The Void Wolf

Chapter 96: What Is Reality Anyway?

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Ira was still in the Valkyrie’s Hall when Lauren presented him with the index.

“It is fully functional, just insert the old status card and then reactivate it,” Lauren instructed.

Ira nodded and did so only to be met with a flashing light, the Ancient Index predated the collapse and was the host to a multitude of information. Ira removed the status card and focused on it and oddly enough it turned black. She wasn’t aware, but the Ancient Index would connect to the user’s soul to extract information. It was just that Ira’s soul wasn’t something that could be considered normal. It was a ring-shaped black hole, but nonetheless, it was a soul.

“That’s...strange.” Lauren narrowed her eyes but waited for Ira to finish.

Ira read his status card with a satisfactory smile before handing it to Lauren, “Here.”





Growth Capacity:





Unknown, Keeper of the Red Moon (Ulta Majoris), Wisdom of the First-Flame

Mana Capacity:






Passive Abilities:

Draconic: Strength, Vitality

Supernatural: Agility, Reflexes, Senses, Regeneration, Endurance

Predatory Instincts

Kinetic Vision

Night Vision

Thermal Vision

Ultraviolet Vision

Greater Metabolism

Greater Beast Manipulation

Greater Physique


Temperature Regulation

Aging Immunity

Poison Immunity

Greater Fire Resistance

Greater Cold Resistance

Bloodline Resonance

Genetic Mutation (Chimera, Ancient Dragon)

Lunar Force Empowerment

Partial Lunar Force Control

Advanced Swordsmanship

Expert Martial Arts

Primal Awareness

Claw Growth

Genetic Memory

Concept of Space

Presence Distortion*

Active Abilities:

Short-Range Teleport, Call of the Third Moon (Inactive), Nothing (???), Matter Alteration, Gravitational Manipulation, Quickdraw, Nullification, Dermal Armor, Pheromone Generation, Fur Generation, Fear Inducement, Camouflage, Primary Transformation, Secondary Transformation, Kinetic Manipulation*, Spatial Manipulation*, Spatial Leap*, Mass Alteration*, Devour (???)*, Assimilation (???)*

Her entire body jolted as she read it, “You…Just what are you?” From what she saw, Ira’s abilities were the building blocks of being able to influence reality.

He could alter matter, gravity, and even space. Then there was the ominous abilities, Consumption and Assimilation abilities. Avery informed of what happened at the Western Fortress but it was hard to believe just by hearing it. They were a pair of strange abilities, since just about all living beings consumed some type of food to eat, but it wouldn’t appear on a status card. It meant Ira’s consumption was for something far more sinister in nature. After seeing several of his abilities she suspected him of being the descendant of a God or perhaps a Fallen God himself, but his lack of divinity proved he wasn’t.

“I’m Ira,” Ira answered with a shrug.

“...Of course,” Lauren said as she handed back Ira’s status card. If she was being honest, he was on the same level as her, if not higher. Once he gained full control over the Red Moon, there wouldn’t be a comparison.

The two walked to the entrance of the Valkyrie Hall before she began to speak, “We will ensure Avery’s safety, but feel free to visit at any time, I’m sure she would appreciate it. Another thing, while we want to keep Avery protected, you also need to watch yourself. If any harm was to come to you it could negative effects on Avery during her pregnancy, especially considering how much she cares for you.”

“I can promise I won’t die,” Ira said in a self-assured tone.

“I wouldn’t doubt it, seeing as you have many abilities that would help you escape from any danger.”

Ira nullified the barrier and stepped through, “I’ll be back to see Avery, tonight.”

“Very well, I’ll let everyone know,” Lauren replied.

Ira nodded before the space around him trembled and he vanished from sight.

Casper entered a house stationed right across from a restaurant only to find pieces of broken furniture stacked in a corner.

“Ira?” Casper called out in a cautious manner. The house remained silent and he briefly contemplated peeking around, but in the end, decided against it. He had only signed the Soul Contract recently and didn’t want to arouse any undue suspicion.

“I miss the Free City,” Casper sighed as he sat down in the living room. He noticed a slightly blurry shape in the air and rubbed his eyes. When it was still there he raised his guard and drew a dagger.

“Ira?” Casper began to slowly back away.

A sudden clap that resembled a muffled version of thunder echoed throughout the house which caused Casper to close his eyes. When he opened them, Ira had appeared in front of him.

“Hmm, I nearly forgot about you...Cas…” Ira said in a leading tone.


“Ah, Casper,” Ira nodded before he walked over to Casper and moved to stand in front of him, “You must have something good, right? It’s weird but every time I look at you I want to kill you even though you’re useful,” Ira spoke in a casual way that made it seem like he was speaking to himself if anything.

“What about the Soul Contract?” Casper asked nervously.

“What about it? Wasn’t it something along the lines of you proving your worth to me? Anyway, I’m just joking, go ahead and tell me what’s so important.” Ira waved his hand and produced a pastry before eating it.

“...Firstly, The Fourth Prince is planning something, but he hasn’t left any obvious openings for me to exploit. He writes all his thoughts in an encoded format so it’s impossible to figure out what it is. The next piece of news concerns the First Prince, it looked as if he had a falling out with the King and was dragged away. The strangest part was that several servants were killed, I’m guessing they either witnessed something they weren’t supposed to, or they were involved with the First Prince.”

Ira chewed his pastry in silence while digesting the information, “Casper.”

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“...Yes.” Casper answered expecting the worse.

“What type of person are you?” Ira asked.

“What type of...What do you mean?”

“I mean, what type of person are you? What made you who you are?”

“I’d say I’m a practical individual...I grew up without any parents so I learned right away that I could only depend on myself. In order to continue surviving, I had to be flexible with my morals and principles right away…” Casper showed a reflective look in his eyes. “...I guess I’m a coward in the end.” He whispered.

“At least you’re honest,” Ira shrugged.

“Why did you ask me that question?”

“I’m going to be a father soon and I wanted to know what to avoid. If my child turned out like you I would be a failure of a parent.” Ira stood up and stretched before making eye contact with Casper, “The world can be a pretty shitty place and that leads to some pretty shitty people popping up. When I think of my child seeing that type of environment it annoys me, you know? So I’ll have to change a few things around.”

Casper looked into Ira’s eyes and stumbled backward, nearly falling over. It might have been his imagination, but he felt as if he was looking at a monster. He could’ve sworn he saw a glimpse of an endless abyss for the briefest of moments. For some reason, he began to shiver as a cold sweat covered his body.

“Hey, it’s springtime you shouldn’t be cold at all,” Ira said with a cheerful laugh that made him seem as if he was concerned, but Casper knew that it couldn’t be true.

There was something dangerous manifesting itself in Ira at an alarming rate. It went beyond the usual parental responsibility that meant providing a stable environment for a growing child. He thought back to when he was struck by the strange trumpet sounds and his desire for power grew even more. Then he thought of his unborn child and how fragile it would be in the first stages of its life. A sort of desperation began to form inside of him. If the sound of a trumpet could put him so close to death, how could he protect his own blood from harm?

If Gicae could enter his Ira’s mind at that moment, he would be paralyzed with fear at seeing how much the structure changed.

“I say it's spring, but I’m still wearing a coat.” Ira looked at his clothes, “I’ll change before I go find Harper.”

“...What should I do?” Casper managed to voice his thoughts after his nerves settled down.

“Keep watch on the First Prince for now. I’m a bit curious as to why he got dragged away. Keep coming here to check in every day, even if I’m not here.”

“I’ll do my best,” Casper melted into his own shadow and left without wasting a second.

Ira watched his quick getaway and smiled before he set out for a pair of new clothes. He opened the door and took a deep breath. The air was warm and the smell of nature became more prominent than before. He stepped outside and felt a refreshing sense of euphoria. Then again, it could’ve been Avery’s pregnancy that made him seem brighter than usual.

Ira began to move toward several clothing shops to find something new to wear.

Samantha was in her personal study, located in the Mercenaries Union, reading a report on the Summit and Ira’s activities while there. All in all, the Fourth Prince seemed to be satisfied with him even though it was clear he wouldn’t follow any royal etiquette. She had tried visiting his house to find him, but he was absent so she could only wait until he approached her.

She found herself skimming over the events of the Colosseum Bout and then looked around to confirm she was alone before she suddenly burst into a gleeful laughter. Samantha considered Ira one of the strongest people in the world, granted, she wasn’t aware of the Higher Races. Samantha achieved her lifelong goal very quickly, she was promoted in the Mercenaries Union and held at least a fifth of the importance that was placed on Ira. Since she received a commission for every job Ira completed, she didn’t have any money troubles. In the end, her only task was to perform her job and make sure Ira was never dissatisfied with her.

“Sometimes I suddenly burst into laughter, but you’re just too creepy, Samantha.” A familiar voice interrupted Samantha’s thoughts.

“I-Ira,” Samantha coughed as her professional temperament returned, she noticed that Ira was wearing a grey shirt with the sleeves rolled up rather than the usual black that became a characteristic of his. “...Your payment is still being processed.”

“Eh, I don’t really need money these days, but ok. Anyway, where’s Harper and Amy?” Ira asked as he sat down in front of her.

“They left a few weeks ago to clear out a monster infestation at the site of a mana crystal mine. There was also a young man by the name of Aldis with them.”

“Oh? It’s better if they’re all together so I can tell them the good news,” Ira nodded happily.

“Good news?” Samantha asked curiously.

“I’m going to be a father,” Ira said proudly.

Samantha blinked a few times as if she couldn’t believe her ears, “...Congratulations,” she intoned dryly.

It was common knowledge that most Mercenaries retired after having children since the profession was just too dangerous for someone with a family.

“I know right? That’s why I’m wearing this shirt.” Ira gestured to the grey shirt, “I thought it would be nice to try something different, what do you think?”

Samantha remained silent as she imagined her future being jeopardized. Would Ira still need her after he retired? Would he even hire her as a personal assistant? How would the Kingdom react? She could picture it already, she would be known as the one who let Ira slip away.

“Hmm, I don’t know if grey was a good choice, maybe I should’ve went with white.” Ira got lost in his own thoughts and the room became silent.

Samantha she gulped before she decided to ask the question, “Are you planning on retiring? If so could you please hire me as your assistant?”

“Retire? I’m not even that old...Well, I don’t really know my own age, but still.” Ira said with a chuckle.

“Really?” Samantha asked in a hopeful manner.

“Yeah, but since you mentioned it I don’t plan on being a mercenary forever. It’s a bit too constricting. Either way, I’ll bring you along with me.”

“Thank you,” Samantha slightly bowed.

“It’s fine, I just wonder how you feel about the Underground City,” Ira mumbled.

“Did you say something?” Samantha asked.

“Forget it, where can I find Harper?”

“It’s half a month to the west if you travel by carriage. I have the exact directions here if you want them, but by the time you go they may be on the way back.” Samantha began going through the papers on her desk before she produced the directions and a roughly drawn map. “The area is a bit unexplored so no one bothered to chart out an accurate map due to all the creatures roaming around.”

Ira ignored most of it and focused on the distance. He planned on making spatial leaps toward it until he got a feel for the distance. Once he memorized it, it would serve as a good reference point for all travel.

“Don’t worry about how long it takes, I can be there and back by today.” Ira folded the paper stored it away before he flicked his hand and showed her his status card.

Samantha was speechless as she alternated her gaze between Ira and the card repeatedly.

“Well, I have to go find Harper.” Ira enjoyed her reaction for a few moments before he took the card away and waved.

Samantha remained seated and blinked repeatedly, it was almost as if she was broken.

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