The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 18: CH 10.1

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Carlos raised his hand to touch Ji Ling's head, saying lightly: “Since you don't like him, let’s have him disappear."

Ji Ling’s lips shook. He looked at Carlos dazed, eyes dull.

Carlos saw Ji Ling looking stupid, and revealed a doting expression. The corners of his lips rose. Although getting rid of Ning Yu now wasn’t in his plans, and this chess piece could’ve found more use... as long as Ji Ling was happy, it didn’t matter much.

His laughed faintly in a magnetic voice, “So don't be unhappy anymore, all right?”

Those magnetic words fell on Ji Ling's ears. He looked absently at Carlos' smiling brown eyes that were indifferent [to Ning Yu], and suddenly realized that he was serious. He might really do something to Ning Yu!

This thought almost made Ji Ling break out in cold sweat. If Carlos really killed Ning Yu off now, what would he do about the mission? How would the following plot unfold? Although he didn’t know where Carlos’ brain went, and why he didn’t play according to his usual strategy, this kind of thing could never happen to Ning Yu!

Even if he died, Ning Yu absolutely couldn’t die!

Ji Ling suddenly stood up, and avoided his gaze uneasily. He coughed softly and said: “…Forget it."

Carlos looked at him as if he had some doubts.

Ji Ling's heart raced, trying to figure out what excuse to give to end the topic. After a while, he looked up and said in a haughty and disdainful voice: "Wen Yan is right. His Majesty couldn’t possibly look favorably on him.”

He was afraid he didn’t say it clearly enough to dispel Carlos' intentions, and added earnestly: “He’s just a lower being. Disputing with him would just lower my status. I don’t need to mind him.” 

When Ji Ling finished speaking, he found that Carlos and Wen Yan looked at him with very complicated expressions, and immediately jumped in fright. There shouldn’t be any big problems with what I said just now, right?

Why are you guys looking at me like this?

Ji Ling felt uneasy in the face of two terrifying villains,  but he could only put on a bold face and continue to pretend.


Carlos looked at the young man who was obviously kind at heart, but pretended to be arrogant and disdainful... A kind of tenderness slowly rose up from the bottom of his heart. For him, this type of feeling was very novel, because there were very few things and people in this world that could make him soften. However, this youth’s every move could always touch his heart and bring up the softness that still remained. 

The youth was still so kind-hearted. Just like when he had faced him last life. Was he disappointed, suspicious and troubled that time? Even in a life and death crisis, Ji Ling still chose to hide his whereabouts from Jing Sui, treating him mercifully.

No matter what kind of unfair situation he experienced, no matter what kind of mess he was forced into, he never betrayed the bottom line of his morals. Under that domineering appearance, was a heart purer than anyone’s. Once you saw past his outer appearance, you couldn’t help but be deeply captivated.

That’s why although the youth was so jealous and troubled, he didn’t truly think of hurting Ning Yu. He couldn’t bear to destroy the life of a mere lower being, but he also couldn’t put down his noble facade and pride, so he pretended awkwardly that he didn’t care…

Was there anyone in the world cuter than this little fellow?

Carlos’ expression became gentler and deeper.

Wen Yan stood to the side quietly. He lowered his eyes, and suppressed the complexity surfacing in them. In fact, when Carlos had proposed to get rid of Ning Yu just now, he had no intention of stopping him. It was perfectly normal for him to ignore the lives of others… As long as Ji Ling was happy, what was the sacrifice of one of his so-called ’fellow people?’

But what he didn’t expect was that the one who finally stopped Carlos was Ji Ling.

Ji Ling who hated and envied Ning Yu…

Ji Ling, an aristocrat on high…

Compared to his selfish and hypocritical self, that seemingly arrogant youth was actually more caring about the lives of others.

He would rather add to his own problems than really hurt another person. The fierce youth pretended to be domineering and vicious, but in fact, his heart was kinder than anyone else. He was even willing to defend his "enemy.” Only when Wen Yan saw all this clearly did he realize that his ugly self, that was so full of lust to dominate the youth, had completely missed this beautiful aspect of him.

Compared to the youth’s pure sunshine, his heart was as black as an underground abyss. He felt so ashamed.

Ji Ling looked at the two villains who suddenly went  silent: ? ? ?

He thought, horrified, Was my attitude change too abrupt just now, arousing suspicion? 

Just as Ji Ling was uneasily preparing to ask the system for help, Carlos suddenly let out a low laugh. In his gentle brown eyes, there seemed to be a deep and dark whirlpool. He said slowly: "Sorry, what I said just now was a little inappropriate... Someone of your status obviously doesn’t need to fuss about him. 

Ji Ling suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Carlos seemed to have dismissed the idea, right? Right now, he didn’t dare continue to act jealous of Ning Yu, afraid that he’d overdo it.  Carlos, that terrifying big baddie, could easily threaten to kill again upon any disagreement, so he could only hope this matter would quickly pass. 

Ji Ling put on his proud face and hmphed.

Carlos took in this sight greedily. Under those quivering golden eyelashes, was a light blue as clear as the most beautiful gem. Even that arrogant facade he put on was so adorable that Carlos couldn’t look away. His Adam's apple stirred and he pressed down the strange desire in his heart, reluctantly standing up.

Ji Ling's heart brightened. Was the big villain finally ready to go?

Carlos looked at him deeply: “The next time you want to deal with someone, let me know, and I'll take care of it for you, okay?"

Ji Ling said to himself, How could I let you help? Anyone you catch is a dead man. There wouldn’t be any plot to continue. I’d be dead to ask for your help!

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He blinked and said perfunctorily to please him, "I know, Uncle Carlos."

Carlos looked at Ji Ling’s dissenting gaze. He obviously hadn’t really taken his words to heart. This boy was still so willful… Carlos helplessly shook his head. It looked like he’d have to look out for him even more carefully. If Rhodes hadn’t sent notice this time, and Brandon had really retaliated, how sad would Ji Ling be now? 

He would never allow the events of last life to repeat for the youth again.

Wen Yan stood up at this moment, and said respectfully to Carlos, "I'll send you out."

Carlos gave him a meaningful look, gripped his cane, and turned to leave.


Wen Yan was half a step behind Carlos. His eyes fell on the back of the brown-haired man in front of him, and flashed with maliciousness. 

Last life, Ji Ling was incited into finding Ning Yu and giving him trouble. You actually wanted to see that, didn’t you? The only reason why you didn't take the initiative to intervene is because you knew there were many nobles who shared your sentiments. They don't like Ning Yu's success either, and would do everything to make Ning Yu fall hard. Everyone was just waiting to see Ning Yu make a fool of himself…

However, Ning Yu is a person valued by His Majesty, after all. Coming out like that would make it clear that you were against Jing Sui. That’s why everyone was just watching from the side, not willing to be on the front lines. Only Ji Ling was silly enough to jump out without hesitation…

But that’s not the reason you can never be forgiven.

You released that video to make everyone on the net attack and ridicule Ji Ling. That is completely inexcusable!

There was a sliver of ice in Wen Yan's eyes.

There were many people who could’ve made trouble for Ning Yu... But you were the only one who could have made what happened at the army public, when both Jing Sui and Brandon were trying to prevent it. You only had to gently fan the flames from behind by releasing a video, and Brandon and Jing Sui would get viciously slapped in the face. You showed those ignorant ordinary civilians... how their beloved heroes were belittled and slandered by nobles.

Then, it’d be impossible to calm the anger and distrust planted in their hearts even if Ji Ling was punished later.

You were the mastermind behind the scenes controlling everyone. Without any heavy artillery, you easily turned around the situation that Jing Sui painstakingly created. However, I never thought that… Ji Ling, who was pushed out by you as a chess piece, would be put in the difficult position of being attacked from both sides.

He probably never imagined that the man he trusted so much that he called ‘Uncle Carlos,’ would send him to the front lines so mercilessly.

Now, what do you have in mind this life when you’re "protecting” him? Do you really want to protect him... or is it another scheme?

Wen Yan knew Carlos so well that there was no way he could believe that the man would treat a person sincerely.

At this moment, Carlos stepped forward, and looked back, staring at Wen Yan deeply. His thin lips raised, “If you have something to say, you may speak now.”

There was coincidentally no one else here.

Wen Yan slowly raised his head, and took off his ever humble facade. Any emotion in those pitch black eyes was imperceptible. He looked at Carlos straight on without hiding or running.  

Carlos tapped his cane on the ground, and the sound of stone on stone could be heard as it collided with the rock tile. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle’s and his lips curved teasingly. He said in a low tone: "Let me guess... You want to know why I came here today.”

Wen Yan's black eyes seemed bottomless. A moment later, he said in a clear cold voice: "No, what I want to know is… What do you want?"

Carlos suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at him coldly.

Wen Yan wasn’t afraid of Carlos's imposing manner. He lifted the corners of his phoenix eyes up, inspecting closely. With a hint of aggression and forcefulness, he said: "If you only want to pull Ji Ting to your side, there’s no need to do this.”

Carlos' killing intent slowly surfaced. 

He didn’t like this kind of fearless person who didn’t know their place. Even more so,  he didn’t like people who were difficult to control. Wen Yan happened to be a person who fit both criteria.

Carlos said in a cold tone, emphasizing each word: "Last time, I told you to manage your own duties, and not be wishful. It seems you didn't take it to heart.”

Wen Yan smiled lightly, and said with discretion: "I said this last time as well. I don't know what you mean. The Ji family is just a stepping stone for me. All I care about is our plan.”

Carlos stared at him, and suddenly stepped forward. He laughed meaningfully into Wen Yan’s ear, “Really? Then you wouldn’t care if what I want is Ji Ling? "

Wen Yan's hand hung uselessly by his hand and suddenly clenched. The veins immediately stood out. However, he quickly relaxed it the next moment, so fast that the action was almost imperceptible.

He shrugged his shoulders and gave a chuckle, “Of course I wouldn’t care.”

Carlos held onto his cane with both hands, and stared fixedly at Wen Yan, as if he was trying see through the real emotion in those black eyes; the real thoughts in this man’s heart. However, he couldn’t see anything.

If I hadn’t gone through last life, I might’ve really believed you.

Too bad.

Carlos’ lips raised into a sarcastic smile and he said slowly, "I hope you’ll remember what you said today."

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