The Witcher: Living in the Continent with Scarlet Rot Ability

Chapter 30: Arm of Steel

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Four days have passed since Mikael and Shani arrived in Novigrad, and it was now time to leave. These four days, Mikael saw the breakdown of the city. Mages were quickly burned at the stake as Triss Merigold helped many sorcerers, sorceresses, and other similar professions run away from the cursed city. The witch hunters are furious that so many mages escaped their grasps easily, and they can't do anything with it as they fled to Kovir, well known for their neutrality and a safe haven for all things magical.

Right now though, Mikael was now walking towards a place he visited the first day he arrived at the city, Hattori's place.

The place was now guarded with bodyguards, displays of swords and armors were in front. He walked to the place, the smell of dumplings still present, but it was mixed with the smell of metal.

"Hattori's inside?" questioned Mikael to the bodyguards.

"Who're you?" frowned a man.

"A friend." Mikael answered. "Is he inside or not?"

"Name." the bodyguard continued. "Give me a name."


The guards looked at each other, and nodded. "He's waiting inside."

Mikael then opened the door. The heat of the forge hit his face instantly as he did that, and he saw Hattori, hammering away at his anvil.

Hattori turned to the door, and smiled as he saw Mikael. "Ah, I've been waiting. Let me get your arm and sword."

Hattori then quickly cools down the forge, and puts the steel on the anvil, before walking upstairs to his room.

"Quite a nice place you've got now." Mikael commented, looking at his surroundings. Swords were displayed at the wall, along with shields and axes.

"Business is booming!" stated Hattori as he came down. "Yesterday, a nilfgaardian noble went to my place, ordered something, the upfront pay is quite a lot."

"Well, good for you." said Mikael.

Hattori then placed two items that were covered in cloth on a table, and sat on a chair. "I must say, this is quite possibly my best work yet."

"Well, I'm flattered." said Mikael as he also sat in front of the items.

Hattori then pulled the cloth from the items, revealing a metal prosthetic arm, gilded with gold, and a long slightly dark curved sword, carved in ornaments.

"It's made out of Dark Steel," said Hattori. "I've also mixed the sword's and the arm's steel with Dimeritium, magic won't stand a chance against this sword and your arm."

"Bloody hell, that must be expensive." frowned Mikael. "How much?"

"Oh, it's nothing really." shrugged Hattori. "I have a stash of rare metals that I never used, might as well use it in this sword and arm."

Hattori then giddily shows the prosthetic arm to Mikael. "Look at this," he said. He then pressed something in the arm, and a small blade suddenly sprung from the side of the arm. "I've asked a dwarven friend of mine to tinker with this kind of stuff, as I'm not quite proficient with it."

"That's… Amazing!" Mikael exclaimed. "You didn't have to make it this far you know…"

"No friend. It's all thanks to you that I can go to the forge again." smiled Hattori. "Here, I give these two masterpieces of mine to you, may you vanquish your enemies with it."

Mikael nodded. He grabbed the prosthetic arm, and quickly equipped it. He quickly strapped the arm to his body, and he could feel that he had recovered his right arm.

He tried to move it, roots of rot suddenly spread inside the arm, and lo and behold, he could raise it, moving the elbows easily.

"Ha! I knew you could do that!" exclaimed Hattori.

Mikael raised his eyebrow in amusement. "How come?"

"W-Well, at the fight last week, I saw you moving your previous prosthetic, normal prosthetics can't do that…"

"Fair enough." shrugged Mikael. He moved the prosthetic a little bit more, but then, he noticed something. The hand part is hollow.

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He tried to move the fingers, and it worked, the joints of the fingers worked perfectly, it was like he gained another arm entirely. "Wow…"

He then tried to use the blade. The roots inside pressed the contraption, and it sprung from his arm, a short blade above his hand.

"This is… amazing Hattori…" stated Mikael in disbelief. "Are you sure this is all free?"

"I won't accept money for this." Hattori shook his head.

Mikael sighed. He then looked at the long sword in front of him, and grabbed the handle. It was a long ass sword, probably half his height. For normal people, it might be unusable, because the weight balance it's really off, but for Mikael, it was perfect.

"It provides more range for your… dance…" stated Hattori. "And judging from the strength you've shown me, you can wield that plenty."

Mikael hummed. He held the handle tightly, and swung it easily to the side. But he wasn't expecting the range of the thing, and he cut the chair beside him.

"Oh, sorry…" Mikael apologized.

"Oh, it's alright." said Hattori giddily. "So how is it?"

"It's… perfect…." Mikael answered. "It's quite strong as well… probably won't break."

"It won't. I can promise you that." nodded Hattori.

Mikael then noticed a carving of Elder speech at the end of the blade, and read it outloud. "Tearth vhóel…"

"Fear death." nodded Hattori. "A warning, to those who sparks your ire."

Mikael chuckled. "Thank you, Hattori." Mikael then looked around, the smell of dumplings lingering around. "Say… you still sell dumplings?"

Shani was waiting in front of the Kingfisher's inn. She was arranging her items in Ebony's inventory, trying to fit it in.

Mikael then walked up to her, a bag of dumplings in hand. "Want some?"

Shani jumped as Mikael offered her. She did not notice his presence at all, and once she saw it was him, she sighed in relief. "You scared me…"

"Sorry…" Mikael apologized, and he offered the dumplings again.  "Want some?"

"What's this?"

"Dumplings." answered Mikael. "Beef inside it."

Shani took one, and took a bite. Her eyes brightened as she tasted the food. "This is good."

"Right? It's quite surprising that a blacksmith made this one."

Shani then looked at his right arm. "You got it, let me see."  Shani then inspected his arm, admiring its design. "This looks way better than the last one."

"I'm still keeping the leather one." shrugged Mikael. "It's your gift, don't want to throw it away."

Shani just smiled at him, but she noticed the sword at his back. "Got a new sword too?"

"Yep." nodded Mikael. "Anyway, let's go, or the guards won't let us out if it gets too dark."

Shani just nodded, and both of them mounted Ebony, before leaving Novigrad, towards Oxenfurt again as the sun set in the west.

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