friends, all of whom had gone through life and death with him. They heard him sound agrieved yet helpless, so they vented their dissatisfaction with Ji Ling one after another.

"Marshal, you don't know how hateful that scum just now was!”

"We fought to the death for people like him, yet he could still insult us as if he was in the right. What right does he have to look down on us?!”

“He really makes me feel angry and disappointed!” 

"If Lieutenant General Hawk hadn't stopped me, I would have disregarded everything and killed that trash first!”

“Isn’t he a noble? Even if I exchanged one life for another, I would've still won out!"

Brandon looked at his indignant underlings, feeling pained and conflicted. This was unfair, and Ning Yu shouldn’t be okay with this kind of treatment because of his birth status, but this time... he couldn’t give him justice.

Not only that, he looked at these people belittling and insulting JiLing, and a trace of anger emerged in his heart.

You guys don't know anything. You don't know how brave that young man is. He isn’t like what you said. He’s different from those despicable and depraved nobles.

You don't know anything!

Brandon clenched his right hand and suddenly said, "Enough!"

Brandon's thunderous rage suddenly scared them and shut them up. They seldom saw the marshal so angry, because there were very few things that could deeply move him…

It seems that the marshal also vehemently despises this kind of imperial leech. That’s what they anxiously thought, until they saw...

Brandon's eyes sweep over them, his face was cold and his thin lips pressed tightly. He pronounced each word clearly: "It is a prejudice to judge a person by their cover. Do you understand?"

Ning Yu suddenly lifted his line of sight, revealing a perplexed expression.

Soldiers: "???”

Could it be that… the one you were angry at just now wasn’t Ji Ling?

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