The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 44: CH 23.2

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Genetic evolution agents were the foundation of the empire's existence. They were of the utmost importance to the imperial aristocracy, and every warehouse was heavily guarded by the empire’s troops. Ordinary people couldn’t even get close to them, let alone loot them. The consequence of any kind of stealing or smuggling was capital punishment! If one of the warehouses was looted, then there was only one possibility as far as Ji Ling knew…

As expected, Deng Dong continued and said: “Not long after the bill was passed, the genetic evolution agent warehouse on Saka Star was looted by the rebels. Even the governing lord, an SS-class evolver who was on site guarding it, was killed by Gabriel, the leader of the rebels. Apparently, none of the imperial aristocrats or soldiers present at the time were spared. Blood flowed like a river... "

There was a hint of fear in his eyes as he said this.

Gabriel, the mysterious leader of the rebels, was the only civilian evolver who could make imperial aristocrats fearful. They were even hesitant to say his name.

In the eyes of these nobles, all civilians, even SS-class evolvers, national idols like Ning Yu, or those beyond that, were still beneath them. So what if they had their time to shine? Before the powerful imperial aristocrats, these so-called civilian evolvers were ultimately all at their disposal. They had to follow their orders and abide by the rules they’d set. 

Even Ning Yu, a national idol and star of tomorrow, could be openly disdained and dishonored by rich kids like Rhodes. A superior race wouldn’t really respect a lower race just because of one kind-of powerful person.

But Gabriel was different. He was the only exception.

He didn’t need the respect of imperial nobles. He made them fearful.

No one knew what he looked like, who he was, or even his real name. Every time he appeared, he wore a silver mask, making his roots mysterious... Every time he appeared, the imperial nobles were really eager to get rid of him and continue on their merry way. They were both hateful and fearful, but completely powerless to do anything about him. 

The last reason [he was different,] was his strength. He was so strong that the entire imperial empire was helpless against him.

He was a civilian, but he actually had the strength of an SSS-class evolver… Amongst the entire imperial aristocracy, only Brandon and Jing Sui had SSS constitutions!

An evolver with this kind of strength could even completely destroy mechas with his bare hands... Ji Ling thought that this level of power would be similar to those spoken of in divine legends.

Although it was only one level higher than SS, the strength gap was as far as heaven and earth. SSS basically referred to a power level which was beyond any means of measurement.

Jing Sui was a member of the royal family, and Brandon, was an imperial aristocrat. They had noble blood and plentiful resources, but in so many years, the nation had only seen these two at such a powerful level. 

And that mysterious Gabriel of unknown background… All that was known of him was that he should be a civilian, and that he had reached this level of strength all on his own.

Ji Ling thought that he might be the real reason why Jing Sui was cautious of the rebels and decided to change the status quo himself.

No matter how many weak people there were, they weren’t even worth a glance. However, one strong Gabriel was more than enough to give the imperial empire a headache. As long as he didn’t lose his mind and serve himself on a platter or reveal his own identity, he could come and go freely wherever he wanted. His hands were covered in the blood of nobles, striking fear into countless imperial aristocrats’ hearts. 

Jing Sui and Brandon were capable of killing him, but with their status and identities, they couldn’t just stoop to the level of going around the world to kill a fugitive whose whereabouts were unknown. 

A few weapons of mass destruction could also kill him, but Gabriel was very cunning and clever. He never stayed in the same place for too long, and never gave anyone the opportunity to use those weapons. This made the chase feel futile. 

His very inception showed that loopholes had existed in the previous model of government, because of the fact that such an uncontrollably powerful evolver had been born from amongst the civilians… 

Powerful enough to make the whole empire helpless against him.

There was only one now… but what if there was another one, or even three or four in the future?

For Jing Sui, Gabriel himself wasn’t so fearful. No matter how strong he was, he was just one person. After all, the strength of one couldn’t compete with that of a powerful empire. Others might’ve been afraid, but not Jing Sui. If he dared to appear on Empire Star or reveal his identity, certain death would await him… What really made Jing Sui fearful was the infinite possibilities he represented. 

When the number of natural evolvers grew larger and larger, would the hearts of the people grow more unsatisfied, leading them to make a futile effort under a powerful leader to overthrow imperial rule? Perhaps there was still a long ways to go until something like that… 

However, Jing Sui looked far ahead, and saw that this possibility existed. Even if there was only an extremely small chance, he’d never allow such a thing to happen. He’d never allow his imperial rule to be shaken. Therefore, he took the initiative to change the current situation, so that civilians could truly become part of the empire, and be able to obtain what they wanted without the need for rebellion.

This way, rebels would no longer be necessary, conflicts would eventually disappear, the aristocratic influence would be weakened, and it would no longer pose a threat to imperial authority.

Then, Jing Sui would have an incomparably powerful nation completely under his control, and he would become its one supreme ruler.

This was Jing Sui’s real aim.

Ji Ling thought he was quite admirable if he looked at it this way. That was because the current state of the empire was prosperous and stable, and revolution was far from necessary. However, Jing Sui could see, at this time, the variables that might come into play countless years later. He could courageously make a decision like this and try to fix things now instead of waiting until the conflicts were irreparable. This was not something that just anybody could do. 

Usually, when someone possessed everything, it would be difficult for him  to take risks and make changes like this. Especially because he was challenging something the entire imperial aristocracy had interests in… rules that were deeply ingrained in them for countless years.

If he failed, all would be lost.

And as for Gabriel...

The cruel, cold-blooded, ruthless madman... All kinds of terrible insults were piled on his name, and the imperial nobles didn’t hesitate to use the most vicious ones to describe him. They made him sound like an nonconformist, inhumane terrorist. 

For all imperial aristocrats, cursing at Gabriel with this kind of language was politically correct. They used vicious words to hide the fears and dread inside their hearts. The media directed public opinion was controlled by aristocrats and also suppressed him in various ways. Their goal was to discredit him, isolate him and make people too scared to approach him and support him.

Actually, Ji Ling had also believed some of these words describing Gabriel in the beginning. The reason why he later felt that the aristocrats had been smearing his name was because … He had seen this person with his own eyes.

Shortly after the bug invasion happened, Ji Ling had begged his father to let him accompany Jing Sui to Nadeau Galaxy in order to progress the plot. On the way back after the end of the battle, Carlos betrayed him and sold him to the rebels.

That was the most dangerous experience he’d ever encountered in his last life.

Carlos and Jing Sui fought tooth and nail. Seeing that Jing Sui and Ning Yu’s names had once again resounded in fame from the battle, Carlos didn't want to see Jing Sui so happy anymore, and had his men sell out Ji Ling. After all, he was well known to be a high-ranking aristocrat. If he were to be robbed and killed by the vicious rebel troops, Jing Sui would have to pay the price for his death even if he didn't like him and send troops to suppress the rebels to avenge him.

However, these rebels were mysterious, good at concealing themselves, and hid with the cover of the people. Once suppression started, the slaughter of innocents and bloody murder were inevitable. 

That way, the image Jing Sui had painstakingly created of being close to the people would be completely destroyed.

Carlos forced Jing Sui to make a choice in this way, and Ji Ling was just a pawn he conveniently threw out to rouse the strong dissatisfaction of the aristocrats towards the rebels.

At that time, Ji Ling was taken away by the rebels, and was so scared that any guts he had were pretty much broken. He really was super scared! Although he’d heard that those rebels enjoyed killing nobles the most, that Gabriel was cruel, cold-blooded and inhumane… The plot in the book did say that he wouldn’t die, since there were scenes with him after this, but... there weren’t any details on this part!

As a malicious cannon fodder character, the words spent on him were few. It only mentioned news of his death at the beginning, and spent tens of thousands of words on Jing Sui and Carlos’ battle thereafter. At the most critical moment, it said he was able to suddenly escape, and help Jing Sui resolve the crisis in the end.

Ji Ling had only one word to say at the time: Motherf*cker.

He’d expected to survive, but how he’d live, until when he’d hang on until, and whether he’d be tortured or not… weren’t written out at all!!! 

As a noble rich kid with an abominable reputation, how could he have possibly met a good end after falling into the hands of those noble-hating rebels?

Just when Ji Ling was at the height of his fear and despair, he met the mysterious silver-masked man with black hair and black eyes.

The man hadn’t killed him or even hurt him.

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Ji Ling was able to feel the hostility and disdain of those rebel civilian evolvers towards him, so much so that he had a hunch he might’ve really be tortured or even killed if it wasn't for Gabriel.

But Gabriel hadn’t done anything, except imprison him. After a while, he let him go.

At the time, Ji Ling hadn’t understood Gabriel’s actions. He was just really, really scared and wanted to flee for his life. However, when he left in the end, he’d suddenly come to an understanding. Gabriel had also seen through Carlos' plot of inciting a war between the civilians and nobles, which would lead to a sea of blood. Gabriel didn’t want that. Although all his actions appeared to be radical, they were essentially done for the benefit of of the people, and not just to go against nobles out of foolish spite…

That’s why Gabriel hadn’t killed him.

If Gabriel hadn’t appeared then, I'm afraid I would’ve had to start my second run prematurely.

Although this silver-masked man was extremely terrifying, Ji Ling was suddenly less afraid as he left. He instinctively felt that... this man wasn’t as cold-blooded or cruel as people said, or a mass murderer…

He was clearly a very rational and calm person.

He’d even let his infamous rich kid self off without touching him.

Only later did Ji Ling think it through. Any smart person could probably see that Gabriel wasn’t just powerful, he was also wise. That’s why they feared him even more and wanted to smear his name, anxiously wanting to get rid of him quickly. 

Ji Ling came back from his memories, and gave Deng Dong a perfunctory smile: "Really? But His Majesty has already proposed to lower the price of genetic evolution agents and open them up to the general public. I doubt this kind of thing will happen again in the future."

Deng Dong showed a conflicted expression: “You’re probably right…”

Although it was a good thing that Gabriel wouldn’t rob more genetic evolution agent warehouses, the nobles were even unhappier about letting the civilians get stronger. It was all that Gabriel’s fault! If only he died! 

Deng Dong said bitterly: “He’s such a weirdo. If he has any courage, then he should show his true identity.” 

Ji Ling: Well, he’s not an idiot…

Rhodes also added discontentedly: "Oh, I reckon he’s so ugly he can’t show his face.” 

Ji Ling: Your jealous remarks are really cheap…

Deng Dong: "And what’s with his strange name? It’s so awkward to say. What is he playing at?”

Ji Ling paused, then remembered that it was currently the interstellar era thousands of years later. No one knew the stories of God from ancient earth. = = 

He coughed softly and said: "Gabriel is the name of an angel from the times of ancient earth. He was a noble archangel of God, and a symbol of wisdom "

Ji Ling said it very naturally as a matter of course. Then, he saw Deng Dong and Rhodes look at him with a: "?"

Deng Dong asked: "What’s an angel…?”

Rhodes said: "What is God…?”

Ji Ling: "..."

Although he thought it was a pain in the ass, he saw the expressions of these two curious kiddies, and explained: "God’s angels appear in ancient earth's religious masterpiece, the ‘Bible…’”

He spoke for half the day until his mouth was dry, giving them the general idea. They sort of grasped a basic understanding of what he meant.

After that, he saw that Rhodes and Deng Dong looked at him with extreme admiration as they said in unison: "I never expected you to be so knowledgeable, Young Master Ji! You can even explain these ancient stories about god so clearly! "

Deng Dong said: "I have a very very distant cousin with strong spiritual powers. He specializes in ancient history, but I bet he’s never heard of this."

Rhodes agreed: "This is my first time hearing about this. So there was such a myth on ancient earth.” 

Deng Dong: “That’s Young Master Ji for you.”

Rhodes: “I’m completely convinced."

Professor Ji Ling looked at them expressionless: "..."

Deng Dong and Rhodes praised Ji Ling to no end with beautiful words of acclamation, fully performing their duty as boot-licking dogs. They praised him to the heavens like no other, and then began to verbally attack Gabriel again.

Deng Dong: “By taking this kind of name, does he fashion himself a messenger of God? So arrogant, ahahahaha!"

Rhodes strongly agreed: “Exactly! So presumptuous!"

Deng Dong couldn’t help but add: "These lowly civilians are civilians, after all. They even believe in this kind of ancient myth. What God of heaven? Earth back then was so backwards. I can’t believe they worshipped higher civilizations as gods."

Rhodes sneered: “Right. If you were to go to one of those lower tier planets now where they haven’t seen shit, people would support you like a god.” 

Deng Dong: "Hahahahaha, you’re right!"

Rhodes: "So, there are no gods and deities. The people of earth were just too stupid and backwards.”

Ji stupid earthLing gave a deadpan expression: "Hehe."

Have you guys forgotten that the earthlings were your ancestors…? Now, is it really good to slander them like this?

Ji Ling decided not to continue being part of this stupid conversation. This kind of retarded discussion was just a waste of his time. He looked around absently while eating, and suddenly saw a figure in front of him. It scared him so much he couldn't stop coughing, and tears even came out!

Hurriedly, he bowed his head and tried to shrink himself into the corner. He told himself, I won’t be discovered, I won’t be discovered, I won’t be discovered...

At this moment, Rhodes and Deng Dong were coincidentally looking in that direction too. Seeing the handsome and noble man with black hair and golden eyes, their expressions changed to awe and respect. His Majesty was here too!

Ji Ling was preparing to slip away quietly…

when he heard Deng Dong perk up suddenly and shout to him with a loud voice that could be heard miles away. He said excitedly, “Young Master Ji! His Majesty is also here!"

Ji Ling really wanted to go and strangle him. His face paled as he looked up, and his eyes locked straight into the golden eyes of the man in front.

Ji Ling: "..."

Is it too late to go home now?

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