The Weapons Guy

Chapter 251: The End Is Near

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Fade into the Communications Tower, where the Federal Army and New Republic soldiers are seen battling Charon's forces. Cut to the Red Fed. A Space Pirate walks up behind him.

Insane Space Pirate: You damn colonists! I'm not going back to jail! (loads shotgun) I'm gonna kill ya! I'm gonna get my money! Then-

Matthews: (off screen) Heads up!

Matthews runs over the Insane Space Pirate in a Ghost.

Red Fed: Hey, thanks man!

Matthews: No problem! I mean, I was actually trying to shoot him but I think I almost got the hang of th-WAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

The Ghost shoots forward and flies past Grif and Simmons.

Simmons: You know, maybe giving alien vehicles to human drivers wasn't the best idea.

Simmons: You know, maybe giving alien vehicles to human drivers wasn't the best idea

Doc drives by in a Ghost.

Doc: (in O'Malley's voice) Speak for yourself! (laughs maniacally and drives off)

Cut to Lopez, Sarge, Ash, and Kimball, who fire at some pirates near the temple's entrance.

Kimball: Keep pushing!

One of the Space Pirates is shot while the other two turn to look at his body.

Space Pirate: Damn it, fall back!

They retreat, chased by Lopez, Sarge, Grif, Ash, Simmons, and Kimball.

"Heh heh..." Sarge chuckles. "Keep runnin', dirtbags." 

Ash reloads his concussion rifle. "Yeah, my body count keeps rising so keep coming!"

"OK, Tucker, we're in." Simmons speaks into his radio. "Can you make it to our position?"

"Hell yeah!" Tucker says over the radio. "I've got my own private escort!"

"What?" Simmons asks. "Seriously?"

"Seriously." Carolina says from off to the side.

Simmons and the others turn around to see Carolina, Tucker, and Wash walking towards them.

Simmons and the others turn around to see Carolina, Tucker, and Wash walking towards them

"Carolina, Wash, you made it." Kimball says with relief. 

"Sorry we're late." Wash apologizes. "Blowing up a death machine takes longer than you'd think."

"Well we did manage to kill two mercs with one stone." Carolina states.

"They got what they deserved." Ash says.

"Aw, dude, did they go out like bitches, or was it slow and painful?" Grif asks

"What kind of messed-up question is that?" Tucker asks.

"Incineration by explosion." Wash states.

"YES!" Ash yells. "PERFECT WAY TO GO!"

"Aww, hell yeah!" Tucker yells. "Straight up Freelancer justice!"

Epsilon appears. "Yeah, yea. May they burn in Hell."

Xi appears on Ash's shoulder. "Good riddance." 

Church continues. "We still need to get Tucker to the tower controls. There's a teleporter down the hall that'll take us to the control room. Once we broadcast our message, Charon will have no reason left to fight."

"Then let's push our way to the teleporter." Carolina says.

"Run away!" Caboose yells off at the side.

Caboose and Donut run up to the group

"What are you guys doing here?" Simmons asks.

Doc drives up, his Ghost sparking and on fire.


"And what killed your ride?" Tucker asks Doc.

New Republic Soldier: (on radio) All squads, get to cover! Get to cover-UGH!. (cuts out)

Doc: (fearful) Uh... probably the same thing that killed them?

Cut to a squad of Federal Army soldiers as they are crushed by the foot of a Mantis.


The Reds and Blues watch from a platform nearby.

Lopez: Ohhhhh mierda. [Ohhhhh shit.]


"THEY HAVE A MANTIS?!" Simmons questions.

"I WANTED ONE!" Ash yells.

Caboose speaks up. "Yes, and for all those who are wondering, uh, no, he and Freckles are not brothers... I asked him."

"I was gonna ask where your tank went." Grif says. "But... you pretty much answered that."

"Looks like they ain't going down without a fight." Sarge says.

"So now what?" Tucker asks.

"Take Epsilon." Carolina says. "Broadcast his message, and end this. Wash and I can deal with the mantis while Kimball and her men hold this position.

Epsilon appears. "How 'about it, Tucker? Good for one more?"


"We'll be right on your rear!" Donut says to Tucker.

Tucker looks back to Church. "Right." He pulls out his sword. "Let's finish this!"

Cut to the Blood Gulch Crew after going through the teleporter, groaning from its after effects.

Tucker coughs a few times. "Oh, god... I forgot teleporting sucks!"

"I think my insides want to be on the outside." Ash says.

Doc sighs. "Oh, yeah... you don't know the half of it."

Epsilon appears. "Whimps. Synthetic body for life, yo."

Lopez: Verdad. [Truth.]

Xi appears. "Epsilon, be nice."

"Yes, mom." Epsilon says with sarcasm and Xi glares at him. "Sorry."

"So this the place?" Sarge asks.



"I'm gonna put my money on 'yes.'" Grif says.

Santa appears. "Lavernius Tucker, welcome to the control room."


"Santa!" Caboose yells. "If I knew you were here I would have brought cookies!"

"Do you wish to transmit a message?" Santa asks.

"You're darn right we do!" Sarge says.

"I got all the data the UNSC needs to find us and enough files to place Hargrove under arrest. You sure this is gonna reach Earth?" Epsilon asks.

"It will be heard by every device in the galaxy, if that is what you wish." Santa says.

"Yeah, let's go with that one." Tucker says.

"Then I shall prepare the charging sequence."

"How long is that gonna take?" Simmons asks.

"Hmm. The process is brief. However, you may soon find yourselves preoccupied." Santa says.

"Preoccupied with what?" Donut asks.

Santa disappears, revealing a heavily damaged Falcon flying towards the Control Room.


"Uh, who's that?" Grif asks.

"Oh no." Epsilon says.


"I thought you said they were dead!" Simmons says to Epsilon. 

"We dropped a fucking spaceship on them!" Epsilon yells. "It was kind of assumed!"

"Scatter?" Sarge yells.

The Blood Gulch Crew scatter while the Falcon crash lands in the Control Room.

Cut to Felix getting out of the defunct Falcon holding a SAW, with an exhausted Locus sitting against the wall.

Felix: Wake up! (he throws the SAW into Locus' arms.) I told you we'd make it.

Locus: (groans) Felix... it's over...

Felix: (activates his sword) Run your camo, and stick to the shadows. I'll draw them out.

Locus: The Tartarus is destroyed, our numbers are falling, the mission-

FelixFUCK the mission!! Jesus Christ, for once in your life, would you forget about following GOD DAMN ORDERS!! I'm not doing this for Hargrove... I'm doing this for me...!

Felix trudges off. Cut to Washington at the battlefield.

Tucker: (over radio) Wash! Locus and Felix are alive! And they're here!

Washington: What?!

Tucker: (over radio) We need help!

The Mantis faces Washington and charges its weapons.

Washington: (noticing the Mantis) Damn it!

Washington runs off as the Mantis fires on his position. Cut back to the temple control room where the Blues and Doc are seen hiding from Felix.

"Tucker, I hate to say it, but you're on your own." Wash says over the radio.

"But..." Tucker starts.

Washington: (over radio) I believe in you... all of you. You can do this.

Doc: He thinks we're gonna die...

Sarge: (over radio) No. That time.. he meant it.

Felix: Tucker! Where are you!?

Tucker, Doc, and Caboose silently stare at Felix, who walks past.

Caboose: So... are you gonna answer him?

Cut to Locus, who struggles to walk. He finally falls over and rolls himself onto his back in exhaustion.

Santa: (appearing) Why have you come here, meddler?

Locus: To kill the simulation troopers.

Santa: Will this secure your victory over their forces?

Locus: No...

Santa: Then what purpose will it serve?

Locus: I don't know...

Santa: Then why are you trying?

Locus: I don't know...

Santa: What do you know?

Locus: I don't know!

Santa: Then what do you want to know?

Locus: I...I want to know...what Felix is afraid of.

Santa: You were broken by war. It was his goal to see you never healed...because despite what he may claim, only one of you needs the other to survive.

Locus: (groans) What are you saying?

You are reading story The Weapons Guy at

Santa: Ignorant creature. Your partner is afraid of you.

Cut to Felix at the center of the control room.

Felix: (angrily) You think you're smart, Tucker?! You think you're all better than me?! Well you're not! You're all a bunch of pathetic, stupid, losers!

Tucker: (appearing behind Felix with sword extended) Then come get me.

Felix rushes at Tucker with his sword. Tucker blocks the strike but Felix kicks him back. Suddenly, Caboose appears across the room.

Freckles: Engaging.

Freckles fires at Felix but the mercenary blocks the bullets with his hardlight shield. The moment Freckles stops, Felix pulls out a sticky-detonator. Before he can fire, a purple bolt streaks by and sends the weapon flying out of his hand.

Felix: (shocked) What?!

Tucker is back on his feet with Lopez and Donut standing beside him.

Donut: Double-O Donut always gets his man!

Felix: (activating hardlight shield) Locus, I need some-

Felix yells in pain as needler spikes embed themselves in his right shoulder.

Felix: AGH! God...

Sarge: Over here, dirt bag!

Grif: You give orange dudes a bad name!

Felix turns off his shield and pulls out the spikes before running off.

Felix: Pissing me off...!

Felix is clothes-lined by Doc's rocket launcher.

Doc: (in O'Malley voice) Oh, please... (aims rocket launcher at Felix) I'm the original bad boy. (chuckles maniacally)

Felix gives a whimper before Doc fires the rocket launcher, blowing Felix across the control room whilst screaming, Ash jumps up into the air and kicks Felix down to the ground and he lands at Caboose's feet.

Caboose: Hey, Felix!

Felix chuckles wickedly before grabbing Caboose's leg and dragging him down. Felix immediately gets to his feet and catches Freckles. Tucker runs up and Epsilon appears beside him.

Epsilon: Caboose!

Felix: (activating hardlight shield) Say goodbye to your stupid blue moron!

Felix aims the rifle at Caboose and pulls the trigger... but it makes a party noise and only confetti comes out of it.

Felix: (deactivates hardlight shield and stares at the gun) What is wrong with you people...?!

Freckles: Hands off. (shoots a round, the recoil smacking Felix in the head)

Felix falls over and drops the rifle. Caboose then stands up and catches Freckles.

Caboose: Bye, Felix. (walks over to Tucker and Epsilon)

Epsilon: Yeah...we might be losers, Felix, but we still kicked your ass.

Doc, Donut, and Lopez approach Felix from one side while Sarge, Simmons, Ash, and Grif flank him from the other. Felix gets to his knees, laughing manically while a cloaked Locus comes up from behind Caboose and Tucker.

Felix: Think again!

Felix continues laughing until a SAW clatters to the ground in front of him. He looks up in confusion.

Tucker: (looking behind him) Huh?

Locus decloaks between Tucker and Caboose.

Grif: Oh shit!

Donut: Look out!

"My shoulder hurts!" Ash yells.

Tucker: (aims weapon) Freeze!

Locus simply glances at Tucker before looking back at Felix.

Felix: Locus, what are you doing? You're supposed to kill them!

Locus: No.

Felix: (shocked) What?!

Sarge: (confused) What?!

"What?" Ash is shocked and confused.

Tucker: (lowers rifle, confused) What?!

Locus: No more killing.

Felix: What are you talking about? You're a soldier, remember?!

Locus: I'm not a soldier, I'm a monster... Like you.

Felix: (standing up) Locus, we're... partners. Survivors. We need each other. Wh-what about our orders? Our reward?! Becoming the ultimate weapon.

Locus: I'm not doing this for the reward. I'm not doing this because someone told me to. I'm doing this for me.

Felix looks around and sighs.

Felix: (darkly) Then you can die with the rest of them.

Felix takes out and activates his energy sword before flinging it at Locus. Locus and Tucker dive out of the way while Caboose falls backwards. Felix kicks the SAW into the air and catches it. He fires at Sarge, Simmons, Ash, and Grif, who all run for cover.

Grif: Hit the deck!

Doc, Donut, and Lopez aim their weapons.

Donut: Get 'im!

Felix activates his hardlight shield as they open fire, the energy bolts and needler spines bouncing off the shield.

Donut: (running away with Doc and Lopez) Eek!

Felix turns around and activates his hardlight shield again but a sticky bomb lands on it.

Felix: Huh...?

Sarge: Guess we learned a thing or two from you villains after all.

Ash reloads his sticky detonator. "Never piss off a insane man." 

Tucker: (holding a grenade) Hey, Felix. Catch.

Tucker throws the grenade, which rolls to Felix's feet as the sticky bomb primes.

Felix: W-wait...!

Both grenades explode, blasting Felix over the edge. He screams as he plummets below the clouds to his death.

Grif: ...Holy shit. That was way better than incineration!

Donut: Did we do it?

A sound of the sword activating is heard behind Tucker, Epsilon, and Caboose. They see Locus holding it next to the lock of the Control Room.

Epsilon: (concerned) Yeah, I think we did...

Locus: (observing the sword) It's said that only a true warrior can activate these temples.

The Reds and Blues regroup.

Tucker: (aiming his plasma rifle at Locus) What do you think you're doing?

Locus places the sword into the lock while Tucker lowers his weapon.

Santa: (appearing) The tower is ready. You may now transmit your message.

Santa disappears again as Locus turns around and is about to leave.

Tucker: Hey, just 'cuz you saved us doesn't mean you can leave, asshole. You killed innocent people!

Locus: I know. I'm going to make things right. But not from inside a cell.

Epsilon: If you run, we'll find you.

Locus: No... you won't.

Locus then cloaks and disappears.

Grif: If I ever see another mercenary, it'll be too soon.

Simmons: Amen.

"I'll kick the next one's ass." Ash says.

Sarge: How about we send that message?

Tucker: Sounds good to me.

Tucker runs over to the control panel as Epsilon materializes next to him.

Tucker: You ready?

The screen fades to white. Cut to Carolina punching the Mantis, finishing it off, before jumping down to rejoin Wash. The screen fades white as Epsilon fades in.

Epsilon: Hi there. You may not know me, but my name is Epsilon. Some time ago, my friends and I were shipwrecked on a planet called Chorus.


Epsilon: (continuing) If you haven't heard of it, I don't blame you at all. But, all of us who survived the crash as well as the planet's inhabitants are in dire need of help.

The two soldiers watching the screen look at each other before looking back at it.


Epsilon: If this is transmitting to your computer, please examine the files that I have attached to this transmission.

A picture of Tucker is shown on the screen to a group of aliens. One of the aliens recognizes him.

Junior: Blarg? [Father?]


Epsilon: (continuing) They include our coordinates, as well as information on the survivors of the crash, who you may recognize as the heroes of the UNSC that went missing during their flight home.

Images of Sarge, Ash, Wash, and Grif are shown on screen to a lone soldier in yellow armor, who recognizes Grif when his picture is shown on screen.

Sister: Oh my gosh! Big bro's alive! (the screen then shows an image of Lopez) And so is that gray guy who choked me until I passed out. (screen then shows an image of Simmons) That was hot.

Epsilon: (continuing) Most importantly, however...

Epsilon is then shown appearing one at a time on a multitude of screens inside the Chairman's office in the Staff of Charon.

Epsilon: (continuing) ... are the files that prove the undeniable guilt of Malcom Hargrove. Orchestrating our shipwreck was just one of an impressively long list of crimes the dear Chairman has committed in the past few years. Once we are rescued, we'd be happy to discuss the list in greater detail as well as answer any other questions that you may have, so long as it ensures that Mr. Hargrove never sees the light of day again.

As the Chairman watches, he grips his mug more tightly in anger.

Epsilon: (continuing) Thank you for your time, and please - hurry the fuck up, and just come get us.

Epsilon fades from the screen as the transmission ends. Cut to the Chorus armies celebrating as they fire their guns into the air.

Carolina: They actually did it.

Wash: Never doubted them for a second.

The Lieutenants and Dr. Grey then show up to join the celebration, with Palomo trailing behind them.

Jensen: So exciting!

"I'm going to go home and see my mom after this!" Axel cheers.

Palomo: Woo! Yeah! We're here too! What are we cheering about, guys? Huh?

Cut back to inside the Control Room.

Tucker: Well said, Church.

Epsilon: Eh, I like to hear myself talk.

Kimball: (over radio) I can't believe it. We're picking up a slipspace rupture, a ship's already on its way!

Simmons: Holy crap, that was fast!

Grif: Aw man, do you think we'll get to fly first class?

"We better, after all the shit we went through." Ash says.

Xi appears on his shoulder. "I-I look forward to some down time."

The ship then appears, but unfortunately for our heroes, it turns out to be the Staff of Charon.


Chairman: (over speakerYou have made... a terrible mistake.


The next chapter will be the season finale. So I hope you're ready.


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