The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 103: 103

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Leader and Gilmas-san are discussing about what to do with the people they captured.

Looks like they ran out of cells because the number of people exceeded what they predicted.
The cells are already overflowing with vigilantes and townspeople who were involved with the organization and criminals.
We will add the captured adventurers into the pile.
Just by thinking about how many people will eventually be jailed, I got a fright.
By the way, why were there 34 people lurking near the base?
Is there some kind of meaning to it?
Hmm, I have no idea.

That reminds me, there are also the aristocrats.
Lord Volonda took them away, but where did he take them?
We have caused inconvenience to that gentleman.
I have to express my gratitude to him later… can I even meet him?

I sipped my tea leisurely as I watched the vigilantes and adventurers busying about.
Leader suggested them to take a break as they must be tired by now.
But still, what is it?
Once again, I look at the vigilantes and adventurers.
They too must be tired, but I noticed that for some reason their expressions seem bright.
Is there something going on?

“Thank you for your hard work.”

As I watched the them busying about in a daze, Saizerg-san stood near here.
Oh no, I’m getting distracted.
I have to be vigilant; this problem is not completely over yet.

“Thank you for your hard work. Are you tired?”

He must be quite tired, since he has been busying around since this morning.

“I’m good. I’m so happy we managed to outwit the organization, I don’t feel tired at all.”

Ah, so that’s how it is.

Turns out the reason why everyone looks somehow ecstatic is because they are finally able to counter the organization; which has been causing hell for them.

“How about you and Sora? It must have been tiring; there are a lot of people after all.”

It was certainly more tiring than I had imagined.
But I was just sitting down the whole time; telling then Sora’s reaction.

“It was more tiring than I thought, but it was easy because I was sitting down all the time. Sora is also alright.”

“I see. But don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”


Saizerg-san gleefully patted my head.
Someone called him; and his expression turned sour.

“Geez. I’m sorry to ask this right after I told you to not push yourself too hard, but we need your help.”

“What’s the matter?”

“A group of adventurers will come here soon. Can you help to examine them?”

I peeked inside the bag on my lap; it’s the bag I reserved for Sora.
I just gave it potions for its meal a moment ago.
Sora looked a little sleepy after the meal.

“Sorry Sora, can you help us a bit more?”

Sora reacted by wobbling.
Then it stretched its body.
…is this its way to exercise before doing a task?
But it seems to be careful so it doesn’t jump out the bag, and the way it stretches is a little warped.
When we’re all done with this matter, I’ll let it stretch as much as it wants in the forest.
I’ll also give it a lot of potions.

“Sora can do it.”

“I see, that’s good then.”

“Um, what are you going to do with all the captured people?”

I looked towards the people gathering in the yard of the building we use as our base.
All of them are tied up with their hands behind their backs.
To prevent them from running away, a rope is tied around their waists, connecting all the captured.

“We have a reasonably large room in the former merchant house we use as our base, so I think we’re going to renovate that one. We need robust cells to jail the ex-vigilantes and criminals, but ordinary cells will do for civilians.”

Indeed, it’s unsafe to put the ex-vigilantes and wanted criminals in simple cells converted from a room, but civilians would be fine as long as we place rigid guard duty.
I can see it from here, everyone looks tired.
The people who initially insisted that they have nothing to do with the organization seem to stop resisting once they understood that Borolda-san used his magic item.
Now, no one is making a fuss and the atmosphere is somber.

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Borolda-san’s team and Saizerg-san’s team are high-class adventurer team in this town.
It was said that their investigation result is so trustworthy that it can even influence a person’s sentence.
Thanks to that, no one dare to questions the magic item that Borolda-san uses.
I thought all high-class adventurers are such influential people, but it seems that’s not the case.
It differs between location, but seems like the high-class adventurer teams belong to this town are acknowledged by Gilmas-san.
I heard that they are high-class adventurers, but I had no idea that Borolda-san’s team is comprised of such awesome people.
I was surprised to learn that Gilmas-san is also an amazing person.
No one would think that if they see his expression when he found out that the adventurers he introduced to us were problematic, and the way he slouched when he saw the aristocrats.
Perhaps because his face doesn’t match his gestures, he gives out the vibe of pathetic person.
Anyway, without knowing since when, now I’m surrounded by a lot of awesome people.
That is what surprised me the most.

“Ah, looks like they’re here. We gathered some adventurers and asked them to keep an eye on the base. Leader will ask them to recite their names one by one, so can I ask you to help with the examination?”

“I understand. Sora, let’s do our best.”

I whispered to Sora in the bag.

I felt Sora softly reacted.
I was relieved; then I headed towards where Saizerg-san and the adventurers were.

Gilmas-san didn’t call upon too many adventurers.
I was a little relieved seeing them.
It should not take too much time to examine them all.

“Oh, they’re here.”

As I stood between Borolda-san and Saizerg-san, I felt that the adventurers were sneaking a glance towards here.
…the adventurers must admire them a lot.
Looking at these 2 gentlemen…yeah, they look cool when they’re being serious.

When Leader talks about guard duty for watching the people we caught, the adventurers started to make a fuss.
When Gilmas-san told them to shut up, the adventurers all fell silent.
He wasn’t particularly reprimanding them roughly, so I got it, Gilmas-san is such an awesome person.

I got Sora to examine the adventurers introduced to us one by one.
There were 41 of them, in 12 teams.
If Sora reacted, I lightly tugged Borolda-san’s shirt.
I tugged his shirt thrice.
There are 3 problematic ones among the adventurers.
These 3 people each belong to different teams.
Here I can feel how malicious the organization is.


Borolda-san scooted to Gilmas-san’s position and talked to him.
Gilmas-san’s expression that he showed us the next moment is somehow~ hmmm…
Since he usually looks fierce, this miserable look of him left me a deep impression.
There’s not a lot of people who can change their image just with lowering the corners of their eyes.

“Gilmas is a compassionate person. He must feel down because there are a lot of traitors.”

Saizerg-san explained because I was staring at Gilmas-san.
I couldn’t possibly say that I stared at him because his image changed a lot it’s interesting.
I can never tell him that.
Apparently, I’m getting tired.

“So that’s the case.”

I felt something moving inside my bag.
Does Sora also have some kind of magic that can see through me?

“With, this, I think we finished our operation.”

Saizerg-san made a funny face hearing my words.

“From morning until now, it has been quite a big day, hasn’t it?”

I think so.
The operation I cooked up demands some level of agility.
When I think about it, the vigilantes and the adventurers are amazing.
They can respond quickly to any urgent natter.

I saw someone trying to flee from among the adventurers.


The next second, I saw Gilmas-san chasing them in lightning speed…and landed a flying kick.

“Looks painful.”

The adventurer who went flying seemed to have lost their consciousness.
Well, he was sent flying full force.

“Hahaha, Gilmas is real scary when you make him angry~”

I see.
I’ll watch my attitude too.

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