The Walking Dead

Chapter 5: 5 – A Zombie

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Samantha and Jonathan stayed in the living room, watching TV and seeing humanity falling into chaos. It had only been two hours since Nathan had left, and the news only talked about the random attacks occurring throughout the city. 

The duo became very worried when they heard a noise from above. They noticed it was Nathaniel and Eve, who had woken up and come downstairs, " Mom, Jonathan, what's going on?" 

Nathaniel showed his cell phone, which had dozens of missed calls from friends and relatives. 

Samantha sighed, then called her children closer to her. When both arrived, she started talking about the situation, " The situation is complicated. We don't know what's happening, but it is bad.''

Samantha then pointed at the TV, and the children sat to watch. Only 5 minutes later and they realized the situation was chaotic.

"And where is our father?" Eve asked, clearly worried.

"He went out to check on your grandparents, don't worry. He's fine and will be right back." Samantha said this, but even she was not that certain.

Now, who was in the room was not only the duo of Samana and Jonathan. Now it was four people fixed their eyes on the news.

The Quartet watched as the news got more and more dangerous, ' Crazy man attacks his own family and kills everyone. Reports say he bit all his family to death!'


'Areas around hospitals around the city are being blocked by the Police due to the large number of attacks occurring in the vicinity.'


'The governor and police are ordering everyone to stay indoors and not open the door to anyone. I repeat, it is an order and not a suggestion! Stock up on food if you can.' 

And so passed his last few hours of normality for the people inside the house.

Jonathan kept an eye on his cell phone, waiting for some message from his parents when a noise at the front door startled everyone. 

''OPEN THE DOOR!'' Someone shouted from behind the door.

Samantha recognized the person, ''It's Nathan!'' and ran to open the door. 

Jonathan, with his hands trembling with fear, took a pistol from the inventory and put it in his waistband without anyone noticing.

When Samanta opened the door to the house, five people entered. The five people who came to the house were Nathan's brother John, Nathan's mother and father, and John's wife. 

Jonathan realized on the spot that one of the people was bitten. He then runs and closes the door.

While Jonathan closed the door, Samantha laid the injured person down, while those who were okay went straight to the kitchen, to drink water and rest.

Samantha noticed the bite on the leg of the person on the floor, which was her brother-in-law, " What happened!?" 

Samantha's brother-in-law, John, replied, " We managed to get Mom and Dad out of the house, but one of these crazy people attacked me just before I got in the car." He showed Samantha the bite, "At least it's not that serious.''

''How long ago were you bitten?" Samantha noticed that it was Jonathan who asked. 

John didn't hear very well, ''Can you repeat that?" 

''How long has it been since you were bitten?" 

John recalled the time, " It's been less than an hour." 

Jonathan nodded and moved away from the door. He had gone to get a notebook and began to write something on it, 'He was bitten an hour ago. We need to see if it is normal for infection to take an hour to kill or is he an exception.' 

Jonathan then turned to John then asked, '' Do you have a headache?''

''A little.''

''Any other symptoms?'' Jonathan was taking notes seriously. Anything that could help him understand the infection better was welcomed.

John found the situation amusing and continued answering, '' Except for the headache, which is starting to get stronger, I am feeling a weakness in my body. It's not very strong, but it is annoying.''

Samanta realized what Jonathan was doing, '' Jonathan, honey, can you tell me why you are writing this down?''

Jonathan then realized that the four people who entered the house were not yet aware of how much trouble they were in, "Let me show you something, then you will understand.''

While Samantha was on the floor tending to Jonh, Jonathan went to turn on the TV. As soon as he turned on the TV, the news about people attacking other people started to appear nonstop. 

"The government has decreed that the army will start barricading all cities and recommends that people do not let strangers enter their homes. Stock up on as much food as you want and wait until all this is over. If God wills, I'll be here myself when it's all over. Thank you, and goodnight. Now we will broadcast the emergency signal.''

Jonathan has changed channels and everyone is repeating pretty much the same thing. 'Do not contact strangers, do not leave the house, stock up on food, and wait for the army to respond.'

Jonathan realized that they still haven't made the connection between the bites and people getting like this, 'I'll have to talk to them in another way because I already told Samantha and Nathan about the Zombies, but they clearly didn't listen... but how am I going do that?'

' I can't just go and say: we have to tie up your brother-in-law because he could be dangerous', I have to be more convincing...'

While Jonathan was worried about this, the five guests, who for some reason, didn't know the severity of what was going on, started to lose their minds, '' I didn't think it was this bad.''

Nathaniel explained the situation the best he could, " That's the news since Dad has gone to pick you guys up a few hours earlier. It seems like it's something that's happening all over the world.'' He then showed the guests on his cell phone articles from foreign countries showing that the same thing is happening all around the world.

Nathaniel's grandfather tried to calm the situation down, '' We have to trust the government! They will solve this in no time! Let's stay here and wait.''

Jonathan said nothing to the people and kept reaching for his cell phone but no news from his parents, 'The phone lines should work for a long time, even if humanity falls. I just have to wait.'

In the middle of all this, Eve was paying attention to Jonathan's movements. She realized that he was quite far away from John, so she started to approach Jonathan and asked, '' What are you doing?''

 Jonathan, realizing that he had already noticed something strange there whispered to her, '' Don't stay near him, I have a bad feeling about this whole mess.''

''What do you think it could be?'' Eve asked. 

Jonathan looked into their eyes and said, ''I think it's zombies.''

Eve was about to laugh, but she noticed the seriousness in Jonathan's voice and face, ''You really think it's zombies, don't you?

Jonathan nodded and continued watching John. Samantha had finished the first aid on his leg and now was sitting on the couch.

Jonathan continues talking to her, " Think about it, crazy people attacking each other, the primary attack was bites. The government probably already knows something but isn't saying anything. I recommend that you stay away from your uncle, for your safety.''

Eve didn't say anything, but Jonathan noticed she didn't stay near John.

All people in the house spent 49 minutes just watching the news. Jonathan, who was watching all of the people and looking at Jonh's condition, noticed that Nathan's parents were missing. So he whispered to Eve, '' Hey, do you know where your grandfather is?''

Eve whispered back, '' I saw him and grandma going to the bathroom some time ago.''

With this information, Jonathan remembered something, ' When Nathan first responded to the call, he said someone was already bitten, but Jonh said he got his bite after getting out of the house... this means that someone else was bitten!!!'

Jonathan rushed to Nathan to ask, '' Was your father bitten!?''

Nathan was startled by the sudden scream, but he responded, '' Yes, but he is okay now.''

Jonathan couldn't believe the stupidy of this guy, '' What did I tell you before you left?''

Nathan, who wasn't liking the fact that he was being disrespected in his own house, grumbled a response, '' Why a kid like you welling at me... You said to not let people who were bitten enter the house.''

'' And you brought two of them!''

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Nathan by this point was done with Jonathan, '' I bring anyone who I want to my house, and it is not a kid who will decide who enters or not!''

Jonathan was about to respond but he noticed that everyone else, except Eve and Nathanael, was agreeing with Nathan. Even Samantha, who liked Jonathan quite a lot, was neutral.

Jonathan sighed, '' Okay then! But let me remember that I warned you about this situation.''

Then Jonathan went away, with Eve and Nathanael following him. He went to the kitchen and got some clean water to drink, '' So fucking stupid.''

Nathanael heard what Jonathan said, so he asked curiously, '' Why are you saying that about my dad? You guys were usually on good terms.''

After finishing his water, Jonathan responded, '' Nathanael, think about this situation. Crazy people biting each other, is happening on a global scale, the areas around the hospitals are the most dangerous, and last but not least important, the government isn't able to solve the problem instantly. What enters your mind with all those variables?''

You could almost see and hear the gear working inside Nathanael's head, '' Zombies?''

Jonathan nodded and drank more water.

Nathanael laughed, '' It's impossible! This is real life, not fantasy.''

Jonathan, who had realized that this house was not that safe anymore, said in a grave voice, '' Your grandfather was bitten a few hours earlier than Jonh. He might still haven't turned yet, but he could be soon. Also, he and your grandmother were missing from the living room.''

Nathanael also realized the situation was not that good inside the house. He looked at Eve, who nodded. So he said to Jonathan slowly, '' Hey, do you want to go and check our grandparents with us?''

Jonathan wanted to refuse, but he knew he couldn't let the kids go without him. So with no hesitation, he grabbed two knives and passed them to a surprised Nathanael and to a shocked Eve. '' For precaution.''

The trio then made their way to the bathroom where Eve saw the old couple enter. Jonathan looked at the sibling, who nodded at him.

Then, Jonathan knocked on the door, '' Hello, can you tell me how much longer you guys were going to take?''


Jonathan tried again, '' Hello...? Anyone there!'' This time he said louder.

By now, the people in the living room noted the commotion around the bathroom and came to check. Nathan was surprised when he saw the kids with knives, '' WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?''

Jonathan ignored the man and knocked on the door again, '' Please, if you can hear me, say something!''

Nathan wanted to stop this but noted that Eve and Nathaneal were looking worried, so he called both aside while Jonathan was trying to see if anyone was alive, '' Can you tell me what he is doing?''

Eve responded, '' I saw grandpa and grandma enter the bathroom 30 minutes ago and no sound come from there... Dad, please trust Jonathan a little.''

Putting the pieces together, Nathan realized if Jonathan was telling the truth, the worst already happened with his father. But maybe he could save his mother. 

So Nathan rushed to the bathroom door, pushed Jonathan aside, and started to kick the door as hard as he could. After a few tries, he managed to kick the door down.

What he saw inside the bathroom was a scene of horror. His father was eating the insides of his mother. Guts spilled on the floor with even more blood around. His mother's face was a mix of horror and surprise.

'' FATHER!'' Even in a situation like this, he tried to rush and put his father away from his mother, to try and help. But Jonathan didn't let him and stood in front, '' WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET OUT MY WAY!''

Jonathan didn't bulge, '' Stay calm! That thing is no longer your father! It's a fucking Zombie!''

Nathanael looked at the scene behind Jonathan and slowly realized that the kid was right. '' I can't believe it... This can't be happening!''

Jonathan got out of the way after realizing that the Zombie saw a new prey and started to slowly get up. All of this was being registered by him, ' It's slow... maybe because of age? I need more info.'

Going against every instinct of his body, Jonathan stood in front of the zombie while screaming at Nathan, '' Get the Gun!''

Nathan got out of his petrified state and rushed to get the gun while Jonathan faced the zombie. Eve and Nathanael just watched.

A trembling Jonathan then tried to push the Zombie, but he only managed to nudge a little, ' Strong! I can't totally push him!'

He tried again with more power this time and finally sent the Zombie stumbling back into the bathtub. Jonathan noted that the Zombie got up instantly.

After a little bit of shoving, Jonathan got more information out of this test, ' I can handle a single Zombie, but if there was more than one, I would be in serious trouble!'

Just as he said that, the grandmother of the siblings started to get up. Jonathan realized, ' SHIT!'

'' NATHAN! WHERE THE FUCK IS YOU!'' Jonathan shoved the male Zombie one more time.

Just as the female zombie was getting closer, Nathan finally arrived with guns in hand. He aimed at the Zombie, which was once his mother, and couldn't shoot.

This allowed the female Zombie to enter a wrestling match with an unprepared Jonathan, who thought Nathan would shoot right away, '' SHOOT!''

Nathan was trembling but still couldn't shoot, '' I'm sorry!''

' FUCKING USELESS.' Jonathan now had little time to act, as he saw the male zombie getting up. ' The zombie is strong than I, but I'm smart!'

Jonathan had a couple of seconds to act, so he did. He kicked the knee of the female zombie, which made her fall. In the process, she almost manage to bite Jonathan, but he dodged backward.

After that, he rushed to get the gun from the ground and aimed at the male zombie, who was the closest. He looked at it, and said, '' I'm sorry.''

' Bang.'

Even with a trembling hand, from adrenaline and fear, Jonathan shoots the head of the male zombie, finally killing it.

Then he went near the female zombie, who was in the process of getting up from the ground. Jonathan aimed at her head, '' I'm sorry.''


After killing the 2 zombies, Jonathan rushed to the toilet and threw up. Even though he amounted to over 20 years of mentality, this was the first time he killed something other than insects.


Jonathan got up after that and noted the shocked faces of Nathan's family, '' What?''

What Jonathan didn't realize, was that he was braver than an adult in a near-death situation, even though he wasn't even 13 old. The suprised faces was because they're really shocked by his actions.

Eve and Nathanael, who saw all the actions and the death of their grandparents, were being taken care of by Samantha.

Nathan said nothing and locked the bathroom before even looking inside it. Then he said to Jonathan, '' I belive you now.''

'' About time.'' Jonathan then whipesred to Nathan, '' We need to secure your brother.''

It seems Nathan forgot about his brother, '' Oh my God...''

Jonathan sighed, '' Do you want me to do it for you? He still has some time left, but I don't know how much.''

Nathan shook his head, '' You did enough for today. I'm sorry I didn't shoot, that couldve killed you.''

'' Just don't do it again, please.''

Nathan nodded and went to talk with John and his wife, who only heard the commotion.

Jonathan looked at the closed bathroom, at his friends, and at Nathan. He then sighed, '' What a mess!''

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