The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 35: CH 19.1

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Ji Ling looked at Jing Sui's frosty golden eyes dejectedly. Hearing those cold cruel words come out of his mouth, Ji Ling was so moved that he almost choked on his tears.

What am I planning to do, you ask? Of course I'm going to make trouble for Ning Yu out of ‘jealousy!’

Ji Ling blinked, showing a heartbroken expression. As if he couldn’t accept such a response, he mumbled: “That’s not possible. How could you like a lower link like that…”

Jing Sui’s lips hooked upwards, and he said slowly, "Why not?”

When Ji Ling heard this, he was so happy that tears brimmed in his eyes. He asked panting angrily: "I like you so much, so why don't you like me?"

Jing Sui laughed. His voice was indifferent, and his eyes were mocking: "Who said that if someone likes me, I must return their feelings? If that was the case, then how many people would I need to like?"

His smile was calm, without so much as a trace of disgust or disdain. You could even say it was elegant and pleasing to the eyes; Even the angle of his lips was perfect and flawless. However, the calmness and indifference in it made one feel, even moreso, that they were unworthy in his eyes.  

Ji Ling’s face went pale and he bit his lip, refusing to accept the truth, yet at the same time, also refusing to give up without getting his answer: “That Ning Yu is a mere lower being. How is he worthy of your favor? How am I inferior to him?"

Jing Sui raised his eyebrow as if he’d heard a funny joke. He gave Ji Ling a deep look, and laughed lightly. He said clearly and slowly, “Besides your noble status, how can you compare to him in anything?” 

Although he didn’t think much of Ning Yu now, that didn’t prevent him from looking down on Ji Ling.

However, Ji Ling was a rich kid with no self-awareness. This type of character was by no means a rarity amongst today’s imperial aristocracy. These corrupt degenerates lived a fool’s life, and had long forgotten that they were once weak human beings as well. Lost in their current status and power, they neglected the weak people they looked down upon. This vulnerable population actually held great potential and threat to them.

Even though the imperial empire of today seemed all powerful,  those decadent aristocrats would eventually be the root cause of its demise. 

Ji Ling strongly agreed what Jing Sui had stated, and said to himself, ‘This male lead who follows the plot is the best, after all!’ Happily, he thought that he finally had a reason to fight Ning Yu to the death now! This was an important plot point that showed off Ning Yu's ability and facilitated progression of the gong and shou’s feelings. 

Although he was elated inside, he still had to have a humiliated expression on his face. Disbelieving, he exclaimed:"You… You think I can’t compare to him?!"

Jing Sui looked at him indifferently, his golden pupils shone coldly.

Although he didn’t say anything out loud, those cold indifferent eyes looked at Ji Ling as if he was an unreasonable piece of trash, a ridiculous farce. 

Ji Ling staggered back two steps, putting on an expression of despair. I guess this is about it for today. When he was getting ready to turn and leave, he was suddenly pulled over by a powerful hand. This pair of strong solid arms firmly wrapped around him in a burning embrace, so tight he almost suffocated!

Startled, he turned his head and found himself faced with Brandon's visage, so sharp and cold it could cut. The man’s gray eyes couldn’t hide his concern and sympathy.

Ji Ling's face really turned white this time: "..."

Don't do this to me, bros. It really messes me up.

Brandon came to the palace to see Jing Sui, and discuss Carlos' abnormal behavior as of late. He suspected that Carlos had been reborn. After going through rebirth, Carlos was undoubtedly a great threat to them, and the situation had already become urgent.

However, he never expected to see this sight when he entered.

The youth absent-mindedly took a step back, looking into Jing Sui’s blue eyes so despairingly and painfully that it immediately clenched at Brandon’s heart.

Brandon was quite familiar with Jing Sui, so even if he didn’t see what had happened beforehand, he could make a pretty good guess. His heart was full of rage and anguish, as he felt resentful in the boy’s stead. 

Although the youth wasn’t very powerful, he was actually very courageous inside. Such a delicate boy could brave the fires to save me. Despite the risk to himself, he could rush into danger just to help me. Even in the end, he was willing to die by Carlos’ hands for you.  

Who are you to look down on him?

Who are you to disdain him? To hurt him?

The rage inside him was uncontrollable as he thought of this. He firmly guarded Ji Ling in his arms, and looked coldly and sharply at Jing Sui, saying in a cool voice, "What are you doing?"

Jing Sui furrowed his eyebrows slightly. Last time at the banquet, he’d felt something was wrong with Brandon, but seeing how he protected Ji Ling now, his eyes couldn’t help but sink.  His lips pressed together. 

Ji Ling looked on dumbfounded. However, he soon came back to himself. Afraid that the reborn Brandon would continue confronting Jing Sui tit for tat, and say something he shouldn't, Ji Ling finally began to look a little anxious. This might spell trouble for his plot. 

It’s not a big deal if you’re reborn. Whatever, you guys can do whatever you want… but can you not ruin my plans? Don’t lead my cute lovely male protagonist astray!

Ji Ling blinked with tears in his eyes, and took a deep breath, shouting, “You let me go!"

Brandon had been full of worry and sympathy just now, so he subconsciously went and embraced Ji Ling. Seeing the youth struggle with his eyes red now made Brandon’s heart ache, and he immediately let go. 

Ji Ling turned around and ran.

Brandon looked at Jing Sui bitterly, and then gave a glance towards Ji Ling who had run far away. Without further hesitation, he turned to chase the boy.

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Ji Ling listened for any movement behind him as he ran. Seeing that Brandon had chased after him, he breathed a sigh of relief. At least he’d baited Brandon away from Jing Sui successfully. Now he had the chance to resolve this ‘problem.’

He weaved his way deftly around the familiar palace garden. Turning a corner, he swept a quick glance over a rock on the ground in front. He’d seen it, but rushed over on purpose as if he hadn’t. As he tripped and fell to the ground with a crash, a burning pain arose in his palm. F*ck… The fall hurt so muchhhhh!

Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought of the sacrifice he’d made for his act. He sat on the ground and turned around to see Brandon striding over. The man stretched his hand out to help him up. 

Ji Ling scuttled back on his hands. His face was pale, he cried out frightened: "Don't come any closer!”

Brandon looked at the youth sitting on the ground. Those alienating blue eyes were filled with fear, and his slender body was trembling slightly. Seeing this scene was like having a sword pierce through his heart. Am I so terrifying? I actually don’t mean him any harm at all...

Seeing Ji Ling like this made it difficult for him to continue with his actions. However, Brandon thought about his previous life. He remembered that Ji Ling had heard the rumors on the net, and was triggered by Jing Sui, so he went to challenge Ning Yu. In the end, he became the laughing stock of the whole starwide net… That’s why he still took a firm step forward, looked at Ji Ling seriously, and said in a hoarse voice: "I won't hurt you."

Actually, Brandon said this line the last time they met as well, but because Ji Ling hadn’t made the connection that he’d been reborn back then, he hadn’t believed it. Now, he had that in mind. Plus, Brandon wasn’t one to tell hypocritical lies either, so Ji Ling wasn’t really afraid of him anymore.

Despite this, he still pretended to be suspicious and looked at him warily, saying: “Then what did you want with me?”

Brandon saw that Ji Ling was finally willing to hear him out, and tried to put on a gentle expression. "I came to tell you that you aren’t any worse than Ning Yu. You don't have to prove anything.”

Ji Ling: "..."

Bro, you just exposed the fact that you’re reborn!

Brandon looked at Ji Ling seriously. He did actually think that in his heart, so not a word of it was a lie. 

Last life, he was deceived by Ji Ling’s rich kid facade, and hadn’t seen just how wonderful he was on the inside. That wouldn’t happen this life though. A person’s strength was never determined by comparing to one standard. Although Ning Yu was extremely powerful and outstanding, Ji Ling was no worse than him. Brandon sincerely believed that even though the boy was physically small and weak, his inner courage and resolute persistence would not lose to anyone. 

Unfortunately, he kept walking down the wrong path because of Jing Sui's neglect and disdain, in addition to the misguidance of those roguish friends around him. Step after step, he’d finally gotten to the point of no return. 

This life, Brandon hoped he wouldn’t have to watch the youth walk down that path again.

He could’ve had a much better life.

With never before seen gentleness, Brandon bent down to help Ji Ling up carefully, as if he were supporting a fragile treasure. He looked at the youth’s bloody palm in distress. Holding his hand, Brandon gently wiped the blood off with his own sleeve, and whispered: "You’re very good, I mean it.”

Ji Ling looked at Brandon's cold face, and watched him say those words with utmost sincerity. Although such simple praise was still crude compared to what Carlos and the others spouted, and his flowery language was way too tame, this was probably the limit of what an inarticulate man like him could express... Brandon was seriously re-affirming his worth.

Ji Ling wanted to cry but couldn’t.

He’d saved Brandon once last life, and successfully destroyed any good impression he might’ve had using disdainful words. As planned, Brandon really didn’t like him in the end. How is it that after rebirth this time, you suddenly think I’m so good then?! 

Weren’t you supposed to be an unshakable iron-blooded marshal who kept his friends and enemies clearly separated? Weren’t you supposed to be a supporting male with a deep-seeded secret crush on Ning Yu? 

You shouldn’t be such a fickle person!

But nothing in this world can dampen my resolve to go home. Nothing can stop me from continuing the plot!

Once again, Ji Ling used his ‘I don't believe you,’ ‘I’m not listening’ technique. He stared at Brandon with untrusting eyes and accused him in a loud voice: "Don't lie to me. How could you think I’m no worse than Ning Yu? Ning Yu is clearly your favorite subordinate. If it weren't for you, how could a lower link like him have such opportunities?” 

Brandon showed a pained expression and went speechless. Ji Ling was right. Ning Yu had indeed been promoted by him. He could only open his mouth: "I ..."

Ji Ling had ‘you’re a big liar trying to fool me’ written on his face. He pushed Brandon away hard and said through quick breaths: “You’re just saying that because you’re afraid I’m gonna make trouble for Ning Yu, right? Dream on. No matter what you say, I won't let him go! You just wait for the show! "

Brandon: "I wasn’t…”

Ji Ling: “That’s exactly what you’re doing!”

Brandon: "I ..."

Ji Ling: "Don't try to lie to me!"

Brandon: "You ..."

Ji Ling: “I’m gonna prove to you all that I’m no worse than Ning Yu. That lower link can just wait for his death!” 

After he finished, he turned around angrily and ran. He took two steps, then turned back and warned: “You’d better not come closer to me. If you come over again, I’m gonna scream. Auntie Saman will help me get justice!"

Brandon: "..."

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