The Weapons Guy

Chapter 173: S10: Revenants

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Camera slowly pans out from a computer showing a video and an Insurrectionist sleeping in a chair with his feet up

Stu Stuman: And now the moment you've all been waiting for, from the far distant system of Sanghelios...I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly, the bad boys of Grifball; Team Heretic!

Camera focuses on Insurrectionist lying back in his chair yawning

Stu Stuman: And your home playing favorites; Slipspace!

The monitor begins to go haywire and show different clips of videos. Delta appears and startles the Insurrectionist, waking him up

Delta: I hate to intrude, but you have not performed any work in the past 13 minutes and 42 seconds. That strikes me as rather inefficient.

Space Station Guard: Oh uh, sorry I was just trying to uh, yeah, how how do you get a new window? You know, like the, you know, like a new window, what's the button thing for that, you know?

Delta: I believe the keys you are looking for are Alt, Tab.

Space Station Guard: Oh yeah, thanks little guy. Wait, who are you? You don't look like the normal holo-projection.

Delta: That is because I am the A.I. designated as Delta, from Project Freelancer.

Space Station Guard: Wait, you're from Project, Freelancer? Wait, aren't those the bad guys?

Delta: There is no need for name calling. I submit that Project Freelancer is neither good nor bad, much like your own forces. We are merely two groups dedicated to obtaining different results.

Space Station Guard: Whoa man that's, that's deep... Its like-it's like there's different universes but you know there's-

York grabs the Space Station Guard by the shoulder

York: Don't encourage him, he's already long-winded as it is.

York slams the Space Station Guard's head on the desk and he flips onto the ground

York: Thank God. I thought you two would never stop chit-chatting.

York begins typing on the computer

Delta: I'm not sure that was entirely necessary. He seemed open to the logic I presented him. Perhaps he would have allowed us to carry on our mission.

York: (sarcastically) Sorry I knocked out your new friend. Now you two will never get to have a beer together.

Delta: I believe that would have been unlikely, regardless.

York successfully activates a holographic lock

York: Show time.

Director (over radio): Come in Agent York, are you in?

York begins to access the holographic lock

York (over radio): Yes, sir. These guys love their holographic locks. I'll let Delta take a peek in their system while I try to disable it manually. (gets off radio) You're up D.

Delta: Curious.

York: What's curious? That's code for bad, isn't it?

Delta: I have detected an anomaly inside of the system, something that is not supposed to be there. Diverting sub-routines to investigate.

York: Don't get too curious in there, I need your attention on this lock.

Delta: Do not worry Agent York, I have already rectified several instances where you would have tripped the alarm system.

The Space Station Guard begins to get back up, dazed and confused

Space Station Guard: Oh... Ow, my head... What-wait hold on. Why-give me back my leprechaun!...

York kicks a chair into the Space Station Guard's stomach, knocking him down again

Director (over radio): What was that, Delta?

York (over radio): Nothing sir!

York continues on the lock

Director (over radio): Agent, may I remind you that we are running short on time?

Delta: Warning, an alarm has been remotely triggered.

York: What, by who?

Director (over radio): They knew we were coming. Agent York, abort intrusion immediately. We are moving to more direct measures.

York (over radio): Wait, wait, wait, I can do this, I can do this, just give me a moment sir.

F.I.L.S.S.: System online, Director; awaiting your command.

Delta: I agree with the Director. I have yet to see you successfully open a lock in the field, and this alarm will only hamper your progress.

York: Okay, now don't you start now in on me, too! ...You've been talking to Wash again, haven't you?

Director (over radio): Agent York, we are out of time, I repeat; abort.

F.I.L.S.S.: Target locked.

York (over radio): Um... what target is locked? What's the target? (gets off radio) Delta, what are they doing?

Delta: Taking more direct measures.

York: You knew about this?

Delta: ...Possibly.

York sees a hole being created in the side of the ship

York: Why you green little cockbite.

Delta disappears and an explosion occurs, sending York flying across the room

York: Whoa!

York flips over and is being pulled by the vacuum of space while the ship alarm is sounding. He grabs onto a table

York: Whoa! Holy shit!

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York is hit by the chair and is soon sent drifting slowly into space, along with the Space Station Guard. 

Cut to Epsilon, Sarge, and Caboose talking to Carolina

Cut to Epsilon, Sarge, and Caboose talking to Carolina.


Epsilon: Agent Carolina?! What are you doing here!?

Carolina: I need your help. I'm tracking the Director of Project Freelancer and you're my best bet for figuring out what hole he's hiding in.

Sarge: Hole, eh? You know, our buddy Donut was always talking about his holes!

Epsilon: Sarge...

Sarge: Constantly trying to get people to look at them and what not.

Epsilon: Come on Sarge, he's dead now. He was shot, remember?

Sarge: Oh right. ...Probably has a few more holes in him, huh? Heh heh heh ...What, too soon?

Epsilon: What's the appropriate amount of time to go by for that joke to be okay?

Sarge: Ah whatever, you big blue baby.

Epsilon: Shut up Sarge. What are you doing alive Carolina? You're supposed to be dead. This is impossible.

Sarge: That's a funny thing to say, for a guy who's literally a ghost.

Caboose: Yeah, uh, actually he's not a ghost... Um, he's a computer program. He gets holograpically projected on our armor when he wants to talk to us.

Sarge: Seismographic computer programs? Heh heh. Caboose, you say the craziest things sometimes. What an imagination on you.

Caboose: Yeah, I don't know what that first word means, but it sounds the same ...I will allow it.

An explosion goes off and Wash backs up into the room firing in the opposite direction

Washington: Hey, how we doing in here?

Epsilon: Wash?

Washington: You got Epsilon out, good. We can't hold them off much longer. They're not too happy about us breaking in.

Carolina: Let me see what I can do to help that.

Carolina runs out of the room and fires her rifle

Washington: Heh, same old Carolina. I guess coming back from the dead doesn't change anybody.

Epsilon: Washington, why are you wearing blue armor? Why are you wearing my armor?

Washington: Oh... Um...

Caboose: Oh... Yeah, yeah.

Washington: They sort of used me to... replace you? On Blue Team.

Epsilon: Replace me?

Caboose: I wouldn't really use the word replace... But there's no word for "Take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say replace.

Epsilon: When did this happen?

Caboose: Oh, do you remember when you went into the memory unit and then everyone was sad?

Epsilon: Yeah!

Caboose: It was right after that.

Epsilon: Right after I left?!

Caboose: Well, it wasn't right after, you know, but you know it was like 5 or 10 seconds.

Epsilon: You've got to be kidding me.

Caboose: Life is short Epsilon; we had to move on.

Epsilon: I think I just got dumped by Caboose. This is unfucking believable!

Caboose: Yeah, it's-it's not me; it's you.

Washington: Epsilon, they just needed to even the teams, it's really not-

Epsilon: Hey! Would you guys stop calling me "Epsilon"?! I'm Church now.

Caboose: Oh... um, we sort of call the new guy Church. You know, sometimes.

Epsilon: (quietly) What?

Washington: Caboose just finds it easier. The armor color confuses him... As do a lot of things.

Epsilon: Let me get this straight Agent Washington; you took my name, too?

Washington: It's only in certain circumstances.

Caboose: Like when we talk to him... Or need to fill out paper work... Or sing happy birthday to him.


Sarge: Well... this is awkward. You know, I think the quickest solution would be a good old fashioned thinning of the ranks with my trusty shotgun. Any takers?

Washington: Er- We're fine.

Sarge: Well, it was worth a shot. You win this round blue... (quietly and gruffly) but I'll be back... (turns to face Epsilon) Actually, this guy's been kicking our ass! I'm kind of glad to have you back. Sure would be nice to have an idiot in charge of Blue Team again.

Epsilon: (sarcastically) Thanks... It's great to be needed...

An explosion occurs and Carolina enters the room

Carolina: Everyone, front and center now!

Another explosion occurs

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