The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 83: 83

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We decided that we will go searching for tea leaves together sometime later.

Meira-san said she’s okay with that, but she looked a little sullen.

We were supposed to hop over to the next shop, but Louiselia-san said she had other plan.

Even though she talked about going to the forest just now.

Was this because things didn’t go as she planned?

We said goodbye to Meira-san and the others in front of the shop and returned to the adventurers’ area.

I knew something was off.

Even worse, the other 5 visitors also seemed suspicious to me.


I took a look at shops selling vegetables as I walked back to the adventurers’ area.

I don’t really need more vegetables since we have tons of them, actually.

Just because we don’t really feel like going back right away.


“I wonder which party does Kalua belong to?”


From the way he acted earlier, he seems to be helping me.

But when I think about the reason, I can’t find any reasonable one.

Does she suspect Meira-san and her group as well?


“Kalua moved here 2 years ago. Before that, she worked in two towns near here.”


Rattlua-san told me some information about Kalua-san.

However, I don’t know much about adventurers.


“Do adventurers move around a lot?”


“Yeah, when they want to get more reward money, or when trying to run away from trouble.”




“Yeah, you see, gender issue, sibling issue, and so on…do you get it?”


“Sort of, yeah.”


He doesn’t seem to feel disturbed knowing Kalua-san moved from somewhere else.

We went into a less crowded street after finished looking at the shops.

I looked around, confirmed that we’re secure, then I asked Rattlua-san.


“Um, the crackdown failed, didn’t it?


“Yes, it did. What about it?”


“Meira-san and her friends didn’t fit the image I had about the organization. However, if we think about the fact that they grouped with adventurers, they do seem well prepared. Thus, I thought there might be some trouble with the organization.”


“By trouble, do you mean the crackdown?”


“I’m not really sure about that, but I feel that Meira-san and her friends are trying to rush things.”


“I also think that Meira and her gang are rushing things. But they didn’t find anything during the crackdown. Only a bunch of documents, I’m sure.”




“Yeah, but we got nothing from them. Saizerg also confirmed this himself.”


“No document, then, what about money?”


“Money? I heard there was a vault with some money left in it. But not a considerable amount.”


“Was it a private house that they cracked down on?”


“It was formerly a merchant’s house, I think. It’s pretty big.”


If it’s a big house than is it possible?


“Is it possible that they hid something in the house?”


“No, I don’t think so. They have searched every nook and cranny.”


“I see…then what happened to that place after that?”


“I’m pretty sure they’re still guarding the place right now, because the problem hasn’t been solved yet.”


“How many guards…are there?”


“Um, less than before, 5-6 people now, I think.”


“Are they vigilantes?”


“Yeah, they also had adventurers before, but we have problem about Meira now. So, only the vigilantes at this moment.”


“Vigilantes. Um, you said they checked the crackdown site before, but who actually checked?”


“Hm? Ah, the vigilantes checked it, the adventurers didn’t take part in checking.”


“Only the vigilantes…perhaps…”




Hmm, I don’t have any proof, just my imagination.

I’ll just try asking him.


“Um…do you think the vigilantes are reliable?”


“The vigilantes? Do you mean the ones checking? Well, I think we can trust them…”


“How did those people get into vigilante team?”


“Recommendation from the captain, vice-captain, and the nobles…”

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“The nobles.”


“Yeah, they got recommendation from the nobles…”


“Um, it’s hard to say, but…”



“Don’t worry, I got what you’re trying to say. You’re right, there might be a traitor among the vigilantes.”


“I thought if they are a thorough organization, they must have done something with the vigilantes, not just the adventurers.”

Rattlua-san must have noticed that as well.

I’m a little conflicted.


If we consider that there is a traitor among the vigilantes, then there is a possibility that something is hidden in the former merchant’s house.

The organization wants to get that something back, but they can’t take any action because there are guards standing by.

They can just wait until the guards are gone, and then it won’t be too late.

But if they can’t wait because the thing is too important, then…

How will they act as an organization?

We can try reducing the number of guards.


Meira-san might be just a pawn of the organization.

Not only Meira-san, but every member of the organization can be considered as pawn.

The adventurer guild is now in an awkward position because they found out Meira-san is a traitor, and there might be other traitor among them.

They had withdrawn their people from the guard team.

Then, the vigilantes are the ones who will act for the most part.

The vigilantes will be the ones who take an action to catch Meira-san if they do something suspicious.

There’s no time to send someone from the guild to watch over them.


“Cutting off the lizard’s tail.”


“Huh? What’s that?”


“…No, it’s nothing.”


I took a deep breath and told Rattlua-san what I was thinking.

Rattlua-san apparently also has the same idea.

Then, his face turned grim.


“What’s wrong?”



“Around 30% percent of the vigilantes are recommended by the nobles.”


Well, I say that’s too many.

It’s unlikely that all of them are traitors, but it would take too much time to find out.

If this is also a calculated move, then the leader of this organization is a terrifying one.

But I’m sure the others can come up with something like what I have in mind.

Gilmas-san and the captain of the vigilante group are more knowledgeable than I.


“Um, I might be overthinking things…”


“If you were to find noble suspicious, which kind is most suspicious?”


Rattlua-san stopped walking and looked at me closely.

If it were me…


“Perhaps someone who is deemed clean of any crime. Or someone with heroic tales.”


“… and why is that?”


“People who are trusted and respected can gather information easily. And if something goes wrong, they can escape safely because they won’t be suspected at first.”


“I see…2 people came to mind. The one Borolda trusts. Another is the one this entire town will never suspect.”


“Will never suspect…why is that?”


“11 years ago, he saved the life of an adventurer family’s kid from bandit attack without a care about his own life.”


“…saved someone.”


A person who saved someone’s life, huh. I feel like I heard that phrase a lot these days.


“He’s the hero of this town for bravely protecting the child despite his injuries.”


“What happened to the bandits who attacked them?”


“They’re all dead. …What about them?


“…what if it was staged…”




Ah, he stopped talking.

But if it was staged, then they had been preparing for it for 11 years.



“Um, when did you become aware of the organization?”


“I think it was 7 years ago. When a woman who was about to be enslaved ran away, we found out about the organization.”


Seven years ago, and they staged the robbery 4 years before that?

Too soon, I guess.

But it’s also possible that the organization started their activities way before 7 years ago.

We almost arrived at the adventurers’ area.

Looking towards the tents, I can see Saizerg-san’s figure.

He came back early today, I don’t see Maarleek-san or Loucreek-san.

I wondered if something happened and only Saizerg-san returned.

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