The Wolf With Silver WIngs

Chapter 63: Time With Dad Pt. 2

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After saying goodbye to everyone, Taylor, dad, and I walked out of the apartment. It was a bit chilly with the November wind. I couldn’t believe how much time had passed while we were in that other world.

“Now, this isn’t just a flying lesson. You two need to learn how to properly hone your powers. Angel, I know that you are somewhat familiar with them, but you also had a magical being lending her powers. This is going to be a different experience. I don’t know the extent of your powers now that you are your own person,” dad said as he materialized his wings. Unlike me, he had six silver wings. They were more beautiful than mine. I was so jealous.

“Dad’s wings are so beautiful, aren’t they, Angel?” Holly asked, mesmerized. I almost forgot that they had time alone, so she probably got to see more of what he was like. This was all a first for me.

“Yes, they are, sis. I just wish I had been here with you all. I can’t believe that everything that I thought to be true was all a lie. I feel like such an idiot. That bitch used me,” I said.

“Angel. I know that you are technically an adult, but please reframe from swearing. Your sister doesn’t need that kind of an influence,” dad said. I rolled my eyes. He acted as if she didn’t hear this shit in school. For being a watcher, he was really dense in how kids acted in school.

I watched as Holly materialized her wings. It was a sight to see. I didn’t notice it last night, but her wings weren’t exactly silver. Instead, they were more of pink color. It was strange. I would have to remember to ask dad about that when we got back.

Dad was the first to kick off the ground. There was almost a gust of wind when he took off. I had to brace myself. I watched as Holly took off next. Hers wasn’t as graceful. You could tell that she was still getting used to having wings. After a minute, I materialized my wings and followed suit. Once all three of us were in the air. Dad took off, with us following behind.

It was a few minutes before we stopped. It wasn’t easy for us to talk when we were all various distances apart. When Holly and I caught up with dad, he shook his head. I wondered what he was thinking about, but this wasn’t the time to be questioning him.

          “Okay, Angel, I want you to show your sister some of your maneuvers. I will be throwing feathers at you two, and I need you to show her how to dodge them. Though I would love to keep your sister out of the fight I know is coming, we are going to need her just as much as everyone else,” dad said with a grim expression on his face. This was all I needed—another person to worry about when I’m in a fight.

          “But da..” I started, only for dad to cut me off. Reluctantly, I closed my mouth. I knew it would be pointless to try, so I nodded and took my position. Dad pulled three feathers from his wings. I readied my self as he lifted the first feather. In a blink of an eye, the feather was out of his hand. I had only a split second to register where the feather was before moving out of the way, just in time to feel the wind around it against my cheek.

“That was very slow, dear. Any slower and I would have cut you,” dad said, though I could barely hear him due to the sound of my racing heart. I was fast, but dad was almost like Flash. I didn’t know how I was going to keep up. I didn’t have time to think either, because he had another feather in hand. This time, I paid close attention. I watched the feather fly from his hand, almost as if in slow motion. When it was only a few feet from me, I dodged to the left, watching as it flew by me.

“That was better. You keep going like that, and we won’t have to rush you to the hospital,” dad said, laughing. I turned to Holly to see that she was totally zoned in on what was going on. You could tell she really wanted to learn. It was nice to see. I knew that I was complaining about not wanting to help teach her how to fly, but watching as she watched us, studying t was a great feeling.

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The next feather was easy to spot and dodge. This time, I wanted to give dad a little taste of his own medicine. Without warning, I reached for my feathers, pulling one out. Without so much as a glance, I launched it at him. I smirked, only to be left in awe as I watched him practically disappear. Then I felt a blade on the back of my neck.

“Lesson number two, Holly. Always know where your enemy is,” I heard dad say. Slowly, I turned around to see dad holding one of his feather blades at my throat. This wasn’t exactly the family-friendly training I thought it was going to be.

“Dad, what are you doing?” I asked. Dad smiled and lowered his blade.

“I have to treat this like it were a real battle, Angel. We don’t have the luxury of baby-stepping your sister, or you, for that matter. We have no idea when that goddess is going to show her head or who she has recruited,” dad said. As much as I hated hearing those words come out of his mouth, it was true. We didn’t know anything. I especially didn’t know anything because I had been trapped in another world for three months.

For the next three hours, Holly and I took turns dodging Dad’s attacks. I was getting better, but I feared that Holly wasn’t really getting the hang of it. I didn’t want to worry about losing her too. One time she nearly wasn’t able to dodge an attack and ended up with a cut on her arm. It was very thin, but you could see it. This made me think back to when I was training with Stoneskin. I wondered where he was. I am sure dad could use his help with training us.

By the time we finally got home, Holly had learned how to move faster and even how to use her feathers. I was still wondering what power she obtained from the Emergence. From the way dad brought it up last night, it sounded like it could be useful.

“Angel, remember the first time you summoned your bow and created that arrow. One of your most important powers is the ability to take the energy around you and channel it. That is what the goddess was feeding off of. From what I heard about your fight with the obsidian warrior, you channeled a lot of energy from the lightning you summoned. And before you ask, yes, you summoned that lightning. Your powers are among the rarest of our kind. You will have to learn to control them if we are going to stand a chance against a goddess,” dad said as we landed in front of Ashley and Esme’s apartment. I could see the worry in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, dad. I will learn to use my powers and take down this goddess,” I said. I questioned if I actually believed that or was just saying it because it was what my dad wanted to hear. I needed to stop trying to please others. It was getting exhausting.

“Remember, you can not kill her. The best we can do is do our best. There is a way to seal her away, but that is a lesson for another night. You did great today,” dad said as he smiled. It was great to hear a compliment from him. I gave him an awkward hug before heading inside the apartment. That night was the first night everyone was together, and we watched a movie. None of us knew about the trouble that was brewing in the distance.

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