The Weakest Demon’s Guide for World Conquest (BL)

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Consort (NSFW)

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Arc 1: Luxuria

Chapter 11: Consort


Before Asmo could even respond to the escalating situation, Monad carried Haruki to the connecting bedroom. Monad's hands were on Haruki's back and ass, while the shorter man - in fear of falling down and embarrassing himself - had to stick his arms and legs on the Hero like a koala.

The two kept the shameful position up to the time Monad opened the door and firmly locked it from inside. "M-monad, what the, wah!"

Haruki gasped when his back was pressed into the door and his open mouth was captured by Monad's hungry lips. The Hero had a hungry gaze before closing his eyes and savoring the taste of the young man, pushing his tongue and licking every inch of the cavity. Haruki's shock gave way to pleasure, and he hummed and moaned as he let the Demon do as he pleased.

When Monad was done with the kiss, a sliver of saliva connected both of their mouths. The Demon smirked at Haruki's blushing and helpless look, licking his upper lip in a very enticing manner. Seeing it at close quarters, the redness in Haruki's cheeks grew deeper, even spreading to his neck and ears like accelerated Corruption.

"How cute," muttered Monad before giving the flustered Haruki a peck on the lips. "Our dear Sovereign of Lust turned out to be very innocent."

Haruki punched the Hero's right shoulder, but only succeeded in hurting himself. "You're so obnoxious! Was the polite demeanor a convenient mask for your true perverted nature?"

Monad grinned and hummed, planting another kiss on Haruki's forehead. "The pot should not call the kettle black, Lord Haruki. I'm not the only one who enjoyed playing a role."

"So, what, are we actors now?" Haruki gave out a disgruntled noise, which turned into a sharp moan when Monad started kissing and licking his neck while kneading his buttocks with both hands. "I-I, uh, think I-I was hiding it quite, ah, well…"

"Yep, that stoic poker face of yours is befitting a Demon King," replied Monad, playfully biting said Demon King's Adam's apple. "But I like your flustered expressions better. It's very thrilling when I'm the only one you show it to, so be a good honest boy when it's just the two of us, okay?"

Haruki could only nod and pant, lost in pleasure as Monad's hands kept busy on his ass and his exposed abdomen.

A low and raspy chuckle came out of Monad's throat. "Good boy."

Haruki's entire body shivered at the praise and his world became dizzy when Monad turned and moved. Before he could recover, he was shoved into the bed, the sleeves of his robe falling off his shoulders. While he lay down in a daze, Monad kneeled on top of his legs and dropped his spear and cape on the ground. With one swift motion, the Hero took off his shirt, letting Haruki get a good look as the muscles of his arms and chest stretched and moved fluidly.

Haruki mentally drooled, his eyes glued on the exposed chocolate-colored skin and perfectly chiseled chest and eight-pack abs. Monad smirked at the other's stunned look and pulled a hand towards his body. "Feel free to touch, it's yours from now on."

While Haruki shyly started feeling the tight muscles of the Hero's chest and abdomen, Monad took off the other's belt and pulled both the pants and underwear to the knees. Haruki stopped momentarily to let the Demon take both garments off his legs, exposing everything underneath to the elements.

Embarrassed, Haruki tried to hide his crotch with his legs, but Monad was having none of that. He grabbed the legs and pulled them to both his sides, bowing his head to give the Haruki's erect penis a good lick.

"Ah…" Haruki gasped; the sudden sensation almost made him cum in an instant.

"How cute," said Monad, touching the cock with a finger and sliding it from the bottom to the tip. "It's as red as your face, Haruki."

Haruki grabbed a fistful of the Hero's dark blue hair in frustration. "S-stop teasing!"

Monad simply hummed, not even flinching at Haruki's ministrations. He continued licking and kissing the other's penis, before opening his mouth and giving it a good suck.

"Ahhhh, M-monad, n-no, th-that's, uhhhh…"

Both of Haruki's hands were now on Monad's head, though they were merely pressing and gripping the hair like it was a lifeline. Urged by the Demon King's soft moaning, Monad felt himself grow a little impatient, his fingers itching to enter a certain hole.

Of course, Haruki felt that something was off. "W-wha…"

Monad sucked once more, distracting Haruki from the painful entrance of a finger on his butthole. Still, the younger man gasped and screamed; the invasion of an object on a very tight hole would cause some discomfort.

"Hmmm…" Monad moved his mouth and with a sinful pop, left the saliva-coated cock alone. "I think we'll need something to move along. Good thing I came prepared."

Drowned in pleasure from both his cock and ass being teased, Haruki could only groan and tremble. "I-I told you I'm a v-virgin…"

"Uh-huh," said Monad, grabbing Haruki's waist and pulling his entire butt upwards. "Though it showed some signs of use; I wager Lord Haruki liked playing with his hole."

Haruki could only cover his entire face in shame. "S-so, what if I d-do? It's not li-like it's a crime or something..."

"It's borderline criminal if you don't let me watch you do it," replied Monad, taking out a small bottle from his pocket. "In fact, if I weren't so horny, I'd really like to see how you do it."

"B-bastard! You're such a-ahhhh!"

A finger once more occupied Haruki's asshole, but this time there was an additional tingling sensation. "W-what d-did you…"

"It's a special lubricant I had the Alchemy Atelier produce." Monad thrusted his finger in and out, which was now coated by a blue slimy substance with a minty fragrance. "Did you know that the blood of the Black Wolves contained aphrodisiac qualities when combined with some commonly-known herbs? It also eases the pain a lot - really a must-have for anal sex. I figured we can sell it for some coin, but of course we should do some product testing first."

Haruki was dumbfounded, enduring the searing heat that came from his bottom. "And I'm your guinea pig?!"

"Well, someone said, no, 'ordered' that any new weapons and tools should be approved by the Sovereign before use and mass production." Monad smirked and as if to prove his point, added another thick finger on the now softening and widening asshole.

"Ahhh, no, fuck…" Whether Haruki cursed Monad for his disrespect or himself for his complete lack of foresight, that was a question for the sane and uninhibited Haruki. For now, his mind was utterly fogged by the hot and sturdy digits expertly playing with his ass.

When a third finger pressed inside and all three inserted all the way to his prostate, Haruki moaned loudly and quickly ejaculated, spurting white juice all over his undershirt. The sting of pleasure overwhelmed him - did he cum with Monad just playing with his ass? He was never this easy - was his body more sensitive now that he became the Demon King of Lust? He eyed the Hero with frustration, Monad was as composed as ever, and the fact irritated him.

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"Hmmm, very effective, I say." Monad stated like he was a scientist observing a successful experiment. "Certified by the Sovereign of Lust - if we put this in the advertisements, I'm sure it'll sell well."

"S-stop talking about work," mumbled Haruki, reaching out and grabbing Monad's crotch, feeling the erect penis covered by the pants. He had his sweet revenge when he saw the Hero flinch. "Are you going to fuck me or not?"

Monad was stunned for a bit before giving a low and hoarse laugh. "Really, Haruki, you continue to surprise me."

"Stop fussing and fuck me," said Haruki impatiently; the heat on his ass was burning his entire body and making him hard again. The only way he could get relief was through this handsome man in front of him. "Take responsibility for that shitty aphrodisiac."

"Mouthy," reprimanded Monad in a teasing manner, giving the mischievous Demon King a long, languid kiss. He took his fingers off Haruki's hungry hole and got rid of his pants and underwear. Haruki followed suit with his shirt and then found himself forcefully pressed onto the bed.

Monad positioned himself, coated his long and thick penis with his special lubricant and spread Haruki's legs. He aimed his cock at Haruki's gaping entrance and slowly pushed inside.

"Ah, ahhhhhhh!" Haruki's long and loud moan was the sweetest Monad ever heard, as he struggled to keep his sanity at the smooth and tight walls that embraced his cock.

"Haruki, uh, y-you're a bit tight," mumbled Monad, plunging his meat stick slowly, careful not to tear the Demon King's asshole.

"N-no, d-don't stop, it's ahhh, p-please, d-deeper…"

Haruki's random gasps and words echoed around them, and Monad felt the asshole contract every time the other man grunted and breathed in. Still, the Demon Hero did as he was commanded and shoved his long and thick penis until the entire thing was swallowed by the Demon King's hole.

Haruki touched his slightly bulging stomach, which had the imprint of Monad's dick deep inside it. "I feel… So full…"

"Fuck…" With his mind occupied by Haruki's enticing words, Monad could no longer stifle the hungry beast within. His hips moved, pulling his cock away then thrusting it once again.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Haruki screamed, drowning out the obscene sounds of a penis sliding in and out of his butthole in a continuous yet chaotic rhythm. He struggled as he moaned, with Monad's upper body shadowing over him as the Demon used his heroic strength to make a mess out of him.

"M-monad!" With his beloved's call, Monad accelerated his pace, embracing the shorter man's lean and smooth body tightly, so he could thrust in at the best angle and hit the other's most sensitive spots.

"Haruki…" Amidst the other's screams, Monad repeated his name over and over again like a prayer, while abusing the other's hole until it was carved with the shape of his cock. Every time he smacked deep and slammed into the prostate, Haruki sang in a higher pitch - a lovely sound that pushed Monad to the depths of ecstasy.

Tears fell from Haruki's eyes, but there was no sorrow or fear on his face. Monad licked them away and pressed his mouth on Haruki's gasping one, swallowing all of his moans. The shorter man put his arms around the Hero's neck, returning the sloppy and tongue-tied kiss with as much fervor as the other man had given.

Kissing and thrusting in, sucking and moving out. The two had stamina to bear and their feelings came across as their bodies touched each other. Soon enough, Haruki felt the heat on his abdomen about to surge forth.

"M-monad, I-I'm about to cum…"

"Me too," said Monad, panting all over, the sweat from his forehead dripping right into Haruki's flushed face. "Can I cum inside you?"

"Y-yeah, ahhh!" Hearing Haruki's response, Monad redoubled his efforts, pushing in and pulling out in a rapid rhythm that made both men crazy.

Within a dozen more thrusts, Haruki's ass tightened as his cock quivered and spurted thick, white cream. "I-I'm cumming, ahhhhhhhh!"

"Haruki!" Monad's loud and hoarse moan echoed around the room as he dug deep into Haruki's puckering hole, finally spilling his seed.

"Monad…" Haruki felt his entire body go limp, especially his legs and buttocks. His ass felt tight with the Demon Hero's thick and long manhood embedded inside, gushing forth a stream of semen that threatened to slip away with a single movement. He was exhausted, but the thrall of pleasure still pervaded in his heart, body and soul.

In addition, Haruki felt his inner strength blossoming, despite his body's current faltering state. It was a strange feeling, like a connection suddenly opened, bringing forth a new kind of power, while his own was tunneling away bit by bit. But despite the loss, it felt incredibly pleasant, as if the things he lost were not only replaced by the new arrivals, but synchronized in harmony, like two halves creating a better and greater whole.

Was this his Carnal Connection Ability activating? Haruki could use Identifying Magic to be sure, but he was too tired to care. Also, he was distracted by Monad, who once again ravaged his mouth with another of his gentle yet devouring kisses.

Haruki let the Hero open his mouth to shove the other's tongue in, but he was a little more apprehensive about the thing that invaded his other hole. He turned and stopped the kiss, glaring at the Demon. "Why're you getting hard again?"

"Hm?" Monad hummed nonchalantly, sitting up and pulling Haruki on his lap, who gave a cry at the sudden movement. Semen leaked from his hole, coating the bed's covers with the proof of their union. "Didn't I tell you? We need at least three days to make your first time memorable."

Haruki paled at once. "You, you were serious?!"

Monad pushed his head on Haruki's chest, licking a nipple while looking up with a pitiful puppy-like expression on his face. "I waited a week for you, abstaining myself the whole time. You won't deny me my reward, will you?"

"You…" Haruki faltered at the puppy eyes - this freaking Incubus really knew how to use his charms!

"Good boy," said Monad with a grin, giving the sighing Demon King a quick peck on the lips.

Haruki raised an eyebrow, moving closer and wrapping his arms around the Hero's neck. "You better make these three days worth it, I'm a very busy man."

Monad smirked and slipped a finger on the Demon King's sharp mouth. "Keep provoking me and you won't last the night."

Haruki knew he was playing with fire but eh, you only live once. He gave a mischievous smile and licked the fingers strapped on his mouth. "Indulge me."

In response, Monad narrowed his eyes and like the loyal servant he was, did as ordered.

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