The Walking Dead

Chapter 16: 16 – Prison Takeover (2)

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After getting closer to the group, Jonathan was also hugged. ''I don't know about you, but I want to rest.''

The group got out of the hug, and all agreed with Jonathan, '' Yeah, I'm getting tired too... the question is where to sleep.''

Luckily for the group, most of the zombies that were in the courtyard before had gone to the gate earlier, so there were few corpses around. Still, no one wanted to sleep near the zombie corpses.

'' How about we sleep in the car?'' Eve gave an idea.

''Too cramped and unnecessary. There's plenty of space without bodies around.'' Nathanael also gave his opinion.

Samantha and Jonathan watched the two arguing. Jonathan then looked at her, "Are you okay?''

'' ... Define okay.'' Samantha knew that now their situation could be considered good, but the definition of a good situation in the zombie apocalypse had changed.

''Being alive, having a place to sleep and plenty of food.''

'' Then I'm great!'' Samantha gave a big smile. The way she looked at Jonathan had changed a bit.

'' That's good to know.'' Jonathan also smiled at her. They returned their attention to the siblings.

Eve and Nathanael were still arguing. One wanted everyone to sleep cramped in the car, and the other wanted them to sleep outside.

''How about two sleeping inside the car and two outside?'' Jonathan gave his opinion.

This made the two of them stop arguing. They knew it was a good idea.

''Who will sleep in the car, and who will sleep outside?''

Jonathan shrugged, '' I don't care where I sleep, I honestly just want to rest.''

The group discussed this subject some more, and it was decided that Jonathan and Eve would sleep in the car, while Nathanael and Samantha would sleep outside. They took the hotel's sleeping mats, blankets, and sheets with them, so they were quite comfortable.

Jonathan had even brought a few beds, but for obvious reasons, he couldn't show them yet.

After making one more round through the yard, checking the door that gave access to the prison block near them and seeing that it was closed, only then did Jonathan go to sleep. He passed by the place where Nathanael and Samantha would sleep and noticed that it was close to the car. ' Smart. If there is any kind of problem, we are close to each other.'

Passing by and bidding mother and son 'good night', Jonathan got into the front of the car. Eve took the back seat for her, while Jonathan took the front seat.

''Good night.'' Jonathan was finally tired after an exhausting day, so he lowered the seat and tried to sleep.

''Good night .... Can I ask you a question?'' Eve first said good night and then lay down. After a while, she asked Jonathan.

Jonathan sighed, ' I want to sleep!' But he wasnt rude, '' Can it wait twomorrow?''

Eve thought for a bit, ' If I wake before him, I can talk to him before he meets Nathanael and Samantha. It could work.'

The question Eve wanted to ask was regarding her mother and the amount of ammunition they had. She felt something was wrong, but didn't know where.

'' Yes. I'll talk to you tomorrow.''

'' Good.'' Jonathan then tried to sleep again, but the sleep went away in the time he spent talking with Eve. ' Fuck!'

Tired but unable to sleep, Jonathan turned to SHOP. He bought some sleeping pills and took them.

Instantly, Jonathan slept.



Jonathan woke up exactly 6 hours after taking the pills. It was still dark outside. Everyone else was sleeping.

Getting out of the car without making too much sound, Jonathan checked the perimeter around the courtyard, ' The shooting yesterday attracted a lot of zombies... but we are inside. We can take care of them later, seeing that they cant enter.'

The fences and gates were holding well, and no zombie was inside the courtyard. Jonathan then turned around and faced the 3 prison blocks, ' If we want, we can check all of them, but for now, 1 is enough. I don't know how many cells per block, but it should be enough.'

1 block will be cleared by all members of the group. They would then make their home there. After that, Jonathan would check the other 2 blocks alone. ' If I'm honest, I alone am enough to take care of any zombies there. Of course, I can be lucky and the blocks don't have zombies, but I doubt it.'

And Jonathan wasn't being arrogant. He was a one-man army against the Zombies if he uses the SHOP the right way.

' I need to find a place to plant food... There's so much to do. But now we have a place that can hold almost everything this world throws at us.'

Jonathan felt that this place was good enough to house them for a long time. He was just sad about his parents, whose location was unknown' They should be fine, they made me after all.'

Jonathan wouldn't search for them now, as they are adults and take care of themselves. He was just worried.

After watching the sunrise, Jonathan looked at the car and noticed Eve waking up. He carefully made his way to the car again and entered.

'' Good morning.'' Jonathan said to a sleepy Eve.

Eve was still muddleheaded, but she soon recovered, '' Good morning.''

'' Take a minute or two to wake up for good, then you can ask anything.'' Jonathan knew Eve must have seen something, he just doesn't know what.

Eve nodded. It took a while, but she came to. She didn't lose time, '' What is your relationship with my mother?''

Jonathan, who had taken a bottle of water they had in the car, almost spat out his drink. He coughed for a bit, '' We are friends! Why do you ask?''

''Some time ago, I saw you and her holding hands. I didn't hear the conversation, but I saw that. Can you explain that?''

Jonathan was glad she didn't hear the conversation, otherwise, she would've known that they slept together, '' I think I remember the night you're talking about. I was consoling her, for losing... Nathan. Nothing more, nothing less.''

While Jonathan felt kind of bad for lying, it was not that much. He would tell Eve and Nathanael what happened, but not now.

Eve seems to have accepted that answer. She didn't let Jonathan leave yet, '' What about the ammunition? I checked the bag every day and we didn't have that much before. It was almost like it appeared magically...''

Jonathan sighed, ' I wasn't exactly hiding, I just didn't want to tell them this soon. But the cat is out of the bag, and it's better to tell them now than later.'

''I'll tell you when everyone is awake. Is that all?''

Eve trusted Jonathan, so she knew he would tell her, '' Yes, that's all.''

'' Good. Now, how about we take a better look at our new house?''

Eve nodded, and both got out of the car. Samantha and Nathanael were still sleeping, so Eve and Jonathan tried to be silent.

'' Wow.'' Eve didn't really have time to look at the prison before, as it was a rush, but now she was realizing how big it is, '' This is nice.''

'' We can live here for a long time, actually.'' Jonathan was accompanying her. He already looked around, but he found her reaction quite cute.

The duo walked all around the area. Jonathan started to give his opinion of the place, '' I want to see if there's a garden or something similar. We could plant things there.''

Eve had a few requests, '' I want 2 rooms for me.''

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Jonathan found it weird, but he really didn't care, '' Sure. But can I ask why?''

'' Secret!''

After a while of walking around the prison, Jonathan noticed that Nathanael and Samantha were walking up, '' Hey, let's go there.''

'' Good morning.'' Jonathan and Eve said their greetings.

'' ... Good morning.'' Nathanael and Samantha were equal to Eve before, awake but not totally.

'' After you wake up for good, we need to talk. Today is going to be a long day, so be prepared.''

It took a while, but Nathanael and Samantha were up and 100% focused. Samantha felt something was wrong with Jonathan but stayed quiet.

'' Okay, we are up. What do you want to talk about?'' Nathanael sat on the ground. Everyone did the same.

Jonathan took a deep breath, ' I still think it's too soon, but it is what it is.'

'' I have something I've been hiding from all of you.''

Samantha paled. She thought he would tell them what happened, but she was soon proved wrong.

'' I have ... powers.''

When Jonathan said that, Nathanael burst out laughing, '' HAHAHA, Jonathan, come on. Stop jok-'' He stopped laughing when he realized Samantha and Eve were listening carefully, '' Wait, are you serious!?''

Jonathan nodded and showed his empty hand. He closed it, and when he opened it, there was a bubblegum inside, '' I can store things inside a space. I found this bubblegum in the convenience store a few weeks back.''

Jonathan then proceeds to explain his powers to the group. Samantha wasn't shocked because she already knew all of this, but Eve and Nathanael were speechless.

'' ... How long did you have this?''

'' A few days before the apocalypse started.'' The only reason Jonathan was telling them is that he trusted them enough to hide this from others. Besides, this will make them understand some of his future choices.

'' Why tell us now?'' Nathanael knew this situation was weird, but this point was bugging him the most. Jonathan could've stayed quiet and he wouldn't notice a thing.

'' It's because I trust you guys. I know you wouldn't tell anyone about this, and now I can use its benefits without worrying about being caught in the act... besides, Eve already suspect something was weird.''

Nathanael looked at his sister and she nodded, '' Mom, did you suspect anything?''

Samantha hesitated but nodded, '' It was weird, seeing him bring so many supplies from his house. I shrugged it off as his pantry was full, but it makes sense now.''

Nathanael was feeling quite dumb, being the only one that didn't suspect anything wrong.

Jonathan continued, '' While this makes our lives easy, for the fact that we don't need to go out for resources, this is still the apocalypse. We can't relax, so we will train our aim daily.'' He passed 3 silencers to the group, '' It won't make the noise go away, but it won't attract zombies, like those ones.''

After following Jonathan's gaze, the group saw there were more zombies around the prison than yesterday. Good thing they were inside the fence and safe.

Jonathan explained, '' The shooting attracted them. We will kill them all soon, but today our focus is to enter the nearby block, clean it and sleep inside. I'll give you some minutes to gather your thoughts then we will enter.''

After getting up from the ground and going near the car, Jonathan took a deep breath, ' It feels nice to not have to worry about being seen. I can do things in the open now.'

While thinking that his decision was correct, Jonathan still had doubts about it, ' Maybe I could've maintained this secret for much longer, but ... maybe it's the right time. I think.''

While Jonathan was thinking of his decision, the group got ready. Eve approached Jonathan, '' I knew you had a secret, but this is nothing what I had in mind.''

Jonathan gave a small smile, '' To be honest, I never thought I would've got this ... gift. But look at me now.''

Eve remembered something,'' So this explains the ammunition.''

'' Yes. I put more inside the bag, to prevent us from running out of it. I guess it was a blunder as you found out about it, but it's better safe than sorry.''

If the gun had no ammo while the zombies were close, Jonathan wasn't sure about the hand-to-hand combat with the zombies. Eve, Samantha, and Nathanael weren't ready for that yet, ' But they will be.'

'' Remember, we can't let our guard down. If we neglect the shooting, we will go rust, and when/if trouble arrives, we won't be ready.''

Jonathan knew that the consequences of losing the survival instinct were catastrophic, so he was trying to engrave this into the mind of his group.

Eve nodded, '' I know. By the way, we are ready to go.''

Jonathan went close to Nathanael and Samantha, with Eve following. He stopped in his tracks, ' Should I look at the SHOP and buy a few things?'

With money to spare, Jonathan opened the SHOP and searched for a few things that would protect him and his group.

'Bulletproof vest ... 50k for one! Well, more protection for us.' Jonathan bought it and passed the vest, '' Here.''

The group grabbed it and inspected it, '' ... I found this really weird.''

Nathanael was surprised by this since he just saw Jonathan grab those vests out of thin air.

'' If it makes it better, I also found it confusing sometimes.'' Jonathan passed SMGs to Eve and Nathanael, '' This gun has a rapid-fire rate, so just point and shoot. Don't mind the ammo, we have plenty.''

Jonathan now looked at Samantha, who asked, '' What's wrong?''

''I'm debating if you should come with us, or stay behind. There could be danger inside.'' As Jonathan didn't know the situation inside the blocks, he was trying to find a reason for Samantha to stay behind.

But Samantha didn't like that, '' If children can go, why can I not? Besides, I doubt there's a safer place than with 3 people with guns.''

Jonathan didn't think of an argument. So he sighed and passed an SMG to her too, '' Be careful.''

'' Okay, listen up. Put those vests on, take the flashlight out, grab your knives and let us enter block one.''

While the group went to the car to grab their things, Jonathan searched for a powerful gun, ' Not this one, this one neither... let's go with this!'

What Jonathan just bought was a Desert Deagle. He knew it made big sounds, so he bought a silencer too, ' This one will be my main weapon in the future. Of course, if the need arises, I could change weapons in a second.'

While it only had 7 bullets per magazine, Jonathan was confident it was a good choice.

Eventually, the group gathered at the door of the prison block. Nathanael noticed the new weapon Jonathan had, '' That's cool!''

'' Thanks... Again, we don't know what we will find inside, so follow my lead, use the flashlights and cover each other. I'll go in the front, Eve and Samantha in the middle, and Nathanael at the back. If you see anything suspicious, shoot first, and ask later. Got it?''

The group nodded.

'' Then let's enter our new home.''


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