The Weapons Guy

Chapter 102: Reconstruction Chapter 8

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Director: Dear Chairman.

Fade in to a mechanical factory

Director: I understand your concern that increased activity would bring increased risk. However, our failsafes are simple but foolproof. A dead or dying agent's beacon automatically notifies our recovery team, and we will be on the scene immediately, to secure all the Military's property.


"Look, there's our cycle." Wash states. "The Meta must be here."


"Yeah because, no-one else in the Military would have a standard issue motorcycle, just like that." Church says.

"Also, the piles of dead bodies might have been a clue." Caboose adds in.

"They're blue, so we don't have to worry." Ash adds.

"Just keep your heads down, and your eyes open." Wash orders them as he moves in with the others following him. "I'm going to advance along that wall. Caboose, Church, you two take Delta and move up along the other side. Ash you flank around."

"OKay." Church says.

"Got it." Ash says.

"Don't use the radio unless it's absolutely necessary." Wash orders.

"Okay." Church says again.

"Got it." Ash says again.

"And don't make a move until I do." Wash orders.

"OKay." Church is getting annoyed.

"Got it." Ash says.

"And no screw-ups this time." Wash orders.

"Okay," Church is annoyed. "are we gonna sit here on the beach all day, or 'r'we gonna go get this thing?"

"We only have one chance at this before it gets back to full power. I can't take any chances that you guys are gonna botch this." Wash walks up the stairs.


"Agent Washington," Delta starts. "perhaps it would be best if I assisted you in battle rather than helping Caboose."

"No." Wash answers. 

"Statistically speaking, a Freelancer would be much better trained to use my-"

"I said no. Now get going."

Church, Ash and Caboose walk up the stairs and break off.

Ash keeps his DMR aimed up while he walks around. Ash groans and lowers his gun and stops.

Xi pops up on his shoulder. "Are you okay, Ash?"

Ash takes a deep breath." Yeah."

Ash keeps moving. 

"Perhaps you should stop and take a breather." Xi suggests.

Ash walks up some stairs. "Wash gave us an order so we must follow it."

"Technically, you are a higher rank than him."

Ash stops and looks at his A.I. "What?"

"During your Freelancer time you were higher up the leader board than him. So you should be giving him orders."

"I'm not a Freelancer, I'm a solider of the red army."

"But you are Agent Minnesota, a fre-"

"Emily, stop."



"Yes, sir." Xi disappears. 

Ash crouches down as he sneaks towards the generator room.

"Warning. enemy detected." Xi's voice says in his helmet.

"Xi, Command, offline."

"Complying." Xi shutdown.

Ash moves and peers down into the generator room and sees the Meta.


Ash looks down and notices Wash below him.

"I wonder what kind of-" Ash starts.

"NOW!" Wash yells as he tosses a plasma grenade.

"Signal we'll get." Ash finshes.

"Move up!" Wash yells.

Ash looks to the Meta and his big gun. 

"I think I might sit this one out." Ash says.

A battle between Wash and the Meta ensues, in which they hit the corpses more than each other. Wash gets the first blow, but the Meta gets the last before leaving the room

Washington: Don't just stand there, after it!

Church throws a grenade and hits nothing. Caboose runs off with Delta and the other three chase after the Meta. They come up to a balcony, watching the Meta run from the building.

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Washington: There, use your rifle.

Church: My rifle?

"You're the only one with a sniper rifle." Ash says.

Washington: Shoot it!

Church fires and hits the windmill blade

Church: Dammit!

The bullet ricochets 8 times (with Church and Wash both following the ricochets with their heads) before finally going through the Meta's calf

Church: I got it! Yes! Did you see that? What a shot! I'm awesome!

Washington: It only counts if you call it!

Church: Oh bullshit, dude!

They arrive at a pool of blood

"If it bleeds, we can kill it." Ash says.

"Come on." Wash whsipers. "Quietly."

"Yeah, ok." Church whispers.

They follow a trail of blood as Tejano music gradually approaches from a distance, getting louder.

"Hey, do you hear something?" Wash asks the two.

"I hear voices in my head." Ash says.

"No?" Church says. "Wait, yeah."


"What is that?" Wash asks. "Music?"

"What?" Church says.

"YES!" Ash yells.

"Oh no."


"Yahaha, wooohooo!" Grif cheers.

The three others move to the side as the Warthog drives by.

The reds cheer as they drive by.

"Crap, what're they doing here?" Church asks.

"Yeah, suck it blue!" Simmons yells.

"It's Red Army!" Sarge yells. 

"Was that, Ash?" Grif asks.

"There's nothin gonna stop us now!"

They immediately run into a windmill blade and are stopped. The music stops

Grif: Ah, shit, wall! Aw, fuck, ditch!

Sarge: Dammit! Grif, you broke the radio.

Grif: Good!

Washington: Who are they?

Church: They're the Reds from our canyon.

"My team!" Ash yells.

Grif: Double-fuck, windmill blade!

Church: Look Wash, I don't know how they found us, or why they're here, but we don't have anything to worry about.

The Warthog starts being raised up by the windmill blade

Church: Seriously. Not a thing. These guys are idiots. They can't do anything right.


"I take slight offense to that." Ash says.

"Good." Church teplies.

The gun on the back of the Warthog cocks

Washington: Uhm, we might wanna take cover.

Simmons starts firing it at them

"Yeah, take it, Blue! Suck it! Yeah, that's right!" Simmons yells.

"Hi Simmons!" Ash yells.

"Ash?" Simmons asks.

Church: Aw crap, run!

Simmons: Let's go! Assholes!

Washington: Wait a minute, where's Caboose? Where's Delta?

Cut to Caboose's motionless body as the Meta comes upon it. Delta appears, surrounded by other captured A.I., who welcome him.


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