The Weapons Guy

Chapter 190: Change of Plans

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Chairman: (voice over) Dear Director...


As the Chairman talks, Maine is seen helmetless, gathering his gear and sharpening his brute shot. The symbol of the Meta is tattooed onto the back of his head.

Chairman: (voice over) Your request for more bases in which to conduct your experiments was reviewed with much resorvation by our chairperson. Project Freelancer has been entrusted with one of our militaries' most valuable assets. Oversight becomes a much more difficult process if your operations are not centralized. Nonetheless, we have granted your request. However, we reserve the right to revoke this approval as we see fit. I sincerely hope this does not happen and anticipate you will not give us an occasion to do so.

Maine puts on his armor, loads up his weapons, and turns around. A reflection of flames suddenly appear all over his body. More flames are then seen seeping up from the ground, until the scene cuts to white. Cut to the medical bay in Washington's point of view. The white screen decreases, revealing North and South Dakota standing above Wash as he moans.

North Dakota: There you are.

Wash sits up.

North: Slowly. Slowly.

Washington: How long was I out?

North: Only a few days this time.

Washington: This time?

North: Yea, after they removed it.

Washington puts a hand on the back of his head.

Washington: Removed it?

North: It's gone. They're going to remove all of them. Started with you.

South Dakota: Yeah, thanks asshole, the whole process is on hold now.

Washington looks over to Carolina's now vacant bed.

Washington: What about Carolina?

Cuts to the Mother of Invention control bridge. The Director and Counselor are listening to Carolina's protest.

Carolina: I'm not giving them up just because he's made a recalculation. You owe me this.

Director: Carolina, you're acting like a child. This is not about you. This is about the project.

Counselor: You would be wise to listen to the Director. Agent Texas has already attempted to steal Wyoming's A.I. unit. If she were to come after you-

Carolina: Than she would get more than she bargined for.

Cut back to the medical bay with Washington, North, and South

North: Carolina's had it kinda rough. The Director's considering sending her to hunt down Texas.

Washington: Hunt her down?

South: She went rogue. Broke out of the facility in order to save her precious A.I. Little later we found Wyoming. Apparently she tried to steal his A.I. unit. Tried to get his equipment, too.

North: That hasn't been proven. Besides, that doesn't sound like her.

South: How would you know?

North: Just trust me. I know, and besides, if she had done it, there wouldn't be anything left of Wyoming to find.

South: She's not a fucking monster, North.

Washington grabs his head.

Washington: You guys are giving me a headache.

North: Once they find Texas, they'll bring her back.

At that moment, the alarm starts to sound.

F.I.L.S.S: Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Breach in security. Level zero.

North: Or, she'll come back on her own.

Cuts to Texas, Minnesota, and York by a closed metal door. Texas keeps guard while York works on the lock system. Texas looks around.

Minnesota has a Gravity Hammer on his back.

Texas: Great job, York.

York: I swear this never happens to me.

Texas: I'm sure you say that to all the ladies.

York: Seriously, I'm way better at this than it seems.

Texas: We don't have much time.

"Hey, Tex?" Minne asks.

Tex turns to him. "Yes?"

Minne moves his hand to the back of his helmet and pulls out something.


(The blue light is pink in this case.)

"I have a feeling this is going to go south, so." Minne holds out the A.I. chip. "Keep her safe for me."

Tex grabs the chip and looks at it for a few seconds. "I promise." She puts the A.I. chip in her pocket.

"So, how are we gonna get past this lock now?" Minne asks.

Texas walks over to the lock system and punches it, destroying it. The door slides open and she enters the room.

Texas: I need you two to find a way to distract them for me. Be careful.

"Gotcha." York says. "What about you?"

Texas: There is someone I need to see.

Cut to present day, where the Reds and Blue are seen entering the underground Holographic Chamber.


Tucker: Let me get this straight, you built an enormous room capable of creating realistic holographic simulations, but you couldn't figure out how to walk across the canyon and capture our flag.

The Reds and Blues all gather at the center of the Holographic Chamber.

Grif: Actually, Lopez built it.

Everyone comes to a stop. Tucker puts his sword away.

Tucker: Okay, now that I believe.

Simmons: And if you recall we did manage to capture your flag. So you know, suck it Blue.

Caboose: Oh yea, well our team has most kills.


"Team kills don't count, blue-tard!" Sarge says.

"You don't make the rules." Caboose says.


"Technically, Project Freelancer makes the rules, and I say Blue Team gets to add my kill count to theirs."

"Lame." Grif says.

"Then I say Red Team gets my kill count too." Ash says. "So ha!"

Carolina speaks up. "Listen up. We've got big news."


Caboose gasps. "You and Wash are taking your relationship to the next level. I knew it. The writing was all over the wall."


"No." Church says. "We found the Director."


"Church! You're big again!" Caboose says with excitement. "What has she been feeding you?"

"You know where the Director is hiding?" Wash asks.

"That's right." Carolina says.

"He's holed up in one of his off-site storage facilities, similar to the ones we've seen before." Church explains.


Carolina continues. "But we have no idea what kind of modifications the Director may have made to the compound over the last few years."

"Or, if he has any sort of security with him." Church finishes. 

"Essentially, we need to be ready for anything. So, let's go over the plan."

"What plan?" Tucker asks.

"The plan to take down the Director." Church explains.

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"Uh, I thought the plan was we help you FIND the Director?" Grif asks.

"Yeah, and now we found him!" Simmons says. "Good job everyone! Way to hustle out there!"

"Thanks Simmons." Ash says. "I worked very hard."

"The plan changed." Carolina says.

"So then what exactly IS the plan?" Wash asks.

"Infiltrate the facility, and neutralize all hostiles." Carolina says.

"Right." Grif says. "What's OUR plan, though?"

"That is your plan. I'm counting on all of you."

"But you said we were the worst soldiers you've ever met! And you were right! You're very perceptive!"

"Look, I just need enough time to make it to the Director." Carolina says.

"So then we're just a distraction?" Wash asks.

"No. Wash, you're on lock duty. I need you with me."

"Then what about me?" Ash asks.

"You're coming with me as well, Minne."

"Um, we have to fight all the bad guys by ourselves?" Caboose asks.

"Fuck. That." Tucker says.

"Yeah, Carolina, maybe I should stick with the other-" Wash starts.

Carolina interrupts. "Leave personnel decisions to me, Agent Washington." 

Church speaks up. "Look, will you guys quit complaining and do something for once?"

"Son, are you forgetting we SAVED your sorry ghost ass from the military?" Sarge asks.

"Yeah, I almost got blown up multiple times trying to find you!" Ash says. "I also died."

"Oh boo-hoo, why don't you come back when you're on your second or third life?" Church says. "Then we'll compare notes."

Xi appears on Ash's shoulder. "That's not very nice, Epsilon."

"Shut it, Xi!" Church says.

Xi shrinks back a little and Ash growls.

"Wow. Fuck off, Blue." Grif says.

Grif turns and begins to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" Carolina asks Grif.

Grif stops. "I'm going home." Grif continues walking.

"Oh that's great, Grif!" Church yells. "Y'know, we can always count on you to duck out when there's work to do!"

"Well you can count me out, too!" Sarge says.

"What?" Carolina asks.

"Don't get me wrong, bustin' into a military base on a rescue mission is a lotta fun!" Sarge starts. "But I'm not gettin' turned into Swiss cheese just so the two of you can finish some personal vendetta! This ain't our fight."

"Took the words right out of my mouth, Sir." Simmons says.

"Both of you, be quiet!" Carolina orders.

"Dude, this is bullshit." Tucker says.

"Tucker?!" Church questions.

"Be quiet!" Carolina orders. "That's an order!"

"Well, guess what, psycho?" Tucker asks. "I don't take orders from you anymore!"

"Well, what about NOW?" Carolina aims her rifle at Tucker.



"Don't. Do that." Wash says as he aims his pistol at Carolina's head.

"Wash, what are you doing?" Carolina asks

"Protecting my friends. Now lower, the weapon."


Carolina lowers her rifle. "You're siding with them?" She asks.

"Wash, I don't understand!" Church starts. "We found the Director! We can make him pay! This is what we wanted!"

"All I want is for you to leave." Wash says. "I've already been responsible for enough of their problems in the past, and I'll be damned before I let you cause any more.

Washington walks over and joins the Reds and the Blues, all looking at Carolina and Epsilon.

Epsilon: So that's it? You're just going to turn your back on us?

Washington: Epsilon, I know that I-

Epsilon: No, you're right. You know, I guess I should have seen that one coming. It's not exactly like you're new to the concept, is it?

Sarge: That's a little harsh.

Epsilon turns to the Reds and Blues in frustration.

Epsilon: But you guys, after all the shit you put me through? I really thought at least you would have my back!

Grif: Us? What the hell did we do?

Epsilon: You shot me through the head! You put a bomb in my gut!

Epsilon begins to grow as he becomes more angry.


Epsilon: You killed me with my own damn tank, and that's just how we met!


Epsilon grows nearly five times his normal height. Everyone stares up at him in shock.

Tucker: Church, calm down! What's your problem?


Epsilon: You're my problem!! You've always been my problem!! Each and every one of you is just a problem that I have to deal with on a daily basis!!


"Basis" echos throughout the chamber. Disgusted and hurt, Tucker leaves the room.

Epsilon: Guys...

Epsilon begins to revert back to his normal size. Sarge nods to both Grif and Simmons and the three leave the chamber, angry at Epsilon.

Epsilon: Guys, wait a minute.

Epsilon suddenly looks over at Caboose. In the background, Washington looks over at Caboose.

Epsilon: Caboose...

Caboose does not respond to him. He then backs up and quietly leaves the chamber, turning his back on Carolina and Epsilon.

Carolina: Forget it Church, we don't need them.

Washington: I don't know what's gotten into you Carolina, but you better figure out the difference between your enemies and your friends.

Washington leaves the chamber.

Carolina looks to her side and sees Ash. He's covering Xi with his hand.

"Minne?" Carolina asks.

"Agent Minnesota is dead, Carolina." Ash says harshly. "Get that through your thick skull. He died, bleeding to death in the snow on sidewinder. I'm not Agent Minnesota, a Freelancer. I'm Cyprus Ash, a soldier of Red team."

Xi disappears off Ash's shoulder.

"And Epsilon." Ash turns to the A.I. "You're supposed to treat your older sister better than that. She's the only one you've got left."

 Ash walks away.

Epsilon then disappears, leaving Carolina alone in the empty Holographic Chamber.



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