The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 65: CH 34.1

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Jing Sui stood there, feeling the stabbing pain in his mouth. Along with the pervading taste of blood, came a chill that permeated his whole body. 

In the youth’s beautiful blue eyes, there was no longer a trace of the shyness and love from before…only distant icy hatred. He had used such a ruthless tone when he’d said, ‘Don't touch me.’

The many cracks in Jing Sui’s heart began to grow unceasingly again. They threatened to tear his heart to shreds.

Jing Sui wanted to speak, but there was something stuck in his throat. His right hand clenched so hard that he almost pierced through the skin of his palm. Then, he heard his beloved boy say in sorrow: "I would’ve rather you’d never liked me..."

He didn’t believe in my love…

He thinks I’m deceiving him, using him, and he... hates me.

Hates my ruthlessness… Hates my deception.

This time, he witnessed the teenager walk away from him with his own eyes. He wanted to reach out to grab him, but couldn't move. He couldn't even touch the edges of the boy’s clothes…

Because he had truly deceived him. He had tried to erase everything that had happened last life, and selfishly wanted to obtain the boy anew. 

So this was his retribution.

Jing Sui closed his eyes painfully. Carlos... Sooner or later, I will kill you with my own hands!


Ji Ling ran out of the palace in one go, and didn’t stop until he’d reached the wide open street outside. He still couldn’t believe everything that had happened was real… He’d actually left Jing Sui…just like that!

He…had actually survived from the clutches of death successfully!

However, Jing Sui looked a little pained and angry. This made Ji Ling feel a bit nervous inside again. He really didn’t want to hurt Jing Sui, but he was forced to use this tactic as a last resort.

But...was he really that important to Jing Sui anyway?

Ji Ling couldn't help but recall what happened last life,  and remembered Jing Sui's terrifying ruthlessness. This guy had clearly known that he was infatuated with him, and still had no qualms about exiling him. All of a sudden, Ji Ling thought that a person like that falling for him was inconceivable. 

He sighed and headed home absent-mindedly.

Although this earthling cared about his self-preservation very much, contradictorily, he started blaming himself again. In the first place, all he’d wanted to do was complete his mission. He didn’t want to hurt anyone at all. That’s why when he first played the vicious cannon fodder, he’d only pretended to be evil and run his mouth foully. Every time he was stopped and slapped in the face, he felt extremely gratified...

When he’d accepted this mission at the beginning, he really didn't expect it to be so difficult. He’d even believed he’d be able to complete it just by going through each step… QAQ 

Madam Marina was extremely surprised to see her son return in the middle of the night. She looked at how out of sorts he was, and said anxiously: “What happened to you, precious?”

Ji Ling didn't want to talk about it or worry his mother, so he just said: “Nothing happened. I’m fine, Mom.”

Madam Marina didn't believe that at all. She looked at the dried up tears on Ji Ling's face, and her heart suddenly skipped a beat. Jing Sui wouldn’t have bullied her baby again, would he?! She’d always known his attitude towards Ji Ling was lukewarm. However, Ji Ling loved him with all his heart, so when she suddenly heard Madam Saman say that Jing Sui wanted him to stay in the palace for a few days because he liked Ji Ling, she was very happy for her son. She didn’t hesitate for a second before leaving him to stay there.

If he could get together happily with Jing Sui, then his wish would be fulfilled. She would’ve been relieved as well. However, looking at the situation now, perhaps Jing Sui wasn’t sincere…? Had he made her son suffer again? 

Thinking of this made Madam Marina inexplicably angry. If Jing Sui had only pretended to like Ji Ling and hurt him again, she would shamelessly go to the palace once more and seek justice! It’s just that she didn’t dare stimulate Ji Ling now, and could only endure her heartache. In a soft voice, she said: “It’s good that you’re fine and nothing happened. Go and wash up. Look, your face is all messy.” 

Ji Ling was extremely glad Madam Marina didn't pursue the topic. He didn't want to stay for another moment, so he  quickly walked away feeling ashamed. 

Madam Marina looked at her son's departing figure. Her eyes sank, and she turned to leave the house.


Ji Ling returned to his own room that he was used to, and found that he liked it here the best. Although it wasn’t his real home, it could still give him a sense of security and comfort in this unfamiliar world.

If only… I could go back to my real home, Ji Ling thought as he rubbed his eyes.

I wonder how sad and distressed Mom and Dad must be on earth so far away. Ji Ling thought this, and his heart stung with grief. His chest felt stuffy and he didn’t dare think more. Pretending to be strong, he thought desperately, ‘Soon… I’ll finish the mission soon…’ 

But he’d clearly put in so much effort already, and did everything he should. Yet, the completion of the mission was still far, far in the distance

At each and every setback, it’s not that he didn’t feel weak-willed or disheartened… He just wasn’t allowed to. He couldn’t give up… If even he gave up, then there really was no hope left at all…  

Ji Ling began to shut himself up at home.

What I did obviously enraged Jing Sui. Even if I don’t say anything, Jing Sui should accurately guess that Carlos was provoking him from the shadows. Although Jing Sui probably shouldn’t hold anything against me, every time I remember his terrifying expression back then, I still get the chills. Ji Ling felt it was fearful and complicated at the same time. 

Fortunately, there had been no movements from Jing Sui the last few days.

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He hasn’t come to see me, nor has he sent me any messages… It’s like nothing happened.

Ji Ling slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He felt like his bet paid off and going all in was the correct choice!

With how proud Jing Sui is, treating me well to make up for the guilt of last life should be the limit of how far he goes. I’m hanging his kindness out to dry like this, so although he’ll initially feel hurt and angry, once he calms down, he shouldn’t be so persistent about me afterwards. He’ll give up on me and once again focus on his work, and the political war against Carlos he’s been wagging for a hundred years.


Ji Ling’s spirits were renewed. Although he wasn’t that powerful, he wouldn’t be overwhelmed by setbacks so easily!

He’d let Jing Sui cool down by himself first, and then try to reduce his own sense of existence. This way, the next time they meet, there might still be hope of completing his mission.  

Ji Ling patiently waited at home and watched.

It’s just that during this period, Ji Ling felt like the way Madam Marina looked at him was a bit strange. She seemed to want to say something, but was afraid to trigger him and hurt him. Ji Ling thought she was being really weird… 

On this particular day, Ji Ling was taking a nap when suddenly, his communicator exploded with messages. Almost all his dog friends sent messages to ask him: "Go look online, quick! What's up with you and His Majesty? He’s confessed to you!”

Oh, shit. Really?

Ji Ling jolted awake in fear, and hurriedly opened the starwide net. As a result, he almost blacked out when he saw what was there. It was as if a giant hammer was striking away at his heart. He almost vomited blood. 

Jing Sui had unexpectedly, and amazingly, posted on his previously blank personal page, and @him saying: My feelings for you are sincere.

This was also the only message on Jing Sui's personal homepage.

If he wasn’t so sure that no one in the empire would dare to hack Jing Sui's account, he’d think it was someone’s prank.

Ji Ling’s whole face turned to confusion.

Bro, do you have to go so far? I’ve already fallen for Carlos' provocation and acted like that. Do you still want any face? You’re actually not giving up yet? Aren’t you worried about the consequences of doing this?!

If you go on like this...even I'll think you really love me. orz (bow)

Seriously, when it rains, it pours! Are you trying to kill me?

Ji Ling looked on the net and found that this incident had completely taken the empire by storm. All kinds of unbelievable comments had appeared online: His divine and wise Majesty had actually confessed to the infamous rich kid, Ji Ling, in public on his personal page.

Because of Jing Sui's one sentence, countless rumors were discredited.

People on the net no longer believed in the gossip between Jing Sui and Ning Yu. After all, that flimsy gossip was nothing compared to this harder than steel evidence! The one His Majesty liked was Ji Ling, and not Ning Yu! This could explain why His Majesty had to save Ji Ling during the duel no matter what, even if he had to violate the rules.

Then, not long ago, the soldiers who had participated in the Nadeau Galaxy war began testifying to it on the net. They proved that His Majesty truly loved Ji Ling, and had personally fed him all kinds of doting love. He’d practically doted on him to the heavens. If someone wanted to say His Majesty didn’t really like Ji Ling, they’d even chop off their heads to prove it.

Overnight, people on the whole starwide net were saying that Ji Ling was His Majesty's true love.

Ji Ling was angered out of his mind. He couldn’t eat, and he couldn’t sleep. Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, something worse happened.

Although the online opinion had turned in favor of Ji Ling, and made him the official pairing, there were still a few of Ning Yu’s fans who weren’t willing to accept this. They absolutely had to voice out Jing Sui was also interested in Ning Yu. They magnified and detailed each and every one of their encounters, and forcibly twisted the interpretation to match. They had to prove that Ning Yu and Jing Sui had something going on! They showed, from countless angles, that Ji Ling wasn’t even as good as Ning Yu's toes. His Majesty absolutely had to like Ning Yu!

As a result, Ning Yu, who had stayed silent the whole time, suddenly posted a message this time, saying: ‘Rumors stop with the wise.’

Ning Yu's words were tantamount to completely denying any relationship with Jing Sui. They pretty much meant that the previous gossip was false, and he had never played a part in Jing Sui’s feelings.

This one sentence completely killed the few remaining doubtfuls.

People on the net began to indulge in the crazy and sweet love story of the century between Jing Sui and Ji Ling. And there was no more Ning Yu in this story.

Ji Ling was completely dumbfounded. You are the main shou! How come you don't want to get involved with the main gong at all? Instead, you’re giving your blessings to our love? This isn’t right! Didn't you say you wanted to see how much Jing Sui liked me last time…?

If things go on like this, Ning Yu will become a random passerby.

Ji Ling was in complete despair.

On this particular day, he had gotten up from bed in the morning and found that he’d lost several golden hairs on his pillow. Distressed, he twirled his hair with a dull expression… He was already so worried that he was losing hair. If things went on like this, would he get early balding?

In the end, what did he do wrong to be punished with a main gong and shou like this? Did they come to just spite him?

He had once naively believed that they were his only reliable partners, but now, he knew that he’d made a beyond grave mistake… They were just like those villains!

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