The Witcher: Living in the Continent with Scarlet Rot Ability

Chapter 3: One-Armed Swordsman

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The sun shines as a new day arrives, the group were packing their minimal things to their horses, and mounted them. Mikael though didn't have any horses, so he rode with Geralt on the back of Roach, his steed.

Mikael now was wearing light leather armor, he covered his arm stump using cloth, and wore a glove on the other. On his scabbard a simple straight steel sword, alongside a silver knife which Vesemir gave him.

"You sure you're giving me this?" questioned Mikael. "Silver things must be expensive."

"We found it on a corpse earlier in our travels." shrugged Vesemir. "You can keep it."

"Whatever you say…" murmured Mikael. They then continued their journey on their steed, with the sun just barely showing itself, and people were just getting started on their days.

As they traveled, those three continued to talk, conversing with each other as their horses advanced.

"You said you can do swordsmanship." Geralt stated. "You sure you can back that up?"

"I'm sure." smirked Mikael. "I could probably kill you two easily right now."

Geralt just chuckled at the threat. "I very much doubt that."

"I don't know Geralt." added Vesemir in amusement. "We could have more surprises that came from him."

"Have you even killed a man?" questioned Geralt in curiosity to Mikael.

"Actually… no…" murmured Mikael. "But my point still stands."

"No, it isn't." refuted Geralt. "Fighting needs experience, if you only have techniques under your belt but no experience, it would just be a waste, you'll be a burden in a fight."

"Trust me, I know how to wield a sword." Mikael insisted. "But if you really insist, I will stay back when a fight breaks out."

Geralt just grumbled, and they continued north, towards White Orchard.

As they traveled, the sun was getting higher, then fell down, the sky was now orange, the wind blowing faintly, and the three could hear the sound of running water, possibly a river, and also, the sound of a screaming man.

"Help me! Help!" shouted someone desperately.

Vesemir and Geralt looked at each other, then Vesemir questioned. "We going?"

Geralt just nodded, and the two horses galloped towards the pleading sound.

As soon as they arrived, they saw a dried up river, with a cart in the middle of it. They saw a man, hiding below the cart, and a griffin, dangerously close to the cart, eating a dead horse.

The group then jumped from the house quickly, with Geralt and Vesemir smacking their horses' arse so they ran. All of them unsheathed their sword, even Mikael, clenching the steel sword he had tightly in his left hand.

"You stay!" commanded Geralt. The two witchers then rushed towards the Griffin, and it saw them. It quickly took off, but without damage, as Geralt slashed its stomach, but Griffin's hide is as tough as it can be, and it only made the griffin bleed a little.

The Griffin flew high, avoiding any more strikes, but then, it turned around, and targeted Vesemir, who was open. The Griffin pounced at the old witcher, making his shoulder bleed. Geralt was too slow to attack it again, and the Griffin flew high again, making Geralt's sword out of reach.

As the Griffin flew in the sky, it made one more leap towards the scene, it wanted to pounce on the horse's carcass. Geralt almost hit it, but he missed. The Griffin then grabbed the carcass, and tried to flee.

But then, out of nowhere, a man, Mikael, with his steel sword, jumped towards the Griffin, and his blade stabbed the Griffin's neck, making the Griffin shriek in pain.

The jump was so high, that even Geralt couldn't believe it. When Geralt saw him jump, he felt like the guy had wings, his form is so majestic… he moved his sword like flowing water, but there was roughness in it, He could see Mikael grinning towards him as the Griffin fell down to the shallow river beside them, its blood tainted the clear blue water, and the Griffin was dying in the water, trying to breath.

Then, Mikael, with his steel sword, powerfully twisted the sword, and the head was decapitated easily. Geralt and Vesemir were even more perplexed, Mikael could cut a Griffin's head, with a normal steel sword? Not a silver sword, but a steel sword?

Not only that, he did it with only one arm, no help whatsoever.

"You okay there old man?" questioned Mikael suddenly, he grabbed the head of the Griffin, and walked towards the two witchers.

"Yes, it's just a scratch." said Vesemir, looking at his shoulder wound. "But never mind my wound, how did you do that?"

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"I told you, didn't I?" stated Mikael. "I'm special in my own ways…"

But then, Mikael examined his sword, and saw that it was broken. "Well, it looks like I need a more durable sword…"

Vesemir just examined the head of the Griffin, its head was cleanly cut…

Then, a voice spoke from the cart.

"H-Has it gone?" questioned a voice. The witchers and Mikael turned around, and saw a man with a bowl haircut, staring at them fearfully.

"Yeah, it's dead." answered Geralt, walking towards the man.

Mikael then massaged his left arm, as if trying to stretch it.

"Gods that was close! I was sure I'd end up like my mare…" he said, examining his dead horse nearby.

"Provided you got lucky." commented Vesemir, making the man confused.

The man then looked at Geralt, who gave him an explanation. "Your horse died quickly, but Griffins like to toy with their prey, eat it alive… piece by piece…"

"Ah– ha…" chuckled the man uncomfortably. Then, there was an awkward silence between them, before the man spoke again. "You'd… You'd like a reward, I suppose?"

Geralt shook his head. "You didn't owe us a thing, you were in need, we helped." he said, but then he looked at the corpse of the Griffin. "Although, we'll take the Griffin, there might be a bounty back in the village."

The man sighed in relief. "And they call witchers heartless… say that they won't lift a finger without pay."

Mikael just chuckled at the comment, and the man just nodded, before he went packing, trying to scavenge anything from his cart.

Geralt then turned to Vesemir. "Back to the trail?" he questioned.

"Like I said, the trail went cold from here." answered Vesemir. "Muddled."

The man perked at Vesemir's words. "You seek someone?"

"Yes," said Mikael suddenly, surprising the two witchers. "A woman, black hair, overall a bitch, but has class, seen anyone like that?"

"Ah, that sure will bring attention." nodded the man. "Sadly, no. but there's an Inn near here in White Orchard, perhaps you'll learn something there. Besides, the inkeep's my cousin, tell her Bram sent you, she'll treat you like family."

Vesemir turned to Geralt. "What do you say?"

"Might give it a try, pack up some supplies." Geralt spoke. "That wound needs cleaning as well."

"Alright then." spoke Mikael. "Let's go."

"Not so fast." said Geralt. "How'd you know that we're looking for a woman?"

"Seriously?" chuckled Mikael. "It's easy to guess who you're looking for, especially when I smell Lilac and Gooseberries from your pouch."

"You know her?"

"No, but your story with her is quite famous." answered Mikael as they got on their horses. "Yennefer of Vengerberg and Geralt of Rivia, an inseparable pair…"

"What has Dandelion written now…" said Geralt, rolling his eyes.

"Oh no, I didn't hear it from Dandelion." said Mikael. "I'm from another world, remember?"

Geralt frowned. "Then how'd you know?"

Mikael just smiled. "It's best if you don't know."

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