The Witches of Floroma – The Holy Prison

Chapter 4: Chapter 2: The Holy City – Avtalia

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A dim hallway stretched, deep into the castle’s depths. Far below the King’s chambers where the youthful adult stood, now guided by the priestly woman. They shivered as they quietly followed the priestess, their mother, through the vacuous and dim halls.

“We are here,” the woman stated, as they stopped before a large wooden door.

“What is this?”

“A place where I can conduct the ritual,” the priestess answered, leading her child into a large empty room, save a large diagram sprawling on the ground.

“A magic circle? What is this for mother?” The woman turned to face them. “What ritual do you wish to conduct?”

“William, dear, we are here because it is time you woke up.”

“Woke up?” William replied wearily. He took a deep breath as he fought off his exhaustion and wiped away some lingering tears. He felt so tired since his father rejected him so thoroughly, his cruel words still echoing in his mind. The intense dismissal shattered his confidence and resolve, leaving him feeling frail and uncertain.

“That’s right dear,” the priestess answered with a gentle smile. Her expression tightened as she stared into his eyes, a renewed vigor entering her face. Something in her eyes caught fire and dug deep into him. Those eyes, filled with a kindness he had not seen in years, yet mixed with the stoic façade he had become accustomed to over the years. “By my might, as head priestess of the Church of Heaven, and Queen of Luxur, I command that you awaken, my daughter.”

“D-daughter?” William shivered. The word coursed through him like a snap of lightning. It felt so strange, disarming him long enough for the queen’s now glowing hands to hold his face. A certain comfort sank in from her gentle touch.

“Yes,” she whispered. “It is time to wake up, my darling little girl,” she cooed with a warm timber.

William trembled as mana rushed into his body. He coughed out stale air as he held his arms. He coughed again and again, growing confused as the pitch of his voice began to rise, and a strange tickle crossing his back. “Wh-what is happening to me?” a higher voice asked as the royal panted, feeling a strange weight heave upon their chest.

“You are awakening my dear,” the Queen answered with a gentle smile. “Look there, in the mirror.”

The child followed the queen’s finger, following it to a mirror standing idly by a pair of torches. Shocked eyes beheld an unfamiliar reflection, a small woman with familiar long silver-white hair. Her soft lavender eyes trembled as they looked upon the mirror. The child reached out, with large clothes sagging on her shoulders, noticing the girl’s soft arms were their own.

“I… I’m a girl?” the youth questioned, raising their hand to their lips, then wrapping their arms around themselves, tears welling in their eyes. “What is this?” They began to smile. “This feels, so nice. I feel so nice,” the soft voice fluttered. “I feel like everything is melting away. Is it supposed to feel this good, mother?”

“It is,” Queen Elesa smiled, pulling her daughter into a hug.

“Mom, I’m… I’m a girl,” the girl whispered happily as she eased into the hug. How long had it been since she felt this calm? This relaxed or safe? This happy? She took a deep breath, taking in her mother’s sweet, nostalgic scent. It was the familiar scent of lilacs. She always liked that smell, though she scarcely had the chance to enjoy it in the past, not since she was a child anyway. Even so, those distant memories of her mother doting upon her and caring for her filled her mind, a forgotten feeling returning to her. “I’ve missed you so much, mommy,” she giggled happily as she began to cry as forgotten feelings swelled in her voice.

“I have…” the queen suddenly fell quiet. The girl felt the queen’s hold on her tighten, griping fingers beginning to dig into her back.

“Is something the matter?” she asked softly as she looked upward. Her mother only returning with a quiet frown. There was a deepening sadness grappling in her eyes, tears escaping her as she looked upon her daughter in sorrow. “Mother?”

“I can’t,” she whimpered. “Don’t make me do this. I don’t want to hurt her again.”

“Mother?” the girl trembled. “Hurt who? What’s wrong? What’s happening?”

“I’m sorry,” the queen’s voice shook, her face glistened with tears as the dumbstruck girl looked at her mother. “I can’t…” she fell to a hush. The Queen’s face fell like cold stone, her eyes hardening, and her breath slowing to a calm pace. “His highness still has great need of you. And it is your duty to fulfill your expected role for him.” The girl’s eyes went wide as she followed the glowing tips of her mother’s hands, an insidious shadow of disgust welling within her mind, one she had known for so long.

“It is done,” the Queen stated as she looked into the insatiable eyes of the woman before her. She looked to the girl expectantly. “You have a mission to do for the king,” she said, the girl’s lips twisting upward with eager anticipation. A familiar flare of bloodlust blazing in her mind.

* * *

“No!” Iris screamed as she lurched forward in bed. She grabbed at her shoulders as she fell forward, tears covering her face. “Stop it! I don’t…!”

“Iris!?” Saya yelped as she rose from her bed, panicked. “What is wrong?” she reached for Iris. The girl looked up to her, eyes shimmering with fright before she lunged towards her.

“Sayaaa-,” Iris clung to Saya, tear pouring upon the younger sister’s chest.

“Iris, it will be okay. You are safe. So please, please tell me what is wrong?” Saya asked softly as she pet the delicate girl.

“I…” she sniffled. “I had a nightmare,” she whimpered. “About mommy…” she hugged closer to Saya. “She was so warm and nice, but then she became cold and cruel. And she filled me with these horrible feelings. And it was all his fault,” she cried. “Why? Why did he do that to her? Why did he do this to us?”


“She was so nice before. And I was so much happier. And… and…”

“It will be alright, Irisia,” Saya gently stroked Iris’s hair. “We will save her. Just like we saved you.”

“Sayaaaaa,” Iris continued to cry.

With time, Iris’s tears quieted her back to slumber, her weary head plummeting back into her pillows, leaving Saya to watch on with sadness. She gave a gentle hug to Iris as she tried to imagine whatever could have happened to her.

“Saya?” Aria looked to her from their bed, a concerned look on her face.

“Oh, sorry to wake you,” Saya chuckled as she sat back on their bed.

“It was kinda hard not to,” Aria chuckled back. “How is she?”

“Asleep now,” Saya smiled.

“No sooner do we arrive, does she start having such terrible nightmares, huh?” Aria grimaced.

“I can only imagine the things she is still grappling with. I fear Zerto left her with far more wounds than the rest of us,” Saya frowned.

“Heh, yeah,” Aria nodded.

“Yeah? What is that supposed to mean?” Saya pouted.

“Sorry,” Aria apologized. “It’s just, I think I’m surprised, I guess. You won’t even call him your father anymore, will you?”

Saya sighed. “I just… I cannot… I cannot allow that man that space in me any longer. He hurt my sisters, and manipulated us against each other. I do not believe anyone who does that has any right to be called a parent any longer,” she scowled. “That man. No matter what I once thought of him, I cannot forgive him. Not anymore,” she said, tears trickling down her cheeks.

Saya felt a tug, as she was pulled backwards into Aria’s embrace before being pulled onto their bed. “You know, Iris isn’t the only one who’s been hurt, right?”


“Saya, you’re one of the most open minded and caring people I know. And seeing you be so honest about hating him, it’s made me realize something,” she looked at the confused princess. “You were hurt too. Maybe not in the same way, but you were. And it’s okay for you to feel that way about him. And I’ll be right there with you to shoulder and hold that pain with you. You’re not alone in this,” she smiled.

“Yeah,” Saya nodded. She sank into Aria’s warm body and took a deep breath, her worries drifting off into the distance. “Thank you, Aria,” she whispered.

“Now, let’s get back to sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow,” Aria said pulling Saya under the covers into the bliss of sleep.

“I love you,” Saya said, kissing Aria. She set her head upon her pillow and closed her eyes.

“And I love you too,” Aria smiled. She took a deep breath as she gazed at her sleeping princess, her smile dulling in the radiance of her beloved before the siren’s song swept her to sleep as well.

The moon shone in the sky, watching over the sleeping lovers before it sank into the horizon, replaced by the warm rays of the sun of the rising sun. The light shone through a slit in the curtains, illuminating the warm wood of the rustic furniture. A crinkling sound filled the room as Iris rolled in her sleep, resisting the warm call of morning.

“Ungh,” Iris moaned as she fought off the sun.

“Iris,” Saya sang. “It is time to wake up sister.”

“I don’t wanna,” she grumbled.

“Come now, we have things we have to do,” Aria urged her.

“I said I don’t want to,” Iris pulled the covers over her head.

“Please sister?” Saya pleaded. “Whatever will we do without my brilliant big sister?”

The ruffling blankets fell quiet for a moment, Iris’s head finally emerging. She looked up to Saya and frowned. “I guess you really are helpless without my knowledge, aren’t you?” she sighed. Iris passed a glare in Aria’s direction, diffused only by Saya’s own chuckle.

“That is correct, Iris. We need you,” Saya smiled.

“Fine,” Iris relented, finally rising from bed. “Remind me what we are doing today?”

“Well,” Saya scratched at her cheek. “Lillia and the others are heading to the library to find resources we can use. Meanwhile, you, Aria, and I will be searching the city to better understand it.”

“You need my help with that?” Iris sighed.

“Of course. Your observations and awareness are far better than my own,” Saya chuckled. “Your eyes may notice things that neither Aria nor myself would catch. Besides, you are the only one to have interacted with the church’s magitech.”

“True,” Iris conceded. “Although they prefer to call it holytech, the insufferable jerks,” she groused.

“See, we wouldn’t know that,” Aria laughed. “You’re already earning your keep.”

“Fine, fine, I get it,” Iris whined as she finished putting on her white dress. “Let’s go and get this over with,” she huffed as they left the room.

* * *

“Wow,” Iris chirped. “The streets are all shiny,” she smiled.

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“Well, she didn’t keep that up long,” Aria chuckled.

“Oh, be nice,” Saya giggled. “Still though, I failed to notice how brilliant everything looked last night,” she noted as they walked the street. “They certainly have a nice luster to them.”

“Wonder what they do to make it that way,” Aria eyed the street. “I imagine it probably takes a fair amount of upkeep. And the stones themselves are so clean cut and pristine, they almost seem like new tiles for someone’s manor.”

“I bet it’s some sort of magitech,” Iris giggled.

“I thought it was holytech,” Aria commented.

“Oh, hush,” Iris retorted. “Anyway, it was something I researched briefly before…” her face fell a bit before shaking her head. “Well, I had to give it up. But there has been magitech focused on shining streets and repairing damage. One of the prototypes I was working with used electric mana to grab up dirt, so I bet it’s something like that,” she mused, looking to the other two, who shared a befuddled look. “Uh, sorry,” she frowned.

“No, no,” Saya giggled. “We are not upset.”

“Yeah,” Aria chuckled. “It’s just kind of amazing seeing you act like this. I knew you were super into magitech, but I never knew you were so giddy about it.”

“I… yeah,” Iris blushed. “I didn’t really have anyone I was comfortable speaking with this to. I would sometimes rant to myself about my innovations, but it often made me upset because no one seemed to care about anything but my results. Even the other researchers seemed to hold me at a distance,” she frowned. “Though I guess I pushed them away too.”

Saya and Aria shared a small frown, Aria sighing as she approached Iris from behind. “Well, I don’t really get it, but I don’t mind listening to your ideas.”

“Really?” Iris looked at her excitedly.

“I think you may have just signed up for an earful, Aria,” Saya chuckled.

“Eh, I’ve been missing Mable talking about her studies, so I’m sure I’m up to it,” Aria chuckled. “Anyway, where should we start?” Aria asked.

“I’m not really sure,” Iris frowned. “There’s my ideas about how to improve the castle’s fertilizers, or the magitech I had been working on to help harvest crops.”

“I think she meant with our investigation,” Saya giggled.

“Oh,” Iris’s face lit up as she shrank from embarrassment. “I… uh…”

“It’s okay,” Aria patted Iris’s head, calming her down slightly. “But I’d be glad to listen to all of that later. For now we should focus on the task at hand.”

“R-right,” Iris nodded. “I’m not really sure where to start looking, to be honest.”

“Well, I have a thought,” Saya looked to Iris.

“What is it?” Iris tilted her head.

Saya gave a giggle. “Just follow me.”

“Oh no,” Aria chuckled. “Sounds like she has another scheme in her head again,” she said, following the princess.

“Wait, what does that mean?” Iris asked. “Hey, wait for me!” she chased the two. She followed the two into the packed streets. The holy city’s main street was almost familiar with all its business, merchants and residents swarming across the vast marketplace shopping for all manner of items. Iris slowed her pace as she watched a pair of women eyeing an apple in one of their hands, overhearing them talking about pies. She blushed as she felt her stomach grumble as the thought of such a sweet danced in her head.

She aimlessly wandered forward, eyeing the menagerie of people buy books, tools, shoes, and… she bumped into a soft yet stern figure. “Having fun back there?” Aria asked as she looked back to the stunned girl.

“Uh, yeah,” she nodded before her eye caught onto a bakery, her mouth relaxing, a dribble escaping the corner of her mouth. Her stomach groaned again, causing her to flinch.

“Heh, hungry, huh? While you two are busy, I’ll go get you something, okay?” Aria chuckled. “Saya seems to enjoy what I bring back normally, so I think I can find something good.”

“Th-thanks,” Iris nodded as Aria began to walk off. “W-wait, while we’re busy with what?” she called, her voice swallowed by the busy street. She turned around to see Saya looking into the nearby window, Iris hesitantly approaching her. Her body loosened as she gazed into the window in awe.

“I think you would look good in that one,” Saya said, pointing to a simple pink dress. “What do you think?”

“Huh?” Iris blushed. “You mean me wear a dress? Like that?” she fidgeted.

“Of course,” Saya chuckled. “You have spent so long wearing those boorish coats for your work. I think it would be rather fun for you to try something new?”

“I-is that really okay?” Iris asked.

“Of course, it is. You are still wearing the one you received at the castle,” Saya laughed gleefully. Iris continued to fidget in place as she messed with her white dress. “Would you mind humoring me, sister? If you decide you do not like it, we can stop.”

“O-okay,” Iris answered, her tiny voice filled with uncertain desire, as she followed Saya into the store. She was instantly mesmerized by the fluttering fabrics around her. She approached the vivid colors of the soft dresses, holding the soft threads of a skirt in her hand with a gentle smile. Could she really wear such a frilly and showy item? A certain excitement began to fill her as Saya giggled from a distance, chatting with a nearby clerk for ideas.

“You think this one would work?” Saya asked.

“I think it would look stunning on her,” the brunette clerk nodded. “If you need help tailoring it, let me know.”

“Thank you,” Saya smiled. “Iris,” she called. “I have something I would like you to try on.”

“You do?” she looked over. “That’s,” Iris fell silent as she eyed the deep purple dress, a sash sewn around the waist, and a beautifully flowing skirt bring it together. She touched the smooth fabric, another smile glowing on her lips.

“Do you like it?” Iris could only nod in response. “How about you try it on then?”

“I-is it really, okay?” Iris asked. Saya gave a gentle nod, reassuring her. “Okay,” Iris carefully curled her fingers around the hanger and cradled the dress in her arm, carrying it into a nearby fitting room. The small woman looked at herself in the mirror. She looked over the clean white dress she wore since she was changed. It had been comfortable, but at the same time it brought her a sense of unease wearing the mantle of the church, much less the one her mother provided after... She glanced hesitantly at the dress in her arms, setting it down as excitement whirled in her stomach, dispersing the shadowy frights. She carefully disrobed before pulling the dress to her chest and putting it on over her head. She felt the dress bounce around her feet and felt the fabric rest on her shoulders.

She smiled in the mirror, seeing a petite girl in a lovely purple dress. She gave herself a spin, the skirt rising around her before it started floating down in her reflection. She giggled as the excitement subsided into a fluffy happiness in her chest. “This is really me now, isn’t it?” she smiled.

“It is,” Saya said, peaking into the changing room.

“S-Saya,” Iris shook, clearly flustered. “You should respect your big sister’s privacy,” she huffed.

“I know,” Saya giggled. “But I just had to see for myself,” she said, wrapping her arms around Iris, tossing her silver white hair over her shoulder. “This is who you are Irisia, my beautiful big sister,” she whispered.

“Yeah,” Iris giggled. “Saya, thank you for supporting me,” she sank into Saya’s arms.

“I am so glad you came back to us,” Saya whispered.

“Me too,” Iris smiled. Her face glowed as they perused the store for other items, forming a small wardrobe to use during their stay. The clerks giggled and chattered as the youthful woman illuminated the shop with her excitement, the vendors giving an excitable ‘come back soon’ as they left. Her voice fluttered with gleeful giggles as they approached Aria, who sat waiting at a nearby table.

“Wow, you found a really pretty one,” Aria smiled. “It looks really good on you, Iris.”

“Thank you, Aria,” Iris smiled, sending a shock through Aria. The knight smiled joyfully and blushed with excitement.

“Gosh, you’re really pretty when you act like that,” Aria admitted.

“Oh?” Saya gave a look to Aria.

“I-I mean…”

“Come now, I am only teasing,” Saya chuckled. “She really does look beautiful in that outfit though,” she smiled.

“Thanks for talking me into it,” Iris hugged Saya.

“Of course,” Saya hugged Iris back. “Now then,” she turned her attention to Aria who nodded.

“I got us an egg tart to share, with some sausage,” Aria said, opening a large box on the table and then a smaller one. “They smelled so good. Hope you both enjoy.”

“This is amazing,” Saya said, happily holding her cheek. “It has a certain sweetness that blends so well with the egg.”

“And the sausage is so well seasoned,” Iris said, taking a sip of orange juice. “To be honest, I’ve never had a tart like this,” she said putting the forkful in her mouth, Saya and Aria looking to her with anticipation. “Oh… this…,” she blinked in amazement, a small tear coming to her eye. “I have never had anything this good before,” she smiled.

“Wow, the chefs must have really given you some boring food,” Aria frowned. “I’m glad you enjoy this though,” she looked to Iris. “Hey Iris.”


“Um, I know you and I haven’t seen each other eye to eye much in the past, but like Saya said before, I’m glad you’re here with us,” she smiled.

“Thanks Aria,” she gave a soft look to the knight. “It means a lot to me.”

“This is really nice,” Saya added. “I hope that we can do something like this again soon. Next time with our whole family,” she said.

“Yeah, that would be nice,” Iris agreed. “Now then, let’s eat,” she chuckled.

“Yeah,” Aria nodded taking another bite. She looked up to expecting to see Iris happily enjoying her second bite, but was confused to see Iris’s awestruck face. Iris shivered slightly, looking around confusedly. “Iris?” Aria looked at the concerned woman. “What’s wrong?”

“I… I just felt something weird,” Iris responded.

“That’s… odd. What about you Saya?” Aria looked to Saya who looked on blankly. “Saya?”

“I… I have felt this before,” Saya tightened up.

“What is it?” Aria asked.

“This is…” Saya frowned. “This mana… it is like Mable’s and Abbysia’s. The mana of demons,” she looked around, following its source, her eyes coming to a stark steeple at the center of the town, the steeple of Avtalia’s grand cathedral.

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