The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 56: CH 29.2

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Ji Ling woke up in a daze. He rubbed his eyes, and found that he was locked in a pitch black room. He couldn’t even see his fingers in front of him.

Beneath him was a cold metal floor.

His heart was beating extremely quickly, ba-dump ba-dump, and his palms were full of cold sweat. The terrifying experience of last life resurfaced from his memories again.

However, things were a little different this time. Last time, he had been caught by the rebels, and Gabriel wasn’t there at first. He had only appeared later when he was about to get killed.

This time, Gabriel had appeared and directly kidnapped him himself. All along the way, Ji Ling hadn’t seen any other rebel soldiers.

Ji Ling gave a sigh of relief at this thought. Although Gabriel was pretty terrifying, at least he was a rational leader! Luckily, he wasn’t one of those crazy lower ranked rebels who hated nobles with their guts. Those people wanted nothing more than to just kill him mercilessly.

When he was first kidnapped, Ji Ling was extremely shocked and surprised. Now that he’d calmed down, he found that there really wasn’t anything surprising about it. This showed that Carlos was still going on the same path as last life. He’d sold him to the rebels in an attempt to use his death to start a war, putting pressure on Jing Sui at the same time.

Thinking of this, Ji Ling cursed the old bastard a hundred times! He’d initially thought that Carlos was quite good to him after his rebirth, so he wouldn’t drop him in a pit again this life. It seems that he’d thought too much of Carlos. He shouldn’t have pinned any hopes on this kind of big villain!

Bad people don’t turn good because of rebirth after all.

Ji Ling took a deep breath. He told himself that no matter what, this was still his second time going through this experience. He had to stay calm. He’d already dealt with Gabriel once before anyway. Although the man didn't say more than a few words, he believed that a person like Gabriel wouldn’t kill him! There were no benefits to killing him, after all, because the rebel forces were simply not strong enough to challenge the empire at this point.

But...This was also what puzzled him. Since Gabriel didn't want to start a war, why did he kidnap him this time then?

This shouldn’t be the course of action he ought to take.

Ji Ling was a little uneasy thinking of this, but right now, he couldn’t do anything but fiddle his thumbs.

Who knows how long had passed while he was in that pitch black room. Everything was quiet, and all he could hear was his own breathing. In this dark and lonely environment, Ji Ling became anxious once again. At this time, he finally heard the sound of footsteps.

Suddenly, the door opened, letting in bright light. Ji Ling instinctively closed his eyes.

The piercing light made his eyes hurt a little. Looking up, his vision gradually went from blurry to clear. He stared fixedly at the cruel tall man in front of him wearing a silver mask. After a while, he put on a scared and frightful expression, as he said, "You… Why did you capture me? What do you want to do?"

The man didn't say anything. He just approached step by step, and looked at him from on high, as if he was admiring an interesting toy.

Ji Ling bit his lip nervously.

After a long while, he finally heard a harsh voice from under the mask. It sounded hoarse like his throat had been burnt. The man smiled and said: "Why did I capture you…?” He paused, and added in a meaningful tone: “Because Carlos told us that you’re very valuable."

Ji Ling’s pupil suddenly contracted. He widened his eyes in shock, and immediately filled them with fear. His lips quivered slightly.

If the fear before was faked, then it was 100% real fear now!

Something is wrong with this plot. Why did Gabriel answer my question so clearly? Shouldn't he have just ignored me like last life? Why did he have to tell me who was behind it? And so clearly, too... These actions make it seem like you’re telling me, because you’re going to kill the witness!

Ji Ling was almost scared to tears. He suddenly realized that so many things had changed this life, so perhaps Gabriel had also changed? Would this guy feel like killing him this time? Who could guarantee that this Gabriel would be like the one from last life?!

Those home-wreckers, Jing Sui and Carlos, are always fighting around with me in the cross-fire. Don’t they feel sorry for innocent little me?

Ji Ling's hand trembled slightly. His voice was stiff as he said with reddened eyes: "You… You’re lying to me. Uncle Carlos wouldn’t do this to me..."

“Really?” Gabriel gave a strange laugh. Stepping forward, he bent down and looked into Ji Ling's eyes. His tone was husky, as he said playfully: "So you believe in him to this extent…”

Covered in the man’s shadow, Ji Ling was filled with despair. From the moment Gabriel came in, he had thrown Ji Ling into a panic with his unorthodox behavior. Ji Ling instinctively wanted to retreat backwards, but his chin was suddenly seized.

The man's hands were also covered in silver metal gloves. From head to toe, not an inch of skin was exposed. It was so that nobody could guess his identity. The cold touch of the gloves made Ji Ling too afraid to move. His chin was pinched so hard that it hurt. Looking fearfully at the other man, he stammered in fright: “I… I..."

Gabriel lowered his head and got closer. Cold black eyes stared straight into Ji Ling’s. He laughed: "I heard that you’re the emperor's most favored one. He loves and dotes on you very much. If you were to die, I wonder if he’d be sad?"

Ji Ling stared dumbfounded, then felt so angry that he almost cried!

He finally figured out what the problem was.

Last life, I returned home all by my lonesome self. Although I was a highly ranked noble, nobody cared about me. I wasn’t even worth Gabriel’s attention. He only came, because he didn’t want to start a war because of me. In this life, however, Jing Sui doted on me big time the whole journey. If there were rebel spies in the army, then Gabriel must’ve gotten news of it. That’s why my value is different from what it was last life. Not only do I have the status of an imperial aristocrat, but I’m also deeply loved by the emperor. For the noble-hating rebel troops… my significance is on a completely different scale from last time.

So this was the reason I was caught again this life!

Even if Gabriel wasn’t really intending to kill me, he must believe that I can be used to threaten Jing Sui or give him an edge in negotiations. If it’s like this, then I probably won’t be able to sneak out so easily. What's more, I don’t think Jing Sui will be willing to pay a price for me. He might even abandon me! After all, Jing Sui isn’t the kind of person who’d give in to threats!

With how calm and cold Jing Sui is, how could he ever give in to the rebels for my sake?

Ji Ling began to despair more and more. Who told you to like me? What’s wrong with getting together with your main shou, huh? You sure dug me a pit to fall into.

He couldn’t pin his hopes on anyone at this time. He could only save himself!

Ji Ling suddenly burst into tears. He looked at Gabriel with tears in his eyes, and said sadly: “His Majesty… His Majesty doesn't like me at all. He wouldn’t like me… He likes Ning Yu!"

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For some reason, right when he finished this sentence, he felt that the man's expression turned a little odd. The hand holding his chin's also stiffened slightly.

Ji Ling didn’t have time to care about this. He raised his hand and wiped at his tears, pressing on without stopping: "The one His Majesty really likes is Ning Yu. Haven’t you seen that the internet is full of gossip on him and Ning Yu? He dislikes rich kids like me the most. Of course he won’t be saddened if I died…”

When he finished saying this, he looked nervously at Gabriel and prayed hard that he’d believe him.

I'm only a nobody. Bro, just let me go!

But strangely, Gabriel didn't speak for a long time. A trace of playfulness seemed to appear in those dark eyes...

Ji Ling stared dumbfounded.

Gabriel's fingers pressed slightly harder. He suddenly lowered his head and closed in. With a faintly discernible hoarse laugh, he said: "Really? But the intel I got told me something different."

Ji Ling gritted his teeth and continued to speak nonsense: “His Majesty appears to be very kind to me, but he’s not doing it sincerely. He just regards me as a shield for Ning Yu!"

Gabriel: "Oh?"

Ji Ling's reasoning became smoother and smoother. Even he almost believed it himself. Tearfully, he sobbed: “He was afraid that I’d make trouble for Ning Yu and hurt him. That’s why he deliberately appeases me like this. Before I challenged Ning Yu to a duel, he wasn’t good to me at all. He must be acting like this all to protect Ning Yu…”

Before he finished speaking, he heard Gabriel give a laugh from under the mask as if he’d heard some funny joke. He raised his tone slightly as he said: “You’re able to hurt Ning Yu?"

Ji Ling’s face flushed, feeling extremely awkward. Through lidded eyes, he said stubbornly: "I have money and power. Plus, I have a lot of men working under me… Why wouldn’t I be able to hurt him?" I almost killed him before!"

In order to act more realistic, Ji Ling brought out some jealousy and resentment in his expression as he said: "If it weren’t for people always getting in my way, I would’ve already killed him long ago!”

"I see..." Gabriel opened his mouth slowly. Hidden in his husky voice was a trace of laughter. Suddenly, he became cold, cruel and bloodthirsty again. He approached Ji Ling and whispered in his ear: "But… I don't believe a word you’re saying.”

Ji Ling froze abruptly. Fear made him lose his ability to respond.

The man lightly pushed him against the wall. With strength, he gripped Ji Ling’s chin harder, and gently brushed over his lips with cold metal gloves. The boy’s lips were incredibly soft, so soft that they might break if he’d used a little more strength…

This chill seemed to penetrate right into Ji Ling’s heart. His face lost all color. Fearful tremors seemed to spread through his whole body, making him unable to make a single move.

Gabriel said lightly: “In order to survive, you sure can spout any kind of nonsense."

Ji Ling's teeth couldn't stop chattering. His voice was as faint as if he was on his dying breath: “I… Everything I said is true... The one he likes is Ning Yu..."

“What a dishonest boy..." Gabriel’s hand suddenly clasped Ji Ling's neck, and pinned him to the wall. Pressing his fingers hard on Ji Ling’s lips, a flirtatious look showed in his eyes. He gave a low laugh and closed in, saying, "I believe the emperor likes you. After all, you look... much more charming than Ning Yu."

From such a close distance, Ji Ling could almost feel the chill from the other man’s mask seep over him. He looked into the man’s black eyes, and there seemed to be an emotion he couldn’t quite make out in them… Such a terrifying expression…

The man's fingers unscrupulously ran over his lips, brushed over his cheeks, his eyelashes, and the back of his ears...

The cold metal feeling from the gloves seeped through his skin. The chill slowly coagulated his blood…

It was infused with a touch of scorn and also of cruelty.

Ji Ling trembled in fear. From this moment on, he’d never dare to use what he’d learnt from last life to make any more conjectures about the man in front of him. There were too many changes this life. This person was much more frightening than last life, and completely unfamiliar to him.

This man might actually kill him.

He was capable of doing anything.

Gabriel looked at the youth’s face that had paled in fear, and pulled him into his arms while he was at it. He locked the boy’s slender waist to himself from behind, making them stand tightly together. He gave a faintly discernible laugh by Ji Ling’s ear: "I wonder what price the emperor will be willing to pay for you..."

The tears that had been welling up in his eyes for a while now finally flowed down. Ji Ling's voice trembled with fear: “His Majesty… He really doesn't like me that much..."

But this time, Gabriel didn’t get angry. Instead, he reached out his hand and gently wiped away the tears around Ji Ling's eyes. He said meaningfully: "In that case, then he shouldn’t care if I just keep you here, right?”

Ji Ling froze.

Gabriel's fingers moved around to Ji Ling's neck. As if by accident, they casually brushed over the artery in his neck, then slowly moved downwards, gently opening his shirt. Leisurely, he said: “Why don’t we just tell the outside world that you’re dead, once and for all. That way, no one will ever come looking for you again. I’ve never enjoyed a beautiful noble like you before…”

He stared at Ji Ling's pupils, which had suddenly constricted from fear. His voice was wicked, carrying implicit desire as he said: “I wonder…what His Royal Majesty’s man tastes like?”

Ji Ling had already been completely and thoroughly scared silly. His body trembled faintly, and tears streamed down continuously.

I once thought you were a reliable bro; a calm, rational and ambitious person! How could you have changed too?!

When Ji Ling was about to completely give in to his despair, he heard a loud crash from outside. The ground seemed to quake for a bit. Ji Ling’s eyelashes quivered, and he suddenly lifted his eyes up, revealing an incredulous look of surprise.

That familiar black mecha with huge wings spreading out on both sides had abruptly landed outside!

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