The Vongola Family in the World of American Comics

Chapter 26: The decision of the media!

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"Very good... The answer you want is in this hospital."

Raphael told Jameson the address of the hospital, and deliberately the information of Hydra. As for whether he would investigate, and whether he would come back alive, he had to leave it to his fate.

After all, even if Jameson really had an accident here, the American government would never sit still and Hydra would still shrink its power in Sokovia by then.

Whether or not Jameson succeeds in exposing what happened in the hospital, it will be good news for the Vongola family.

It's just not very friendly to Jameson personally, but this is also something that can't be helped.

Sokovia must be controlled by Vongola family and Hydra is his biggest enemy.

Even if they kill Onephis and eliminate or expel the all Hydra members in Sokovia, they will not be able to defend against Hydra's revenge.

The current Vongola family is not strong enough, they need to grow stronger.

And for this, there must be a stable Sokovia.

"The hospital is heavily guarded, and I don't know how many people are there, you probably die if your aren't paying enough attention."

Out of last good intentions, Raphael reminded him.

Who knows, after listening to this sentence, Jameson has more fighting spirit.

"If I was afraid of death, I wouldn't come here!"

"So... Who are you, at least tell me how to call you?"

After the blood was over, Jameson asked Raphael's identity again.

"...You can call me godfather."


Jameson didn't know whether it was good or bad to complain about his code name, but at least he knew how he should call him.

At that time, when he is writing the report, there is no need to use "mysterious man" as a proxy.

"Okay, even if our task for today is complete, it's time to go back to rest."

Raphael crushed the communicator and threw it into the sewer.

"Aren't we here to monitor for a while longer, what if the reporter just pretended to promise us?"

Pietro was a little worried.

"Don't worry, my intuition tells me that he is telling the truth."

Raphael smiled mysteriously and said confidently.

There is a Hyper-intuitive feeling, just so capricious.

So, the two rushed back to the temporary base.

As soon as they left, Jameson left the embassy on the back.

He also asked the photographer and helicopter pilot to wait for him directly on the tarmac before departure. If he didn't come back after a day and a night, he would immediately set off to return to America, reporting that the Sokovia government was hiding a secret.

If the Sokovia government asked about Jameson's whereabouts, it said he was kidnapped and taken away by the attackers.

And in order to prevent Sokovia from being so mad that he directly destroyed the helicopter and faked an air crash, Jameson also called his family on purpose.

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He knew very well that even the "godfather" who silently solved all the guards in the embassy did not dare to go deep into the hospital to investigate and collect evidence, and even entrusted himself to investigate, then this hospital must be extremely dangerous.

After all the funeral arrangements were made, Jameson picked up his beloved camera and set off in the direction of the hospital. This posture was very similar to Miles stepping into the Giant Mountain Mental Hospital.

Maybe it's for the media people's creed to reveal the truth at all costs, or maybe it's to gain fame and fortune that shocks the world, and of course it may be because of the threat of the "Godfather".

In short, Jameson set off without hesitation...

The matter came to an end, and the picture came to the Presidential Palace in Sokovia.


"What did you say? The embassy was attacked, all the guards died, and Jonah Jameson was suspected of being kidnapped by the rebels!"

The president, who had just returned from the blast site in the outer city, slapped the table in anger after hearing another bad news reported by his subordinates.

"What do you guys eat? I let you search for so many days, and I almost turned over the whole of Sokovia, but I couldn't even find their shadow, and they even dared to be in your eyes now. Blast and attack underneath!"

The president scolded, and the defense minister, intelligence minister, and other high-ranking officials in front of him could only endure it in silence.

But that's just a superficial phenomenon. Everyone is secretly scolding the president for being a fox and a fake tiger. If it wasn't for Crossbones to make you the president, who would slap you.

Everyone is working for Hydra, what qualifications do you have to show prestige in front of us?

"Actually...the people who attacked the embassy are not necessarily the two fugitives."

After the president finished cursing, Sokovia's intelligence minister spoke up.

"The Intelligence Bureau has speculated on their possible route of action. We agreed that the direction of their escape is in the southeast, so the Intelligence Bureau sent a large number of people to search there. If they really dared to come back, they should meet the people of the Intelligence Bureau head-on. ."

In the end, he was involved in the intelligence department. The intelligence chief has some skills, and he speculated about the escape routes of Raphael and others.

It's a pity that the mountains in the southeast are rolling and the terrain is too complicated. The general direction is not enough to find Zemo and the others.

"It's not the two fugitives, who do you think they are!"

However, after listening to the intelligence minister's analysis, the president not only did not think it was a talent, but found it ridiculous.

"You all went to the explosion site to see it just now. That kind of method of planting bombs is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. Who else knows this kind of method except Helmut Zemo, who used to be a commando colonel?"

"Besides Helmut Zemo and Jonny Lockes, who else would inexplicably set off a bomb where no one was there? Who else would attack an embassy for no reason? Who?"

The President stared at the Minister of Intelligence and asked viciously.

The latter was speechless when asked. He really couldn't think of anyone who had the motive and ability to do these things.

"Anyway, Zemo has returned. We all know how good he is at fighting . If you don't want to be  killed after returning home at night, you must catch him as soon as possible!"

As soon as this statement came out, the defense minister's body trembled obviously. I am afraid that no one present knew Zemo's combat effectiveness and tactical planning ability better than him, so his sense of fear was far stronger than others.

"Now, immediately recall your incompetent subordinates, and stop running around in the wilderness!"

Finally, the president glanced at the intelligence minister and ordered.

" no one is allowed to enter or leave!"

After a pause, he added, "Protect the few people in the "Daily Bugle" for me in the past few days. I can't let them have any more accidents!"


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