The Witcher: Living in the Continent with Scarlet Rot Ability

Chapter 21: Arm

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As the three entered the clinic once again, Shani quickly went to her room, changing her clothes to a more proper one, while Mikael and Geralt sat down in the living room, Geralt looking around, quite curious about the place.

Not a minute later, Shani came out of her room in her usual attire, minus the necklace of course. Shani looked at Mikael, to his missing arm, and frowned. "How long since you cleaned that?" she asked sternly.

"Err… A while?"

Shani groaned as she quickly gathered a bottle of spirit and some cloth, while cursing about men and their hygiene.

Shani just looked at him, and told him to sit down. She opened his bandages, and started cleaning.

"So, what brings you here Geralt?" asked Shani as she cleaned Mikael's eternal wound.

Geralt, clearly amused by the sight, paused a little, then answered her question. "I'm looking for a woman."

"Surprise, surprise," said Shani sarcastically.

Geralt coughed in embarrassment. "The name's Tamara, she should be living around here somewhere."

"Tamara? I know her." she said, a bit surprised about the statement.

"Mind telling me her address then?" Geralt asked.

"What for?" Shani asked, She cleaned Mikael's wound too roughly and made him flinch. "Calm down, don't be such a baby." she scoffed.

"Well, her father's looking for her." Geralt continued, soaking the entertainment that is Mikael under the mercy of Shani.

"That beast of a father?" Shani snorted. "No way I'm giving her to him."

"I just want to know her condition." Geralt continued. "I won't force her to go back."

"Well, if it's just her condition, she's fine." Shani answered, she dropped the cloth to a bowl as she finished, and wrapped Mikael's eternal wound with bandages again.. "Anything else, Geralt?"

Geralt sighed. "Listen Shani, I need to talk to her, I need to know her mother's location."

Shani just stood up calmly, and put the bowl away. "Fine… but you need to promise me that you won't harm her."

"I promise," said Geralt flatly. "Like I said, I need to find her mother."

"I'll write the address for you." Shani then walked up to her desk, and started to search for paper and some ink.

Meanwhile, Mikael stood up, and looked around as Geralt and Shani talked about the address. Then, he spotted something, it was a 'thing' that was covered in dirty cloth, as long as an arm, but there was no way of telling what it was at all. Mikael approached the thing, and wanted to take a peek.

"What's this? Never seen this one before" he asked Shani loudly.

As Shani turned to him, her face writhed with panic a bit. She practically ran to him, and grabbed the 'thing' quickly, away from Mikael. "Oookayyy… you're not supposed to see that."

"Well, what's that?"

"It's for later." Shani said vaguely, quickly hiding it in her lab. "Anyway, you need something else Geralt?"

Geralt was leaning against the wall, clearly amused by the two's antiques.

"Well, I would love to have a chat for a while." he said. "But, a certain someone has… forbid me to do so." Geralt continued as he looked at Mikael.

Shani raised her eyebrow in amusement to Mikael, and chuckled. "Anyway, it's nice to see you Geralt. If you want, you could come here tonight. Me and Mikael will cook dinner."

"We are?" questioned Mikael.

"We'll talk after this." Shani whispered to him and kissed his cheek quickly. "In the meantime, you can do whatever you're doing with Tamara."

"Sure." Geralt chuckled in amusement. "Enjoy your time you two."

Geralt then quietly got out of the place, leaving Mikael and Shani alone.

Shani then turned around, and looked at Mikael, arms crossed. "So, Mister Mikael the gallant, mind explaining why you never contact me for a week?"

Mikael sighed. "Like I said, you said you needed to think, so I gave you space." he said, sitting on the chair. "Besides, I need money, I worked my arse off this past week, just barely have enough money for a horse."

Shani frowned. "So you're leaving?"

"What? Why?"

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"You said you'll leave after you have a horse." she commented calmly.

"Well, not really, I'll probably just go to Novigrad, not ready to move to another kingdom to be honest."

"Then that's good…" Shani sighed in relief. "Because you owe me a second date."

Mikael smiled warmly at her as he heard that. "Sure, where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking… Novigrad."

"Well that's quite far away, but alright." shrugged Mikael. "Anyway, what's that thing that you hide just now?"

Shani sighed. "Should've hidden it better to be honest…" she murmured as she retrieved the item that she hid from the lab, and took it to Mikael.

She took off the cloth, revealing a prosthetic right hand, made of leather. It was quite a cheap looking prosthetic, rushly made, but it looked functional nonetheless.

"I asked a friend of mine if he could make a prosthetic arm quickly… and this is the result…" she chuckled nervously.

Mikael took it, and tried it on. He quickly tied the prosthetic into his missing right arm, and felt comfortable with it.

Shani looked at the arm worriedly. "Look, I know it doesn't look good at all, I could probably ask him to add somethings to make it more nicer, but it'll take–"

"This must be expensive, Shani." Mikael commented. "How much is it? Let me–"

"Stop right there Mikael." she said, her eyebrows raised. "It's a gift, you don't have to pay for anything."


"Accept the gift for once, would you?" she said, clearly annoyed.

Mikael stared at her beautiful hazel eyes, before leaning for a kiss. His lips met hers gently as Shani was surprised by his sudden action, but a welcome surprise nonetheless.

They kissed gently for a few seconds, before separating with a smile. "Thank you… Shani, truly."

Shani was still a bit shocked, and blushing a little. "Y-Yeah… it's fine really…"

Mikael then inspected the fake arm, he felt something, like it was supposed to be like this.

He frowned as he felt tingles in his Eternal wound. That tingle sensation spread to the rest of the fake arm.

"That's weird," he commented.

"What's weird? Anything wrong with it?" questioned Shani worriedly.

"Nothing, it's great, wonderful… it's just…" then, when he thought of moving the arm, it actually moves, like an actual arm.

"Ookayyy…." Shani was a bit scared at the display. "Prosthetics don't usually move… right?'

"Well, yeah…"

"That's…. Weird…"

"I can move the arm itself." he said, moving the prosthetic like a normal arm.

"Okay, stop it, that's creepy." she said, grabbing the prosthetic. But then she felt something, she felt like her skin had touched rot.

"Oh rats." she cursed.

"Rot?" he questioned, he grabbed her hand, and absorbed the rot. He looked at the prosthetic, more specifically, the inside of it.

There, he saw some kind of small branches, connecting his flesh to the prosthetic. "Huh… the rot makes this some kind of branch? Veins? I don't really know… but it makes me able to control the arm… well, just the arm, can't control the hand, cause it's a fixed shape."

"That's interesting." Shani commented, also observing curiously. "You should study this curse/gift of yours more later."

"Will do. But… need your help obviously… if you want though."

Shani just smiled. "I'll be happy to help."

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