The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 20: CH 11

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Ji Ling felt that he’d been so right in coming out today. He could even meet Ning Yu at such a far-out place, so there must be some kind of fate between them!

This was the destiny they spoke of in legends.

Deng Dong's words were deeply inspiring to Ji Ling. Every cloud had a silver lining, and those words renewed his thinking.

Before, he had almost driven himself into a corner. Although he didn’t have much of an excuse to make trouble for Ning Yu this life, he could just act like a big bully. Noble rich kids like them were inhumanely evil anyway. What reason did a bad man need to do bad things? He just needed to drag over the one that caught his eye.

Deng Dong only dared to play with the lowly slaves, and didn’t have the guts to touch a national idol with protagonist powers like Ning Yu. But Ji Ling was different! He had nothing to be afraid of.

Not to mention, his task was to be a vicious supporting character who clashed with Ning Yu... Even if he really went to kill Ning Yu, it didn’t matter, because of who he was. Reality was just that cruel. 

Of course he wouldn’t really kill Ning Yu. This was closely related to the next plot point, so Ji Ling was ecstatic that he’d finally found a reason to continue giving him trouble.

Ji Ling thought til this point, and looked at Deng Dong, his eyes filled with incomparable affection and gentleness.

I really found the right person. This is truly what you call a lackey!

Looking at Deng Dong now, Ji Ling felt that he wasn’t so unpleasant.  Although this boy seemed a bit boorish, he looked quite clever. His eyes were a little small, but he was very energetic. He had little freckles on his face, but they looked very cute. Even the strand of short green hair on his head was... Well, anyone who wanted to live decently, should have some green on him. That was also pretty good!

Under Ji Ling’s hot and tender gaze, Deng Dong got all ruffled. He was very nervous and uncomfortable. He felt lost for no apparent reason... suddenly, the light bulb up there flashed, and he jumped out of his skin. Could it be that… Ji Ling had a crush on him?! 

He thought back to Ji Ling's lack of interest in the slave auction below, and remembered how meaningfully and generously he had praised him... Deng Dong thought he had figured out the vital point. So Young Master Ji’s true target was me. That expression gradually set on his face...

His taste was really too unique.

Deng Dong cautiously glanced at Ji Ling’s delicate and incomparably handsome face. Such a noble and beautiful youth; He was like the dazzling young prince out of a painting.  Looking carefully, he didn’t lose to Ning Yu at all. He was beautiful in a completely different way; willful and reckless beauty…

Deng Dong swallowed his saliva subconsciously, his mouth dry. He’d always been the one playing with others, and never the other way around, but if Young Master Ji really wanted to play with him, he could…go along with…

His expression was strained and complex. A rare blush had emerged on his face.  Bashfully, he looked at Ji Ling  and fidgeted about waiting for him to say something.

Ji Ling felt a surge of emotion thinking that he could finally make progress on his mission, and shot Deng Dong a glance. For some reason, this dog was suddenly shyly wriggling around. He didn’t seem to be the bashful type though…?  And wasn't he the first one to express desire for Ning Yu? Logically speaking, he should have lots of experience doing these kinds of tyrannical things.

However, Ji Ling was too lazy to think more on it. He waved his hand gallantly, and gave a stingy evil laugh: "I have yet to play with any so-called stars of tomorrow. Bring him to me, and let this young master have a good time.”

Deng Dong: "......"

Ji Ling raised his eyebrows: "What, didn't you hear me? "

A while later, Deng Dong laughed dryly: “I did. I heard! I'll go right now. I promise I’ll bring him to you!"

Ahh, and I even thought Young Master Ji had a crush on me. He was really overthinking it. How could Young Master Ji fancy him? Deng Dong didn’t know why, but he was a little disappointed. Luckily, he quickly adjusted his mood.

Although capturing Ning Yu seemed a bit difficult, since Ji Ling had opened his mouth to ask, he had to complete his task well, and do it cleanly! 

Ji Ling was very satisfied with Deng Dong’s resolute reply, but he was a little worried that this guy was all talk. He didn't know what methods Deng Dong could use to secure Ning Yu.

Ning Yu wasn’t your average weak little flower, after all. Although he looked seemingly harmless, gentle and elegant on the outside, he was a high level evolver with real life combat experience fighting the bug clan! He’d triumphed through the blood and iron of war… so even combined, two rich kids were no skin off his teeth. There was no way they could win head on. Last life, he had to prepare loads of tricks in advance to barely capture Ning Yu. This time, they just acted on an impulse, so it was no wonder Ji Ling worried… 

Ji Ling hesitated a moment and asked, "What are you planning to do?"

Deng Dong was already in the zone. He patted his chest and promised: "I have my ways.” He gave a sinister smile and said, "I got my hands on something good. If we use it on him, I guarantee that even the strongest evolver will become a puppet on our strings.” 

Ji Ling gave a long “Ohhh”, and understood without needing to hear more. It sounded like this rascal was going to drug him. 

That’s Deng Dong's underhanded style for you. We’re still garbage rich kids in the end. The method is pretty dirty, but as long as it can get the job done, the rest isn’t that important.

So Ji Ling nodded in relief and said, "Go then. Bring him to me."

Deng Dong got his command and went, excitedly thinking that he might be able to play with Ning Yu too, by association with Ji Ling. Having a bigshot around was really different! Following Young Master Ji and committing whatever evil they wanted, doing whatever they wished... that feeling was so sweet!

Ji Ling left the auction site alone, and came to a spacious private room to wait. This place was more concealed, and was usually reserved for nobles doing shady plays, making it very suitable for their next actions.

Ji Ling paced back and forth in the room. Although Deng Dong seemed to have a well-thought out plan, he couldn’t stop worrying until the plan had been completed successfully. If he missed out today, there might not be another opportunity as good as this in the future. 

He couldn't help but think back to last life. Last time, he had gone to the army base to do some face-slapping according to the plot, and Brandon had driven him out. Because Carlos released the video, he was mocked by the whole online community, and became ‘incomparably jealous.’ He then took his dogs and his high level evolver bodyguard and kidnapped Ning Yu.  Ning Yu really was very fierce. He hadn’t even warmed up yet, and several of his men were hurt before they could finally capture him.

Ji Ling sat on the sofa, waiting nervously.

After about 20 minutes, the door opened. Deng Dong walked in front with his head held high, followed by two well-built evolver bodyguards. They were carrying a tall man in. The man seemed weak all over, and Ji Ling couldn’t see his face clearly since his head was lowered, but he still recognized his identity at a glance because of that slender figure and tapered chin.

Deng Dong had really gotten Ning Yu!

Ji Ling suddenly stood up, showing a surprised expression. He never thought Deng Dong would put so much effort into this…

Deng Dong was obviously very experienced with this kind of thing. Although Ning Yu had been drugged, he didn’t dare to be the slightest bit careless. After all, none of these powerful evolvers were simple. Two of his men quickly pressed Ning Yu onto the metal chair in the middle of the room. Both his hands and feet were fastened with special metal buckles. Only after that did the two step back and stand aside with their eyes lowered.

Deng Dong grabbed Ning Yu's hair and pulled it back to reveal a heroic and beautiful face. He looked up and gave Ji Ling a flattering smile. Respectfully, he said, “Young Master Ji, I got you the person you wanted.”

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Ji Ling looked at Ning Yu, slightly absent-minded.

The man in front of him wasn’t wearing a military uniform today, but an ordinary white shirt and black pants. His pants were tucked into black boots, making his legs look straight and slender. He was forced to sit in a chair with his neck raised, and his eyes were slightly closed. His green eyes were covered in a layer of white haze. A few strands of black hair were glued to his forehead with sweat. He bit his lip with force until a trace of blood oozed out, as if trying to keep himself awake.

He looked at Ji Ling coldly. In his hazy eyes, was a penetrating sharpness. His chest heaved up and down slightly...

Like a trapped cheetah, he looked dangerous, delicate and alluring.

Ji Ling looked at the handsome man in front of him. Although he was looking down on him from high above, he could still feel Ning Yu’s threatening aura and strength. Ji Ling didn’t dare underestimate him at all, even if he’d been completely trapped and unable to move...

This was the difference between an ordinary person and a real soldier.

There was a reason why Ning Yu could become a national idol.

He was strong, beautiful, and determined. His incomparable charm attracted people, and even people like Jing Sui, Carlos, Brandon and Wen Yan had come to admire him one by one ...

Ji Ling was almost captivated too, and his heart beat faster. The protagonist’s aura really was something to be feared!

Hey, I’m a straight male!

Ji Ling settled himself down with difficulty, and then looked at Ning Yu contemptuously. Like a [depraved] rich kid, he raised his hand and tilted Ning Yu’s chin up. He sneered, “You never imagined that you’d fall into my hands, right?"

From up close, Ji Ling stared at those green eyes and leaned in closer. This position was way too stimulating for him. It was as if he really was a dominating bully… He was both scared and excited.

Ning Yu stared fixedly at him and his breathing grew faster and faster. After a while, he coldly spat out one word: “Scram.”

Woah~ What a tough guy!

Ji Ling liked this kind of tough character. This guy was many times cuter than those two villains who didn’t play according to their usual routines. This immediately made him feel like he was acting in a story again! He immediately changed to the ‘angry from shame’ expression, and looked viciously at NingYu, while putting more strength into his hand.

A trace of anguish showed on Ning Yu’s face. His white skin flushed faintly, and he seemed to be going through something as his chest heaved up and down... Ji Ling didn’t know what bad things Deng Dong had used on him, but it wasn’t good to ask now.

He saw that Ning Yu was currently still aware, and his worries eased a bit. Last time, Ning Yu had the chance to ask Brandon for help before he was caught in his schemes. With his intellect and calmness of mind, he must’ve already sent out a distress signal this time as well. All he had to do was drag this out until Brandon came, so the hero could rescue the beauty. 

Ji Ling didn't know when Brandon would appear, and there were other spectators in the audience now. That’s why he acted his part especially conscientiously, showing a cruel look in his eyes. "What kind of plaything do you think you are? I've already got you in my hands, and you still dare to look down on me? Just watch me kill you!"

Ning Yu lifted his eyes slightly, revealing a cool and sarcastic expression. He was silent, but full of contempt.

Ji Ling was totally ‘tripped up!’

Deng Dong saw that Ning Yu refused such an honor and made Ji Ling angry. He immediately ran over like a good dog and chimed in, “Tch, I never expected your temper to be so fierce. Young Master Ji, how do you plan on playing with him?”

Well, this question had Ji Ling completely baffled. He really didn’t know how to play with people, but that didn’t prevent him from pretending to be mysterious. He narrowed his eyes at Deng Dong and said, "You still have to ask me things like this? Shouldn’t you have gone to prepare it first?”

Deng Dong was shocked, and immediately said shamefully: “My apologies, I didn’t think it through thoroughly enough!”

He didn’t have a single doubt about Ji Ling’s expertise on how to play with people. Instead, he was frustrated that he still hadn’t been considerate enough to take the initiative to prepare in advance. He had to let Young Master Ji play to his heart’s content.

Deng Dong immediately turned around and whispered a few words to the bodyguard next to him. Not long after, the bodyguard returned holding a silver box. He opened the box in Ji Ling’s direction. Inside, was an syringe with a special logo.

Ji Ling hadn't responded yet, but Ning Yu, who was tied to the chair saw the injection, and his previously calm and cold eyes sharply contracted. Then, he struggled desperately with all his might. The look in his eyes when he stared at Ji Ling was blood-thirsty!

Ji Ling jumped in fright at Ning Yu’s murderous eyes. What kind of toy was this that could make Ning Yu give such a big reaction? He immediately looked over at Deng Dong.

Deng Dong thought Ji Ling should’ve known, but he wanted to be a considerate dog, and explained just in case: "This is a gene breaker. The only reason an ordinary civilian like him could enter the army, and act so smug, is because of his status as a high level evolver, right? Once we use this on him, he’ll immediately become a useless person, and no one can cure him... When that time comes, Young Master Ji, you can play with him however you want. He won’t have the ability to resist you at all. Hehehe. "

As a depraved rich kid, who hadn’t Deng Dong played with before? Of course, there had been evolvers among them. So that he wouldn’t get beaten to death by evolvers who resisted when he played with them, this was just one of the methods to destroy someone. This wasn’t his first time doing this either. It was quite malicious.

Ji Ling looked at Deng Dong's unfeeling smile, suddenly feeling his heart go cold.

Deng Dong really didn't think it was a big deal to do this to a person, but... Ji Ling knew how cruel it was.

As an ordinary civilian, Ning Yu had achieved his status and glory today going through life and death. However, once he fell into someone’s hands, everything could easily be destroyed by even a trash chicken. From a beloved hero, he could be made into an aristocrat’s plaything. The proud Ning Yu could be dragged into the mud and stepped on… without any chance of ever making a comeback. 

If it was going to be like that, he’d likely choose death. 

This was how cruel things were. Once Ji Ling thought about it a little, he trembled with horror.

No wonder even Ning Yu changed his expression at the sight of it…

However, in the eyes of some aristocratic rich kids, destroying someone this way in order to please themselves was just an everyday thing, not even worth mentioning.

Deng Dong had no idea what Ji Ling was really thinking. Seeing the unfathomable and complicated expression on his face, he thought Ji Ling was annoyed that he was being too wordy, so he grabbed Ning Yu's hair. Pulling strongly to forcefully expose the side of that slender neck, he prepared to get started.

Ji Ling was so scared looking at this that his face turned white, thinking, FML, you can’t ah ahh ahhhh!

At the same time, he threw himself forward and shouted loudly: "Stop!"

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