The VR Experience {Probably a placeholder lol}

The VR Experience {Probably a placeholder lol}

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The VR Experience {Probably a placeholder lol}

Review: 8/10 from 8 ratings

Games have evolved once again! Join a man who can find the joy in any situation on an adventure through a virtual-fantasy-world that prides itself in being a real-world simulation, with living, breathing characters; important, or otherwise!

If you don't like a certain start, don't fret. Hopefully this will be long running and many different things can be explored. This is mainly a little project I'd like to try, and this is a first time writing(basically), so It might die or continue on. If it's not updated for a couple of days, don't think it's completely dead lol.

Also, also. Just because I'm new to writing, don't think I won't enjoy getting ABSOLUTELY RAILED in terms of criticism. Bring it in.

...Also, also, also. There might be pretty gruesome content. /Might/. Never written anything brutal before, so that's to be determined.

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