The Weakest Demon’s Guide for World Conquest (BL)

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Shifting Sand Part I

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Arc 2: Chimera

Chapter 15: Shifting Sand Part I


Going outside during noon in the Extollan Wastes was tantamount to exposing yourself to the heat of a wyvern's flame, but this was the only time of the day for Paul to leave the White Chrysanthemum Inn without exposing himself. Being an employee in a whorehouse meant that the work hours start from the evening up to the next day's early morning; after all, they needed to make sure that the customers' satisfaction were guaranteed as well as ensuring the safety of their "goods". However, on this particular morning, Paul could not pull even the slightest of his usual concentration on the work to be done.

It was that slutty maid's fault, thought Paul angrily as he swerved into a dingy back alley in Stonecutter's Village. He had been in a foul mood the whole morning - even Martha noticed that something was amiss. Still, he thought he did a good job despite the circumstances, even smiling crookedly as he bid farewell to that noble young master's party.

He won't be noble for much long, Paul said to himself as he smirked. He had to pay a hefty "price" to get the information he needed, but he will get his revenge soon on that maid that made a fool out of him.

Paul's memories of last night were hazy, full of his tears and moans as that damn woman sat on top of him and did as she wanted. He had been drowned in saliva as kisses ravaged his mouth, but there were no moments where he struggled against it. Paul was dumbfounded and enraged - he was not weak to pleasure, not in the slightest! At least, that was what he thought before last night.

Frowning and gritting his teeth, Paul pulled himself together and threw the memories of last night into the deepest reaches of his mind. Maintaining a calm countenance, he opened the rotting back door of a seemingly ordinary tavern.

Welcoming him was an interior that screamed of poverty, with the hooded middle-aged man sitting on a rickety chair seemingly intertwined with the backdrop. His posture was relaxed and a little bit ragged, but the deeply hidden cunning in his brown eyes told a different story.

"Ah, it's you, Paul," said the man in a bored tone. "What news have you got for us this time?"

Paul took the seat in front of the man, who he knew was Darwin, one of the four leaders of the unofficial information guild known as "Shifting Sand". It certainly wasn't one of the most powerful guilds in the world, but it has considerable influence in the Extollan Wastes and the Agni Desert. And Paul worked for them as a small-time informant, divulging details of the clients who came to stay in the best whorehouse in town.

Paul grinned widely as he spoke. "A young nobleman visited the Inn last night, he seemed to be an important figure."

Darwin's eyebrows perked up. "A nobleman?"

"Around eighteen years old, came to experience his 'first time' in the Inn. A little naive, but he is a new enrollee in the Arcanum Academy, so he must be the scion of some noble house."

"You don't even know which house it is? Sloppy work for you, I might say."

Paul froze like a deer caught in headlights. Darwin's piercing gaze seemed to have seen through his innermost secrets, especially that of the night before. "I… Um, the retainer I got the information from... has pretty tight lips…"

"I see," said Darwin in a drawled tone. "Not a fan of your work site's 'goods', I presume?"

Not a fan? That woman was certainly a sex addict! Paul remembered the debauched look on the maid's face as she made him cum again and again with her tight hole. He trembled at the alarmingly clear memory, his body emitting a heat that made him sweat.

"You okay there, Paul? Not sick, I hope?"

"No, I was just…" Paul shook his head as he tried to regain his composure. "I just had a bad night at the Inn…"

"All those moans and gasps keeping you awake at night?" Darwin chuckled as he took a wooden cup from the table. The sour taste of alcohol seeped through Paul's nose, making him more light-headed than ever. "Putting thin walls in a sex den is bad taste, Martha should really have them replaced."


Darwin took a sip from his cup. "So, anything else that's useful?"

"Ah, yes!" Paul shook his discomfort as he spoke with a little more vigor. "It seems that this young nobleman prefers men and is even a bottom."

"How interesting…" Darwin put his cup down, his eyes glowing with unhinged amusement. "Sexual practices are frowned upon at the Nit Magedom, especially homosexuality. Is this what you're getting at, Paul?"

"His knight also seemed to have the same preferences, though he tops," continued Paul, adopting the scheming manner as his boss'. "I wonder if nothing really happened between the two of them…"

"Oh ho, now that's a dramatic development to this little story of ours." Paul grinned as he watched Darwin change into a posture akin to a lion ready to pounce. "However, if we don't know at least where this young gay hails from, this information will be of no use to us."

Paul certainly knew that, with the months he spent working for this man. Darwin was the craftiest of the men that led Shifting Sand and his specialty was blackmailing nobles and merchants to do his bidding. He was also a big skeptic, doubting his subordinates' words until they were absolutely certain of the information they got. Paul definitely did not know where that nobleman came from, but with some help, he could pry that detail easily.

"Seeing that they just left this morning, they are still in the vicinity," said Paul, testing the waters as he observed every minute expression on Darwin's face. "If somehow, unfortunately, they got entangled with bandits and some of their belongings were swiped, I'm sure we'll have enough clues to determine their identities."

Darwin raised an eyebrow before laughing out loud. "Very funny, Paul. And where can you find these so-called bandits of yours?"

Cold sweat dripped on Paul's back, but he refrained from giving in to fear as he refused to answer the question. "That nobleman had three retainers with him, including that male knight I told you about. Surely, he could give one to you? Better yet, he might have more at home."

The amusement in Darwin's face suddenly died down. A hint of warning was laced on his tone as he spoke. "How much do you know?"

"N-not much! I only know that you are collecting people for a client. I don't even know where they go or who you are working for."

"Good, keep it that way," said Darwin, patting Paul's right shoulder in a fatherly manner, but it only made the young man's nerves tighten. The next words spoken also made him more fearful than ever. "You have a rare gift for negotiation, Paul. I sincerely hope we can work together for a long, long time."

Paul gulped; he knew it was Darwin's mild way of saying "know your place".

"You should tell Martha you won't be working in the Inn tonight," said Darwin, back in that drawling voice Paul knew him for. However, despite the man's unhurried posture, Paul knew that a deal had been made.

"Got it, boss." Paul grinned widely - there was money to be made, that was for sure.

As Paul happily left the tavern, the flap of a bird's wings could be faintly heard.


A few kilometers away from Stonecutter's Village, a group of three people and a small fur ball were laying around, with a peach picnic blanket laid atop the ground. It was a unique sight, as most would dare not to risk their life away by staying in one place for prolonged periods of time. It was because the general area, the desolate place known as Extollan Wastes, was the prime habitat for dangerous creatures like Black Wolves, Horned Serpents and Blood-Winged Eagles.

But for Haruki's group, these monsters were simply resources to be harvested.

Monad hummed as he sat on the blanket, ridding his spear of blood, grime and dust with a piece of cloth. Haruki watched as his Consort took care of his weapon after slaying a group of Black Wolves single-handedly, appreciatively staring at how his usual look fit him better rather than the Disguise he took on as the easy-going knight Damon.

"If you keep staring, I'm going to jump you, Haruki," said Monad in a sing-song tone, abruptly pulling the young Sovereign from his thoughts.

"W-what are you talking about?" Haruki feigned ignorance as usual, coughing slightly. "I was just appreciating the sharpness of your spear."

And Haruki wasn't just saying that. He had already appraised the spear with Identifying Magic since it had been completed by the Blacksmith.

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[Name: Crowned Horn Glaive]

[Rank: B]

[Description: A spear smelted from red iron and mana ore. The tip was crafted from the sharp and unbreakable horn of a Crowned Horn Serpent. Manufactured by the Blacksmith of Harlux.]

[Function: Wear to boost Strength by 20 and Stamina by 15. Has very high durability.]

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Monad caressed the spear as he would his lover and Haruki never thought he would be jealous of a weapon. "Especially since it's one of your gifts, Haruki."

And with that, Monad easily dispelled Haruki's misdirected envy. His cheeks were a bit red, but he simply fanned himself with a hand. "It's really hot at this time of the day…"

Monad simply smirked, with no comment whatsoever.

"Oh dear, young master, the weather must be so tiring for you," said Avon in lament, tears brimming in her eyes. Instead of a maid outfit, she was now dressed in a simple noblewoman's gown of pure white. Aside from a pink scarf wrapped on her neck, she looked like a motherly nun who was forced to become a count's virtuous wife. She had fair, pearly skin, pale blonde hair with curls that reached her shoulder and a pair of amethyst-colored eyes that shone with innocence. This was Avon's true appearance, contrasting her identity as a youth-devouring Succubus.

"I'm alright, Avon, so please keep a reasonable distance as usual." Haruki quickly curbed the Saboteur Hero's attempt to sit closer to him.

Avon pouted like she had been deeply wronged, but everyone in the vicinity was already used to her white lotus one woman act. Even Asmo, the slow little thing, was aware of her true personality within the gentle middle-aged lady facade.

"Asmo still doesn't get Master's plan," quipped Asmo, hovering around, flapping his tiny little bat wings.

Tempted by the soft fur, Haruki quickly had the round Familiar in his clutches. "Hmmm, let's just say I'm buying out the neighborhood's little guild."

"Buying out?"

"Yep," replied Haruki, a glint of slyness shining on his ebony-colored eyes. "Taking over an information guild that already has a foundation - isn't that better than creating one from scratch?"

Haruki could hear the Familiar's running thoughts as the expressions changed on his furry face. "Is that why you had Raven follow that boy?"

"That's right. She should be back any minute now."

As if on cue, sounds of flapping feathered wings echoed all around them. All three Demons stood and watched as a flock of Blood-Winged Eagles filled the sky. Leading in front of them was a black bird that was a quarter of their size.

"It looks like Raven's back," said Monad, cupping his hand over his forehead as he gazed at the incoming mob. "And she brought some friends for target practice."

"How nice~" Avon cheered with both hands pressed together, like a wife catching sight of fresh ingredients for dinner. "I was hoping to relieve some of my excess energy."

Monad raised an eyebrow. "Really? That boy was really good in bed?"

Avon licked her lips, making the watching Haruki shiver and pity the poor boy that caught her interest. "Simply delectable. You should have seen his crying face, what a delightful sight it was~"

"Huh. I'm sure Haruki still got him beat, though." Monad sighed in longing, as if he didn't just get laid a few hours ago. "No one can replace the beautiful Sovereign of Lust, after all~"

"No fair! If only Lord Haruki fancied women, huhu."

Haruki kept his distance from the two conversing heroes. As much as they bickered and argued as time would allow, there were only two things they could calmly talk about - sex and Haruki. As expected of the extremely loyal but also superbly promiscuous Lust Demons.

"Try not to overdo it," remarked Monad as he took out his spear on the ready. "The feathers won't look glossy with dried blood. I'm trying to collect enough for Haruki's special outfit."

Avon grabbed a gnarled staff as the piercing cries of birds reverberated in the area. "But I like choking these little birds, they let out such a fine cry~"

It was only fair for Haruki to step away a little further.

Within a few seconds, the Demons and the Blood-Winged Eagles entangled in battle. Though, in Haruki's eyes, it was simply a one-sided massacre. Sharp yet thin rocks flew from the ground, accurately piercing through the Eagles' wings and bringing them down from the sky. After that, they were treated to either a piercing slash from a spear or strangled to death with thick emerald-colored vines.

In contrast, the small raven comfortably hovered above the ground, before landing in front of Haruki and turning into a kneeling young woman with long black hair.

"Welcome back, Raven," greeted Haruki.

"Yes, Lord Haruki," replied the woman, bowing her head in respect. "I have accomplished the mission you have assigned to me."

"Good work, though I don't know why you brought the Eagles here. With your abilities, you could have easily evaded them."

"Consort Monad wished to adorn you with a new dress made from these creatures' feathers, so I took it to myself to oblige to his request." Raven looked up with clear blue eyes, accenting her girlish features and pearly skin. Like all Succubi, she was a gorgeous beauty, though she was more on the younger side. Her straight hair that reached up to her waist was wrapped in a simple ponytail and she wore a light brown leather garb and black pants. On her belt was a sheathed dagger and some pouches containing vials of potions and poisons. Raven was Harlux's best Scout with a rare Shapeshifting skill, though she could only transform into her namesake.

Compared to the sharp-mouthed knight Minerva whom she put on as a Disguise, the real Raven was a woman of few words and unmeasured dedication to her work. In fact, she was a rather unique Succubus as she rarely partook in the pleasures of the flesh. Haruki heard she only visits the Vice structures once a month, just the bare minimum to keep her existence as a Lust Demon.

However, it seemed that Haruki was cursed to never have one sane subordinate.

"Lord Haruki will definitely look great in a gown made of those crimson feathers." Raven babbled in an excited voice and gleaming eyes, looking like one of those gamers who was given a chance to pick a new skin for their favorite character. "A ruby brooch would definitely fit well with the aesthetic; I should discuss this with Consort Monad."

"Uh, Raven, I don't think that's necessary. Plus, we don't have the funds to-"

"I'm sure the recent sales of the special lubricant will do, Lord Haruki. I also recently acquired the Pickpocket Skill, I'm sure I can find a good jewel or two."

Haruki sighed heavily. A useless and unkillable Familiar, a perverted Consort with endless stamina, a boy-crazy Hero with twisted desires and a subordinate who is obsessed with dressing up her liege - yep, he was surrounded by a bunch of misfits.

Still, thought Haruki as he watched as the noise of the battle died down, this was as good a party as he could hope for.

Now, it was time to make full use of his team's abilities. If all went according to plan, he would have a brand-new shiny information guild to play with.

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