The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 58: CH 30.2

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Ji Ling made the trip to Nadeau Galaxy, and not only failed to ruin his image, but also couldn’t make Jing Sui and Brandon hate him. Instead, he was doted on from beginning to end, and the plot had collapsed so much that he hardly recognized it. 

Ning Yu's sense of existence had been completely suppressed by his own. On top of that, due to the successful implementation of the genetic evolution agent policy, Jing Sui no longer needed to use Ning Yu to win the people's hearts. The gong and the shou now had no reason to become involved with each other. How could they get to know each other and fall in love without any contact?

Ji Ling was anxious to the point that his hair was about to fall out, and he still hadn’t figured anything out. If things weren’t gonna work out, he’d wait for the system to come back and ask if he could go on his third run…

But that already wasn’t the most pressing matter. What was more urgent was the fact that he was riding this tiger with no way off.  

It was getting harder and harder to refuse Jing Sui...

Although it was Jing Sui’s fault that he’d gotten involved in this disaster, the man did save him, after all... According to his character setting, he should be beyond touched. If he continued to avoid him like this, it’d arouse suspicion sooner or later. This made Ji Ling feel extremely worried.

Ji Ling really wanted to say, Brother, I owe you my life because you saved it, but we’re both men,  so let’s not go down the ‘devote ourselves to each other in marriage’ path! How about I block a knife for you next time?

But he dared not say that…

What a tragic story. Ji Ling thought back and forth, and could do nothing but pretend that he was still suffering from the shadows of Gabriel to avoid Jing Sui's advances.

They were going through the last space warp today, and would soon return to Empire Star.

Thinking that he’d finally leave behind what had happened in this period of time, Ji Ling gave an emotional sigh inside. He was finally home again! Even if he was threatened with death, he’d never go out there again. Just the thought that he might have to go through getting raped and killed or killed and raped made him shudder...

Jing Sui came from behind, picking up a jacket to put on Ji Ling's shoulders. He whispered: “Be careful of the cold. We’ll be arriving soon."

Ji Ling bit his lower lip, nodding with half-lidded eyes.

Jing Sui looked at the youth’s pale face and vacant expression… He couldn’t help but recall what happened last life, and a dull stinging pain took hold of his heart.

This time, it had taken him less than a day to find Ji Ling, but he was already so frightened and afraid... Last life, he had fallen into the hands of those cruel rebels for more than ten days. Just how much torture was he put through?

Moreover, he hadn’t cared about the boy in the least last life.

He’d never thought about how such a fragile youth would suffer abuse in the hands of those bloodthirsty rebels, or rather, he’d known it clearly in his heart, but never cared.

He was only truly aware of his own cold ruthlessness at this moment when he looked at the boy’s pale fearful  face.

Now I finally realize just how scared you were at that time…

But even though I’d ignored you like that, given you the cold shoulder... and even exiled you mercilessly in the end, you still sacrificed your life for me. You’ve never given me even one word of blame. 

You let me learn that something so intoxicating and painful actually existed. 

Why didn't I fall in love with you earlier?

Jing Sui reached out his hand, but hesitated for a moment before gently putting it on top of the boy’s head. In a low and husky voice, he said: "I'm sorry."

Ji Ling raised his eyes, confused. He didn’t know why Jing Sui gave him this apology out of nowhere. Hadn’t he already ‘forgiven’ him? 

Jing Sui saw the doubt in the boy’s eyes, and gave a bitter laugh, explaining: "I couldn’t stop them from capturing you.”

Ji Ling was shocked. So Jing Sui was still blaming himself for that matter. He himself didn't care at all though! Although I’ve been sulky with you, I also know that it wasn’t your fault. It was mostly because of Carlos and Gabriel... You were already very careful. I’m not an accessory hanging on your body, so there’s no way you can guarantee I won’t be lost, right? 

Plus, I thought you wouldn't come save me at first. I'm already very happy that you came… Ji Ling thought.

He blinked and said: “That doesn't matter. You came to save me, didn’t you? Thank you. "

Jing Sui looked at the youth’s clear eyes and heard his sincere thanks. However, it didn’t give him an inch of reprieve or happiness. Instead, he felt even more distressed.

You're still like this. It was clearly my fault, but you would never blame me.

The fact that I’m even willing to come save you makes you happy to this extent, but that’s clearly something I should do regardless… You’re just as you were last life. No matter how ruthless I am to you, you don't care. As long as I show you a bit of care, you’ll be overjoyed. The bar for your happiness is so low. 

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In Jing Sui's chest, pain flowed with his slowly circulating blood. However, he didn't say anything, and just let out a slight sigh.


Ji Ling didn't know Jing Sui's imagination was so rich. He was just excited thinking about reaching home! Not only was it safe there, but he could also temporarily avoid interacting with Jing Sui. After all, it was really hard to protect his first kiss. He almost couldn’t put up anymore resistance.

Really, if you don’t listen to your elders, suffering will come greet you. Mom and Dad were right! If only I’d known beforehand, then I wouldn't have gone out…

The humongous starship stopped at the port of Empire Star, and Ji Ling couldn't wait to get outside.

Jing Sui saw that the youth finally had some spirit on his face again, and breathed a sigh of relief. He had been really worried that Ji Ling would stay in the shadows of this experience unable to move on, but he proved to be much tougher than he appeared.

With more interactions, his understanding grew more as well… All these things made him love the boy more and more. Jing Sui's eyes couldn't help but soften, and he looked dotingly as Ji Ling walked briskly in front.

Ji Ling had walked quickly on purpose. He wanted to leave Jing Sui far behind him, and was impatient to jump off the starship to go home. As a result, as soon as he got off and looked up, his expression froze in place along with his body.

Was there some kind of battle going on today?!

A three-way trial?!

Ji Ling saw Carlos, Wen Yan and Brandon all waiting outside. His eyes drifted off, and he felt a headache again. He thought… that he shouldn’t be the one with so much value that they were all giving face to him. However, if he was to say that they were all waiting for Jing Sui, that might be a bit of a stretch too… 

When Brandon got news of Ji Ling's kidnapping, he wished that he hadn’t already returned to Empire Star first. It was a shame that it’d be too late for him to go over again. Later when he heard that Ji Ling had been saved by Jing Sui, he breathed a sigh of relief... He only hated that he wasn’t there at the time, and regretted that he hadn’t stayed by the boy’s side, letting him meet such danger. That’s why he’d been here early, waiting just to confirm Ji Ling’s safety with his own eyes.

Brandon looked deeply into Ji Ling’s eyes and saw the waves in them. He tried hard to resist the urge to go forward and embrace the boy, because he now believed that Jing Sui was sincere... Since that was the case, he wasn’t qualified to go forward. It was enough that he could see Ji Ling looking well.

Wen Yan also looked at Ji Ling with his never ruffled black eyes. At the moment, they made no secret of his concern. The breath he had been holding this whole time, could finally come out. Although Ji Ling had come back safely last life as well, he really didn't want the youth to have to encounter such a fearful experience again. Those brutal, crude, and dirty rebel troops truly weren’t fit to approach his boy! 

Even though Ji Ling had come back safely, he was still up to himself in heartache. He had been waiting here for an hour just to pick up Ji Ling himself and take him home.

Carlos’ hands were grinding his cane, and he had a calm expression on. He was standing alone to one side, ignoring the hateful glances from Wen Yan and Brandon that came his way from time to time. He stared unwaveringly in the direction of the starship.

He had gotten the news without a moment’s delay that Jing Sui had rescued Ji Ling, and could finally put down the load on his chest. He had been unsure of Gabriel’s true aim this life, and a person with an unknown agenda and unpredictable behavior was the most dangerous and terrifying type of person.

Fortunately, Ji Ling came out fine.

If he had known this would happen beforehand,  he would’ve prevented Ji Ling from going out there with Jing Sui altogether. He’d originally thought that letting Ji Ling go would be a better move to help him wait for when the boy would eventually come to his side, but perhaps he had been wrong.

The depths of Carlos’ eyes were dark and profound, and his lips were thin. Wanting to approach Ji Ling, he took one step forward, but before he could get close, he saw Ji Ling instinctively take a step back.

The moment he saw the disappointment and pain in the youth’s blue eyes, a bad feeling arose in his heart.

Jing Sui strode down from the starship, and stretched out his hand to directly embrace the boy into his arms. Then, he looked up to give Carlos a cold glare and said lightly: "Carlos, what are you doing here?"

Carlos saw Jing Sui hugging Ji Ling, and many thoughts swiftly flashed through his head. Very quickly, he came to the most likely conclusion. Jing Sui had lied to the boy in order to obtain him. He must’ve told the youth that he’d betrayed him and that he was the one who’d caused him to fall into Gabriel's hands. Jing Sui would never miss such a good chance to frame him.

Although he had indeed done it last life, it would be slander to say that this life.

Carlos pressed down his anger, and his thin lips twitched. Leisurely, he inquired: "Xiao Ling went out with Your Majesty, and even encountered such danger. I came to visit out of concern… Is there a problem with that?”

Afterwards, he turned his head to Ji Ling and gave a gentle expression, saying: "Are you all right?”

But Ji Ling was unmoved. He clung to Jing Sui, leaning in and clenching his jacket, giving Carlos an estranged and frightened expression. Hmph! Who wants to pretend to be friendly with you, you big baddie?

Seeing Ji Ling’s expression, Carlos felt that all the blood in his body was slowly being frozen. However, his face was hard to read, and he let none of these emotions show. Instead, he looked at Ji Ling, puzzled, and said in a hurt tone: “What's wrong? Why aren’t you talking to me? "

Ji Ling quietly looked at Carlos, and in his heart, gave a thumbs-up. If I didn't already know the script at hand, I really would’ve thought you didn't know anything with acting like that!

Jing Sui felt the youth lean against him in such a dependent and trusting manner, and a certain softness flowed into his chest. Then, he raised his head and saw that Carlos’ eyes had become extremely cold. Without hesitation, he firmly protected the boy with one hand, and looked directly into Carlos' eyes. He parted his thin lips slightly, and spat out some cold scornful words: "You really don't know why?"

Carlos' expression finally changed, and the veins on his hand holding the cane suddenly bulged out!

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