The Virtual Character I Personally Raised Wants to Marry Me

Chapter 35: CH 35

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In the fields, the breeze was blowing.

The green plant seedlings fluttered in the wind. Only one ridge separated them from another acre of field but it was golden and looked out of place.

Next to this fruitful farmland, the dirty Ah Sheng sat on the ridge. She held a piece of cake in her hand and nibbled on it while swinging her dangling legs.


Beside her, the yellow dog turned over and basked comfortably in the sun.

Little Asheng ate the cake and turned her head to look a short distance away. Two tall figures stood there, talking to the brother who had given her the cake to eat.

Her eyes fell first on the one with golden hair and his clothes. This big brother’s clothes were very beautiful, more beautiful than the most exquisite clothes she had ever seen. But she got them dirty…

She hadn’t completely lost consciousness when she was brought over here so she knew this big brother had carried her on his back. He might look fierce but he wasn’t angry when his clothes were dirtied by her. He should be a good man.

Little Asheng nibbled on the cake again as she followed this big brother’s gaze toward the little brother on the side with silver hair.

He also looked good. It was him who said he was going to bring her here and give her food. This little brother called Your Majesty was also a good person.

Asheng thought up to here and frowned in distress. Chamo had said that if she received favors from others, she must give something in return. However, they seemed to have come from the inner city. How could she repay them? She was so poor that she didn’t have enough to eat.

Little Asheng looked at the yellow dog next to her. He squinted his eyes and turned over, sleeping in a particularly comfortable state without any worries.

Asheng’s mouth twitched and she continued to nibble on the cake.

On the other side, there was vague conversation.

“Your Majesty, this is Black Valley.” Su Lin opened the golden rice husk, revealing the black grain inside to Xu Sili. “It just ripened today. I was just about to harvest it when you came.”

Xu Sili nodded with approval. “You did a good job. Previously, Black Valley couldn’t be planted on Escher Star but you thought of a way in just a few days.”

Su Lin scratched at his head and smiled shyly.

“It’s nothing. A powerful wood elementalist can even make plants grow in the desert. I have a long way to go.”

Su Lin looked at the fields in front of him and continued to speak.

“If I just mature one plant, it takes me two hours. I thought this efficiency was too slow so I followed the dean to Mercenary Town and borrowed two acres of land. All the seeds Your Majesty gave to me and the seeds I got from the single plant after ripening were planted. This side is farmland and next door is the forest. There is ample wood element support so it takes a lot less effort to mobilize it. The wood elements in the field are rich and the growth of the plants are greatly accelerated when I use magic to promote it. Of course, this isn’t as fast as the speed of ripening a single plant.”

The moment Su Lin talked about planting, he exuded a certain self-confidence. He spoke eloquently without his previous inferiority complex.

“It takes over three days to fully ripen the rice planted in these acres of land. The time is a bit longer but I thought about how Your Majesty needs the variation plant of the Black Valley, not the Black Valley.”

“Variation is uncontrollable so I should expand the samples and use numbers to increase the probability! Of course, this is a stupid method and the efficiency isn’t high, but I am too weak to control the variation direction of plants. If I don’t do this, I’m afraid I won’t be able to complete the task Your Majesty has given me.”

Su Lin lowered his head in shame. He no longer had the shining look from just now. He was accustomed to being a poor student and accustomed to self-denial. The matter of switching departments was perhaps the most daring thing he had ever done.

Xu Sili looked at him and casually told him, “It isn’t enough now but it might not be the case in the future. You have gained three levels in just a few days and reached half a star. This has proved your potential and there is no need to belittle yourself.”

He finally understood how Su Lin had leveled up in three days. Mobilizing the elements required magic and spirit. It was a type of training for elementalists.

Look at the rice growing on the two acres of land. They were all the result of Su Lin’s struggle for three days. It was conceivable how many times his spirit and magic had been dried up and refilled in this short time. In addition to talent, it required extraordinary perseverance.

“To tell the truth, this emperor admires you very much.” Xu Sili looked at the two acres of Black Valley and praised it. “During the time when everyone accepted the test arrangement and embarked on the road of the warrior system, only you found something was wrong and fought for it. This type of wisdom and courage is rare.”

He was able to discover the real problem and fight for his destiny and future without being dominated by other people’s thinking or blindly following the crowd. For this alone, Su Lin was much better than his peers or even many adults.

“So don’t say anything about being weak or not in the future.”

Xu Sili told him, “Su Lin, just do your best. There is the support of this emperor. Isn’t this enough to give you confidence?”

Su Lin stared at the young emperor in front of him in a daze. He never thought that one day, a humble person like him would be able to speak to such a noble emperor at such a close distance or be able to get his encouragement.

He felt some sadness but also a lot of pride. Yes, he was no worse than anyone else!

Previously, he had just gone in the wrong direction. Now he had regrouped and started again. He would prove to others that he wasn’t wrong!

It was them who was wrong, not him!

Su Lin bit his lip, took a deep breath and suppressed the rising tears. “Yes! Your Majesty, I won’t let you down.”

Su Lin wiped his eyes hard and took a deep breath. He looked at the fields in front of him and tried to bring attention back to the topic.

“Your Majesty, I read the information on Snow Valley. It is a type of rice that comes from Black Valley but it is snow-white all over. It is said that the food made from this grain has the power to quickly restore strength and energy. Snow Valley is amazing. If it can be planted then it will definitely be very useful. Moreover, I saw in the literature that some pharmacists have used this Snow Valley to make a very magical medicine. Even people who are on the verge of death can recover most of their vitality in a short period of time after taking this medicine. It is a very effective means of preserving their lives.”

Xu Sili listened to these words and his heart moved.

This… wasn’t it health medicine?

He hadn’t carefully read the information about Black Valley before. It was Xiao Wu who helped him sort it out and then he had passed it on to Li Zhecheng to give to Su Lin. Unexpectedly, this Snow Valley was actually the raw material for making health medicine? 

In this way, it was understandable why the information publisher was willing to offer the price of 100,000 cosmic coins to buy it. This Snow Valley that could make health medicine should be precious and rare in the universe.

“In fact, I’ve seen similar potions in the library before.” Then he heard Su Lin speak again. “It was a hundred years ago.”

The teenager looked at the field with a bit of light shining in his dark eyes.

“It was a glorious era. At that time, there were many more elementalists than now. They created countless wonderful things. This type of medicine to restore life is one of them. However, the prescription has long been lost and there is no such thing as an elemental pharmacist now. So I was thinking, can we develop this type of magical medicine like the previous elementalists? If there is such a medicine, can the casualty rate of the front lines be reduced?”

At this point, Su Lin looked at Xu Sili, his eyes glowing. “Your Majesty, you want to grow the Snow Valley to develop this medicine, right?”

Xu Sili paused. The truth was…

He was going to sell it to make money for the alliance fee!

Of course, this couldn’t be told to the child in case it discouraged him. He nodded and said inexplicably, “This is one of the reasons. This emperor is pleased that you can think so deeply. It is difficult but I hope you can think of it as a race against time and finish it quickly.”

It was best to grow it in one month, no, 25 days. He looked at Su Lin and emphasized, “You know, people are injured on the front lines every day and there are victims every day. If this medicine comes out even one day earlier then their lives will be guaranteed one day earlier.”

Su Lin had red eyes when he heard this. He was only 16 years old and suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was very heavy, but he was full of strength.

Yes, the soldiers on the front lines were waiting! They needed this medicine! He might not be on the front lines but who said he wasn’t fighting? Even in the rear, he wasn’t a parasite who wasn’t contributing!

Su Lin felt his blood boiling at the thought.

There’s nothing wrong with that, what he’s doing is important, he has to cultivate the snow valley earlier!

Snow Valley was the key to the development of the medicine. It was only when Snow Valley was grown that this medicine had the possibility of being successfully developed!

“Your Majesty, you’re right! I will do my best to grow the Snow Valley as soon as possible!” Su Lin declared solemnly.

Xu Sili smiled and patted the young man’s thin shoulders. “Very good. Just have this determination and momentum! In addition, you aren’t alone.”

He added, “Tonight, if there are no accidents, Su Ye will bring over one hundred students to Mercenary Town. Like you, they are spiritual elementalists who have been delayed by the testing. Many of them are talented in the wood system. I remember Su Ye is as well. They are all your classmates and will accompany you here for a while.”

The young emperor stared at the golden rice fields in front of him and spoke very seriously, “You might not understand but I am telling you clearly that you are making history. The future of the empire must have you and it is a rich and colorful future!”

“Your Majesty…” Su Lin clenched his fists. His voice was choked up but his eyes were firmer than ever.

Behind Xu Sili, Si Sheng stared at Su Lin. He thought, ‘Perhaps if Lord God tells this boy to die, this boy will do it without hesitation.’

Then his eyes shifted to the little emperor. The young man stood in the afternoon sun but he shone more than the sun. Right now, his entire body was shining like a star and there was a different type of charm.

His gray-blue eyes flickered slightly as Si Sheng stared at the young man deeply. It was as if he wanted to engrave this person in his eyes, as if to imprint this person deep in his heart. He felt it was great to be able to guard the Lord God like this, watching him become strong again…

Xu Sili felt something and looked back into Si Sheng’s focused eyes. His heart jumped slightly.

The two people stared at each other, neither one avoiding the other’s gaze.

Finally, Xu Sili frowned and retracted his gaze in a slightly strange manner. He pursed his lips and looked back at Su Lin like nothing had happened. “Do you know Su Ye?”

“Yes, he is my brother.”

Xu Sili blinked. No wonder why he thought the two of them looked like each other. He hadn’t expected them to really be brothers.

“Then once he comes, you can relax a bit.” He spoke absent-mindedly.

Su Lin smiled shyly. He had calmed down his emotions and wanted to ask a question. “Your Majesty, if there is any unnecessary Black Valley, can it be given to the people of the town? I heard that Administrator Wen is helping the civilians who can’t eat enough. I.. I also want to make a bit of a contribution.”

Xu Sili praised him. “Of course. However, you must ensure that it doesn’t affect the growth of Snow Valley.”

Su Lin hurriedly waved his hand. “Your Majesty, don’t worry. I will never delay the work!”

“Yes, then you can contact Wen Jishan yourself.”

Xu Sili sent Wen Jishan’s communication number over and let the boy go back to work.

The teenager ran back to the field, holding the rice and carefully identifying the plants one by one. He nodded with satisfaction before soon frowning again.

Um, Su Lin seemed to only be 16 years old and he wasn’t an adult yet… Still, couldn’t a 16 year old go to work in reality? In this way, the rare guilty conscience was left behind by him. At most… give Su Lin more subsidies!

Xu Sili smiled gently. Then he turned back to Si Sheng and the smile on his face faded. This guy…

He always felt Si Sheng was looking at him weirdly. It wasn’t right!

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Si Sheng’s lips curved slightly and he seemed to want to say something. Then he suddenly paused.

Xu Sili also lowered his head tacitly. It wasn’t known when little Asheng had come to their side. She was looking up at them quietly, very well behaved.

 Xu Sili thought about this little girl.

She had the bloodline of the elves and possessed such a strong passive skill, elemental attraction. In addition, her own talent couldn’t be underestimated.

She was just level 1 but she had 5,000 health and 900 magic. This meant she already had 5 points in physique and 18 in intelligence.

Her spirit attribute also wasn’t low because when he sang the good night song, she wasn’t immediately controlled. She struggled to take a few steps before falling.

She was young but she had a lot of potential!

“Is the cake finished?” Xu Sili reached out and touched the top of her head. The little girl’s body was dirty but her hair was quite clean. It was a beautiful silver-gray and slightly shimmered in the sunlight.

“Yes.” Asheng looked at them with a pair of round sea-green eyes. Her cuteness couldn’t be hidden even if her face was stained with mud. She asked, “Are you going to leave?”

Xu Sili paused. The visit to Mercenary Town to inspect things did indeed seem to be completed. He looked at the communicator. There was still some time until evening. What should he do next?

He lowered his eyes and looked at the little girl. Suddenly, he smiled. “Yes. Would you like to go with us?”

Little Asheng thought about it before nodding.

Xu Sili was just feeling surprised when he heard her say seriously, “Thank you brothers for the good food. I will go back with you and work for you to pay it back. However, you can’t sell me.”

Xu Sili blinked. He crouched down to look at the little girl and asked gently, “Why are you so worried about being sold?”

The Roland Empire might still have nobles but slavery had been abolished after the hundred years of natural disasters.

There might be some fish that slipped through the net but it was impossible to blatantly buy and sell people. Once discovered, the punishment was very heavy.

Asheng placed her fingers together for a long time before answering, “Your Majesty is a good person. I can tell you. Chamo said that nobles like little girls like me. If they see my face, the bad guys will grab me and sell me to nobles for a lot of money.”

Xu Sili smiled at her innocent tone. He didn’t ask who Chamo was but asked instead, “So you aren’t afraid of us now?”

Asheng thought about it and nodded. “You don’t seem to be short of money.”

Xu Sili was amused and seriously told her, “Yes, I am the richest person in the entire empire. If you follow me, you don’t have to worry about being sold to a nobleman. No nobleman would dare to do so. Would you like to follow me?”

He hesitated for a moment. “If you help me work, I’ll give you delicious food. You can live in a big house and someone will take care of you, okay?”

Asheng pressed her lips together, not tempted by his words. Rather, she carefully confirmed it. “Your Majesty brother, are you lying to me?”

Xu Sili raised an eyebrow. He wanted to say he never lied but in the end, he couldn’t say it. Sometimes white lies were still needed. He answered in a relaxed manner, “Is there any benefit for me if I lie to you?”

Little Asheng watched him carefully. She felt the pure and warm breath from his body and finally nodded. “Yes, I’ll go back with you and work for you.”

“Haha, okay.” Xu Sili thought this little girl was really funny. He rubbed her head and told her, “If you behave well, I’ll make you a princess. This way, no one will dare to bully you in the future and you don’t have to starve.”

“Princess…” Little Asheng murmured, a small smile appearing on her dirty little face. “Okay, Asheng wants to be a princess.”

The look in her eyes made Xu Sili recall the sight of her jumping around in the field, singing the folk song with joy and cuteness.

This was the little doll who could sing Sprouting. It was too healing when she smiled.

At this time, little Asheng went to Si Sheng. Xu Sili was a bit curious. Wasn’t this little girl afraid of Si Sheng? He was so fierce!

In fact, Asheng was really scared. She squeezed her fingers together and politely told the indifferent Si Sheng, “Patron saint brother, I’m sorry I dirtied your clothes. I… I don’t know how to wash clothes but I can work and buy you another one.”

Si Sheng looked down at her. He had come to this strange world four years ago and dedicated himself to guarding the Roland Empire. He allowed this crumbling nation to last to this day and became the patron saint of the population.

However, his heart was cold. He didn’t care about anyone and no one could make him give them a look. For him, the world was dark and had no color. He had lived like the walking dead for four years.

Now Lord God was here.

Si Sheng’s gaze moved toward the young man crouched down next to the little girl. He was also looking at Si Sheng, a faint smile on the elf-like beautiful face.

“Si Sheng, you have no friends and no partners… aren’t you lonely?” In his ears, the words that Lord God had told him in the past were heard.

Lord God had favored him in every way. It wasn’t just the priceless gifts. It was the basic necessities of life like food, clothing and shelter, as well as interpersonal relationships.

Every time he went to the battlefield to fight, Lord God would always arrange his teammates, even if he had become strong enough to stand alone and sweep through all the enemies.

Lord God would also arrange for him to visit a neighbor’s house, whispering in his ear to introduce new teammates to him, doing things that were strange and… very warm.

Due to Lord God, his world had light again.

—Whether it was before or now.

Si Sheng saw the slight smile on Xu Sili’s face and his lips gently curled up. The cold and hard facial lines softened.

If this is what you want, I will do it for you no matter what. As long as you can always look at me, always… let me stay by your side.

Xu Sili was stunned. His heart was inexplicably touched by the way Si Sheng looked at him. Then under his gaze, Si Sheng looked at little Asheng again. He said softly, “The clothes on my body are the only ones in the world. There won’t be any substitutes.”

The man’s expression was casual, not warm. Still, at least it wasn’t cold as it was before.

Asheng lowered her head and spoke with difficulty, “I’m sorry…”


Si Sheng’s voice was heard again. “You don’t have to apologize.”

Asheng raised her head.

She saw the patron saint brother’s gloved hand gently press to the dirty clothes before pulling away as if he grabbed something. His movements were full of rhythmic beauty.

Then she saw…

The dirty gray marks turned into yellow spots of light. They fell off the fabric and dissipated into the air. The beautiful snow-white military suit was spotless, like it was brand new.

Little Asheng stared with wide eyes. This patron saint brother… could do magic!

Xu Sili was also a bit surprised. Fuck, he could still play like this? Those light spots were earth elements? Si Sheng’s earth manipulation was too awesome!

Si Sheng’s expression was still casual like he had done a trivial thing. To him, this was indeed trivial.

He told Asheng, “It’s fine.”

Then Si Sheng reached out and pressed his hand to the top of the child’s head. He lifted his hand into the air and made the same pulling action. It was still so elegant and full of rhythmic beauty.

Then as Xu Sili and Asheng looked confused, Asheng became— directly submerged in yellow light spots!

Of course, this was from the perspective of an elementalist. In the eyes of ordinary people, she…

Following Si Sheng’s movements, Asheng instantly became clean. She was like pink jade carved with an angelic little face. It finally saw the day again.

She had exquisite facial features, white skin that was slightly pale and a pair of spectacular sea-green eyes. She was indeed a beautiful little girl.

It was just that she was staring with her mouth open at this moment. It destroyed the beauty and made her look a bit silly. Of course, it was still cute.

Si Sheng saw her surprised look and thought about it. “The earth element can run into your mouth.”

Asheng jumped in shock. She hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands, a look of horror on her face.

Pfft! The surprised Xu Sili was directly amused. Why were these two people so funny? No, Si Sheng’s ability was very practical! A super decontamination ability!

He laughed for a while before bending over to pick up the clean little girl. Then he instructed Si Sheng, “Go. Let’s go back to the palace first.”

In any case, there was time to change Asheng’s clothes and come back. She might be clean but the little girl still didn’t look good in her tattered clothes.

He wasn’t someone who treated his subordinates badly, let alone such a small child.

Si Sheng saw the smile on the young man’s face and his gray-blue eyes were gentle. He nodded and replied, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

He waved his hand and the space was torn apart. The shadow leopard jumped out again.

At Asheng’s continuously shocked expression, they took her onto the back of the shadow leopard who flew into the sky and soon disappeared.

In the fields, Su Lin was focused on distinguishing the rice and didn’t know anything.

Meanwhile, the yellow dog on the ridge rolled over again and sensed something. He opened his eyes and looked around with a puzzled face, but the little girl was no longer visible…

They returned safely to the palace.

Xu Sili handed Asheng to Janice, who had bright eyes. Then he shut Si Sheng out the door and returned to his bedroom.

He walked straight to the wall, passed the identity verification and entered the dark room.

He was ready to go to the Star Network to check for more detailed information on Snow Valley. He would also see how the songs were doing on StarTune.

Three days…

He didn’t know if anything had changed.

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