The will of the creator

Chapter 1: Prologue

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Sunday is the day people go to church to celebrate God's words and knowledge. Well for the average christain of course, Aster the main character of this story is a middle aged woman with an average figure for her build. She stood at your average male height of 5’9 with dark purple hair and black tips, her eyes looked as blue as the Neptune and had a sparkly pupil.

“Ughhh….i hate this, it's the same thing everyday. All I do is work and work with no breaks in my schedule. If only my coworkers weren’t constantly quitting maybe i could catch a break once in a while”

Aster worked in the business career as a tax accountant. She was known throughout her job as someone they could rely on, but people ended up quitting either constantly due to their boss being a pushover and forcing a two week schedule on every new employee.

A ding ranged throughout the whole building on the intercom 


The boss, susan shouted on the intercom requesting her appearance 

Aster hurried from her work cubby and rushed towards the boss’s office

“Yes boss?”

“With the lack of employees for our company, I'll be moving you to another company, an hour away from our current one. I know I've been hard on everyone and for that,  the government has requested the closing of our company. But i managed to get you into another company, since you're a main source of our income and i wish the best for your future”

A strange feeling arose from Aster’s stomach, the feeling of sadness and remorse. For the first time in years Aster had felt passion from another human.

‘What do you mean boss? I know our company is lacking but still….we can hire more people can we not?”

“No, my judgment on people's character is simply horrible and my anger clouds my judgment even more. I'm a rude and pushy boss but I did it to better you all, but it seems as though I went too hard on everyone here. So as soon as possible please , collect the things from your office. You'll be starting in your new office next week..” susan had a frozen frown upon her face

“Well…alright then boss I hope we meet again!” aster said with a frown upon her face

Susan smiled as she waved goodbye to Aster, this may be the last time they see each other

Walking back to her apartment Aster still felt sadness in her chest from her susan’s words

“I cant believe susan actually showed emotions, she was usually a cold hearted boss and stood out amongst us all

[SYSTEM] you have been teleported to the human world. Your power has been capped to match the world’s limitations, now creating causality to find the one

A small portal appeared above the earth’s atmosphere. A tall slender man arose from this portal. The man had dark green hair with silver eyes and black nails wearing a green kimono 

“Well hopefully this doesn’t take long” the man said as he stretched his arms back letting out a loud yawn.

A world size earthquake shook the earth's core

“Wha…..what's happening? Is the world shaking?”

The world suddenly came to a halt till several miniature cracks formed on the earth's surface, the cracks started expanding greatly with each passing moment. Soon earth resembled a ball of clay mushed by the hands of a child, leaving cracks and tainted surfaces. Multiple human lives were taken during this chaos.

“Hmmm she even survived this casualty? No wonder the system chose you, just by looking at you I can see potential.” the strange figure chuckled as he raised his hand, dropping a little sphere from his hand. “Well this was fun while it last, but if i waste anymore time ill be charged and i wouldn’t like that” 

Aster fled to a nearby building with many other survivors of this chaos. She balled herself up in corner rocking back and forth hoping her life would be spared 




People were shouting left and right as the earth shook, the people inside aster’s building screamed for the lives as the earth shook once more

[SYSTEM] 5.6 billion lives calculated on this planet - target located in south korea  

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The strange figure thought to himself “it seems as though her will is protecting almost every soul on earth, well this sure is annoying…..well whatever, i'll just interfere i'm sure kujo will understand later. Come to me guadana”

As the man spoke, a small portal had opened beside him. A weapon had risen from the portal, or to be more specific a scythe 

[SYSTEM] Guadana - an ancient scythe from an unknown world ATK: ????

Passive: allows the user to cut through one's eternal thread of life 

“I'm sorry Aster but your will is very strong, this may sting.”

The strange figure dashed towards aster location at light speed, leaving a streak a green light behind him

“Im scared….im scared… scared…” Aster was mumbling to herself over and over hoping for this to be over, but before she could let out another prayer a crash sound came from the front of the building 

The strange man appeared before her very eyes.  she trembled with fear as a tears ran down her face

“Goodbye aster”

The strange man cut her down casting to her soul to an eternal slumber 

[SYSTEM] - entering the sublime

“Well that's one way TO DO YOUR DAMN JOB TRICK!!!!, you nearly killed every human on earth when we just needed her!”

“Im sorry but her will was incredibly strong, the systems generated causality couldn't break her”

“Well whatever, at least you brought her here. Now aster it's time to wake up”

Aster was slowly regaining consciousness her eye blinks constantly 

“Wh…where am i?”

“You're in the sublime, a passageway that connects all of our worlds together. You can travel anywhere through this passageway but that’s besides the point now. I know you're confused as to why you're here so i'll explain, my world has chosen you as their new contender or should i say player.”

“Player? Like a videogame?”

“Yes! Preciously, our world functions like this due to our creators' will. It seems as though the creator has chosen you as our new player”

“But why me? I'm a nobody….i'm useless in this world..”

“Oh, you have much to learn but, you'll learn eventually. Simply because you're his daughter”

“Wait, you know my father?”

“Seems as though I've said too much, so now it's time for your departure. By the way you'll forget your past life and this very moment. and I must seal this will of yours. It is quite strong like trick said, but now you'll be living your life as if you've always been here. One day, when the time is right you’ll remember this moment but now HAVE FUN!”

Aster’s body slowly disappeared into the side of the sublime her body and soul converted into a small white sphere entering a woman's womb 

[SYSTEM] player has been reborn Name: Aster Gender: female Stats: 0 

“Look baby, she looks just like you…i think we should name her Aster”

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