The Vongola Family in the World of American Comics

Chapter 7: Among us!

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Thinking of this, Raphael's heart sank.

Before, Raphael would think that Zemo is the reason forthe Hyper-Intuition to appear.

In the end, Raphael mistook Zemo for the trigger of hyper-Intuition .

"What should I do, part ways with Zemo ? Or tell him about the spies that is among us?"

Raphael's brain turned sharply.

"No, the appearance of the Hyper Intuition means that our whereabouts have been found by Hydra, and now it is no different from committing suicide. "

Even if you take the risk and tell Zemon about the spys I'm afraid a battle will not be avoided."

Raphael glanced worriedly at Wanda and Pietro. These two little ones will naturally be true hydras in the future, but now they are just ten-year-old children.

Although Wanda's chaotic magic has been awakened, the power of the mind gem is really used to stimulate his abilities.

It's a pity that we can't determine who is the spy now. This guy is very careful. After Zemo is relieved, he will stop watching. The spy may think that he is temporarily safe and relax a lot.

Naturally, it is impossible to release any malice to Raphael, and the Hyper-intuition will not be triggered.


Raphael suddenly realized, "Then let him release malice to me!"

"Our whereabouts have been exposed, and the Hydra people may catch up with us at any time, no, they should be coming to us now, and there is not much time left."

Raphael looked around, this place is still hidden, and there is no ambush, so he is here to find out the spy!

"All stop! Wanda, Pietro is behind me."

Raphael turned around and said loudly, and the two little boys ran behind Raphael obediently.

"Raphael, it's dangerous to stay here."

Zemo frowned.

"I know, but it's more dangerous to keep running!"

Raphael glanced at the commandos.

"I don't think it's a coincidence that the enemy blocked the river bank."

"Zemo, I suspect that a spy was mixed Among us!"

"Little devil, what did you say!"

The brother who had died together was suspected by a little kid as an insider, and Jonny felt that his violent temper could no longer be suppressed.

Raphael glanced at him, then said silently in his heart: "Real anger, no superfluous emotions."


Jack and Tom didn't get angry like Jonny did, but anyone with eyes could see that they were in a bad mood too.

"The hidden anger is no weaker than the exposed one. It seems that they are indeed a team full of trust and deep affection for each other."

These three people are not very like spys, and when they hear that there may be traitors among them, the first reaction is the same anger, and there is not even a trace of suspicion.

Raphael's evaluation of these people has improved a lot.

"The identity of the spy is..."

"I have worked with the team members for many years, through life and death, through thick and thin, I have a hard time believing that they would betray..."

Before Zemo could finish speaking, Raphael walked towards Jonny, his eyes getting colder and colder.

To be precise, he was looking at Love on Jonny's back.

Love pretended to look at him naturally.

Soon, Raphael felt a strange needle stick on his forehead again, but this time he did not resist or avoid it, but carefully experienced this feeling.

"Angry, doubt, killing intent, shock, panic... So many negative emotions poured out in an instant, it's not because of you."

"Why do we believe in you brat? If there's any real insider, you three brats of unknown origin are the most suspect!"

Jonny watched Raphael walk towards "self" step by step, his eyes instantly cold.

"If you take one step further, I will kill you as an enemy! Don't think I will show mercy to a child!"

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"Stop, Jonny!"

Raphael's eyes moved, and the person who stopped Jonny turned out to be Love.

I saw Love stretched out his hand weakly and held down Jonny's wrist where he was trying to draw a gun.

"He is just a child. I believe he has no ill intentions. The child is just too scared."

"Johnny, I appreciate your trust in your teammates, but it's stupid to trust someone you shouldn't trust."

Raphael sighed slightly, "Your name is Love, right? Maybe you thought you were covering up well, but you can't deceive my eyes."

"It was you who betrayed Zemo and the others."

Leon climbed onto Raphael's hand, and his body changed rapidly, turning into a Czech-made cz75 painted in green in just an instant.

This supernatural scene was supposed to be the most shocking, but several of the commandos present were shocked by the remark that Love was an insider.

Only the Wanda siblings and Zemo noticed this.

"Who the F*** is that child... No, is this really a child?"

Zemo was secretly frightened. At this time, Raphael's attractive aura was getting stronger and stronger. How could a child have such an aura?

Zemo is not stupid. Love has a lot of unusual little actions along the way, but he didn't pay much attention to it before, and now Raphael thinks about it all when he brings up Zemo.

Love is indeed suspicious.

On Jonny's back, Love wanted to defend himself, but Raphael didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

"Johnny, if you don't believe me, search him. There must be a bug or a communicator. We have wasted too much time. The enemy may appear here in the next second!"

There should be no transmitters, otherwise they would have been caught long ago, and they would not have waited for now.

"Do as he says!"

Zemo affirmed Raphael in time.

Jonny had no choice but to endure his anger and put Love on the ground, then searched his body little by little.


Suddenly, Jonny let out a scream, and I saw that Love took out a knife at some point and stabbed it into Jonny's left abdomen.

"Zemo, you should have begun to doubt me long ago, why did you not say it until now?"

Sure enough, this was exactly what Raphael had guessed.

In the end, it was the elite commando. The reaction was fast. Jack and Tom seemed to be far away, and they subdued Love the moment Jonny was injured.

Tom bound Love's hands, and Jack pulled Jonny aside to bandage the wound.

Love's behavior has admitted that he is an insider.

"Sure enough, there are bugs!"

Tom searched Love for a long time, and finally found the bug on the inside of his collar.

The escape route they discussed for a long time was actually all exposed to the enemy, thanks to the lack of positioning equipment such as a transmitter, or else they would have been enveloped in a short distance.


Zemo came over and asked with a complicated face.

Among the four people present, Love was the second longest with him, second only to Jonny.

"Give it up, I won't let you get any information."

Unfortunately, in the face of Zemo's question, Love didn't plan to solve his doubts at all, but showed a mad believer's smile.

He raised his head and shouted in the most pious tone.

"Long live Hydra!"

Love's eyes quickly lost color, and the breath of life completely disappeared.

Hidden poison in the teeth, after the mission failed, you only need to bite the teeth to kill yourself quickly, this trick has long been no secret.

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