The Walking Dead

Chapter 2: 2 – Telling the Family

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Jonathan was stunned, '' Apocalypse? What is happening?''

Jonathan then started to look at the said 'Shop'. It had a lot of things, varying from books, food, weapons, utensils, and even different currencies of the world. Jonathan then decided to buy one thing from the 'shop', to test it.

First, he bought something simple, a bottle of water that cost 1.00. As soon as he clicked buy, the bottle appeared in the system interface.

'How do I get it?'

A mechanical voice came into his head, 'Congratulations on your first purchase. To pick up your product, please click on it in the system interface.'

Jonathan did this, and a bottle of water appeared in his hand. He didn't know what to do in this situation, so he put the bottle aside.

'Detecting that the host took the product! Remember that the Shop space is infinite and time stops, so don't worry about anything spoiling!'

Jonathan was in disbelief because of the situation.

'I just found out that the apocalypse is about to happen... My GOD! THE APOCALYPSE IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!

''OI! OI! ANYONE THERE?'' Jonathan desperately shouted, but no one responded.

Jonathan tried to call a few more times to no avail, so he sat down on his bed, defeated.

But how? When? Why?' Questions and more questions started to cloud Jonathan's mind. And the worst thing is, he could practically trust what the voice in his head was saying, as the water he brought was the proof.

'' I need to know what type!'' Jonathan then started to search for anything that could help him discover what kind of Apocalypse would happen.

The Shop could be considered very good, with loads of options, but not a single item gave a clue to Jonathan about which type of Apocalypse it will be.

Jonathan was almost losing hope again until he saw a part of the Shop Labeled: Information.

Jonathan clicked on it instantly and it led him to another interface, with information such as how much hair you have or how many kilos.

' All things selling in the information area are about me, and the price... 10k for information regarding my nail seems a bit much.'

Ignoring those ridiculous pieces of information, Jonathan scrolled until he found the information he wanted to buy.

' Information Regarding the Apocalypse... 1 million dollars! Good thing I'm rich in this life, otherwise, I was going to be even more screwed.'

With no hesitation, Jonathan clicked buy. At first, nothing happened until the same robotic voice from before sounded in his head, ' Congratulation on your purchase! Information regarding the Apocalypse will now be transmitted to your brain. After the transmission is over, you will have the ability to buy things related to making your survival more easily for cheap.'

Before Jonathan could react, loads of information entered his head, ' I can't pass out...'

Jonathan passed out.


When Jonathan woke up, he noticed 5 hours have passed, but it was worth it. 

' So it will be a Zombie apocalypse... FUCK. If the zombies were slow and easy to kill, I think I can survive, but if they were equal to L4 Dead, I'm fucked.'

Jonathan tried to be positive, ' At least it will not be with demons, aliens, or nuclear. I wouldn't want to live in either of those scenarios.'

Jonathan then checked how much time he had left before the Apocalypse started and noticed he only had only 2 days and a few hours left.

' I need to tell my parents! But... they were on the other side of the world.' Finally remembering his parents, Jonathan called them in a hurry.

It took a few seconds for Daniel to accept the call, '' Heyyy, buddy! How are you?''

Jonathan almost choked up, knowing that this was the last time his father would be this happy. '' Father... it's extremely serious... can you talk?''

Daniel, noticing the tone of his son's voice, also got serious, '' What happened?''

Natalia, who was in the room with Daniel, asked what was up, so Daniel put it on speaker.

'' ... I had a dream!'' Daniel relaxed instantly, because all Jonathan's dreams so far were good things, and they all turned into reality.

But his mood dropped when he heard the rest, '' The apocalypse will be happening in a few days.''

Daniel and Natalie trembled because Jonathan's dreams were never wrong.

'' How!? When!?WHY NOW!?'' Daniel tried to get more information from Jonathan while Natalie went to do their bag for them to go back home.

'' Based on my dream, it will start in 2 days... the world would fall in 2 weeks. I'm sorry.''

Daniel made the calculations, and if they board a plane right now, they might make it back home in time, '' Do you know which type of Apocalypse it will happen?''

''It is a zombie apocalypse.''

Natalie already packed their backs and heard what Jonathan said, '' How sure are you about this?''

'' 100% sure. Do you have any weapons in the house, dad?''

Daniel didn't hesitate, '' There's one in the safe, along with some cash. The combination is 1312.''

Natalie used the time father and son were talking to buy their tickets home. They would arrive in the US in 2 days, with a few hours to spare.

'' Do you know how to use the gun?'' Daniel asked his 12-year-old son. This shows how much they trusted him and his information.

'' Just the basics.'' Which was true.

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'' Okay, so listen up. I'll explain how to do it the right way!''

After a few minutes of Daniel explaining the gun's safety, Jonathan knew the theory on how to shoot, and now he needs to train.

'' Remember, if it is Zombies, aim for the head.''

'' Okay, dad. Should we tell the rest of the family?''

Both families knew about Jonathans's dream powers, so they would also believe him 100%.

'' Let us do that. Son... if anything happens to us, just know that we will always love you.''

Jonathan choked up a bit, ' I only lived here 12 years but i did consider them my family.'

'' We will see each other again, dad. Don't worry.''

'' I know... I know. Just stay safe until we arrive home, okay?''

'' It will do.''

'' We are going to the airport now. We will maintain contact with you, so let your cellphone be at your side and charged!''

'' Okay. Good luck, dad. I love both of you!''

''' We love you too.''' Both Daniel and Natalie send their goodbyes to Jonathan.


With Daniel and Natalie

The mood of the taxi was heavy. Both are thinking of the consequences of the Apocalypse and how the world would change.

The couple held hands, '' Let me call my father.'' Natalie said while calling her father.

Daniel did the same.

A few seconds later, an aged voice talked, '' Hello? Daniel, my son, why do I own the pleasure?''

Daniel hesitated but started to talk, '' Hey, old man. I need to tell you something...''

'' What is it?''

'' Jonathan dreamt of the end of the world... and it will happen in 2 days.''

Daniel heard a plate breaking on the other side of the call, '' Dad! Are you okay?''

'' Don't worry. I may be old, but I'm not weak.'' After a few seconds of silence, Daniel's father asked, '' Do you have more info?''

Daniel proceeds to tell everything to his dad. 

'' Im also tranfering 10 million to you. Go buy as much food as you can and weapons.''

Daniel's father, Wilson, sighed, '' Ok, thank you, son. Should I go check on Jonathan?''

'' Father, Jonathan is the last person I'm worried about. If anyone can survive this, it's him. Go to Julia's house, she has a baby there.''

'' Will do, son. Stay in touch, please!''

'' Stay safe.''

Daniel sighed after the call, ' Damit! Why now...' 

Things were finally looking good for Daniel's family, thanks to the help of Jonathan's dreams, they made it big. But now, it would be worthless in the apocalypse.

Daniel then looked at Natalie, who was talking to her father.

'' Yes, Jonathan dreamt about it... In 2 days, yeah... I'm sending money to buy things... please be safe. We will maintain contact for as long as we can.''

Natalie also ended the call and started to a silent cry. Daniel consoled her, '' We can survive this.''

'' I know... But what if we can't arrive at Jonathan in time? What if something happens to him!?''

'' He can take care of himself. Don't worry.''

The pair finally arrived at the airport. They got out of the cab, but before leaving, Daniel tipped the driver 10 grand.

'' Sir, I think you made a mistake.'' The driver spoke in broken English.

'' No, it is not. Go spend some time with your family.'' Daniel was guilty of not telling about the apocalypse, but if he did, people would think he was crazy.

Hell, even he would want this to be a crazy person's thought, but Jonathans's dream proved to be right time after time.

The driver thanked the couple and went away, not knowing that he would not even have the time to spend all of the money.

The couple made the check-in and boarded the plane with heavy hearts.

'' Please God, let me see my family united one more time.''

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