The Weapons Guy

Chapter 162: Introductions

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In the training room as Maine, Wyoming and York run towards the agent with pugil sticks

F.I.L.S.S.: Five, four, three, two, one: Round begin.

Maine, Wyoming and York are knocked down to the ground by the agent's pugil stick, revealing the agent to be none other than Tex. Zoom to the spectating room above the training ground, where Washington, Minnesota, North, South, and Carolina all watch the battle.


Carolina walks up to the group. "What's going on down there? There's no training sessions on the schedule."

"It's impromptu." South informs. 

"Who the hell is that?"

"Some new recruit."

Meanwhile, down in the training room, York, Maine and Wyoming get back up and charge forward. However, they are all knocked back seconds later.

Washington: Wow, he sure doesn't move like he's recruit.

South DakotaWhy do you assume it's a guy? She's girl.

Washington: Oh. I...I didn't really mean that he... I mean it... I mean her... I...

North and South both chuckle

South Dakota: Right.

Washington: Sorry.

South Dakota: Just shut up.

Carolina(still pacing behind the other three agents) Both of you, can it.

South Dakota: Sounds like someone is a little bit concerned about their position.

Carolina: Hey South, pay attention. You might actually learn something if you stop running your mouth for a minute.

"Oooooh. You just got burned." Minne says, and Carolina slaps him on the back of the helmet. "Ow!"

Cut back in the training room, Tex strangles Wyoming with her pugil stick on her back as York and Maine get back up. Maine raises his pugil stick, but is hit away along with York by Tex, who lets go of Wyoming. Tex then gets into a duel with each them, easily knocking them down. Tex walks away coldly and throws away her broken stick on the ground. Maine gets back up and wobbles a few steps before dropping to the ground.

F.I.L.S.S.: Round One: over. Pugil stick training, complete. Point awarded to Texas. The current score is: Team One: 0. Texas: 1.

"Texas huh?" Wash says.

"I thought that name was reserved." Carolina states.

"I thought so too." Minne says.

"Nice moves." Wash compliments.

"Could be luck. We'll see." Carolina says.

F.I.L.S.S.: Beginning hand-to-hand combat. Round Two begin in five, four, three, two, one. Round begin.

The four agents in the training room get their stances ready.

York: Okay guys, this one should be easy, so lets just play it by the book. Maine, how about you flank left and then-

Maine charges in but is quickly knocked down.

York: Or you could just charge in and get immobilized first. Okay, Wyoming, lets stick together and-

Wyoming also charges in but is quickly knocked down.

York: Whats the story? Am I the only one on this team that knows how to talk?

Tex: I don't think talking is your problem.

York: Oh no!

York swings his fist towards Tex, but Tex punches him to the ground. Tex kicks Wyoming to the ground as he tried to get up. Maine then gets into a fistfight with Tex. Tex swings Maine over her head and kicks him towards Wyoming knocking them both down. York gets up and begins to throw punches towards Tex, but she easily outmaches him and punches him down.

Cut to the overlooking Freelancers

Washington: Wow!

North Dakota: Okay, that was pretty impressive!

"I feel bad for them." Minne says. "That looks like it hurts."

Cut back to the arena. York, Maine, and Wyoming get back on their feet.

York: Okay guys, that obviously didn't work so well. How 'bout this time we stay in formation and instead of like-

Maine and Wyoming charge into battle, completely ignoring York's instructions again.

York: Damn it! I can't believe I actually volunteered for this crap.

York also charges into battle.

Maine swings towards Tex, but she kicks him back. Wyoming runs towards her, but she punches him in the face. York begins to swing and kick at her, but Tex outmaches him again. Tex begins to fight off her 3 opponents, knocking Maine off his feet and punching him to the ground. Then she rolls over Wyoming's back and knocks him down. She swing kicks York and knocks Maine to ground.

York, Maine, and Wyoming, all at once, begin to attack Tex however they can. Tex manages to block all of their oncoming attacks. She eventually outmaches them and wins the round.

F.I.L.S.S.: Round over. Point Texas. Hand-to-hand combat complete. Now resetting the floor for Lockdown Paint Scenario.

Pillars begin to emerge from the floor of the arena.

Cut to overlooking Freelancers.

Washington: Ugh. I hate that paint.

South Dakota: Tell me about it. Stings like a bitch.

North Dakota: Turns your armor hard as a rock.

"Yeah, I developed it that way." Minne says. "It hardens your armor to protect you from harm."

Carolina: I wouldn't know.

Wash, South, Minne, and North all turn toward Carolina.

Carolina: It's not bad if you don't let it hit you.

Washington:(sarcastically) Thanks, I'll try to remember that.

"I mean, I could show you." Minen says.

"Is that a challenge?" Carolina asks.

"Heck no!" Minne yells. "I know I'll get my ass handed to me."

Cut back to the training arena, where York, Maine, and Wyoming walk to a table and load their paintball guns.

F.I.L.S.S.: Round Three, in! Round begin!

The 3 agents take cover behind the pillars.

York: Maine. Maine! Look I'm gonna move left, you go-

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Maine rushes in. Shots are heard.

York:(sarcastically) Or you just run out and do whatever you want and then get killed. Ready, break. Good job everybody.

Maine is knocked back covered in in pink gooey paint.

Shots are heard. York sees Wyoming with paint all over his helmet.

York: Oh man, it's gonna be a long day.

A montage of Tex running across the arena and York hunting her down is shown.

Tex finds York, knocks his gun away, knees him in the crotch, and shoots him in the face. York falls backward.

Another montage showing Tex splattering her 3 opponents with paint and obtaining points in the process is shown.

Maine and Wyoming, both standing like statues covered in paint. York talks to Wyoming.

York: Hey, Wyoming. Where is he, can you see him?

Tex points her gun behind York's head.

York: Uh, you know what? Never mind man, I think I've figured it out.

Tex fires and York's helmet becomes covered with paint. Tex walks past him. Another montage is shown with the 3 agents attempting to fight off Tex.

F.I.L.S.S.: Point Texas.

Tex, however, continues to outmach them, again and again.

F.I.L.S.S.: Another point for Texas.

Tex leaps off a pillar and shoots Maine's wrist. She dodges shots from Wyoming and York and shoots back at them, but the two quickly take cover. Maine swings in a punch, in which Tex dodges by rolling past him. She leaps off another pillar, shoots Maine again, and kicks him back. Maine swings in another punch at Tex, but Tex dodges and shoots his gun high in the air. As Tex continues to dodge punches from Maine and shots from Wyoming and York the gun starts to come down. She catches the falling gun and shoots Maine with it, knocking him down. She evades two shots from York and kicks Maine's body towards him. York rolls over Maine and toward Tex. As the two get into battle, York manages to knock Tex's gun away. However, Tex kicks the gun at York's face, swings his arm towards is crotch, uses his own gun to fire paint at it, and flings him across the arena. As Tex begins to walk away, she sees Wyoming hiding behind a pillar and shoots him in the face.

F.I.L.S.S.: Having 8 rounds, the score is now: 0, 8. Advantage: Texas.

York, Wyoming, and Maine walk back to the table and reload their guns.

York: Yeah, advantage is the right word F.I.L.S.S. .

Wyoming hands Maine a cartridge. York sees this.

York: Hey? What the hell are you guys doing?

F.I.L.S.S.: Round Nine begins in! Round Nine, begin.

Wyoming and Maine begin to their fire guns, which now have live rounds of ammo. Tex manages to not get hit.

Cut to the overlooking Freelancers. C.T. has now joined the group.

"What the heck!" Minne yells.

Washington: What?! Are they using live rounds on the training floor?

South Dakota: Looks like it.

Washington: That's against protocol, they're gonna kill her!

C.T.: Probably.

Washington: Someone should get the Director!

C.T.: (laughs) The Director? Who do you think gave them the ammo?

Carolina: Watch your mouth C.T..

Cut back to the training arena where shots are still being fired at Tex.

York: Back off man. What the-

York puts his hand on Wyoming's shoulder but Wyoming shrugs it off. Tex takes cover as Maine and Wyoming close in on her.

York: Enough of this.

The battle gets fierce as York appears behind Tex.

York: Look out!

Tex quickly points her gun at him.

York: Hey, I'm trying to help.

Tex: I don't need your help! Never abandon your team.

Wyoming tosses Maine a grenade. Wyoming runs on top of a pillar and begins to fire. Tex evades and kicks York away. As Wyoming hops down, Tex grabs him and tosses him over. Maine punches Tex, but she blocks and kicks him. As Maine swings in for another attack, Tex dodges it and shoots Maine's hand to a pillar. Wyoming fires and hits Tex, causing her armor to spark blue.

Tex: Ah!

Tex runs towards Wyoming and beats him up. York then places his hand Tex's shoulder.

York: Hey, don't-

Tex shrugs York off and begins to beat him up also. As Wyoming begins to stand, Tex fires an array of paint at him. As Wyoming slowly falls to the ground, Tex grabs his head and jams it into a pillar.

Tex begins to walk towards York. Maine releases his hand from a pillar and rams his body towards the pillar Wyoming is in. The top half flies off once Maine hits it, causing giant pieces of debris to fly everywhere. Tex manages to evade, but some of the debris hits York, knocking him down. Tex rolls toward Maine, begins to fire paint at him and kicks him far back. As Maine begins to fall to the ground he tosses the grenade Wyoming gave him earlier toward Tex. Tex dodges it and the grenade lands next to York.

Tex: Hey!

Tex's armor sparks blue again. Tex begins to fire an array of paint all over York's body to protect him but the grenade explodes. York's body flies backward in response to the explosion.

York: Aaahh!!

Fade out to the end credits.

"FUCK!" Minne yells.

North Dakota: Shit!

Washington: Damn it! Those maniacs!

North Dakota: What the fuck are they doing?!

Carolina: F.I.L.S.S., we need a medical team on the training floor, stat!

Alarm sounds begin to blare.

F.I.L.S.S.: Medical team on route. Please remain calm.

Alarm sounds continue to blare.

Carolina: York? York!

"Stay with us York!" Minne says.



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