The Weapons Guy

Chapter 154: The Twins

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The Director is seen looking at the holographic Freelancer Leaderboard. The Counselor walks up to him.

Counselor: Our operatives are in position Director.

Director: Good. Send them in.

The Counselor activates a holographic map.

Counselor: If I may say, sir. My testing indicates that this might not be the best team for the job.

Director: The system will determine what's best Counselor. This system will determine the order. Send them in.

The screen closes up on two soldiers on the holomap eventually showing them in real life.

Scully: Christ is it cold or what?

Murphy: Uh huh.

Scully: How cold do you think it is? It has to be at least below freezing, right?

Murphy: Well, there's ice. So, yeah. Freezing.

Scully: Patrolling in the ice. Give me a fucking break. You know who doesn't have to patrol in the middle of the night, in the ice?

Murphy: I'm sure you'll tell me.

Scully: Jenkins. I bet Jenkins is sleeping right now. Back in his rack, with his big fucking melonhead on a soft pillow.

Murphy: Yeah, that's Jenkins.

Scully: You know I had terminal duty 8 weeks straight? 8 weeks man!

Murphy: Well lucky you.

Scully: And then I make one fucking comment about the CO to Jenkins.

Murphy: Uh huh that's great.

Scully: And the next thing you know I'm out on patrol.

Murphy is suddenly pulled up from his neck is by a rope.

Scully: And then Jenkins gets my next terminal duty. And I get to freeze my ass off out here with... Murphy? Come on Murphy. Hey where are ya? Murph. Stop messing around Murph. Murph.

Scully pulls out his pistol and looks for Murphy

Voice: Yeah, in here. Thought I heard something.

Scully holsters his pistol

Scully: Oh yeah? Whatcha hear, a ghost?

Scully chuckles to himself and walks in the room. He looks down and sees a pool of blood. He looks up and sees Murphy hanging from above, dead.

South Dakota: (Using a voice modulator to sound like Murphy) Yeah, I guess you could say something like that.

South hits Scully in the neck and knocks him over the platform, causing him to fall to his death.

South: Hey we clear?

Zoom to North Dakota camping on top of a smokestack.


North Dakota: Yes South you're clear but watch your corners. This smoke is good for cover but it's playing hell with my thermals. And the cold isn't helping. How's your end Minne?

A youngish sounding voice comes over the comms. "Nothing on the radio so far."

"How's the helmet feed?" North asks.

"Clear." Minnesota says.

South: What's the time?

North: Don't worry about the time. Worry about the objective. Next patrol is in twenty seconds.

South: Huh, I'll be gone before that.

North: Ok, slow it down South. Set your motion trackers.

South hops down onto a soldier's back and kills him; taking his weapon in the process.

South: Nah, takes too long.

North: So does getting caught. Set your trackers.

"Yeah, South you really should listen to him." Minnesota says over the radio.

South enters a building containing many guards.

North: (over radio) South! I do not have visual in there. I can't be your eyes if I can't see.

South: Just trust me North, I got this.

South stealthly sneaks past the guards.

North: (over radio) South, talk to me.

South: (whispers) Not right now North. I see the objective, going to initiate transfer.

South slides a data key into a machine.

North: (over radio) While it's loading set your goddamn tracker.

"South, are you listening to him?" Minne asks over the radio. "Set your trackers."

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"Hey, Minne?" South asks.


A click is heard from South's radio.

"South? South?" Minne asks over the radio. "North! She hung up on me!"

"Great." North sighs. "South I've got something odd on thermal. Two small dots."


South: Come on, come on.

North: (over radio) South! Check your six! I think something's in there.

South turns around and points her pistol at a soldier carrying two cups of coffee. 


The soldier notices an alarm lever next to him.

South: Don't even think about it.

After swerving his head at South and the alarm, the soldier runs to the alarm. South quickly shoots him, causing the soldier's body to fall towards the alarm.


South: Aww shit. It's about to get loud.

The body hits the alarm and it begins to blare.

North: On my way!

North jumps off the smokestack and smashes two soldier's heads together

North: Well, so much for keeping quiet. South! meet me at the helipad for extraction.

South: Roger. Might need a minute. *A click is heard in her helmet.* "Minnesota! How's extraction coming!"

"We're on our way!" Minne yells over the radio.

South runs past three guards & quickly executes them. She jumps off a platform & is soon cornered by three more soldiers. She fires at them & runs forward, kicking two backward and shooting one in the head. She punches one of the remaining soldiers and breaks his leg. She tosses him towards the other remaining soldier and kicks the soldier in face, smashing in a locker. South, then again, becomes surrounded, until North appears, firing sniper. North fires his SMG right into a soldier's stomach.

South: Shotgun!

North cocks the shotgun, then tossses it to South.

North: Catch!

South catches the shotgun and decapitates a soldier with it.

South: Thanks!

North & South take cover as a sniper starts shooting at them.

South: Sniper! Top of that building!

North: Switch on my mark. Sync?

South: Sync!

North: Mark!

The two switch positions as South grabs a soldier's body.

South: Moving!

North: Go go go!

South runs to the building where the sniper is, using the body as a shield.

North: Watch your left!

North and South shoot down the sniper along with many other soldiers.

North: Get the door, I'll hold them off.

South: We're good, let's move.

The two pass through the door and run to the landing pad, executing every soldier in their way.

North: Switch! Move!

They reach the landing pad, and then notice the soldiers surrounding them.

South: Oh come on.

Base announcer: Attention assholes, stand down you're surrounded. Give us the data file now!

"You know none of this would have happened if you set your motion trackers, South." Minne says over the radio.

"Minne?" North starts.


"Now is not the time." 

"I was just saying."



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