The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 58: 58

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I woke up when the morning sun was shining in the sky.

I sensed someone moving around in the adventurers’ area.


It seemed that my sense had returned before I start my journey.


I ate tree fruits and dried meat as I watched Sora digesting its breakfast potions vigorously.


“Sora, today we are leaving this Latome Village. We’ll go to Otorwa Town next.”


Sora was bouncing when I talked to it.

As I was taking a tea break after meal, Sora started doing its vertical movement beside me.

This kind of movement had become a normal scene.

Sora was translucent blue before, but now it had completely changed into 2 colors.

The lower part of the waterdrop shape is blue, and the upper part is red.

It’s pretty because it’s translucent, but it remained unclear why Sora changed color and whether it is really alright.

Sora was looking at me and bouncing, perhaps it had finished its exercise.

How cute.


“Phew, then, shall we go now?”


I had finished all the preparations for my journey.

I only have to tidy up my tent.

I put Sora in my bag and got out of the tent.

I put away my tent, carried it on my back and hung my other bags on my shoulders.

Preparations completed.

I bowed slightly to the caretaker of the adventurers’ area.


“Are you leaving?”


“Yes, thank you very much for everything.”


“Take care, and have a good journey.”


I bowed deeply once, and then walked over to the village gate.

As the gate came into my sight, I saw Vice Captain Verivela leaning against the gate.

I wonder if Vice Captain Verivela is the gatekeeper today?


“Good morning, Ivy.”


“Good morning.”


I had sent my message through the Captain, but I was glad we could meet because I wanted to tell him my thanks face to face.


“Vice Captain Verivela, I have been in your care. Thank you very much.”


I bowed deeply.

Vice Captain Verivela patted my head, it felt nice.


“Don’t worry about it, since we both are victims of the Captain.”


“Huh, no, that is…. Were you all right at work yesterday?”


“Ah~, hahaha, I’m not good at office work~ did he say anything to you?”


“…that is for training his subordinates, he said.”


Perhaps it’s better not to say anything.

Vice Captain Verivela’s smile looks somehow chilling…scary!


“Hoo~ training, huh~ I see.”


Captain Argud, I’m sorry.

Somehow, I felt extremely guilty.




“Ah, sorry. Don’t worry about it. Besides that, please be careful, there are dangerous animals, monsters and also dangerous people in the forest.”




“This is about Otorwa Town, there’s a dangerous kidnapping organization there. I heard they’re tightening the supervision, but I haven’t heard any information that they have arrested all the members. Absolutely don’t approach any suspicious people.”


“Kidnapping…I’ll be careful.”


“Yeah, and come visit this village again someday. We are waiting for you.”


“Eh,…yes. See you again someday.”

I bowed lightly and left the village.

I was a little sad as I walked along the village road.

“See you again someday.”

I had never known that having someone waiting to see you again is such a joyful feeling.

Vice Captain Verivela, who speaks a little harshly but is kind, and Captain Argud who is reckless but reliable.

I had met good people.

I want to come back to this village someday.


“See you again someday.”



—The Captain and the Vice Captain—



A stack of paper was placed on the desk in front of me.

I have a bad feeling~

As I glanced to the side, ah~ even though he was smiling, I felt a terrible chill.

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“Verivela, um. This is?”


“The work you have accumulated all this time.”


“Hahaha. Oops, I have to patrol.”


“Hahaha, please don’t worry about it. I have changed your schedule so you can work here all day.”




“Ah, yes. I’m also working here all day as well.”


“…I see.”


He’s serious, his eyes say he’s serious.

Oh crap, I’m in trouble.


Come to think of it, I haven’t done any paperwork at all lately…I glanced at the stack of documents.

I see, that’s why he snapped.


“Please let me do it.”


“Of course.”




I reached out to the documents.

Ah~ reading each and every one of them is so tiresome.

Really, how does one do paperwork?


“Oh, this.”


“What’s wrong?”


Verivela held out a document towards me.

I took it and checked it out.

The next moment, I knew there was a deep crease between my eyebrows.

That document is a copy of the request sent by Latomi Village to the adventurer guild.

The content is asking them to find the villagers who stole the village’s property.

Their genders and names are listed in 3 sheets.


“Latomi Village head is a fool.”


“Yeah, both guilds have already understood the present condition of Latomi Village. This thing is useless.”


Information from the merchants are very accurate and fast because their life depend on it.

Merchant guild also take information seriously, so they immediately check even rumors from the merchants.

As a result, they already knew what had become of Latomi Village now.

The merchant guild had assessed the village head and nobles of Latomi Village as the lowest rank of 1.

The assessment rank is basically level of confidence.

Low rank means that there is a high possibility that you will not be able to conduct a honest transaction.

Nobody wants to make a deal with a village with a low ranked village head.

Sending this kind of request to the adventurer guild in such a condition, huh.

Why doesn’t he realize that he’s digging his own grave?

Information about the village also flowed to adventurer guild.

For that reason, a sentence written on blank space in the first page of this document said: protect the property of the following villagers.

Protect the property of the fleeing villagers, not the village.

In other words, both the adventurer guild and merchant guild declared that they would not work in this case.


“How stupid.”


“Stupid, indeed.”


Ivy’s name was not included in the list.

However, there’s one girl’s name that took my attention.

Among a lot of people who fled with their families, only this girl fled by herself.

Perhaps Verivela had noticed it as well.


“That kid has some secrets. Gender or something else.”


“Perhaps. Isn’t it the reason why that kid couldn’t live in the village?


“Fuu~ that kid doesn’t trust me, huh.”


“…The event in Latomi Village had hurt the kid to that extent. The kid will tell you someday, I’m sure.”


“That’s right. I should wait patiently. You got to meet the kid?”


“Yeah, since I wanted to tell the kid some information properly.”


“More importantly, what did you say to get your duty swapped?”

(T/N: I assumed they’re talking about the gatekeeper duty here.)



“He seemed pale and frightened he was trembling, you know.”


“How rude, I asked politely with a smile, though.”


“…I’m sure he’s more scared than I am.”


“Captain, no matter how much time passed, you can’t get out of this room, you know.”


“Ah~ I’ll do it! I’ll do it!”

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