The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 74: CH 38.2

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Ji Ling said this and thought about it again. Although Carlos was very tolerant to him, it’d be better not to do anything risky. In order to maintain peace in this relationship of mutual benefit between them, and reduce unnecessary risks, he looked at Carlos apologetically and said in a serious tone: "Although this is only a fake engagement, as long as we’re betrothed, I will never betray you."

Not like he’d love anyone in this world anyways. Better to just honestly play the part of Carlos' fake fiancee, become a full fledged member of the villain camp, and use Carlos to fend off unnecessary troubles and suitors. This was truly the safest option!

Ji Ling thought he was really smart.

Carlos went silent for a moment. He stared fixedly at the youth’s crystal clear eyes. The boy was clearly sad and pained, yet he still so earnestly promised him… that even though this was all a false pretense, he would not betray him.

The youth was so kind, so understanding, and so considerate… How could anyone not love such a wonderful boy? How could they hurt him?

He really wanted to make this beautiful and wholesome boy completely his own. 

Carlos' Adam's apple bobbed. He took a while to suppress his desire and finally said in a gentle tone: "You’ve been frightened today. How about I take you out for a holiday to relax?”

Ji Ling thought about it, then nodded, and said: “Okay.”

He felt this was a good idea.

He was originally going to go home after the engagement ceremony, but what had happened just now left him with a lingering sense of fear. He was afraid he wouldn’t be able to avoid Jing Sui at home. Now that the man was uncontrollably dangerous, if he were to fall into Jing Sui’s hands, he’d either be f*cked to death or beaten to death. No matter which one it was, he didn’t want any part of it…So it’d be better to stay with Carlos for the time being.

Although the old fox wasn’t well-intentioned either, at least he had no intentions of f*cking him. It wasn’t a bad choice to get away from that stifling emperor and go out for a spin! 


A day later, Carlos' starship stopped at his estate on Blue Ocean Star.

Carlos gave him Blue Ocean Star when he’d first started his second run. At the time, he had been shocked silly. 

Although Blue Ocean Star belonged to him now, Ji Ling hadn’t really taken the gift to heart since he’d been busy with his mission all this time. He had to act extremely cautiously while being surrounded by those big bosses, so how could he have had the mood or time to come over for a holiday? This was his first time here.

Ji Ling breathed in the sweet and fresh air, slowly exhaling and calming down.

There was nothing he could do about the mission at the moment anyways. Why not just treat himself to a little self care? 

It was truly beautiful here; 10,000 times more beautiful than what he’d seen in the photos and videos. When Ji Ling disembarked, he was immediately captivated by the breathtaking scenery before him. 

Because it used to be the private property of Carlos, there were very few images leaked. It had always been a very mysterious place. When Ji Ling came in person, he saw that it truly lived up to its reputation. 

Moreover, there were no human inhabitants on this beautiful planet. There was only Carlos' estate with some robots to maintain it. The beautiful scenery here was completely natural and pristine. This made it all the more moving. 

Back on earth, even the most beautiful places showed traces of human activity. Most scenic spots were crowded with people, especially on the holidays. Going out to travel was rarely comfortable and enjoyable. It was more of a laborious pain in the ass. Honestly, he’d never felt such peace and serenity on a trip.

Carlos took Ji Ling's hand and led him to his estate. He said with a smile: “I rarely come here myself. I only stay for a few days a year, so there aren’t many facilities in place. If there’s anything you need, I can arrange for it to be renovated.”

Ji Ling shook his head: “It’s very good like this. No need to change anything.”

Carlos heard this and his eyes turned even gentler. This child was so very obedient. He’d never make any demands or kick up a fuss. Even a kitty staying at home wasn’t this good. How could anyone ever say he was a  troublemaking rich kid? 

Clearly it was those rascals who had led his boy astray. His boy was so lovable that he wanted to offer the entire world to him.

Unfortunately, the youth didn't want anything.

Carlos gave a faint sigh. He decided even more resolutely to thoroughly dote on him.

Ji Ling wasn’t aware of what nonsense Carlos had filled his brain with. He loved the natural quiet here, and was fully satisfied, living his days here happily. Everyday, he’d take the spaceship out to admire the scenery. 

He was having the time of his life!

Carlos patiently accompanied him on the planet, but the man was usually busy with his own work, so he didn't stay by Ji Ling's side all the time. This was a real relief. On top of that, Ji Ling deliberately avoided Carlos whenever he could, so generally speaking, they’d only be together at dinner every day.

Although they didn’t spend much time together, no matter the time or place, Carlos always appeared perfectly gentle and doting. He treated Ji Ling with meticulous care. Even his parents weren’t as considerate. This made Ji Ling feel a little uncomfortable, because Carlos seemed like…he really did have a thing for him. 

One day, Ji Ling asked the system, confused: [Why does he have to do this? He acts like he really loves me…] 

System: [Maybe he’s doing it to deceive you?】

Ji Ling: [But haven’t I already been fooled right into his hands? Is this all necessary still?】

System: [You’re right. Why is that then?】

Ji Ling thought back and forth and still couldn’t figure it out. It was too difficult to guess what this old fox was thinking. Fortunately, Carlos was just doting, and hadn’t done anything overboard. Ji Ling just let him keep up his act however he wanted, and didn’t care much since that was the case. 

This particular night, Ji Ling returned from his outing and found Carlos sitting in the living room reading a book. The man looked up and gave him a faint smile. 

Ji Ling had already gotten used to him, and shouted back with a smile: "Carlos." Then, he went straight up to his room to rest.

Carlos gave a faint smile and nodded, watching Ji Ling go upstairs. Everything about him appeared to be very normal, however, all was not calm in the depths of his heart. A deep and dark look gradually took over his eyes. 

He had been worried before about how hurt Ji Ling was due to what happened with Jing Sui, so he couldn’t bear to push too hard. Otherwise, the boy would be saddened and pained. That’s why even though he was faced with his beloved youth everyday, he’d always restrained himself from approaching to give the boy time to heal his wounds.

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In this way, he saw the youth’s dull grayed eyes gradually regain color. The boy had slowly relaxed and regained some of his willfulness. Even just watching Ji Ling this way…could warm his ice cold heart. Day by day, he found it more difficult to extricate himself, as he fell deeper and deeper.

The pent-up desires and impulses suppressed in the depths of his heart grew more and more uncontainable.

He…wanted to get closer to the boy…

rather than always enduring.

Ji Ling lay on his bed. His lifestyle lately had helped him relax quite a bit, so he wasn’t as cautious and vigilant as before. However, he still heard the light click from the door at this moment. Someone was walking towards his bed very slowly. Ji Ling suddenly tensed up!

He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, but actually, all his nerves were on end.

There was only one person here besides himself.

Why did Carlos suddenly come to his room in the middle of the night? This was like a scene out of some terrifying horror movie. Ji Ling desperately endured without opening his eyes, telling himself to calm down and not be afraid. He needed to find out exactly what Carlos wanted to do.

Seconds and minutes ticked by...

All kinds of terrifying and ridiculous ideas flashed through Ji Ling’s mind. As a result, he waited half the night, and all Carlos did was just stand in front of his bed without any movements. Ji Ling waited so long he almost fell asleep for real. If it wasn’t for the fact that he hadn’t heard the footsteps again, he would’ve thought that Carlos left already… 

The man came here in the middle of the night just to see him?

That was too strange!

It was so creepy he got goosebumps.

Just when Ji Ling thought Carlos was just going to stand there like that all night, he suddenly felt the cool touch of fingertips fall on his cheek. Then slowly... they passed tenderly over his lips like a caress and down to his jaw. 

Ji Ling stiffened, and kept his eyes closed, not daring to move a muscle. He let the man gently caress him however, but then a moment later, the man lowered his head closer. Warm breath fell on his neck...

At this moment, loud alarm bells suddenly rang out in Ji Ling’s head!

The Ji Ling of today had been shamefully kissed everyday in the palace by Jing Sui, and was no longer the clumsy Ji Ling of the past who didn’t know anything about these things! Although Carlos' actions seemed gentle, they still gave him a strong sense of danger. The man at this moment was very similar to Jing Sui before…

There were always signs when a man acted on impulse.

Ji Ling wanted to cry, but couldn’t. Why can’t we just live in peace and harmony like before? I’ve been so obedient and cooperative. You really don’t need to treat me like this. Thinking back on Carlos' gentleness now, and that complicated gaze the man gave him from time to time, Ji Ling was finally enlightened. He almost wanted to hit himself and stamp his feet in frustration! 

So Carlos had held these kinds of dirty thoughts about him! 

Ji Ling listened to the man's heavy breathing, and was so anxious his brain went blank. No, I can’t let it go on like this! I have to save myself! 

Carlos was just doing all this to get him in his camp and make it easier to manipulate him. Moreover, it was likely because the man was actually the same as those other depraved imperial aristocrats… his mind was full of sex, and he’d get aroused with anyone who came knocking. Carlos had been enduring here for a long time, all to do those kinds of things with him! I have to think of a way to drive him off, so that he no longer has even an inkling of those intentions towards me anymore!

Ji Ling thought hard, and a light bulb suddenly flashed. He got it!

Although he wasn’t with Jing Sui anymore, Jing Sui had always been and always would be his strongest shield!

If his heart was always preoccupied with another, then a man as prideful as Carlos wouldn’t continue forcing himself on someone so reluctant. After all, Jing Sui had slapped him mercilessly right in the face last time! Forcing himself on someone who loved Jing Sui ought to be very sickening, right? He had to make Carlos feel thoroughly disgusted today.

Ji Ling thought, ‘Sorry, bro, I can only use you as an excuse to save my life. I never expected the day to come when an old fox like Carlos would be so lustful and thirsty. He won’t even let me go. Wanting to eat young and tender grass, that old cow is so shameless!’ 

Carlos lowered his head slightly and approached the sleeping teenager carefully.

As he gently caressed the boy’s eyelids, the tip of his nose, and sides of his face, the emotions he had been desperately suppressing in his heart over the last few days were about to burst out. Every day, the youth was in front of him, flashing lively and vivacious smiles. The boy was so close he could touch as long as he reached out, but... he couldn’t touch. The boy was so close, yet so far away. 

He actually wanted to be close to him; To caress him, to hear him call his name… 

But he had to endure, time and time again.

Carlos' expression turned dark. His breathing gradually became thick and heavy as he stared at the youth’s beautiful and delicate face..

When the boy fell asleep, he was so defenseless. It was as if he could do whatever he wanted to the boy and he wouldn’t care. Those soft lips were slightly parted, as if inviting him in… 

Last time he had tasted that sweetness, but it was already a very very long time ago...

Back then, he could only steal the kiss in a despicable manner when the boy was deep asleep. 

Ever since that day, he could never forget the boy’s taste. It was incomparably sweet and intoxicating. The most delicious and delectable foods in the world were not even a fraction as good. He was like an addictive drug, which when tried once, could never be forgotten again.

Carlos' fingers tightened slowly. After a long time, it seemed as if he’d finally made a decision. He lowered his head slowly, but just when he was about to touch those lips he so coveted one more time…  

The youth suddenly frowned and moved about uneasily. He was likely having a nightmare, since his eyelashes continuously trembled, but he did not open his eyes. 

Then Carlos saw it…

Those lips, like fair roses, moved slightly and sounded in a very soft voice: "Brother Jing Sui…”

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