The White Witch From The North

Chapter 6: Chapter 4

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Morning came, and the light slowly drenched the forest canopy.

The birds have started scattering, singing, and also looking for food. Together with the eternal splashing sound of the blue waterfall, they make up a melodic song.

It will be an awesome view of the conifer forest this spring. But for some unknown reason, something seemed odd and striking amidst the beautiful scenery.

It was something white, that stood by a clear river. A stark contrast to the refreshing spring morning scenery. That white something felt like something out of place.

And suddenly, that white something shook softly, and then looked like a door is being opened, from there appeared the haggard-looking figure of a white-haired little girl.

*Yawnnn….*, what a refreshing sleep.”

And the girl yawned widely while stretching her body upwards.

“Unthinkable, I can also make an igloo with this ability. what a useful ability, now I no longer need to sleep on the ground. Why didn't I think of that from the start."

That's right, that girl was me, who had just woken up from a deep sleep.

Since I defeated that bear, I have gained many useful things. 

If I think about it, my first fight was pretty good too. I'm happy to win. My plan at that time was to make the bear tread the water. Then when the bear's feet were submerged in water, I froze the water around it to block its movement. Since I was still not very good at controlling heat absorption and I was also quite panicked at the time, so instead of freezing the water around the bear, I clumsily absorbed the heat in a convergent manner, with myself as the center of absorption.

Realizing that, I wanted to make the water freeze faster, afraid that the bear would immediately pounce on me or start running away if the movement was still free. So I put everything in my power and effort to make the water temperature drop faster. Even though I was sweating profusely and sighing heavily, the freezing process that I did still couldn't be done in the twinkling of an eye. Even though it's been spelled out hundreds of times faster than the usual freezing process. Still, I still don't understand why mother back then was able to freeze a Wyvern in one fell swoop.

But it doesn't matter, which I did enough, because the bear apparently can't just get out of the water. So one thing for sure, the bear will stay suspended in the water until the water freezes completely, before I finally finish it off with an ice spear.

That's how I beat the bear. What should be only a small portion becomes a large part of the frozen water. With a wide enough radius, a large chunk of ice containing myself and the bear was created.

At first, I wanted to just leave this alone, but given the passive nature of my ability, I was able to make this large chunk of ice float and transport it to the ground, to make the river flow again.

Because everything under the influence of my ability is freed from all kinds of laws of motion, including the law of gravity, I can easily levitate that enormous chunk of ice, and transport it to the riverbank along with the bear's corpse.

And that's when I realized one thing. I saw that there was something like a dark object frozen in the ice as well.

"That's... a fish?"

That's when my first idea came up.

I found a fish that was also stuck in the frozen water, not just one, after looking carefully it seems that there are several other fish that are also stuck in the freeze. That's why I decided to move the ice chunks intact as before, to get all fish at the same time.

And when I threw that big chunk of ice all the way to the ground. I realized that this ability could also be used in this way too. That is, I can create some sort of ranged attack, such as an ice arrow, ice spear, or block of ice that flies towards the target at high speed.

Why am I only realizing this now? If I was a little more introspective, I wouldn't have to run close to the bear to launch a spear attack. Because I can throw it straight, right?

But let it be past. The point is, now I have a more efficient attack option from a safe distance. Although it still requires practice to be able to shoot on target.

I can also take advantage of this ability to help my daily activities, such as moving heavy objects for example. By freezing it with ice, I can move any mass anywhere. Also like when I make spears and knives, I might make buildings as temporary shelters. As long as it's simple and easy to shape, I can make it. Because unlike my mother, I'm still bad at art.

I realized that this ability has a lot of potential to make my life easier.

That's why I built an igloo for my overnight stay. After all, igloos have the simplest form in my mind. I can also keep the igloo eternal because, my abilities can withstand the external heat that enters the object.

That's how I got two, no, I mean that's three smart idea things. Three birds with one stone. Easy ways to catch fish, long range attack options and ways to make daily activities easier to do. Those were the birds I managed to link with one stone.

And after I finished thawing the carcasses of the bears separately, I intended to throw them away. I had no intention of eating bear meat, after all, since I couldn't make a fire, I couldn't cook it. I don't want to eat raw bear meat.

I want to make frozen meat, but I prefer fish meat. My bag also has limited space, better filled with frozen fish. Currently, there are a lot of fish that I got from the bear freeze bonus.

So I just buried the bear to be one with nature.


Passing the river path, I continued my journey toward the north.

Because with the river, I have more ammo for my defensive options. The river is also to be my source of food. Because I already understand my ability better than before, it's become easier to catch fish now. For example, by making a small portion of water move according to my will, tracing into the depths of the river, and then looking for its target which is a fish. Due to the high degree of camouflage and only slightly lower temperature, the water that I control is not much different from the normal part of the river water. So, the fish is unlikely to notice that a small part of the river water is moving towards it and then enveloping it.

“... hit one!”

Once the water I controlled had enveloped the fish, I would drop the temperature rapidly to freeze it. If a fish swims away, I will try to keep the water enveloping its body until the water freezes.

And frozen fish got.

I could have frozen most of the river water at once to get a lot of frozen fish, but I wanted to do a bit of work as practice, so I used that method as a last step. With the same method, I also learned to catch a bird. By stealthily sending water from branch to branch to get to the bird and trap its legs, I can bring a bird down. This kind of training was useful for sneak attacks when I had to face real combat once again. I can camouflage water with the earth as I stealthily send it at the target's feet, then freeze it to lock in its movement. If encountering a flying enemy, I'm thinking of using the moisture that collects around the enemy's body and crystallizing it. I also thought of using the ice fog as a means of concealing myself. I learned from my mother that blocks of ice can also produce smoke, although it is a phenomenon of steam congealing into tiny droplets of water as the air around the ice becomes colder. Such an exact explanation I know after that woman gave me some knowledge.

Now, whether it's a ground attack or an upcoming air attack, I can handle it.

I also practice shooting with aim. Continuing to move water or ice to go after the target takes a lot of time and energy. I had to stay focused until I hit the target and the longer time went on, the more energy it would drain. So I want a more efficient way. That's why shooting straight and on target is what I want.

I also thought of something if I have to stay away from the water. The easiest option I've found is to use water vapor. Water vapor was so free in the air, so if I could create ice needles in the air, that could be an alternate plan. The size of the ice needle is larger than an ordinary needle but smaller than a pencil. This size is intended so that the ammunition can be loaded more and remain sharp to penetrate the opponent.

By crystallizing the water vapor in the air, shaping it into hundreds of sharp ice needles. I practiced shooting one ice needle at a time at a stationary target I set as I walked along. Sometimes I change stationary targets to swimming fish or flying birds. In the real world, moving targets are what we encounter most often.

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Practice while looking for fish, making an igloo at night, and taking the last step if what I've been doing doesn't work. It was an activity I continued to do until I reached the edge of the forest.

Starting from here, the forest will get thinner and the land will start to look uphill. The sky was also starting to lose its blue color as the dark clouds dyed it gray. The wind was blowing harder as if it wanted to take the grass to fly. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a flying object. Spinning under the clouds. As if looking for something to eat. It seemed to be a falcon, stalking its prey quietly.

Sure enough, moving the corner of my eye until it was level with the ground, an adorable creature appeared in the distance. With a small body, long ears, and light brown fur, surely it only describes a wild rabbit who is busy eating lunch without caring about threats.

A few seconds later, the first splashes of rain fell, signaling the start of the predation event. With the falcon gliding swiftly, its whirring sound had been mixed with the raining wind. The rabbit who didn't understand the situation panicked because of the rain. But the falcon rushes to ambush its prey before it even knows what is happening to it.

I, who saw nature working naturally, was silent without a sound.

Once again I looked up at the sky and saw drop by drop the rain falling from the clouds.

“..I am also a part of nature.”

After muttering something, I continued walking, ignoring the rain. Occasional thunder is heard, but I keep walking without worrying about catching a cold after the rain.

I lowered my head. The longer I walked, the faster my steps, and took me running. As if I was chasing a star, I ran as hard as I could through the rain. Dance, to be in tune with the rain.


A splashing sound came every time my feet stepped on a puddle. I feel like I want to fly, through the clouds, and see what's behind them. My feet danced nimbly, through the rain with a feeling of relief. As if the rain itself had become a part of me, I ran and danced with all my heart.

Water bubbles seemed to fly, decorating a girl who smiled beautifully under the clouds. I spin, and the water bubbles also rotate. I jumped, and the water bubbles also spread.

Until finally the drizzle got slower and the sun's light began to be seen breaking through the clouds and forming diagonal pillars. I also slowed my feet, sighed, and stared at the scene in front of me.

I also noticed that the river was getting wider and the land in front of me was getting wider.

Stretching far ahead was a wide lake. Small whimpers of rainwater are still trying to scratch the surface of the lake and make small ripples. The sunlight that escapes from the cloud wall is so sparkling when it comes in contact with a few splashes of water, forming a semicircle of a rainbow that slides from the clouds to the surface of the lake. In the distance, I also saw scattered birds emerging from behind the undulating hills.

I just stared silently as the raindrops disappeared.

To get to the mountains ahead, I have to pass through this large lake. There is a detour option, but I don't know how long it will take. Little thought occurred to me, if I had wings, I could fly across the lake and through the clouds. But the impossible will always be impossible. Humans are born without wings, that's their destiny.



...suddenly that one word came to mind.

"That's right, I can make things float with my ability, can't I?"

Does that mean I'll be able to fly too?

The rain stopped and my spirits rose. Perhaps after being refreshed by the rainwater, not only did my body refresh, but also my mind became refreshingly clear.

“A fine Idea. That's how I am.” I thought, confidently.

So without further ado, I made an ice board out of the lake water and climbed on it.

“...Then, I can slide on the surface of the lake too, right? And... It's also possible, I could walk on water...”

My options suddenly widened.

But since I already made an ice board like a surfboard, I'd rather just slide. I've been wanting to experience what it's like to surf on water, this is my chance.

I climbed onto the ice board with my two feet and took a slide ready stance. First, I made a floating ice board.

"Wow! It worked!"

And after I managed to get afloat, I moved the ice board to move forward slowly while keeping my balance. This is my first experience. Just a little wobbling might turn me upside down. To the right and the left, my body was waving like grass in the wind. But after a long time passed, the wobble got less and I felt like I could keep a still position. While being careful, I slowly increased my speed. I canceled my intention to slide on the water, knowing that even a slight shake could tip my balance. I was just afraid that, if the ice board touched the surface of the water, the balance point would shift and the balance I had achieved so far would be shattered so suddenly.

So, only maintaining a low altitude, I calmly glided through the air. While slowly increasing my flying speed as I got used to maintaining my balance.

In the end, I flew up, no, this was a hovering position moving straight in a non-uniform way towards the other side of the lake.

But the longer I flew, the more used to it I became, and the more enjoyable it felt. I dared to tilt the board and splash the water on the back of the board. It was a bit of a jolt, but I feel like I can over it and went a little further. So, challenging myself further, I glided across the water like a professional surfer.

“...Ahaha! This is fun."

The water splashed and the sound of the water rubbing against the board made semicircular ripples. In high spirits, I continued to glide across the water, causing my hair to flutter violently in the wind. Because the lake is so wide, the journey is quite long.

Even so, I didn't feel bored at all. Apart from surfing in various styles, I also took in the sights around me. I saw fish fleeing in surprise, passing some flying insects, and once passing a low-flying bird.

Until a few minutes later, without realizing that the fun time was over. I saw the shore of the lake on the other side and prepared to land. I slowed down my speed and carefully jumped down to the ground again. Unlike the previous side, this time the land that I was standing on had become land that was so rising that it formed hills.

So from now on the trip will be hiking.

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