The Whisper of Iron (A LitRPG Blacksmithing Tale)

Chapter 4: Ch. 4 – Homemade Wynd Dagger

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"Deehana, what in the world are you doing out here at night with one of father's slaves?"

"Typh, I can explain..."

"You were lucky I was on night scouting duty! You could have been killed!"

Dee looked down at the ground, ashamed. The jaguar looked at me, disgust crossing his spotted face. "Human. Report back to your duties immediately. Do not go into the jungle again with my sister for any reason."

"Typh...father made him go!" Dee blurted out.

The cat looked at his sister for a long time. "Why in the world would father put this human in the woods at night? He would have certainly been killed. Humans can barely function during the day, let alone when their horrible eyes can't see in the dark!"

Dee crossed her arms, standing taller. "Father thought Noah, that's the slave's name, stole a dagger from him. He was preparing for the big merchant's know how he gets before one of those. He roared at the slave and sent him out for night ingredient duty as punishment."

Typh shook his head and, in a low voice, said, "He really needs to stop killing the slaves. I know he thinks they're all thieves, criminals, and rejects from Fayport, but it doesn't mean he can just waste them. He's already shorthanded enough in the smithy as it is."

"Typh, that's not even the craziest part. The slave wasn't lying. He really can create!" she continued, excitement on her furry face.

The jaguar turned to me, thoroughly looking me over. He loomed over me at about 7 feet tall, a terrifying sight to behold. My human instincts told me I was about to be attacked by a jungle cat. It took every ounce of determination to stand my ground in Typh's gaze.

"Humans do not create. They never have and never will. Hand me your dagger."

I had not seen the dagger since my combination with the silver ore. I held it up, looking at it before I handed it to him. The dagger now had silver lightning bolt marks running down the blade and a golden hilt. It was beautiful.


And as I inspected it, I received new information.


I looked up at Typh, who was holding out his paw expectantly. Dee saw the changes in the dagger and gasped but didn't say anything. I handed the dagger to him, hilt side toward the cat. He took the weapon, turning it over in his hands.

"Human, what kind of trick is this? There is no information here. My 'INSPECT' skill is just telling me this is a dagger but giving me no other information. What in the worlds have you made?"

I looked between the cats, afraid to speak. I gathered myself, took a breath, and explained. "I'm a Blacksmith Apprentice class with a 'CREATE, 'MINE, and now 'INSPECT' skill. I'm only level 2 and can make level 2 items. Dee called my class a Creator class."

He looked down at the weapon. "And how do you explain this dagger, then?"

"Before the Stalkers attacked, I felt the pull to combine two pieces of silver ore I mined in the cave and that dagger. When I did, I upgraded it. Now it shocks whoever I attack with a little mini lightning bolt thing. It was pretty cool."

"Then why can't we see that?" Dee asked, taking the weapon from her brother. "I can't see anything about it either! Hang on a second."

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Dee took off up a nearby tree. A few moments later, there was a struggle in the canopy as she attacked a bird. Typh and I waited at the tree's base. She came back down, a smaller blue beak in her mouth. "Nope, it's just a stabby dagger. No lightning came out when I stabbed the bird with it."

They both looked at me, their gaze boring into me. "Guys, I don't know what to tell you. It's called a 'WYND DAGGER,' whatever that means. And when I stabbed the dog in the leg, it sent a shock through the muscle where it couldn't stand up again for a few seconds."

"Show him your arm!" Dee excitedly exclaimed to her brother.

I complied, rolling up my sleeve. A new symbol was added next to the other two, a magnifying glass. Inspect, I presume. "Curious. This symbol on the left is the same as fathers smithy," Typh said.

"I know! He really is a Creator like father; it just seems like he makes things...differently."

Typh looked around, the darkness fading as the planet's sun rose. "I will need to think on this. For now, tell no one. Deehana, keep the boy safe but don't let anyone know that we are interested in him. I don't want anyone getting too close to this slave. One whiff of this human, and it's easy to tell that something is off about him. Keep him busy in the smithy."

"He gains levels from creating and mining. I think we should allow him to go into the caves with the adventurers," Dee said, looking back to her brother. "He could become useful to us!"

"Absolutely not. I don't trust any of those mercenary scum. I will have to take him. He will also need to 'CREATE' a better weapon. No offense, human, but you're pretty scrawny. I doubt you will be stabbing Shadowalkers anytime soon, even with your new magic." A sly smirk crossed the cat's face for the first time since I'd met him.

Dee scoffed a meowing laugh. I looked at her, hurt in my expression, and she cleared her throat. "Sorry, but it's true. You should have a weapon that keeps you far away from the actual fighters."

I pondered that. Dee had a point. There was no way I was getting in the middle of giant wolves and jungle tigers fighting each other without getting torn to pieces.

With that, we took off toward the settlement.


The journey back through the jungle went smoothly. The commanding presence of Typh was certainly helpful in scaring off any predators looking for an early morning snack. We entered the bustling settlement through the front gate, people bowing before us as we entered.

"Typh, are you some kind of king?" I asked him as we walked, continuing to get reverence and 'good morning, sir' from the cats we passed on the way to the ramp.

"I'm the male in charge of security at the settlement. Baron Gilbert is the mayor here."

I headed up the ramp as my feline companions jumped and climbed to the tower's next level. I walked through the streets until I got to the blacksmith.

Inside, it looked as though a bomb had gone off. Food and drinkware were everywhere, with T-shaped chairs strewn about. It looked like a cleared circular area was made at some point in the night for dancing. Unless the cats don't dance. Maybe it was for fighting. Or hell, perhaps even mating. I didn't know these creatures well enough yet to have any clue.

Romas was curled up in the corner, snoring loudly. Typh looked around, disgust on his face. "Merchants," he muttered under his breath, shaking his head. He turned to me. "You and Jasper have your work cut out to clean this place up. I'll return tonight once you've done your chores. We can speak then."

He turned to leave but then stopped, turned around, and went to the corner where Romas slept. Typh took a swinging kick at the sleeping cat, startling him awake with a meow. "Don't you ever waste another slave again, you bastard," he growled, and with that, he turned and left into the morning light.

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