The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 32: CH 17.2

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Brandon’s heart hurt so badly looking at Ji Ling’s sad and aggrieved expression. Hearing Jing Sui's blunt words just now, he’d suddenly felt as if a bomb had been triggered. All the dissatisfaction he’d held inside his heart instantly burst out.

You clearly know how much Ji Ling loves you. He just wants you to pay more attention to him; to spare him another glance. But even with this knowledge, you’d still scorn him and trample over his heart unscrupulously… 

As if his sincere feelings were just dirt under your shoes.

Do you know how he died last life? I bet that even if you hurt him like this, he’d still give his life for you...

But would you care? Probably not.

The boy’s sincerity shouldn’t be reciprocated like this.

Brandon held in the anger surging in his chest, and looked at Jing Sui coldly. He said in a sarcastic tone: “Your Majesty, it isn’t appropriate for you to dispute with a child like this, is it?"

Jing Sui lightly fixed his eyes on Brandon. He’d felt something had been wrong with Brandon just now, and at this moment, he’d finally confirmed it. However, what puzzled him most was why Brandon would want to defend one of those rich kids he used to look down on the most, and instead, neglect one of his comrade-in-arms.

This was totally illogical.

The one he should’ve protected was Ning Yu.

Jing Sui turned his head and looked at Ning Yu who hadn’t said a word since earlier. He had his eyes lowered and his presence diminished. Jing Sui furrowed his brows slightly.

Ning Yu...didn’t seem to think any of this was strange.

He’d just stood there quietly like a bystander.

A moment later, Jing Sui looked back and said lightly, “Since you’ve mentioned it, Brandon, then I naturally won’t bother any longer.”

Jing Sui was disgusted by Ji Ling's misconduct, since the boy was so stupid as to come and provoke Ning Yu at a time like this and mess up his plans. That’s why he said he’d have Ji Ting discipline him. However, since Brandon objected and Ning Yu had no opinion, then there was naturally no need to displease Brandon.

Compared to Brandon's support for him with the army, this trifle with Ji Ling was too trivial to matter.

While Jing Sui was ready to throw it under the bridge, Ji Ling wasn’t. It wasn’t easy coming across such a good opportunity, so how could he let Brandon just ruin it?!

He immediately stepped forward, looked at Jing Sui with his eyes flushed red, and persistently asked, “What did I do wrong? Nothing! Are you saying I can’t even beat this lower link?!” 

Jing Sui’s expression turned slightly cold. His thin lips pressed tighter, as if he was restraining his temper.

Brandon saw Ji Ling’s adamant persistence, and felt distressed and helpless. Although he knew that the youth was like this only because he loved Jing Sui too much... doing this was like making trouble out of nothing. It was completely groundless. 

As it felt like the two sides were at a standstill, a cool voice resounded from the side.

Carlos was dressed in a black tuxedo, looking elegant and poised. He leaned lazily on the tree trunk with his silver and black cane in hand. Ji Ling didn’t know how long he’d been watching from the side there, but at the moment, the corners of his lips were raised up. Lifting his line of sight, Carlos said with a chuckle: “The little dear is absolutely right. That’s just a lower being. How could he not be allowed to hit him?”

Jing Sui’s pupils constricted and his expression turned cold. He looked at Carlos intensely.

At the same time, Brandon also lost his temper. Although, between the two, he’d chosen to defend Ji Ling instead of Ning Yu, that was because his guilt from last life had tipped the scales of his heart. It didn’t mean that he could tolerate Carlos, that bastard, humiliating his comrade-in-arms!

Carlos met their eyes, and casually looked at Jing Sui.  He smiled and said slowly: “Isn’t that right? Your Majesty-"

The last two words were said with a long exaggeration, as if there was a trace of sarcasm and provocation in them.

Jing Sui's expression changed a little.

Ji Ling turned to look at Jing Sui, wanting to see his reaction. Although last life, Carlos had only watched the show from the side and didn’t join the mix, a lot of things were different this time. That’s why Ji Ling wasn’t that surprised at Carlos’ appearance. While Carlos' attitude wasn’t really important...

the male lead’s attitude was crucial.

The atmosphere felt frozen right now, like an ice abyss thousands of feet deep.  Even breathing sounds were clearly audible.

Amongst the silence, Jing Sui looked directly at Carlos; his golden eyes were cold and icy. He said steadily: “Major Ning Yu is a brave soldier. As a citizen of the imperial empire, he deserves his due respect, so please retract your inappropriate words, Carlos."

Carlos looked at Jing Sui.

After a while, he shrugged his shoulders and gave a languid laugh: “It looks like Your Majesty is set on protecting him then?"

Jing Sui looked at him lightly. His tone was calm, but carried the authority of an emperor: "Yes."

Ji Ling saw Jing Sui defend Ning Yu very strongly in front of Carlos, and really wanted to give him a thumbs-up. I love reliable brothers like you! You can’t perform a role better than that!

The tears swimming in his eyes from before had finally flowed out.

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Brandon looked at the youth staring at Jing Sui in a daze and crying silently. His heart hurt so badly, like it was being gripped by a hand. He’d always known Jing Sui was rational to the point of being ruthless. He knew that he wouldn’t stay his hand for anybody… but seeing a scene like this… made him feel, for the first time, anger and dissatisfaction for this friend he used to be so familiar with and trust in.

You just want to go against Carlos, and don't actually care whether the boy will misunderstand and get hurt.

Even if you hurt other people, you don’t realize it…  

Or you know, and just don't care.

Brandon clenched his fist tightly and closed his eyes in pain. Was he really qualified to reproach Jing Sui though? Seeing a scene like this reminded him of himself last life.

Was I also like this last life, not caring at all and hurting the youth?

Ji Ling looked at Jing Sui’s cold eyes, then glanced at Brandon’s conflicted expression. Finally, his line of sight rested on Carlos, who was standing languidly.

He saw these three big shots standing face to face like that, and saw the plot that had been butchered by Brandon and Carlos so badly that even the original author wouldn’t recognize it… Fortunately though, with his persistent efforts, he could pretty much say he’d achieved his goal! That was because Jing Sui had slapped him in the face for Ning Yu. Now, his deep hatred of Ning Yu could develop very naturally and he could start planning his next move.

There was no point continuing to stay here. It was time to withdraw.

Ji Ling wiped the corners of his eyes, pretending to glance at *Jing Sui hatefully, and appearing as if he couldn’t accept such a blow. Suddenly, he turned around and ran away in tears!

Brandon wanted to give chase, but Carlos was one step faster.

Remembering the youth’s trust and dependence on Carlos, Brandon held his step with a conflicted expression. Him appearing in front of the sad and hurt youth now would only make him feel more troubled and fearful. 

He clenched his right fist, and slowly turned back to look at Jing Sui. Pain flashed through his eyes. His voice was low and hoarse, carrying a hint of fatigue as he said:  “You shouldn't have been so harsh on him. He just... likes you."


Ji Ling left the scene of crime ‘heartbroken.’ However, it still wasn’t time to relax yet, because he knew Carlos was coming after him, and the rest of the scene had to go on.

Carlos, that old fox, was really too sharp. He’d never let him notice his abnormalities. 

Ji Ling ran to the edge of a pond, and stopped, panting. Turning around, he looked at Carlos, with tears in his eyes like he’d been wronged. Softly, he sobbed: "Uncle Carlos..."

Carlos took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the tears from the boy’s eyes. He said gently: "Don't cry."

Ji Ling told himself to cry! He had to keep crying!

Ji Ling’s eyes were red, and the tears flowed silently. He said: “His Majesty… He did this to me because of a lower link… He actually defended him like that…”

Carlos looked at the sadness in the youth’s blue eyes. The jealousy in his heart was like a poisonous snake spelling it out for him. Although he’d always known that Ji Ling liked Jing Sui, seeing that scene with his own eyes made him feel this jealous and miserable. He wanted so badly to possess the boy himself and make it so that he could no longer look at others or shed tears for them.

Ji Ling looked at Carlos’ dark expression, and remembered he was the type of big villain who would kill at the slightest disagreement. That’s why he didn’t dare bash Ning Yu in front of him again. Suddenly enlightened, he realized that even if he couldn’t mention Ning Yu, he could bring up Jing Sui! Besides, the emperor was someone Carlos really wanted to kill, yet couldn’t be killed! 

Ji Ling felt that he was simply too clever. He swallowed Ning Yu's name that was on the tip of his tongue, and instead, began to dutifully pile aggro on Jing Sui. He cried: “His Majesty also said that he’d tell my father to discipline me... Am I such an unreasonable person in his eyes?"

Carlos looked at the youth being resentful, and again remembered many things from last life. The depths of his eyes turned cold, and he couldn't help but want to murder Jing Sui.

Ji Ling thought, Both of them were big shots anyway. This way, he wouldn’t implicate someone innocent. He acted like his life depended on it, and asked with his eyes red: "I love him so much, so why doesn't he like me... He has to go and like a lower being. What’s so good about that guy?”

Carlos stared fixedly at him for a long time, and then he breathed out slowly. The depths of his eyes were as dark as a vortex. He gently embraced the shaking and trembling boy in his arms. His voice was soft and low as he said: “Don't like him then.”

How could that be possible? Even if I die, I have to ‘like' Jing Sui!

Ji Ling insisted: "I like him though!”

Carlos looked at the boy’s bright and stubborn eyes. Even if he scorned and hurt you like this, your feelings for him are unchanged. Why not hurry up and accept the reality?Why must you persevere even when you’re hurt black and blue?

What’s so good about that man to warrant your affections? 

He doesn't deserve your feelings at all.

Carlos closed his eyes and opened them again. The gentleness and tenderness in his eyes was covered by cold cruelty in the end. He laid one hand on the young man's shoulder, lowered his head slightly, and looked down into the boy’s eyes, saying: “You still don’t understand?"

Ji Ling stared at him dumbfounded.

He saw Carlos' thin lips part, and say in a low, cool voice: “No matter what you do, he won’t like you…”

"He will never like you."

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